The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1365: No choice

The emergence of countless new materials has accelerated the construction of super projects by the Turan civilization.

Finally, the space elevator directly into the sky and the orbit of the atmosphere around the parent star appeared over the mother star of Turan.

With these super projects, the tentacles of Turan civilization stretched out their home stars and began to march toward the vast stars.

The first thing they conquered was naturally called the "Three Sisters" in Turan, the three moons orbiting the parent star.

Soon, the ancient Turan people discovered the remains of prehistoric civilization on one of the satellites.

In front of Meng Chao's eyes, a very sharp picture emerged.

The surface of a gray-white planet covered with craters like the moon.

In the center of the picture, inside the largest crater, there is a bottomless hole.

In the middle of the hole, there is some kind of man-made object, blooming with magnificent light, just like shining eyes.

"This is……"

As the picture continued to zoom in, Meng Chao's breathing gradually stopped.

He has seen something similar.

Deep in the center of Longcheng City, at the bottom of No. 1 Archaean Ruins, there is also a very similar device, which is huge, precise, engraved with countless runes, surrounded by ripples of psychic energy, and full of solemn and mysterious atmosphere.

Experts from the Ruins Research Institute gave this device a name, "Through Engine".

It was determined that it was the "culprit" that allowed Dragon City to travel from the earth to another world.

The "Planetary Surface Short-distance Jump Device" independently developed by Longcheng was also manufactured by absorbing part of the technology of "Through Engine".

The voice told Meng Chao that the ancient Turan people had a keen interest in this traversing engine buried on the "Three Sisters" as much as the people on earth.

They discovered through research that this ancient device that seems to have a history of hundreds of millions of years can completely convert mass into energy, and transmit the energy through a higher dimensional level, almost losslessly, then reduce the dimensionality, return to the three-dimensional world, and restore Into quality.

So as to achieve the purpose of instantaneous transmission and crossing the star sea.

This kind of technology completely surpassed the limit of the imagination of the Turan people at the time, which was not originally considered as rich.

For any civilization that has the ability to fly out of the atmosphere and see the billions of stars shining clearly ahead without any hindrance, what kind of career will be more noble, greater, more exciting, and more exciting than conquering the sea of ​​stars. Can guide the progress of this civilization, and better represent the meaning of civilization itself?

What's more, the "existence of a traversing engine built by a certain prehistoric super civilization" itself has had an earth-shaking impact on the origin of Turan civilization, the self-recognition of Turan people, and the construction of Turan people's worldview. , And opened up unlimited possibilities.

who am I?

Where do I come from?

Where am I going?

Not only are people on earth quiet in the dead of night, but when looking up at the starry sky, such problems will naturally arise in the depths of their hearts.

Turanians will too.

Through "Haka", these problems can be passed on from generation to generation.

Will the Turanians be the creation of some super civilization?

Is the super civilization proactive and conscious, using itself as a template to carefully create the Turan people; or casually throwing out some seeds; even, after a picnic on the roadside, throwing out a bag of garbage, the so-called The Turan people are just bacteria that multiply in the garbage?

What is the purpose of the super civilization leaving such a "traveling engine" on the satellite of Turan's mother planet?

Is it the hope that after the Turan civilization has matured to a certain stage, it can build spacecraft, start the traversing engine, and find its origin?

With countless questions and ambitions, the ancient Turan people devoted all their resources to the "three sisters"-the satellites that discovered the traversing engines.

Relying on the traversing engine, they began to build a huge, magnificent, unprecedented spacecraft.

I hope that when this spacecraft is completed, it can carry the smartest, strongest, and richest elites of Turan civilization on the road to conquering the stars.

Unfortunately, things are not that simple.

The ancient Turan underestimated the difficulty of building super-giant spacecraft.

After all, their civilization has just broken through the atmosphere of the parent star and set foot on its own satellite.

Even the second and fourth planets adjacent to the parent star have not been conquered, so what is it about conquering the entire universe?

And as their research on the traversing engine is getting deeper and deeper.

The ancient Turan people discovered that there were a lot of problems with the traversing engine itself.

Turan civilization's traversal engine is different from that of Dragon City.

The Dragon City traversing engine has been buried deep in the earth's earth for hundreds of millions of years, protected by the earth's atmosphere.

The atmosphere helped it block 99% of the interstellar dust and cosmic radiation, so that it has been eroded over the years, still intact and maintaining basic functions.

