The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1411: Unlocked, the second road!

No, thinking about it now makes no sense at all.

As Meng Chao and Wolf King said.

Traversal has two dimensions.

time and space.

If we say that there are only theoretical and technical difficulties in traveling through space, whether there are supermassive celestial bodies or intelligent life, traveling from one end of the universe to the other side of the universe will not have much impact on the entire universe.

Then, the time travel, that is, rebirth, affects far beyond this celestial body or intelligent life itself.

Rather, it is the reset of the entire universe.

Regardless of the future of "Ghost Assassin Meng Chao" and "Doomsday Blade Meng Chao", or even "Holy Light Sacrifice Meng Chao", which is true and which is false.

At the moment when Meng Chao was reborn and returned to his youth with the memories of the future, these true and false futures, which were already destined, all collapsed and ceased to exist.

From this point of view.

All futures are false.

At most, it can only be said to be a specious prophecy. It can be constantly approached to the truth, but it can never be deduced 100% realistically. It is only a possibility in the future.

As for the real future—

It also depends on today's people, with their own hands, to create.

"Yes, that's it.

"The future has not yet been decided, and tomorrow has not yet come. Even if failure and destruction are high-probability events, life is originally a miracle that bursts out from the probability of one in a billion.

"We only need to succeed once!"

With a lightning-like consciousness, he pierced the sky.

In Meng Chao's heart, the long-sleep Tinder was also awakened.

There are countless scenes of life nurturing, evolution, competition, death and rebirth.

And countless scenes of future roads crisscrossing each other.

They shattered, collided, burned, and exploded, turning into billions of shining stars.

And the fire seemed to burn a shining tunnel among the stars.

Meng Chao's soul seemed to have gone through another incomparably long journey in the tunnel.

This time, he finally woke up slowly in the real world.

Time seems to have passed for a long time.

It was so long that he felt that he had spent countless reincarnations in a device similar to a hibernation pod.

It was dark all around, and only the corners emitted a colorful but extremely dim light.

From the cramped environment and sultry air, they are still underground, still in the collapsed original mother laboratory.

Something resembling petals and membranes faded from Meng Chao's body layer by layer.

It made him guess that he was probably in a fetal-like posture, wrapped in this huge flower bud or a skin bag.

Judging from the slightly radiant metallic luster and the viscous substance stained on it, these petals and membranes are composed of spiritual magnets and proto-mother cells.

But now, both the spirit magnets and the original mother cells have lost the weakest activity.

Just peeled off from Meng Chao, it turned into dust that was finer than sand and no more than one micron in diameter.

"Is the original mother dead?

Meng Chao took a deep breath.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling was born.

He felt that his life form had been elevated to a whole new level.

Along with the turbulence of the life magnetic field, strands of bioelectricity, like mycelium, flagella, and tentacles, spread out from his limbs and bones, extending toward a radius of tens of meters or even more, searching for and connecting to the dormant. all life around.

That's right, in the seemingly dead dark depths, there are still countless tenacious beings struggling to survive.

The trunk and branches were burned into coke, and the coke was smashed by rocks, leaving only a few roots guarding a pinch of buds, the mandala tree patiently waiting for the opportunity underground.

Growing on the corpse of a mandala tree, it is nowhere higher than blue-green algae, and emits a faint blue light of moss.

Feeding on these moss, the length ranges from tens of microns to one millimeter, commonly known as "water bears", which seem insignificant, but can be found on the tops of snow-capped mountains at an altitude of seven or eight kilometers and the bottom of oceans as deep as five or six kilometers. , even tardigrades that survive in a vacuum.

Larger and more advanced arthropods that feed on "water bears", small worms that "see the worms" in the crevices of the rocks.

All lives were seen by Meng Chao.

That's right, Meng Chao in the past could also have insight into the existence of these beings.

But it is impossible to project their own souls into these beings, observe and feel the world from the perspective of mandala trees, moss, and water bears, share all the information they interact with the world, and The existence of life itself contains infinite joy, emotion and hope.

This is not a question of the level of realm, or the strength of simple and rude combat.

But the way of looking at the world, or the definition of life itself, has undergone subtle changes.

"It's the original mother"

Meng Chao turned his attention to the place where the original mother was dormant.

The super-brain with thousands of tentacles is dead.

Turned into a pile of lifeless reaction, cold and dead dust.

It seems that the "Hope Potion" developed by the last researcher of the Turan civilization really works.

