The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1393: a feather

Icestorm's father was able to travel in Turanze for many years under the name of "Ferdowsi", and he was still not thrown into the swamp by the furious orc warriors to feed the crocodiles, which is enough to prove his knowledge and eloquence. .

And his most famous deed was more than 20 years ago, when he sneaked into the Land of Holy Light alone and stole a lot of pictures that were stolen when the Holy Light Army invaded Turanze in the "Era of Mass Extinction" 3,000 years ago. Orchid Books.

Although these precious historical materials whose value cannot be measured in money, after countless times of "purification by holy light", they have long become mottled and crisp, and will turn into powder at the touch of a light.

But the "Ferdowsi" of the Leopard Clan engraved all the massive amounts of information recorded in the Turan classics into his mind before he was wiped out - at least, after he returned to Turanze. boastful.

And to this day, no orc noble can find any flaws in his hype story.

It was also during the adventure of sneaking into the Land of Holy Light and recapturing Turan's books that Ferdowsi of the Leopard Clan met a witch wanted by the Holy Light Temple, and together they escaped from the Holy Light Temple's pursuit. In the process, a deep friendship was formed, and he readily agreed to conduct a taboo research with the witch, "manufacturing" a half-blood with a double bloodline and a double curse.

That is the Snow Leopard Female Warrior, Ice Storm.

Returning to Ferdowsi in Turanze, his whereabouts are still erratic.

In the Turan books he recaptured from the Land of Light, in addition to recording the rhetoric and glorious deeds of ancient heroes, it seems to also record the location of a large number of lost temples.

And Ferdowsi did not tell the coordinates of these temples to the blood descendants of the heroes of the past.

He tries to unearth the lost temple on his own, using the legacy of his ancestors to grow stronger.

It is a pity that even these temples are buried in the dust of history for thousands of years.

The organs, secret passages, traps, and guardians in the temple still shone with a dangerous cold glow, flowing with deadly venom.

With Ferdowsi alone, he could find and open the door to the Lost Temple.

Single-handedly, breaking into the temple is only a dead end.

Besides, the poet is a special profession that is welcomed and protected.

But a poet who knows too many secrets and is not very restful is not necessarily.

Ferdowsi realized that he needed a backer.

So he mixed up with Canus the "Jack" who was a tomb robber.

Two guys who were equally humble, equally ambitious, and also wanted to climb up by any means, until they stepped on the tiger king's shoulder and the lion king's head.

After several successful collaborations, Ferdowsi became the Wolf King's brain trust.

The epic wars, ancient secrets and temple coordinates he mastered, combined with the well-trained army of tomb robbers under the Wolf King, was a match made in heaven.

Using Ferdowsi's information, the wolf king quickly accumulated a full pot of gold.

Ferdowsi also, as a leopard man, became the second person in the "Jack" group, which was mainly composed of wolves.

This time, the wolf king is ready to go all out, plotting against the lion king and the tiger king at the same time in the depths of the holy mountain.

This number two person, naturally, can't stay out of it.

When the wolf king acted as a guide, mixed in the tiger king's chasing team, trying to guide the lion king and the tiger king to lose both.

Ferdowsi is leading the most elite jackal warriors under the wolf king's command, quietly setting up an ambush on the edge of the scarlet mountain, ready to come forward to meet the wolf king at any time.

Unexpectedly, the appearance of Meng Chao disrupted all plans of the wolf king.

The self-destruction of the force angel made the situation even more chaotic.

Ferdowsi had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead the Jackal Warriors forward to support.

At this time, Meng Chao and the wolf king were forced to the top of the holy mountain by the lion king and the tiger king.

The wolf king's conspiracy was exposed in advance. The lion king and the tiger king chose to put the conflict on hold temporarily. After finding the legacy of the ancestral spirit and smashing the wolf king into tens of thousands of pieces, they will kill you to the death.

The outcome of the team of jackal warriors led by Ferdowsi is naturally no suspense.

Under the coercion of "Destruction Horn" and "Blade of Rage", the jackal warriors with disparity in strength could not even die in a vigorous battle, and could only be captured.

As for Ice Storm, she traveled all the way back to Turanze, and the most important purpose was to find her father.

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to look, and the cheap old man who has been looking for suddenly appears in front of her eyes, so how can she not be agitated and in chaos?

