The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1429: The monster who came out of the Fang Mountains

Every time the roar of "Jack" Canus made the fierce flames around him expand for a round.

When he shouted the last word "death", the whole sky was filled with fierce flames like a hungry wolf pack.

Under the gaze of the "Wolf Pack", except for Meng Chao, everyone present, whether from the Golden Clan, the Jackal, the Tiger and the Leopard, or the Tauren and Boar from the Bloodhoof Clan, were all sweaty.

I only felt that a group of vicious demon wolves had also invaded in my blood vessels, one blood vessel after another blood vessel, muscle after muscle, nerve after nerve, gnawing at their flesh and blood.

The army of tens of thousands of warriors was silent.

Only the wolf king's voice continued to roll and crush like an unstoppable thunder above the warriors' heads.

"Now, you have two choices!

"Or, in the tradition of Turanze, challenge me to avenge the Lion King and the Tiger King!

"I will accept the challenge of anyone among you, no matter how humble and insignificant he looks, I will give him a chance to fight, and then send him to see the "Destruction Horn" and the "Blade of Rage"!

"Or, under the witness and blessing of the great ancestors, be loyal to me, obey my command, and follow my side.

"I promise, by the name 'Canus', and the glorious blood that flows through me, to all of you, and to the great ancestors—I will be the greatest war chief of Turanze of all time, I I will gather the will and strength of all Turan orcs, and I will create an unparalleled iron-blooded army. I will lead you and tear the Land of Light in two, so that every one of you, even the weakest The unnamed generation of people has the opportunity to engrave their name on the highest altar of the Holy Light Temple!

"Now, make your choice!

"Is someone going to challenge me to meet the Lion King and the Tiger King?

"stand out!"

The wolf king was condescending, and his aura shocked the audience.

Not only the wolves, tigers and leopards of the Golden Clan, but also the tauren, wild boar, savages and centaurs of the Bloodhoof Clan, no one dared to make half a superfluous move except for swallowing saliva with difficulty.

No one dared to take half a step toward the sky, as if possessed by an ancestor spirit.

After a while, the cheers from the battle formation of the jackal warriors swept the entire army in the form of stormy waves.

The deafening sound waves, like wildfire in a prairie prairie, instantly spread into the clouds.

"Wolf King! Wolf King! Wolf King!"

Everyone withdrew their swords and minions, clenched their fists with all their strength, slapped their hearts with the power of blasting bones, and let out a hoarse, incomparably fanatical cry.


After half a day.

In a temporary military tent.

Meng Chao and Wolf King finally learned from the mouths of a dozen middle and low-level officers that Turanze's situation had changed in the past few months.

Not what they expected.

The appearance of Meng Chao set off a chain reaction, which caused a small difference between the changes in Turanze's situation and the future they had foreseen from "Doomsday Nightmare".

In the future dreamed by Meng Chao, the wolf king opened the Holy Mountain Temple without many twists and turns, inheriting the power of the great ancestral spirit - at the same time, he also became the puppet of the "original mother".

After his gorgeous return, he did not give the Bloodhoof Great Chief "Black Mountain Bloodhoof" and the ambitious leaders of the other three clans any chance, and it was logical that he ascended the throne of the War Chief.

In reality, in order to perfectly absorb and control the power of the "Original Mother", they stayed in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple for several months, leaving the Golden Clan in a state of chaos without a leader for a long time.

The remaining four clans will naturally not miss this heaven-sent opportunity.

Under the leadership of Chief Bloodhoof, the four major clans joined forces to attack the Golden Clan.

If it was an invasion by a foreign enemy, the Golden Clan would certainly have lost a lot of powerhouses. After all, the skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and it did not lack the courage and strength to burn with the enemy.

But "five clans contend" is not a real war after all.

Rather, it is to compete for the position of supreme commander, full of rules, rituals, honor and symbolic contests.

In a sense, the emphasis is on "point to point".

Chief Bloodhoof requested that according to the tradition, the supreme power of the Golden Clan be invited to come out, and he would have an upright contest with him in front of the eyes of the public, willing to bet to lose, the stake is his own life, the bet is the highest command of the Turan army—— The Golden Clan could not refuse such a reasonable request.

And when the Lion King, Tiger King, and Wolf King are all missing, the Liger and Tiger clans are both in the fire of Chijin City and their soldiers are destroyed. Until now, there are gaps, and looking at the entire Golden Clan, they can't find enough to welcome them. The existence of the Bloodhoof Warchief's all-out attack.

Besides, what Warchief Bloodhoof said made sense.

Turanze's biggest enemy is always the threat of the Holy Light Temple, not the internal contradictions of the five clans.

There is no way for the Golden Clan to continue to be in such chaos and internal friction.