The Turan civilization’s traversal engine is buried on a satellite without an atmosphere.

For hundreds of millions of years, interstellar dust and cosmic radiation have been like a raging barrage, bombarding and eroding it endlessly, making it seem majestic, magnificent, elegant, and gorgeous everywhere underneath its appearance. pit.

As a result, the ancient Turan people invested almost all the resources on the home planet.

The complete repair of the traversing engine, the smooth completion of the spacecraft, and the initial implementation of the "Interstellar Development Plan" are still far away.

You know, the ancient Turan people invested astronomical amounts of funds and resources in this project, far exceeding the total investment of dozens of super projects in the past!

Even with the magical magnetic fluid technology that can greatly reduce the time and cost of constructing wonders, the economic and social operation system of Turan civilization is still about to be dragged down by this project.

At that time, countless Turanese believed that the "Interstellar Development Project" could bring huge profits to them, and thus bet on their lives and desperately.

No, not just individuals.

There are also powerful forces that control the economic lifeline and natural resources of Turan's home planet.

All will have an extremely beautiful tomorrow, betting on the crossing engine.

One can imagine how sharp the contradictions between these individuals, forces, and even super hegemonies are.

Even worse, although the traversing engine has not been completely repaired for the time being, the spacecraft has not been completely built.

However, the experts and scholars of Turan civilization have mastered many new technologies that can subvert the order of civilization in the process of trying to analyze, explore, and repair the traversing engine.

Just like the Dragon City people accidentally mastered the "psionic martial art, rune technology, and short-distance jump technology on the planet's surface" in the process of studying the traversing engine.

The ancient Turan people and the large and small forces on the Turan home planet at that time also mastered new technologies, new tactics, and new weapons related to traversing engines through various channels.

The ancient Turan people who got all this are like upstarts who accidentally won a huge lottery ticket.

Their ambitions and desires have increased exponentially.

Soon it rose to the point where it could not be controlled by itself, nor could it be carried by its parent star.

In this way, in order to compete for the few resources left on the home planet, to compete for the ownership of the traversing engine and the dominance of the planetary development project, and to monopolize the new technology brought by the traversing engine, which was enough to change the world, the civil war of Turan civilization broke out. .

The protracted and tragic civil war almost destroyed everything on the planet Turan.

It turned the habitable planet that was originally crystal clear like blue crystal into a rotten apple full of holes.

There is no victor in this war.

And the dying losers, instead of wanting to end the **** war, they extended their claws to the "three sisters", to the only pure land at the time-the satellite base built around the traversing engine, which is also an unfinished spacecraft. superior.

The satellite base built around the traversing engine, although a steady stream of new technologies and new equipment have been produced.

However, because the major forces on the home planet are in conflict with each other and check and balance each other, they themselves belong to a "demilitarized zone" and do not have strong force to deal with threats from the home planet.

And when the leader of the satellite base and the entire project realized that the warmongers on the home planet had gradually become demons in the war to kill hundreds of millions of compatriots, and went further and further on the road of self-destruction, most of them were After falling into hell.

He made a decision to turn the tide.

Never let the devil's claws from the home planet confuse the "three sisters".

We must not turn the traversing engines, satellite bases, and spaceships into pawns and chips for those warmongers.

Turan's home planet is over.

Now, this small satellite base is the last hope of Turan civilization.

The leader of the satellite base has no choice.

Before the war on the home planet reached the "Three Sisters", he forcibly activated the traversing engine that had not yet been repaired, dragged the unfinished spacecraft, escaped from the home galaxy, and plunged into the vastness in the ugliest posture. The boundless, treacherous sea of ​​stars.

This is naturally an extremely difficult journey.

Needless to say, the breakdown of the engine itself, the riddled with holes of the spacecraft, and the serious shortage of fuel and resources.

To make matters worse, due to the hasty set sail, the expected passengers-those Turan civilizations are the richest, strongest, wisest, and one in a thousand. They have been trained for interstellar travel for many years, and they have been reserved through "Haka". The elites with such knowledge and skills have basically not had time to board the unfinished spaceship.

Most of the people who board the spacecraft are the spacecraft builders in the base and the resource collectors on the satellites.

Although there are also many engineers, designers, experts and scholars among them.

Most of the passengers are just diligent, hardworking people who can silently resist interstellar dust and cosmic radiation in harsh environments, but do not have the knowledge and skills of interstellar navigation at all.

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