The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1395: Mark, crack!

Meng Chao was stunned.

There are still such awesome characters in Turanze?

How is this possible?

"If 'Jack' Canus really is what you said... Heaven is a talented person, a prophet who is unpredictable, may I ask, how did you get caught by the Lion King and the Tiger King, and how did the Jackal Warriors you bring along with the entire army? Overwhelmed?"

Meng Chao sneered, "According to my observation, the fighting power of these jackal warriors is far beyond the limit that ordinary wolves can achieve. It seems that in order to make up such a wolf clan 'death squad' and 'assassin team', you and the wolf king must Painfully, bet all the resources.

"Don't tell me that it is also in the Wolf King's 'plan' to wipe out such an elite army!"

This time, it was the turn of the leopard poet who was struck by lightning, and he didn't know how to refute it.

Not only because of Meng Chao's doubts, but also because of the doubts that lingered in his mind repeatedly after he missed and was captured.

More because—Meng Chao’s words were spoken in ancient Turan language that was purer than him!

An outsider with black hair and black eyes.

Wearing the "Fist", the founder of the Bloodhoof Clan, the "Stomachless King", the superpower of the Bear Clan, and the legendary figure of the Falcon Clan, the "Broken Wings" who once dominated the airspace of Turanze for decades, the three ancient powerhouses. The totem armor that has been blessed by the author.

He also speaks an ancient Turan language that is long lost today, and even bards may not be able to master it. The accent is so pure that it seems like he has just woken up from a 10,000-year long sleep.

This, how is this possible?

In a trance, the leopard poet seemed to see the light from the ancestral spirit from the depths of Meng Chao's eyes.

He was flabbergasted, his heart fluttered.

"Admit it, the Wolf King is by no means omnipotent. From trying to wipe out the Big Horn Legion and failing, to letting the Holy Maiden of Ancient Dreams escape the trap, and then to meticulously planning to let the Lion King and the Tiger King kill each other, but the results fall short-he has done too much. Who can guarantee that he will not make more serious mistakes again?"

Meng Chao grabbed the ear of the leopard poet, spoke the ancient Turan language, and poured a thunderous voice directly into the opponent's brain, "You think that you failed to guide the ligers and tigers to kill each other, but your own men all After the army was annihilated, how did your 'Lord Wolf King' climb all the way to the top of the holy mountain, break into the top of the holy mountain, and break down all the traps to come here?

"Without my help, he would have died long ago!

"If I really want to play against him, there will be 10,000 chances along the way, and even if I hold him back from the beginning, when the Lion King and the Tiger King catch up, he will have a hundred lives, and they will all die. Two clean!

"It's just that killing the wolf king is not my purpose, I just want to... correct some small mistakes and make the future follow the right path and become a better tomorrow.

"And this is also the mission passed on to me by the ancestors of your Turan civilization, the ancient heroes who sacrificed everything to protect the fire of civilization!

"Now, the fate of the Turan civilization is in your hands, don't let your stupidity or cowardice ruin Turanze and kill everyone including the Wolf King and your daughter!

"Trust me, tell me where the 'mark' is!"

In the minds of the leopard poets, stormy waves were set off.

He still couldn't believe Meng Chao's words 100%.

He also dared not take on the burden of deciding the rise and fall of the Turan civilization with one of his own choices.

But under Meng Chao's pressing step by step, he couldn't help but glanced at his left hand.

The five fingers on the left hand curled slightly, as if hiding something.

Meng Chao keenly observed his movements.

Lightning grabbed his left wrist, force seeping into the wrist bone, forcing the Leopard Poet to spread his left hand.

The left hand of the leopard poet is somewhere between a primate and a cheetah.

While the five fingers are distinct, there are also thick pads of flesh.

And on the meat pad, the tattoo of dragon flying and phoenix dance is even engraved.

Meng Chao felt strange.

Turan orcs are indeed a race that likes tattoos.

The totem power contained in their bodies is often stimulated with the help of special tattoos.

Just like the supernatural beings in Longcheng, when the spiritual energy is stirred up, mysterious and complex gorgeous spiritual patterns will appear on the body surface.

But as far as Meng Chao knows, very few people choose to tattoo on the palm rather than the back of the hand.

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

Suddenly, it was observed that there was a faint burn mark left on the palm of the leopard poet.

It was as if the palm of his hand had been pierced by a red-hot steel nail.

In order to cover it up, he engraved heavily colored tattoos around the burn.

Burns are not surprising.

Such a desire to cover up is quite suspicious.

With a thought, Meng Chao injected a magma-like spiritual flame into the palm of the leopard poet, erasing the corner of the tattoo.

