The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1430: extremely powerful ally

At first, the big figures in Turanze didn't think the "black dwarves" were too big a problem.

After all, everyone knows how narrow and harsh the living space in the depths of the Fangshan Mountains is.

Neither the way of life in Turanze nor the Land of Light is vast enough to develop and host a powerful race.

The well-informed chief chiefs and the wise high priests do not even think that the "black dwarves" are a brand new race.

Instead, they were regarded as a small group of harassing troops secretly transported by the Temple of Holy Light to the rear of Turanze, or the rat people who escaped from Turanze, after thousands of years of transformation, became deformed and ugly, beyond recognition. .

As for how many towns were captured by the black dwarves?

This couldn't be more normal!

You must know that the southern border was originally the most desolate, barren, and least eye-catching place in Turanze.

The five clans all regarded it as a barren land, and had no interest in exploring and expanding. .

Only the Ratfolk, who could not bear the oppression of the five clans, would flee to the southern border and establish their own villages and towns.

After the mandala blossoms, the five major clans all sent their own conscription teams to the southern border to recruit "rat people warriors".

Like a grate, they combed the rat villages and towns over and over again.

The slightly stronger rat people were all captured by them into their cannon fodder troops.

The Rat People, who were not even interested in the conscription team, were either old, weak, sick or disabled who lacked arms and legs, or they saw that the situation was not good and fled to the remnants of the Fangshan Mountains, among the undulating mountains and mountains.

After that, the elite forces of the five clans all headed north to carry out "five clan battles".

Now, they are all deployed on the northern front, waiting for the battle, sharpening their knives, and only after the general mobilization of the total war is completed, they will all go to the land of holy light.

In this case, the entire southern border is almost undefended.

What's so strange about being temporarily taken advantage of by the black dwarves?

And the actions of the black dwarves after occupying several mouse towns also convinced the big men that this was just a small harassing force of the enemy.

According to the reconnaissance results of the Falcon warriors of the Thunder Clan, after occupying the town of the Rat People, the black dwarves did not continue to attack north, but stationed on the spot, and then began to dig pits.

That's right, the falcon warriors could see clearly, the black dwarves manipulated huge machines that were very large, rumbling and smoking, and began to dig holes all over the mountains and plains.

They dug huge holes in the barren land that was clearly empty, and even mandala trees were unwilling to grow.

A lot of trenches were dug, criss-crossed and spread like cobwebs, connecting the mouse town and all the holes together.

The momentum of that kind of huge machine is amazing, which is in line with the Turan orcs' aesthetics of "big is beautiful, and the louder the movement, the more powerful it is".

But the falcon warriors don't understand at all, what is the black dwarf manipulating the huge machine doing? Why did he dig so many strange holes and trenches on the ground?

The news came back to Chijincheng, and the "Black Mountain Bloodhoof" who had become the war chief and the rest of the big men could only scratch their heads and think that the black dwarves were probably of Rat Man blood. And dig pits, living in complex underground lair.

Moreover, the number of black dwarves should be small, and the combat power is mediocre - otherwise, they will not stop and be satisfied with a few pitiful ratminder towns on the southern border.

"I'm afraid, for the black dwarves who have been curled up in the depths of the Fangshan Mountains, even the shabby towns of the Rat People are like splendid palaces, so they can be satisfied and enjoy themselves?"

Although the black dwarves were not taken to heart.

Suppression still has to be suppressed.

If you can't solve the trouble behind you before Turan's army marches north.

Not to mention the issue of being backstabbed by the southern front when the northern front was in full swing.

It is said that the ancestral spirit is furious and no longer protects the Turan army that even the "black dwarves" or "gophers" can't solve, the consequences are unimaginable.

Blackhoof has just become War Chief.

He also desperately needs a clean victory to boost his prestige.

Of course, it is only to solve the mere black dwarves, and it is not enough to dispatch the heavy armored battle groups of the five major clans wearing totem armor.

The Bloodhoof Warchief entrusted this not so glorious task to his son Kasava.

Casaval's performance in Pointe-Noire was really unsatisfactory.

For his dereliction of duty, the Temple of the Bloodskull was ransacked by shameless thieves.

The number of treasures lost is second, the key is that he brought shame to the family and almost ruined the great event of Black Mountain Bloodhoof ascending the throne of war chief.

Bloodhoof Warchief was furious.

Originally, I wanted to deprive this son of the position of "Blood Skull Chapter Commander" and assign him to a certain cannon fodder unit.

Casaval however volunteered, wanting to take the blame and make merit.

And provided a piece of information that his father could not refuse.

Kasava told Warchief Bloodhoof that he had seen "black dwarves".

No, not just seen, he has dealt with black dwarves and has a deep understanding of these insidious, sneaky guys.

