The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1412: Bloodblade Verdict

The skills mastered by the latter, regardless of quantity or quality, are naturally at least ten times higher than the former!

Moreover, it may be to suppress the original mother and prevent the "Jack" Canus from completely transforming into the "Doomsday Demon Wolf". The changes to the future are too great, and the contribution value has reached astronomical figures.

It may also be that after Meng Chao broke through the realm of the gods, everything from cell activity to soul strength has undergone a reborn evolution, and he can withstand a stronger "future information shock".

A large number of skills derived from "Doomsday Blade" have been upgraded to the "Ultimate Realm" of perfection at the moment of unlocking!

Meng Chao's mind changed, and he focused all his attention on the ruling of the ultimate assassination method, the blood blade.

Since he is on two different future paths, he is an assassin.

And soon after it was visible to the naked eye, he was bound to sneak into the Land of Holy Light, to do some stealing, stirring up trouble, fishing in troubled waters and taking advantage of the fire.

Lighting up a full set of assassin skills is naturally a must.

With the long-awaited unlocking sound like the collision of crystal wind chimes, he heard in his mind.

The golden stream of information that made up the Blood Blade Judgment suddenly burst and turned into innumerable streams of light.

It rotated clockwise at a high speed and turned into a huge vortex, sucking his consciousness into it.

Meng Chao immersed himself in the situation and obtained a brand new past life memory fragment.

—A memory fragment belonging to "Doomsday Blade".

Meng Chao looked around.

I found that in this memory fragment, I felt like I was locked in a laboratory with thick foam-like energy-absorbing materials covering the sides, ceiling and floor.

He was covered in chains.

There are metal chains with the thickness of children's arms and special alloys for casting tank armor and train gun barrels.

It was also inlaid with dense spikes, poking deep into his flesh.

At any time, a powerful and unparalleled current can be injected into his blood vessels and nerves.

It is also made from the sinews of doomsday beasts, and it is constantly soaked in venom and moistened, and it exudes a **** soft cord.

No matter how much he struggled, these soft cords would only get tighter and tighter until they were embedded deep in his joints and stuck in the crevices of the bones.

Double shackles, both soft and hard, but the person who built this laboratory and imprisoned him also thought that such defensive measures were not strict enough, and put an oxygen-blocking mask similar to a gas mask on his face.

What surged out from the ordinary gas mask was fresh oxygen.

And this oxygen barrier mask can not only greatly reduce his ability to absorb oxygen from the air.

He also continuously released high concentrations of anesthetic and inhibitory gases, making him drowsy and unable to concentrate all his will and fighting power.

Despite this, Meng Chao could still see the fear overflowing from the isolation suits from the faces of the dozen or so experimental staff who were wearing white isolation suits and armed to the teeth.

They are afraid of him.

He was afraid of him like he was afraid of the doomsday beast.

Even if they were only lightly swept by their own peripheral vision, they would be horrified, their hearts would speed up, their muscles would stiffen, and every cell in their bodies would emit screams based on primitive instincts.

A strange and familiar logo was printed on the isolation suits of these experimenters.

Two long, narrow and deep eyes, crossed and overlapped together, formed an oblique "cross".

Behind the "cross" is a raging flame of blood.

Long time no see, cross eyes.

Meng Chao had seen this strange pattern countless times.

In the memory fragments of the past life, the little sister Bai Jiacao, who incarnated as the "Witch of the Night", was on the back of the hand.

In the work notes left by my mother when she was a nurse in a private medical institution when she was young.

Deep in the memory of the demon **** "Devil Eye of the Abyss".

as well as

At this moment, he was tightly bound by the double chains on his chest.

Now Meng Chao already knows that this is the first batch of superhumans who once controlled Longcheng and prepared the "Martial God" Lei Zongchao.

On the surface, the Blood Alliance, which broke through the bottom line of human nature and used a large number of ordinary citizens to carry out cruel experiments, thereby unlocking the extraordinary secret, is an uncompromisingly evil organization.

With the rise of the nine super enterprises, coupled with the thunderbolt of "Martial God" Lei Zongchao.

The Blood Alliance had long since collapsed, vanished into ashes, and disappeared.

But, is this the truth?

"Blood Blade Project, the 102nd experiment, ready to start."

"Special Experiment No. 13, debugging completed."

"Evacuate all and enter the highest alert."

"The powerful anesthetic is ready and ready to be injected."

"The liquid nitrogen is ready and ready to be injected."

"The v-07 nerve agent is ready and ready to be injected."

"The incendiary bomb is ready and can be dropped at any time, 'sterilized'."

"Special experimental body No. 13, the scanning of various physiological parameters has been completed, and there is no abnormality."

"Special experimental subject No. 13, the brain wave scan has been completed, and there is no abnormality."

"Begin to transmit the '66 Taikoo Martial Arts Blueprint', the transmission progress is 1%, 2%, 3%"

Accompanied by bursts of monotonous, cold, emotionless electronic female voices.

