The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1410: Even if destroyed a million times

In the depths of Meng Chao's soul, countless question marks appeared.

The immemorial battlefield in front of him has undergone amazing changes.

Tens of thousands of dancing crystal butterflies have adjusted their wings to a subtle angle.

A large number of colorful light spots appeared on their wings and gathered together at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The light spot is getting brighter and brighter, like a surging ocean of light.

With the crystal war castles, they slowly floated from the surface, soared beyond the atmosphere, and joined the ranks of the crystal matrix.

Below the atmosphere, there are not many "ancients" anymore.

Silent horns shook the galaxy.

The ocean of light erupted.

Thousands of thick beams of light, like thousands of long swords surrounded by electric arcs and burned to thousands of degrees, stabbed the planet covered with tentacles and flagella fiercely.

Huge **** of light suddenly bulged on the surface of the planet, like crystal clear tumors.

All the towers of flesh and blood, and the ancient beasts that formed the towers one after another, and the super-giant nests that nurtured the ancient beasts, and connected all the nests, hidden deep in the ground, things like nerves and brains, are all raging with infinite brilliance , the roaring flames.

That scene reminded Meng Chao of the game of the urchin holding a magnifying glass, focusing on the sun, and igniting the ants.

Of course, the incomparably cruel game in front of us is a million times bigger than igniting ants with a magnifying glass.

Under the irradiation of infinite brilliance, the carbon-based life on the ground was quickly slaughtered and wiped out, leaving not even the slightest wreckage.

Even the seeds of life hidden deep in the ground were killed by 99%.

When the photospheres are broken one by one, the shock waves released are like faint ripples in circles when viewed from above the atmosphere.

But from the perspective of the ground, the shock wave is like a burning hurricane, spreading in all directions at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, spreading overwhelmingly.

One after another "ripples" collided with each other, setting off waves of destructive waves on the surface of the planet, continuing to destroy the fish that slipped through the net of the first round of space-based orbital strikes.

The shock waves even triggered geological changes and extreme climatic outbursts on the planet's surface itself.

In the following hundreds or even thousands of years, earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, acid rains that lasted for hundreds of years, and various natural disasters came one after another in this world, which was almost burned into an extra-large glass ball.

In this way, the planet has been "purified".

After such a brutal destruction or purification, it seems impossible for this planet to give birth to any intelligent life powerful enough to threaten the "ancient people" in a short period of time.

However, the spiritual energy contained deep in the ground was also sealed under the surface of the fired glass shell.

Meng Chao saw that a large number of crystal butterflies were decomposed from the "Dyson sphere" that wrapped the planet.

They stretched the "solar sail" to the limit, formed a mighty crystal fleet, and flew towards the outer reaches of the galaxy.

In the vast and boundless universe, it is like a shining spore fluttering in the wind.

Subsequently, the spores disappeared.

It's like floating into the depths of the universe, an invisible gap.

It seems that this thrilling ancient war finally ended with the victory and departure of the "ancient people".

Perhaps, when the planet gradually cooled down, the glass shell that sealed the surface cracked, and the spiritual energy spewed out again.

The ancients will come back.

Come back and continue to absorb spiritual energy and harvest life.

But I don't know if it's an illusion.

Meng Chao seemed to see it, just before the ancients launched the devastating blow of space-based orbital weapons.

There is a tower of flesh and blood, that is, the tentacles and flagella that the planet itself is frantically waving, which has rushed out of the sky and touched the crystal matrix that wraps the planet.

And on the body of a certain "crystal butterfly", it was lightly stabbed.

The war is not over yet.

Life always finds a way.

Inside the seemingly dead glass ball.

The seeds of life are still silently bred, evolving, struggling, trying to break through the indestructible barriers in various ways, breaking through to the ground, facing the sky, and sending out an unyielding battle cry.

With the departure of the ancient fleet, Meng Chao's perspective returned to the original mother.

To be more precise, it should be the life seed that gave birth to the original mother.

Dark, cold, cramped, suffocated, immobile.

That's what it's all about.

However, this is not the hardest part.

It is monotonous, boring, boring, and indescribable loneliness that lasts for hundreds of millions of years.

It longs for change, for something new, for endless possibilities, for a little chaos in this immutable world, in a universe that will eventually stagnate and freeze.

It starts to try.

Trying to grow new tentacles and flagella from the cracks in the underground rock formations.

Although compared with the time of the ancient wars, the flesh and blood tower composed of billions of ancient beasts, like the limbs grown on the planet itself, the tentacles and flagella are now billions of times thinner, but they are just clusters of insignificant bacteria. Silk.

But inside these hyphae, there are still infinite possibilities for life.

Mycelium dances.

From the global natural disasters that have lasted for thousands of years after the end of the world, we have patiently collected various elements such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.

