The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1364: Magnetofluid

Meng Chao fell into deep thought.

"I can understand the meaning of'Arena'. Indeed, dozens of carbon-based humanoid intelligent life originating from different planets and different ecological environments are gathered on the same planet. In addition to letting us fight each other, we can separate high Outside of this, there seems to be no second explanation-it's like the arena of Turan civilization. Every civilization that crosses here is a gladiator who has to kill each other in order to survive."

Meng Chao frowned, "However, how should we explain'Petri Dish' and'Incubation Pool"?"

"Are there migratory spawning fish on your home planet?"

The voice faintly said, "This kind of fish usually keeps migrating throughout its life, and at different stages of life, they live in the most suitable environment for this stage.

"In order to breed more offspring, and their offspring can get adequate nutrition and a stable environment, they will travel long distances from rivers to lakes and lay countless fish eggs.

"When the roe grows into small fish, these small fish will march from the calm lake to the surging rivers. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles along the way, how many lives of companions have to be sacrificed, the small fishes will continue to succeed and move toward The surging river and even the vast sea washed away.

"Only in this way, a small fish that is weak and unable to make waves in the lake can grow into a giant fish that is overwhelming and even earth-shaking."

Meng Chao understood the meaning of the voice.

"You mean, our respective home planets are like calm lakes, and here are rivers?"

Meng Chao thoughtfully, "No, it shouldn't be a real river yet. It's just a slightly larger lake. Outside of this planet, there should be a vast ocean with turbulent waves..."


The voice said, "This planet should not be the end of civilization, but some kind of incubation pool and transfer station, or in other words, the real starting point."

"Then I don't understand even more."

Meng Chao frowned deeply, "Since your civilization once possessed the ability to develop satellites and travel in the stars and seas, it also possesses quite advanced machining, metal smelting, and genetic modulation technologies, and you also faintly perceive the secrets hidden behind this planet. , Why, your civilization will gradually degenerate and even slip, until today, it has become half-human and half-beast, about to look like a hairy drinker?

"Perhaps today's advanced orcs will be proud of their sharp minions and strong carapace, but you should be able to see that such a humanoid beast form is clearly farther and farther away from the definition of'civilization', even if it can barely Gou will forever lose the ability to explore the Xinghai if he survives. There is absolutely no future and no future at all, right?

"What has happened to your civilization in the past ten thousand years, and why has it fallen to where it is today?"

The metal plate was silent for a long time.

Then, he issued a sigh that contained thousands of emotions and was extremely complicated.

"Don't worry, my friend, we are willing to tell you everything that has happened in the past ten thousand years."

The voice faintly said, "Anyway, our civilization is about to be destroyed. If we don't tell anyone, our secrets and even the traces of our existence will disappear, and there will be no trace.

"Hopefully, our information can help you accomplish your mission better. At least, our lessons can help your civilization avoid repeating the same mistakes, and can survive on this **** planet like a real civilization."

Accompanied by the voice whispering.

In the high-frequency oscillation of the crystal clear metal plate, criss-cross spider web cracks appeared.

When the cracks grow and expand to the limit, the metal plate bursts like a fragile glass mirror, turning into countless dancing crystal butterflies.

The flapping of each crystal butterfly's wings reveals the evolutionary history of the Turan civilization for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Countless information streams flooded into the depths of Meng Chao's mind along with the ripples caused by butterflies.

Hundreds, thousands, and thousands of brilliant and immersive images appeared in front of him at the same time.

In one of the scenes, Meng Chao saw hundreds of black smoke billowing up, making the sky full of lead clouds with teeth and claws.

Volcanoes erupted on the earth, magma flowed freely, and earthquakes continued uninterrupted.

There was another surging flood, which continuously solidified the hot magma into strange-shaped statues.

The environment of the ancient Turan home planet is indeed much worse than that of the ancient Earth.

However, in such a harsh environment, the ancient Turan people, like Neanderthals, still dexterously jumped between the meteor shower and the ground fire, moving and moving, as if walking on the ground.

They are draped with the fur and carapace of ancient fire-resistant creatures, like fire-fighters wearing fire-resistant suits, and large beast bones like stilts under their feet, go deep into the crater that is about to erupt, and gather the heat-loving fungi there. As food.

In the second picture, several ancient Turan people who drank blood, looked at a statue of solidified magma, especially the sharp and sharp edges of the statue, lost in deep thought, as if comprehending metal making and manufacturing The mystery of the tool.

