The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1394: God-given savior of Turanze

Meng Chao quickly glanced at the leopard poet under his feet.

After breaking through the realm of cultivation, his "extraordinary vision" can distinguish the vast majority of invisible light, thus penetrating the target's clothes and even skin.

In fact, after dragging and tearing all the way, the clothes on the poets of the Leopard Clan have long since turned into innumerable pieces.

Although the Lion King was not severely tortured, he had already scavenged all the possessions of the leopard poets, not even letting go of every hole.

Meng Chao did not find anything in him that could be called "feather" or "mark".

But what Icestorm said also made sense.

A secret weapon from the Land of Light.

It's really hard to trade out in Turanze.

Meng Chao picked up the leopard poet, his eyes were like a cold scalpel, scratching lightly between his facial features.

Perceiving the fierce killing intent, the eyeballs of the leopard poet finally turned back from the direction of the wolf king.

Seeing Meng Chao's black hair and black eyes, and a gorgeous armor that is no less than the wolf king, the leopard poet was slightly startled.

"How incredible..."

There was a frenzy in his eyes, and he was not worried about his situation at all, but was full of strong curiosity and joy, "An outsider can actually wear a totem armor that has been blessed by the ancestral spirit, if I don't If you read it wrongly, this totem armor, like the wolf king's armor, all contains the abilities of the three epic heroes of 'Fist, King of No Stomach and Wings of Broken'!

"Who are you, and the one sent by the great ancestors to help Lord Wolf King and help us save Turanze together?"

Meng Chao frowned deeply.

He and the wolf king shared the combat experience and talent skills contained in the three killing statues.

Three mysterious and complicated totems did appear on the surface of the armor.

Unexpectedly, the poet of the Leopard Clan could see the origin of his power from the three totems at a glance.

It really deserves the name "Ferdowsi".

In addition, Meng Chao also noticed that the tone of the leopard poets is different from that of ordinary orcs.

Compared with the "modern Turan language" that is popular in Turanze at the moment, it is simple and crude, straight to the point, mixed with a lot of slang and lazy pronunciation.

The tone of the leopard poets is mixed with a lot of tongue snapping, tongue rolling and vibrato, which is closer to the "ancient Turan language" instilled by the human-faced spider into Meng Chao's brain.

This kind of language that prevailed seven or eight thousand years ago, and the Turan civilization has not completely degenerated, still retains a certain scientific research and computing power. The amount of information contained in a unit byte is several times larger than that of modern Turan.

The leopard poet, in an antique tone, not only showed a trace of surprise, but also showed the right respect to Meng Chao, the mysterious powerhouse with black hair and black eyes, and even directly pointed out the source of Meng Chao's power. Shows its own value.

In just two or three sentences, there are several layers of meaning, which is something that most Turan orcs who prefer to draw their fists rather than their tongues cannot do it.

It's just that Meng Chao didn't understand, how could such a well-known and extremely intelligent Leopard poet be so committed to the "Jack" Canus?

Time is running out, and more and more ligers and tigers are seen around, all being entangled and torn to pieces by the wildly dancing mandala roots, branches and vines.

The Lion King and the Tiger King were also completely suppressed by the Wolf King, becoming more and more impetuous and in a hurry.

Meng Chao grabbed the leopard poet by the collar and roared, "Hand over the 'mark'!"

Ferdowsi froze for a moment.

I don't seem to understand that the totem armors on Meng Chao and the wolf king are clearly marked with "fist, stomachless king and broken wings".

Why does this mysterious powerhouse with black hair and black eyes seem to be detrimental to the Wolf King?

His eyes moved between Meng Chao and Bingfeng quickly for a moment, and a grotesque, fanatical, martyr-like expression appeared on his face.

"No, I won't give you the 'mark'."

The leopard poet smiled and said, "Because you are going to be detrimental to the only person who can save Turanze - Lord Wolf King!"


Meng Chao is very familiar with the unrepentant look on the face of the leopard poet.

In Longcheng, he had seen countless human warriors with similar expressions on their faces, rushing forward to the overwhelming tide of beasts.

In Turanze, he had also seen countless orc warriors with similar expressions on their faces, launching the final and most glorious challenge to an enemy that was many times stronger than himself, or a **** of death.