These elements are used to form biological single molecules such as amino acids, purines, and pyrimidines.

Soon, biopolymers such as polypeptides and polynucleotides were also born one after another.

With these single molecules and macromolecules as the most basic "parts", one by one, the original cells were recreated.

The newly born primitive cells are extremely simple, weak and ugly.

And their ancestors, the mother body that once controlled the entire planet, and even a little monster born from the mother body, can't be compared.

Even so, the predecessor of the original mother still failed countless times.

Because at that time it had no real sense of consciousness and intelligence.

It is even difficult to define whether it can be regarded as a real life.

The so-called process of "creating life" is nothing more than a simple arrangement and combination of countless amino acids, purines, pyrimidines, polypeptides, and polynucleotides, and then the exhaustive method is repeated hundreds of millions of times.

99.99% of attempts fail.

It is not a single molecule and a polymer that are simply kneaded together. They cannot be organically combined at all, and they are quickly torn apart and turned into nothingness.

It is something that has just been born, which can barely be called "life". Before the cell membrane has not evolved and stabilized, it has encountered the attack of volcanoes, floods, acid rain and earthquakes, died prematurely, and returned to dust.

it's fine.

Even if it is destroyed a million times.

As long as the number of attempts is enough, one more than the destruction of billions.

Life can create miracles.

So, under the dancing of countless life seeds, or "eggs of chaos" scattered by the mother body in the depths of the earth.

Cyanobacteria were born.

Graptolite was born.

The trilobite was born.

Nautilus was born.

crinoids, ostracods, xenomorphs, teleosts, all kinds of vertebrates were born.

Although the structure of most primitive life is quite simple and even full of errors, it is destined to be unable to stand out from the cruel competition of natural selection and survival of the fittest.

But that doesn't mean their existence is meaningless.

on the path of evolution.

There are no billions of "failures".

It is impossible to accumulate incomparably precious, the only remaining "success".

What's more, it is the corpses of these "failed species" that cover the surface of the planet that was burned into a glass shell by the ancients.

Let this barren, monotonous, deserted, lonely, dull and lifeless world regain its varied and dynamic appearance. Although it is chaotic and cruel, it contains infinite hope and infinite possibility.

The scene of all things flourishing in front of him reminded Meng Chao of the process of human reproduction.

When human beings are ready to create life.

The seeds of life that contain a huge gene pool will not be prepared for only one.

Instead, hundreds of millions of life seeds start running at the same time. In the end, only one life seed can reach the other side smoothly and achieve a positive result.

The rest of the billions minus one seed of life have all failed, eliminated, and destroyed.

But who can say that their failure and destruction are meaningless?

Without the trial and error of billions of seeds of life.

The only seed of life, how can it be possible to make great strides on the road of evolution and continue to climb to higher peaks?

And the picture of hundreds of millions of life seeds chasing and competing with each other made Meng Chao think of the countless different himself, or in other words, the countless different himself he had seen in a trance on the road to breaking through the realm of life. The road to the future is like a crystal clear tadpole, constantly colliding, competing and sprinting.

"Why, there are two different futures?

"I clearly remember that in my previous life, I was a little ghost assassin. Although I infiltrated the Land of Holy Light and performed various tasks of lurking, assassinating, destroying, and rescuing, I joined Black Skull because I was seriously injured in high school. In the training camp, the age at which I started to formally cultivate is too old, and I have not achieved much. It is my limit to be able to break through the one-star spirit pattern.

"Until the end of the day, I was a big head soldier, a third-rate expert with no name, let alone the 'leader of the resistance organization', I have never even been an official bigger than the group leader.


"These sounds, these pictures, these brand-new, completely different, nightmare-like fragments of past life memories, what's going on?

"In this brand-new nightmare, I seem to have been caught together with my little sister Bai Jiacao into the blood alliance that should have been destroyed long ago.

"She suffered something more terrifying than turning into a Night Witch.

"And I inherited her power and became the Doomsday Blade?

"It hurts, my head hurts.

"Which of these two futures is true and which is false?

"No, far more than two.

"And what I saw in a trance in the process of breaking through the realm of the gods, in a certain future, I became a half-human, half-scorpion monster; in another future, I seem to have become a super enterprise. At the helm, the power is all over the world, not to mention how majestic; also, there is a future that is even more outrageous, I have become the supreme sacrifice of the Holy Light Temple, and even the magician of the nine rings must respectfully submit to my Foot, is there any mistake, this is too exaggerated!

"Of course, on more, 99% of the future roads, I'm just an ordinary citizen, engaged in a boring job, living an unchanging life, living in the dark, until I was swallowed by monsters, The magic tear, or the day of the end.

"In the thousands of futures, which one is true and which one is false?"

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