It is also a matter of course that he became a prisoner together with the cheap old man.

Fortunately, their appearance is unique, and they are not ordinary jackal warriors at first glance.

"Jack" Canus got his start by helping the Lion King unearth the lost temple, and the Lion King naturally knew his dog-headed military advisor.

Even at the banquet, he admired Ferdowsi's singing, and gave him the spirits that burned after a while.

The Lion King knew that Ferdowsi must have a lot of top-secret information about the Wolf King.

Such as Wolf King's purpose and weaknesses.

Of course, this leopard poet will not be easily killed.

As for Ice Storm, Ku Xiao Naifu's facial features are very close to Ferdowsi at first glance.

The Lion King also regarded her as a bargaining chip, tied it to Ferdowsi's side, and brought her into the Temple of the Holy Mountain together.

Due to the lack of time, the Leopard father and daughter had not had time to be severely tortured.

But the relationship between the two is definitely not harmonious.

Ferdowsi apparently had no guilt, regret, or nostalgia for the "experiment" he conducted more than 20 years ago.

If there were a few surprises in his eyes when Ice Storm suddenly appeared in front of him, it wasn't because of "father-daughter love".

But he didn't expect that the experiment turned out to be a success. The half-blood, who bears double bloodlines and double curses, could survive to this day, and he also controlled a rather tyrannical force, not even because half of the "Holy Light" was flowing in his body. Blood", was rejected by the totem armor.

Of course, he did not deny that he was Ice Storm's father.

But after admitting this, he neither asked Ice Storm's name nor the recent situation of Ice Storm's mother, but directly as his father, asked, no, ordered Ice Storm to join him and throw himself into the Wolf King. under his command.

Because "Lord Wolf King is the only one who can save Turanze and even this world"!

This performance greatly disappointed Ice Storm.

Originally, she had been able to accept the fact that her father was cold by nature, and that her relationship with her mother was not even a romantic relationship and a show, but a fair deal and a scientific experiment.

But she thought that when she really came to the door, there should be a few traces of panic, guilt, even a look of overwhelm on the face of the cheap old man.

Unexpectedly, this fellow was so indifferent!

This made Ice Storm furious.

It even made the snow leopard female warrior inherit her father's stone-hearted "talent" in an instant.

Now, she no longer wants to have any relationship with her biological father.

I just want to take back what he stole from his mother from this fellow.

"He stole a feather from my mother. The feather was originally clipped into a Holy Light book as a bookmark, and in that Holy Light book, a lot of information about the 'Egg of Chaos' was recorded. The legend is that my mother stole it from the magic tower when she stole the 'memory crystal'!"

Ice Storm shouted, "It's not an ordinary feather, but a secret weapon called a 'mark' by the Holy Light Temple, which contains the terrifying power of the Holy Light, and it is the object that the wizarding organization has been studying.

"The wizarding organization is trying to transform the 'mark' into a 'key' - the key that opens the door to the ocean of light.

"Once the research is successful, there is no need to worship the illusory Holy Light all day long, and you don't have to obey the orders of the Holy Light Temple, you can use the power of the Holy Light as you like, unscrupulously, and continuously!

"The number of 'marks' is extremely small, and even fewer can be successfully stolen by wizards and witches. My mother didn't even steal the engram, but the 'mark' to become a member of the Temple of Light. The wanted criminal was chased and killed by the ascetic monks and night watchmen, day and night, endlessly, and finally died in Huangquan.

"And this feather that my mother bought with her life was stolen by this shameless man!

"I know that the feathers must still be on his body, because the 'mark' can only activate the surging power of holy light, and the Turan orcs, who are chaotic creatures, even if they just see the holy light shining, their eyeballs, hair, and skin are all broken. It is possible to get burned, let alone, use the power of the Holy Light.

"Looking at the entire Tulanze, no one can use the 'mark', even if this guy wants to use it to exchange for greater benefits, he doesn't know who to trade with.

"And I believe that he will never trade the 'mark' easily, because he must have thought about it, in case he has to sneak into the Land of Light again, or my mother disguised herself, disappeared, and killed her. , he also needs this 'mark' as a bargaining chip.

"The 'mark' must be on him, this is the only thing that can restrain the 'Egg of Chaos'!"

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