The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1431: Recklessness or Conspiracy?

After the wolf king's explanation, many orc warriors understood:

"So, they stopped in the south of Turanze, just waiting for us to challenge?"

"Those rumbling giant machines, digging holes and trenches day and night, are digging the battlefield, right?"

"It makes sense, inexplicably drilled out from the depths of the Fangshan Mountains, and they don't look as mighty and majestic as our high-level orcs. If they don't show strong enough force, it is indeed difficult for people to regard them as allies!"

Everyone babbled, and with Turanze's logic, they understood the whole thing on their own.

"So, going to welcome our new friends is not a trivial task, but a very honorable one..."

The wolf king hit the railroad while it was hot, "Only the most powerful orcs are qualified to represent the entire Turanze and show the high-level orcs to new allies.

"And the performance of this chapter will also determine how our allies will view us - whether they value and even fear us, or despise or even ignore us.

"Since this incomparably sacred mission has fallen on your heads, of course I will not easily deprive you of your glory.

"Now, you will follow me back to Chijin City and witness the whole process of my retaking the throne of War Chief.

"And when I take charge of the highest authority in Turanze, I will supply you with ten times more weapons, rations, servants, and secret medicines, so that you can form a huge and gorgeous envoy, a mighty mission. Rush to the southern border and tell our new friends what the true warriors of Turan look like!"

The words of the wolf king detonated the entire army tent.

For a time, the morale of the entire army soared to the extreme.

Everyone, including the Bloodhoofs, threw the army's titular commander "Kasava" out of the sky.

This guy is still alive though.

But in everyone's eyes, he has become a gasping dead man.

No, just a puddle of gasping mud.

However, when all the mid-level officers left the tent, there were only Wolf King and Meng Chao left in the tent.

The wolf king was still smiling just now, and his calm expression suddenly became extremely gloomy.

Meng Chao also frowned, thoughtfully.

"I think we're missing a very important thing."

After a while, the wolf king said slowly, "I ignored you, Meng Chao, you are too strong!"

Meng Chao said, "I'm too strong? What's the problem?"

"has a problem."

The wolf king said, "In the future you foresee, because of your weakness, the monster war in Longcheng has been dragging its feet, not only wasting decades, but also consuming countless resources and the lives of Longcheng people.

"When Longcheng finally broke free from the blood-colored swamp of the monster war, you were exhausted and bruised, and it was difficult to launch a full-scale war that swept the other world by yourself.

"At that time, Turanze was also deeply involved in the protracted and undead **** battle with the Holy Light camp, and found that after a full fifty years of recuperation, at the same time as the population of Turanze soared, Saint The war potential of the Light faction was also inflated to an inexhaustible level. With Turanze's power alone, not only could he not be able to defeat his opponent in one go as expected, but he would risk being pushed back by his opponent.

"This is why in the future you foresee, I will form a 'chaos camp' and try my best to invite Longcheng to join, and Longcheng also hit it off.

"In the future I foresee, Longcheng seems to have won the monster war several years in advance, and has not shed the last drop of blood, and still retains a certain war potential and ambition to conquer.

"This kind of Dragon City has become more aggressive, and it is natural to have a conflict with Turanze.

"Fortunately, in this future, Longcheng is only 'not shedding the last drop of blood', not 'no blood at all', just 'retaining a certain war potential and ambition to conquer', not 'retaining a very high War potential and extremely vigorous ambition to conquer'.

"So, after the war between us lasted for a period of time, after all, in your words, 'turning war into jade and silk'.

"The problem now is that in reality, you, Meng Chao, who has 'future memory', miraculously rises at an unbelievable speed, and it seems to have become too strong too early.

"With your help, Longcheng moved forward a full ten years and won the monster war cleanly - at least on the surface, all Longcheng people thought they had won the monster war.

"With your help, Longcheng has saved thousands of blood and saved enough resources to start another large-scale war.

"With your help, the big figures in Longcheng have taken over everything in the ultimate lair of monster civilization, in other words, inherited the power and ambition of monster civilization.

"Imagine, such a strong, full-fledged Dragon City, who firmly believes that he is invincible, will take all the 'indigenous races' that slowly appear in the new world in front of your eyes after the fog dissipates?