As if some kind of seal was broken, the Leopard poet immediately grabbed his left hand and screamed.

Along with the frantic twitching of his left hand, from the center of his palm, as if pierced by red-hot steel nails, a wisp of milky white holy fire spurted out.

The incomparably holy flame opened up a small window, and one of them seemed to be carved out of crystal, both like feathers and like a cluster of long and narrow arrows shining brightly. emerge. ,

The biggest secret was discovered by Meng Chao in this way, and the leopard poet's face turned pale.

There was a subconscious sigh of relief in the bottom of my heart.

In his eyes, this mysterious man with black hair and black eyes is a terrifying existence of the same level as "Lord Wolf King".

The future of Turanze and the fate of the Turan civilization are all left to the supreme powers who have received the blessings of hundreds of millions of ancestral spirits to decide!

The leopard poet closed his eyes, let out a long sigh of relief, and slowly collapsed.

"This is it!"

There was an incomparably wonderful light in Ice Storm's eyes, "This is the 'mark'!"

She flew forward, and took the crystal feathers shrouded in milky white light in her hands and clenched them into the palm of her hand.

The power from the Holy Light immediately burned the Turan flesh and blood she inherited from the leopard poets, causing a "squeaky" sound, which also caused an unpleasant scorched smell in the air.

The ice storm was so painful that every scar on his face re-opened in convulsions.

Blood snaked down her shoulders, chest, and arms, and also into the "mark" in the palm of her hand.

When she came from her father's half-orc bloodline and was "purified" by the Holy Light to the point of pain.

Half of the witch blood from her mother, but awakened and boiled around the "mark".


Meng Chao saw that a high-speed rotating magic circle suddenly appeared around Ice Storm's right hand holding the crystal feather tightly.

The shining nine-pointed star sprayed out a mysterious and complicated light screen projection, and every magic rune inside was clearly visible, much like the virtual keyboard on the Longcheng laptop.

Deep in Bingfeng's eyes, there was a concentration and confidence that Meng Chao had never seen before, belonging to a witch.

She endured the burning pain in her arm, and her five fingers trembled at a high frequency, turning her right hand into a cloud of gray mist.

Her fingers tapped the magic runes like a torrential rain.

The magic circle is rapidly beating different interfaces in the high-speed rotation.

The magic runes descended like a waterfall.

Because of Meng Chao's extraordinary vision of breaking through the realm of the gods, it is difficult to clearly capture the trajectory of every magic rune.

However, Ice Storm entered some kind of... like being possessed by her mother's soul, in a trance-like state.

Every jump of the fingertips is as natural as breathing, and the magic circle is quickly locked on a special interface.

Meng Chao noticed that there were two lines of spaces in the magic circle.

Much like entering a username and password to gain some kind of advanced privileges.

As a witch, Ice Storm, of course, can't enter the username and password like a magician certified by the Temple of Light.

Accompanied by a horrific sound of joint friction and dislocation, after a slight pause, her five fingers turned anti-joint, like a weird "key".

She inserted the "key" into the center of the magic circle.

The wrist is twisted almost 270 degrees.

In the first line of the two blank spaces, seven magic runes suddenly appeared, as if entering a user name.

In the first space of the second line, the first rune of the password also jumped out.

However, this rune is beating and changing wildly, as if the ice storm is using an exhaustive method, constantly trying to invade the magic circle and seize the highest authority.

"Can this work?"

As far as Meng Chao knows, even if it is an operating system similar to Longcheng, there is a defense law that if you enter the wrong username or password several times in a row, you will be locked or even logged out.

The authority of this super weapon must be more strictly protected.

However, the ice storm just followed the arm, winding and flowing to the palm of the hand, almost soaking the entire crystal feather in the blood, but under the illumination of the holy light, it decomposed into innumerable slender red lines .

These red lines surround the two lines of spaces in the center of the magic circle, forming a small barrier.

Outside the barrier, the light that forms the magic circle cannot spy on everything that is happening in the two lines of space.

The roaring holy fire is still burning fiercely.

Ice Storm's entire right arm was burned to the bone, and the blood was about to evaporate.

But there was not much pain on her face, except for the slight twitching of the corner of her eyes.

On the contrary, there is a kind of excitement and obsession that emerges from indulging in the most interesting things in this world.

It was as if the Meng Chao in front of him and the surrounding killings had all disappeared.

In her world, there is only this magic circle that needs to be cracked.


Before her right arm was about to burn to the ground.

On the second row of blanks in the center of the magic circle, all eight blanks were filled with magic runes.

The five fingers of the right hand that trembled with high frequency of the ice storm, and the hundreds of phantoms split out, reunited.

She pressed down on the ninth and last magic rune that was beating rapidly.

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