He knew that once someone had such an expression on their face.

It was almost impossible to force him into submission with any torture or death threats.

"Open your eyes to see clearly!"

Meng Chao had no choice but to grab the leopard poet's cervical spine and forcibly turn his head to the direction of his original mother, "Did you see that thing beating like a demon's heart or brain? Since you have sneaked in before. The Land of Holy Light has also stolen the secrets of the Holy Light Temple. You must have heard the name 'Egg of Chaos'!

"That is the Chaos Egg, and your Lord Wolf King has been controlled by it!

"Once the wolf king is completely reduced to the puppet of the Chaos Egg, or even the host of the horror demon king in the Chaos Egg, he will not only be unable to save Turanze, but will even become the culprit in the destruction of Turanze!

"What we have to do is not to be detrimental to the wolf king, but to find a way to suppress the egg of chaos, and use our will to absorb the power in the egg of chaos in a relatively controllable, stable and safe way.

"That's the only way to save Turanze, do you understand?"

Meng Chao subconsciously poured a lot of spiritual energy into his voice.

These words are literally "deafening."

The leopard poet's brain was "buzzed" by the shock, and he involuntarily fell into contemplation.

However, the result of deliberation is still an unwavering "no".

"I don't know who you are. Maybe you do have unparalleled power and some unknown information, but I only obey the orders of Lord Wolf King."

The leopard poet's eyes were filled with reverence like flowing fire, and he used gorgeous words to say almost numbly, "You don't know how amazing Lord Wolf King is - when I first met him, he even Not yet twenty years old, but a corpse dog living at the bottom of the tomb robber circle, without any channel or possibility to come into contact with all kinds of top-secret information about the lost temple and the history of ancient Turan.

"At that time, I even thought about recruiting him to become my subordinate.

"However, after only having contact with Lord Wolf King once, I was horrified to discover that hidden beneath the frail appearance of the corpse dog is a bundle of incomparably powerful and strong souls.

"He obviously should not have received any education, but his thinking is more precise and quick than me, a bard.

"He obviously shouldn't know the coordinates of any Lost Temple—a lot of top-secret information was stolen from the Land of Light at the risk of my life. Looking at the entire Turanze, only I know it, but he Like a prophet, he can always help me fill in the gaps and fill in the broken maps and information.

"He obviously shouldn't have mastered so many magical combat skills, as well as the skills of cracking organs and stealth assassination. However, just in his early twenties, he is already like a veteran assassin who has experienced a hundred battles. Two fingers dismantle the deadly mechanism inside the Lost Temple, or use one hair to kill three targets at the same time.

"And he talked about the evolution of the situation between the five major clans, the power struggle within the wolf clan, the character weaknesses of the lion and tiger kings and how to use these weaknesses to quickly rise...even, even the end of this era of prosperity and the beginning of the era of glory, As early as three or five years or even seven or eight years ago, amazing predictions were made about the time when the mandala flowers were competing to open.

"It seems that there is no evidence at all, not even the prediction of the speculation process, or even the nonsense after being drunk, but it always hits the bull's-eye.

"I can't explain such a miracle.

"Even if I smash all the war epics and heroic legends in Turanze, I can't find a second existence as mysterious, magical and powerful as Lord Wolf King.

"I can only believe that Lord Wolf King has been blessed by hundreds of millions of ancestral spirits. He was chosen and bestowed by the ancestral spirits on Turanze. The greatest savior and conqueror is destined to lead the re-emergence of Turan civilization. The person who completely defeated the Temple of Holy Light!

"If there are hidden dangers in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple, such as the 'Egg of Chaos' dormant in the underground rock formations, it is possible to control the mind of Lord Wolf King.

"Then, Lord Wolf King must have been able to predict this danger three or five years in advance, and had already thought of a foolproof countermeasure.

"If in this situation, Lord Wolf King is still reduced to the puppet of the original mother, then I can only say that this is just an illusion on the surface, he must have done it on purpose, everything is in Lord Wolf King's plan, he Absolutely confident and capable, extracting the power of the original mother, but not under the control of the original mother.

"So, before the Lord Wolf King gives me a clear and clear order, I can't hand over the 'mark', so as not to disturb his plan!"

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