Although the previous battles of glory, most of the time, the supreme commander came from the Liger and Tiger clan.

However, the Bloodhoof clan has also emerged many war chiefs, and they have also played well.

This time, it's just following tradition.

None of the Golden Clan can defeat Warchief Bloodhoof.

No one wants to go against tradition.

He could only hold his nose and admit the command of the Bloodhoof Great Chief, allowing him to steal the authority of the War Chief without a single shot.

Having said that, it is precisely because the Bloodhoof Great Chief is a "blade without blood", and has not gone through a head-to-head contest.

The gold content of this war chief is seriously insufficient.

The three clans, Darkmoon, Thunderbolt and Shenmu, are all willing to obey the orders of the Bloodhoof Great Chief on the surface.

But when it comes to the establishment of Turan's army, the specific marching routes and targets, the ownership of the spoils, and other issues related to vital interests, it is not so easy to talk about.

In short, although temporarily sat on the throne of the supreme commander.

It will be a long time before the Bloodhoof Warchief integrates all the resources of Turanze, completes the general mobilization of the war, and marches north.

Now, Chief Bloodhoof, Chief Darkmoon, Chief Lightning, Chief Shenmu, as well as the leaders of various small and medium-sized clans and battle groups are still wrangling in Chijin City!

In addition to "jointly restricting the golden clan", how can it be so easy to reach other agreements?

"Black Mountain Bloodhoof is not qualified to be a war chief, otherwise, it should be him, not me, who was summoned by the great ancestral spirit."

After listening to everyone's introduction, the wolf king looked at several officers from the Bloodhoof clan with bright eyes, "Without the approval and blessing of the ancestral spirit, he will only lead us to shameful failure and endless darkness, including your Bloodhoof clan. Inside, everyone will be killed by him!"

The Bloodhoof warriors looked at each other.

Perhaps it was the shameful performance of Casaval just now that made them feel ashamed.

It may also be that the wolf king exudes, and Meng Chao is like a retreat, and it also comes from the "fist" of the founder of the Bloodhoof clan, which makes them subconsciously in awe.

Hearing the wolf king's merciless rebuke to the Bloodhoof Great Chief, they were uncharacteristically, not violent, but after looking at each other, they cautiously asked: "Lord Wolf King, you, did you really find and open the Holy Mountain Temple?"

"Why, do you think I will lie in the name of the great ancestor?"

The wolf king glanced at them coldly, almost freezing the blood of all the blood hoof warriors, but he did not continue to investigate, but said calmly, "Don't worry, when I become a war priest, the first thing I have to do is The thing is to restore the tradition that has been interrupted for three thousand years, lead the supreme powers of the five clans to the top of the holy mountain, hold a grand sacrifice inside the holy mountain temple, and pray to the great ancestors for victory.

"Moreover, I will not disdain to play with any means, but will follow the oldest tradition, go to the Red Gold City, and challenge the 'Black Mountain Bloodhoof' dignifiedly.

"If I am lying, I have not been blessed by the great ancestors at all, but have been hated and cursed by the ancestors, then I will naturally be beaten to death by the Bloodhoof Chief in the ring.

"On the contrary, if I, a mediocre wolf king a few months ago, can actually defeat the Bloodhoof Great Chief in a fair contest, apart from the approval and blessing of the great ancestors, what else can I do? explain?

"So, I don't ask you to swear allegiance to me now.

"I just want to know, if Chief Bloodhoof really falls at my feet in a fair contest, will you all be loyal to me and the will of the great ancestral spirit at that time?"

The Bloodhoof warriors glanced at each other.

Of course there is no objection.

They all nodded hurriedly.

"Also, what happened to the 'black dwarf'?"

The wolf king took the opportunity to say, "Why do you use such a strange name to call Turanze's most honorable guest, and the most powerful ally that my ancestors led me to find?"


Many orc warriors were shocked when they looked at Meng Chao with black hair and black eyes.

But thinking of Meng Chao's performance just now, and his fake totem armor, they all fell into deep confusion.

After their stammering descriptions, Meng Chao and the wolf king knew that a few months ago—probably at the same time that they were trapped in the depths of the holy mountain.

On the southern border of Turanze, on the upper reaches of the Turan River, some strange creatures suddenly emerged from the Tulan Mountains, occupying several villages, towns and settlements.

According to the people who escaped from the south, these guys are not tall. At first glance, they are similar to the Holy Light Human Race. They all look like monkeys with all their hair lost, but they have black hair and black eyes that are completely different from the blond and blue eyes of the Holy Light Human Race.

Also, like the dwarves of the Holy Light camp, they like to make messy machines and make deafening noises.

Therefore, the big people who gathered in the Red Gold City temporarily called these weirdos in the name of "black dwarves".

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