In the third picture, the ancient Turan people dug trenches on the ground, took the initiative to guide the arbitrary vertical and horizontal magma into the trenches, and attracted large water to cool them, creating the first batch of tools on the Turan planet.

In the dancing and dancing of the ancient Turan people, Meng Chao seemed to hear a new civilization, sounding a loud, high-pitched horn that resounded through the sky.

He understood everything instantly.

Although it is also the third planet in their respective star systems, they are not far away from their respective stars, can draw sufficient solar energy, and also have a stable orbit, atmosphere and liquid water.

But Turan's home planet has three satellites.

The total mass of the three satellites is much larger than that of the moon.

The interaction between the three satellites, the pulling, pulling, and tearing between them and the Turan star, and even the "tidal resonance" they converge, are much greater than the tidal force between the earth and the moon.

The unique three-satellite system not only makes the geological movement and extreme weather of the Turan planet ten times more intense than the earth.

They also often tear each other, releasing part of their mass, forming a flaming meteorite shower, penetrating the atmosphere, and smashing down on the Turan star.

Whether it is magma ejected from the ground.

Still rain of fire from the sky.

Although there is chaos, death and destruction.

But it also brings vitality.

Because of the frequent eruptions of volcanoes and the lava flowing everywhere, the ancient Turan people realized the skill of using flames and cooking cooked food earlier than the ancient people on Earth.

The cooked food, which is cleaner and easier to digest than raw food, stimulated the brain capacity of the ancient Turan people to increase exponentially, enabling them to advance the "Haka" ability before awakening the "group collaboration ability" and "imagination" .

The ancient Turan people who have mastered the "Haka" can pass on their memories, knowledge and skills from generation to generation.

Earth fires and meteorites brought a lot of rare elements that were not on the earth's surface, and they were smelted by volcanoes and turned into the original alloys.

The unique environment made it easier for the ancient Turan people to master the ability to make tools and discover the mystery of alloys more easily than the ancient people on the earth.

When the ancient people on Earth were still drinking blood, the ancient Turan people had already feasted on the fragrant cooked food.

When the ancient Earth people were still living in tree nests and caves, the ancient Turan people were able to use metal to reinforce their buildings, which greatly increased the scale and strength of the buildings.

While the ancient people on Earth were still wielding rough stone axes and fragile bone spears, the ancient Turan people already had light iron armor and sharp steel spears.

When the people of the earth used the ability of group collaboration, strong imagination and strong thirst for knowledge, finally in just ten thousand years, at an incredible speed, hurried forward on the road of civilization, entering the era of steam, electricity and even nuclear energy, the Turan people Then point out the "magnetic fluid" technology.

The so-called "magnetic fluid", also known as magnetic fluid, ferrofluid or magnetic fluid, is a new type of functional material.

It not only has the fluidity of liquid, but also has the magnetism of solid magnetic material.

It is mainly a stable colloidal liquid formed by mixing magnetic solid particles with a diameter of nanometers, a base carrier liquid and a surfactant.

Magnetic fluid can form ever-changing microstructures under the action of a magnetic field.

These microstructures can show strange characteristics at the macro level.

On the earth, research limited by cutting-edge materials science and nanotechnology has just started. The actual role of magnetic fluid is only limited to the category of "magnetism, light, and electricity." Isolators and sensors and other fields.

On the Turan planet, because the research on materials science and metal smelting has been carried out tens of thousands of years earlier than the people on earth, it is also because "Haka" can inherit knowledge, technology, and memory.

The magnetofluid technology of the ancient Turan people can be said to be a great success, leading not only the earth civilization, but also its own industrial level.

Turan civilization has just entered the industrial age and has developed dozens of magnetic fluid materials.

Some magnetic fluids can switch freely between solid and liquid in an instant. The strength of the solid state exceeds that of the hardest natural material "diamond" on the earth. In the liquid state, it can be easily molded into various complex structures. Achieve "one-key switching" between these kinds of precision mechanical structures.

Some magnetic fluids have good antibacterial, anti-interference, and anti-rejection properties. After being implanted in a flesh and blood body, they can replace traditional metal and plastic prostheses. Not only can they restore normal physiological functions to the disabled, they can even greatly enhance normal people. With their athletic ability, the Turan has become a "superman" with infinite strength and flying over the wall.

The strength and toughness of some magnetic fluids have reached an incredible level. The technical difficulty used to construct large-scale buildings is also an order of magnitude lower than that of ordinary materials. As long as there is no brain accumulation, such magnetic fluids can follow the architect’s vision. It is stacked into any scale, any height, and any shape.

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