"After all, you are a race favored by the gods, and there are arrogant talents like 'Meng Chao'!

"It's even more unfortunate that because you helped Longcheng win the monster war a full ten years earlier, when you rushed out of the Fang Mountains, the full-scale war between Turanze and the Land of Light had not yet erupted.

"The Turan army, like you, is strong and murderous, and has not yet fallen into the quagmire of the war carefully prepared for us by the Holy Light camp.

"We also didn't shed too much blood, didn't lose too much resources, didn't suffer enough, didn't have the need to warm up with allies, and even like you, look down on this land, any civilization other than us. .

"In this case, if a war really breaks out between Longcheng and Turanze, the scale and intensity of the war will definitely be ten times higher than the future I foresee.

"Maybe, we don't need the Holy Light Temple to take action at all, and we will destroy each other in the shortest possible time!"

Meng Chao stared at the wolf king for a long time before he said: "You mean, Dragon City shouldn't end the monster war so soon, we should continue to struggle in the **** quagmire for three to five years or even longer, let more innocents die tragically, use more Blood to cool your hot brain?"

"Maybe, the future is so elusive that we never know if we're on the right path."

The wolf king said, "It's like the story that you people on earth often tell - there was an old man named 'Sai Weng' who lost his most beloved horse. You know what happened later."

"But what we are discussing is not a 'horse', but the lives of thousands of innocent people!"

Meng Chao said decisively, "I won't let the blood of so many innocent citizens shed in vain in the protracted war; I won't helplessly watch a battle between Longcheng and Turanze that should have been avoided, meaningless. , a lose-lose war!

"I will stop this war from breaking out.

"No, in fact, I'm already blocking it.

"When I was still in Dragon City, I took into account what you said, Dragon City, which is strong in troops and horses, may have friction with Turanze, who is also strong in troops and horses.

"I tried my best to expand the influence of the Chilong Army in the Survival Committee - because the Chilong Army, mainly composed of ordinary people, is, in most cases, a defensive force to defend the homeland. .

"Unlike the corporate armament that belongs to the nine super enterprises and is mainly composed of extraordinary people, it is an offensive force that is more inclined to strike first and expand externally.

"And our 'Chaoxing Group', with my strong insistence, has actively entered the fields of tobacco, brewing, low-end thermal weapons manufacturing, etc. These fields are highly complementary to Turanze and can definitely satisfy the needs of the vast majority of people. Orc consumers need to achieve a win-win sunrise industry.

"Dragon City Civilization, which has just won the monster war and has not fully digested and absorbed the war dividends, is like a beast that has just had a full meal and still has a round belly, and there is no urgent need to launch a second war immediately.

"I really don't understand, who would be so impatient, rushing out of the Monster Mountain Range and occupying the town of the Rat People?

"You know, I have talked with many people - the Remnant Star Society, the Martial God Temple, the Red Dragon Army, the Golden Teeth Gang, the Blue Homeland, the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau, the Relic Research Institute, and even many people from the nine super enterprises. Regarding the survival strategy of Longcheng after winning the monster war.

"Everyone admits that the Dragon City, which has been shrouded in mist for fifty years, really knows nothing about the vast land under our feet, and the planet that carries the land and contains mysterious energy.

"If the fog really dissipates one day, the first thing Longcheng should do is to send a large number of expedition teams to observe and analyze this mysterious planet, whether there are still more powerful and more powerful than 'monsters'. Intelligent beings, and how should people on earth get along with these intelligent beings?

"Even if war is really unavoidable, at least we must first make all our efforts for peace, and figure out who our friends are, who are our enemies, and how powerful our enemies are in war. Hit it!

"So, why didn't Longcheng send an expedition team and envoys to Turanze?

"With armored airship technology and teleportation array technology, we can obviously do this!

"Talk to the Turan orcs first to see if it is possible for the two sides to satisfy each other's interests in a peaceful state, and even create greater interests together.

"At least first understand the whole picture of Turan civilization, and know that the high-level orcs who have been rooted in Turanze for thousands of years are more terrifying opponents than monsters.

"Why, so recklessly and impatiently, involve the entire Dragon City into a larger and more dangerous war vortex?"

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