The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1361: Greetings from Turan Civilization

Chapter 1361 Greetings from Turan Civilization

It is familiar because the galaxy in front of me, like the solar system in Longcheng, has a yellow dwarf in the main sequence as its star.

There are also eight to nine planets that slowly revolve around this star.

The third planet here also has an atmosphere and liquid water, just like a shining sapphire.

Even this galaxy also has a gas giant planet that is much larger than the third planet and is rich in high-energy matter, which can provide a steady stream of fuel for civilizations born on the third planet to break out of this galaxy.

It is unfamiliar because the third planet of this galaxy, and the only habitable planet with an atmosphere and liquid water, has three satellites.

The volume and mass of these three satellites seem to be much larger than the moon.

The speed of revolving around the planet is also much faster than that of the moon.

This caused them and the planets to have a tidal force and mass exchange that was a hundred times stronger than that of the Earth-Moon system.

It also makes the planet's crustal movement and climate change much more intense than that of the earth.

No, saying "right now" is not accurate.

Meng Chao did not "see" this galaxy.

The scale of the universe is far beyond the limits of observation and imagination of carbon-based intelligent life born on a certain planet.

It is impossible for Meng Chao to "see" the edge of a galaxy directly from the center of this galaxy.

But he did not "read", "hear", "feel", or collect all the information about this piece of information with all the perceptive organs of the earth people.

Rather, all information about this galaxy flooded into his brain in the form of a flood of data.

It made him feel like Daigo empowered, and instantly understood that this is the home of the ancient Turan people.

Sure enough, on this blue planet as beautiful, peaceful and peaceful as the earth, there was nothing in the beginning, as if it was still in a state of undivided chaos.

Soon, on the land wrapped and divided by the ocean, there appeared dots of light.

These light spots grow rapidly, swell, multiply, and prosper like an infinitely dividing and multiplying flora, and become one piece at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The connected light spots seem to be dissatisfied with living on the two-dimensional plane of the earth's surface.

Towards the sky, towards the outside of the atmosphere, towards the sea of ​​stars, they stretched out shiny "mycelium".

The flashing hyphae quickly formed a crisscross three-dimensional network inside and outside the atmosphere.

It even stretched toward the three satellites like an orbit straight into the sky.

Countless small light spots are all along the orbit, accelerating, accelerating, and then accelerating, shooting at three satellites, and converging into small light spots on the satellites.

This is the miracle of life.

It is the mighty power of civilization.

It seems that the history of the Turan civilization for hundreds of millions of years has been compressed to the extreme, and in just a few minutes, it will repeat itself in the depths of Meng Chao's brain.

Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long.

Perhaps, just like birth, old age, sickness and death, the law of nature, after every civilization has developed to its extreme, it will face the problem of prosperity and decline.

Meng Chao saw that on the third planet and its moons, clusters of small black spots that looked like mold suddenly appeared inside the colorful and extremely brilliant light spots.

It's like some kind of deadly virus with no cure.

It is also like the ancient Turan civilization, where a massive civil war broke out.

All kinds of ultimate means comparable to thermonuclear weapons have been dropped over the common homeland of the ancient Turan people.

The black spots grow geometrically at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It quickly gathered into a large black spot.

The deformed and ugly black spots are like a mouthful of blood that swallows civilization and even the planet.

It looked like mysterious and unpredictable black eyeballs, containing infinite cold malice, and an extremely sarcasm smile.

Soon, the originally vibrant planet and splendid civilization were swallowed up by black spots.

Even in the light spots on the three satellites, dots of "mold" appeared.

This habitable planet, which originally had an atmosphere and liquid water, has changed from a full, abundance, cute, and hopeful fruit to a wilted, rotten, pus-flowing, and foul-smelling appearance.

In the end, as if he could not bear to see its ending, Meng Chao’s perspective was drawn further and further by a mysterious force, and he could no longer see many details of the galaxy, only the blazing burning in the dark and ink universe. Various stars.

No, Meng Chao suddenly realized that this was not his perspective.

It's the perspective of some kind of spacecraft.

He was not drawn further and further by the mysterious power.

But the spacecraft itself is fleeing.

Full of the last hope of Turan civilization, escape from the mother galaxy that is about to be destroyed.

"This seems to be some kind of immersive information interaction technology similar to Dragon City's'virtual reality'.

"No, this kind of technology seems to be able to directly infuse massive amounts of data into my brain, and it is more efficient than virtual reality technology in information transmission.