Numerous blood alliance experimenters wearing cross-eyed badges on their chests all retreated to the four corners of the laboratory.

From the top of their heads, a thickness of more than half a meter slowly descended, an alloy steel plate comparable to the gate of a bank vault.

There are only fist-sized circular observation holes on the steel plate, which are also inlaid with extremely thick tempered glass.

Through the tempered glass, Meng Chao could see that they were facing a big enemy, their eyes intertwined with fear and excitement.

The double shackles that bound him were loosened a little.

The oxygen barrier mask also stopped injecting anesthetic gas into him.

His heart started like a large rock crusher dedicated to mines, and in just half a second, it entered a state of high-speed operation and a rumbling sound.

At this time, he discovered that there was an extremely thick optical cable plugged into the back of his head.

At this moment, through the optical cable, the surging information flow, like a flood and a beast, madly poured into his brain.

Meng Chao snorted.

I only feel that I have returned to the ancient battlefield again.

Turned into an ancient beast with countless teeth and claws.

No, it's not "flashing teeth and claws."

He found that he had turned into countless people who did not like to show their teeth and claws on the frontal battlefield, but especially liked and excelled at sneaking, dormant, and camouflage, sneaking around to the flanks and rear of the prey, and before the prey was aware of it, he bit his throat and pulled out his heart. , tearing the abdominal cavity and crushing the "stalker" of the spine.

In an instant, hundreds of "Stalker" hunting techniques, like hundreds of flaming fires, rushed into his brain ditch, and were deeply imprinted in his memory.

If there is no "First Road to the Future", the 20-something-year-old entered the Black Skull training camp, and after a thousand trials and hardships, he finally became the "Ghost Assassin" himself.

If not in reality, he has experienced countless life-and-death struggles, and at a miraculous speed, he has become the youngest powerhouse in Longcheng.

If it hadn't gone deep into the ultimate lair of the monster civilization and the original mother's laboratory, I would have come into close contact with two "Eggs of Chaos".

Meng Chao definitely couldn't bear the gift called "Doomsday Blade".

Perhaps, when the first memory fragment of "Doomsday Blade" was unlocked, the brain burst and the body spontaneously ignited and died.

But now, everything is in order.

As natural as breathing.

It was as if the tyrannical power and bizarre memories were not forcibly instilled from the outside world, but were originally hidden in his genes and soul.

He just unlocked the mysteries about life.

Meng Chao bowed his head and saw that blood vessels as thick as a dragon appeared on his body that was originally as strong as a combination of a doomsday beast and a train cannon.

Surging in every blood vessel is a technique of stealth hunting and killing of immemorial beasts.

His blood began to boil.

Countless sleeping genes are awakened.

The most primitive, the desire to chase, hunt, kill and devour, is like a raging flame, sweeping through his neural network and covering every inch of his skin.

It made him feel that if he didn't find a lot of blood to cool down, he would be burned to a pile of ashes.

Meng Chao heard himself let out a roar that resounded through the sky like an ancient beast.

Even if the doomsday beast heard such a terrifying roar, it would probably shiver with fright.

The double chains couldn't restrain his movements at all.

He rushed to the corner of the laboratory like lightning, and slammed into the steel plate with a thickness of more than half a meter.


The whole lab was shaking.

The steel plate like a vault door was knocked out with a "humming" sound like a tuning fork.

A very clear figure was left on it.

Inside the figure, it is also full of dense, pinhole-sized holes.

They were all released from Meng Chao's pores, stabbed by the high-temperature and high-pressure psychic energy.

Behind the steel plate, all the blood guild experimenters jumped up like a conditioned reflex.

"Alert! Special alert! This is not a drill!"

"Special test body No. 13, the spiritual index has greatly increased, exceeding the critical value by 150%, 160%, 170%, and it is still increasing at a rate of 5% per second!"

"Special test body No. 13 has entered an out of control state!"

"The '66 Taikoo Martial Art Drawing' has been transmitted by 17%, this is the limit, stop the transmission, stop the transmission immediately!"

"High-voltage arc release! Powerful anesthetic injection! Incendiary bomb ready! Liquid nitrogen ready! Nerve agent ready!"

Along with bursts of piercing screams, Meng Chao suddenly felt that the double shackles around himself, the "Blade of Doomsday", were severely tightened.

The dense spikes embedded in the alloy shackles spurted a large number of "crackling" arcs into his body.

The soft cord made from the sinews of the doomsday beast is like a hollow blood vessel and an infusion tube, which continuously injects powerful anesthetics and sedatives equivalent to 10% of his blood volume into his body.

The optical cable connected to the back of the head stopped transmitting the stealth hunting scenes of various immemorial beasts.

Instead, it transmits a variety of soft and soothing music, the calm sea and the deep and quiet night sky can make people feel happy, calm and relaxed sounds and pictures.

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