This super nerve blocking agent can really block or even paralyze the neural network of the original mother, thereby helping humans control this mysterious and unpredictable ancient creature.

But the original mother was more stubborn than Meng Chao imagined.

Realize that he is about to be suppressed, captured, studied and used by humans.

It did not hesitate to choose to release all the source of life in a short moment.

In a way similar to going crazy, the human body spontaneously ignites, and ended an extremely long life.

However, if the original mother really came from "chaos".

And "Chaos" is the oldest intelligent life on this planet, and even the planet itself that contains spiritual energy.

Will it really die?

Meng Chao returned his gaze to his palm.

Consciousness has also been withdrawn from the body of all the living beings around it into its human body.

He knew that he had become different from the past.

When the original mother was in a dying state, what was transmitted to him and the wolf king was not just the memory picture of the ancient battlefield.

There are also some gene fragments or the origin of life.

"what is this?

"It was we who succeeded in preventing and eliminating the original mother.

"Or did the original mother Jin Chan shed its shell, and before the old body was on the verge of destruction, some gene fragments and the origin of life were transferred to me and the wolf king's body, so that the power of 'chaos' would continue through the life of me and the wolf king?"

Meng Chao had no time to think about this question.

His vision and brain area were all filled with something more dazzling.


Since the battle with the "Jungle Banshee" Lu Siya, she was seriously injured, fell into Hunu River, and drifted all the way to Turanze.

The fire is always on the verge of going out.

No matter how Meng Chao summoned, the fire was like a faint spark buried in the ashes, unable to release much light and heat.

until now.

The fire not only re-emerged with the most splendid brilliance.

It still seems to have been strengthened and upgraded, completely changing its form.

The tinder of the past was just a bright flame.

The current fire seems to have a crystal-like solid state, a spiritual magnet-like liquid state, and a plasma state at the same time, three superimposed states!

Accompanied by the brand new fire, like the rising sun breaking through the blockade of the night and rising, it illuminates Meng Chao's brain.

The long-lost information flow has also turned into a data waterfall composed of hundreds of millions of golden streamers, drowning Meng Chao's vision.

Congrats to the fire passers, opening the second road to the future!

The Fire Passer has been able to unlock all the skills on the second road to the future!

The Ultimate Swordsmanship Earth Fire Thunder has been unlocked!

The Six Paths of the Ultimate Breathing Technique has been unlocked!

The ultimate power method Guiyuan Jin has been unlocked!

The Ultimate Assassination Bloodblade Verdict has been unlocked!

The Ultimate Mind Mystery Beyond Reincarnation has been unlocked!

Countless new skills have sprung up from the depths of Meng Chao's brain like bamboo shoots after a rain, forming a brand-new skill tree with luxuriant branches and leaves!

"This is the skill tree of 'Doomsday Blade'!"

Meng Chao was overjoyed.

You know, the skill tree that was looming in his brain originally came from "Ghost Assassin Meng Chao".

Although it is also a future version that has been tempered and strengthened.

After all, they are some arrogant power, swordsmanship in a hundred battles, thunder cross sword, etc., basic skills suitable for all ages.

At most, it's a small skill like the walking corpse technique and the tricky stabbing technique that can't be used on the table.

When Meng Chao took the Dragon City as the stage and the miracle rose.

Because its foundation is weak, and the enemy is not too strong.

These basic skills of the future version can also allow him to rush forward while practicing, and he can navigate the battlefield with ease.

However, with the improvement of the realm, the friends and enemies that come into contact with become more and more powerful, and the problems to be solved become more and more complicated. Just relying on basic skills such as Mangniu Jin and Hundred Battles Saber Technique, gradually become a little powerless and stretched.

Of course, through the "Martial God" Lei Zongchao, he was able to get in touch with most of the top martial arts in the Dragon City of this era.

However, these top martial arts have not yet gone through the Turan civilization and the Holy Light camp. They have been tempered by blood and fire, and they are still in a very rough version 1.0 with bugs everywhere.

In the face of enemy bosses comparable to the realm of the gods, the lack of a final killer has always been Meng Chao's most troublesome problem.

In particular, he found that it is not so simple to prevent the end of the world from coming. The earthlings are very likely to be involved, and even have already been involved in the struggle between "Holy Light" and "Chaos", two god-like forces.

At such a critical moment, the opening of the second road to the future solved his urgent need.

After all, he was just a little ghost assassin on the first road to the future.

On the second road to the future, the so-called "Doomsday Blade", he is not only the leader of the Assassin organization, but also one of the most invincible powerhouses across the world!

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