"No wonder Human Face Spider is not willing to talk nonsense with me, because in this way, the transmission of the content for half an hour in words can be completed in just a few seconds.

"Is this what the Turan civilization looked like before it crossed into another world? It seems that they have been able to build orbital elevators and develop three satellites, which are slightly more advanced than the earth civilization, but there should be no generation gap between them, because They have not been able to develop the neighboring planets, let alone the gas giant planet that is rich in fuel.

"If it is said that Dragon City has accidentally crossed to another world, then the ancient Turan people's crossing seems to be a helpless move after the home planet's self-destruction.

"Why did their home planet be destroyed, and where did they get the ability to travel through the sea of ​​stars?"

A series of question marks emerged in Meng Chao's heart.

He seemed to sense his confusion, and a subtle ripple came from behind him.

"You are not our people."

A voice said so.

No, not a voice.

But countless voices gathered together and said in unison.

These voices...

There are men and women, old and young, tired and excited, sharp and deep, some are desperate like losing the last straw, some are full of resentment that does not want to believe in reality, and of course, there are voice masters who have long guessed When Meng Chao was not from Turan, he was still unwilling to give up. Instead, the fire of hope became more and more prosperous.

When Meng Chao looked back, he found a huge metal plate floating in the vast sea of ​​stars.

Inside the metal plate, it seems that there is a mysterious light source, which makes the metal plate present a crystal clear texture. Every detail engraved on it can be directly introduced into Meng Chao's brain.

The center of the metal plate is occupied by the image of a man and a woman, and two ancient Turans.

This pair of ancient Turan people has an elegant temperament and a well-proportioned figure. From the proportions of the facial features to the limbs, no one does not meet the golden section. Although they are not covered, they do not bring the slightest sense of brutality or profanity, but are full of solemnity. Inviolable feeling.

It is completely different from the primitive ignorance of the "Neanderthals" restored by geoscientists through imagination.

Some are like the famous sketch "The Man of Viruvis" drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, a master of the Renaissance era.

A lot of information is also engraved beside the two almost perfect human figures.

From the simple structure of the star system where Turan’s mother star is located.

To the numbers and arithmetic symbols used by the ancient Turan people, as well as weights and measures.

Then come to the image of some lower animals and plants.

In addition to the pattern, various sounds came from the inside of the metal plate.

There are lightning and thunder, rushing rivers, gusts of wind and showers, surging waves, volcanic eruptions... all kinds of sounds of geological and climate changes.

There are also the calls of birds, the roar of wild animals, the long calls of herbivores, and even animals like dolphins and bats that make sounds that are difficult to recognize by human ears.

Of course, human beings are also indispensable-the short syllables of "babble" and all kinds of laughter made by the ancient Turan people.

It seemed that the other party wanted to use this method to enable Meng Chao to understand everything about the ancient Turan civilization in the shortest possible time.

Meng Chao's heart moved.

Thinking of the twentieth century of the earth age, the “Voyager 1 extrasolar system probe” that people on earth once took to the deep space of the universe.

In addition to the necessary power system and high-energy telescope, the "Voyager One" also carried a copper disk record and a diamond stylus.

The record contains famous melodies in the history of human civilization, sounds from the earth, heaven and earth, and greetings in dozens of human languages.

There are 115 images on the disk, including photos of the major planets in the solar system, the general structure of human beings, the flora and fauna on the earth, and so on.

The people on Earth at that time naively hoped that this information would help them find new intelligent life and...friends in the vast, cold and lonely universe.

Putting aside the issue of easily leaking information about the earth, whether it is naive or stupid is not to be mentioned.

Such patterns and sounds are indeed the best way to quickly increase mutual understanding when you are not sure about the other's civilization level, intelligence, or even life form.

Just like now, in just a few seconds, Meng Chao knew the origin of the ancient Turan people and the level of civilization development at their peak.

And the human face spider—or the sounds that manipulate the human face spider, through observing Meng Chao’s reaction, it was confirmed that he was not a barbarian who was savage and drinking blood.

Because he was not panicked by the vast starry sky, and he could roughly understand their good intentions. He was not unfamiliar with the concepts of planets, galaxies, aerospace, and even interstellar crossing.

In other words, regardless of good and evil, good and evil, position and interest.

At least, Meng Chao has a similar physiological structure and way of thinking to them. It should come from an environment very similar to their home planet. The civilization to which Meng Chao belongs also has a level of development similar to that of the Turan civilization, and it is possible to understand and even cooperate with them. sex.

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