Not long ago, a black dwarf spy sneaked into his Bloodskull Arena.

Including the looting of the Temple of the Bloodskull, it was the black dwarves and the rat people rebels who colluded with each other, and they were able to get away with it.

Although he failed to take care of the Blood Skull Temple.

But in the battle of wits and courage, he has a deep understanding of the black dwarf's crime style.

He is willing to issue a military order, and he will definitely use the blood of tens of thousands of black dwarves to wash away the shame he suffered in Blackhorn City.

Otherwise, come and see you!

Speaking of which, Great Chief Bloodhoof reluctantly approved Kasava's offer.

However, Bloodhoof of Montenegro did not follow Kasava's thoughts and let him command the elite troops of the Bloodhoof clan.

"It's just a mere black dwarf. No matter which elite unit is responsible for the extermination, it is a great insult, not a supreme honor."

Chief Bloodhoof asked Kasava to lead his own soldiers, plus a small number of scouts from the Thunder Clan and the vanguard of the Darkmoon Clan, as well as logistical soldiers from the Shenmu Clan. The main force was from the Golden Clan, the most rebellious. The wolves, tigers and leopards of the group have been mixed into a majestic looking "bandit-suppressing force".

It is estimated that according to the idea of ​​the Bloodhoof Great Chief, Kasava can exterminate the black dwarves, which is good.

If the war stagnated, then this bandit-suppressing force, mainly composed of wolves, tigers, and leopards, traveled long distances from Chijin City in the north of Tulanze to the southern border, and moved a little bit on logistical supplies along the way. It is enough to make the wolves, tigers and leopards suffer, wear down their tempers, and learn how to obey the orders of the war chiefs.

If unfortunate, the war is unfavorable - of course, under the protection of the great ancestors, this situation is basically impossible.

But if it really happened, then it would not be too much of a price to lose a child who made the family suffer a great humiliation.

The most important thing is to let the rebellious jackals, wolves, tigers and leopards touch a big nail, get disfigured and bruised, and dare not go against the will of the war chief.

To put it bluntly, no one from the Bloodhoof Warchief to the ordinary orc warriors put the black dwarves in their eyes and hearts.

They all felt that the black dwarf was just a tool to solve the internal problems of Turanze.

It is just a whetstone to help them sharpen their minions and swords before the real war comes.

What happened after that was the scene that everyone witnessed.

The bandit suppression troops that had just completed their reorganization had not long since set out from Chijin City, and before they left the Golden Clan's territory, they encountered Meng Chao and the Wolf King's "Sacred Soldiers Falling from Heaven".

The main force of the bandit suppression force, the wolves, tigers and leopards, who occupy the absolute majority, were originally unwilling to go to the southern border to fight with some **** "black dwarves", and they won a shameful battle and lost an even more shameful inexplicable battle. .

No wonder they surrendered so happily after Meng Chao suppressed Kasava.

"Lord Wolf King, aren't the black dwarves our enemies, why do you say that they are 'ally'?"

Your words, my words, the middle-level officers who explained the situation clearly are still confused.

Eyes full of awe and confusion swept across Meng Chao from time to time.

As if strange, the combat power of the black dwarves seems to be far stronger than the intelligence.

Moreover, how did a black dwarf team up with the wolf king to go deep into the sacred and inviolable holy mountain temple together, and also put on the totem armor of Turanze, and was recognized by the great ancestors?

There is no need for the Wolf King to deceive them.

Totem will not lie.

But, "if they are really allies, why take the southern town of Turanze?"

The wolf king smiled slightly.

It was as if the subordinates had asked a stupid question that was completely unworthy of an answer.

"The five clans in Turanze are not only allies fighting side by side, but also brothers who share life and death. Many of us have not only the blood of one clan flowing in our bodies, but the glory of two or even three clans. Together."

The wolf king asked back, "Then tell me, why do the five major clans still have to use the method of 'five clans to fight for the front' to decide the superiority, in order to make blood alliances and form an army?"

The middle-ranking officers looked at each other in dismay, and suddenly realized.

"Now, you should understand, right?"

The wolf king said lightly, "This time, the new friends I invited for Turanze are completely different and powerful beings from the ancient tomb undead, frost barbarians, and two-headed trolls that you have seen before.

"They have the same glory and pride as the Turan orcs.

"Of course, they also understand and appreciate the traditions of Turanze, and like to use methods such as 'Jumanji' and 'Five Races' to increase understanding, promote friendship, understand each other's weight and temperament, and avoid greater On a scale, unnecessary misunderstandings occur.

"If we can't show some real skills, how can we make them recognize the strength of Turanze and believe that each other is qualified to fight side by side in the longest and greatest battle of glory?"

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