The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1462: sink deeper and deeper

Meng Chao's eyes flashed slightly: "What project?"

"A small, innocuous project."

Shen Yulin said, "I swear to God that I really didn't do anything that would harm the interests of the group and the family - that project was not the focus of the work of the Huanyu Group in the first place, and there were dozens of people who handled it before and after, and the detailed information was long ago. As everyone knows, even the top is not very optimistic about the project, and it may be shelved at any time.

"In this case, it doesn't matter whether I'm willing to help or not, there are a hundred ways for the other party to get the detailed information, and ninety-nine of them will take a lot of trouble to find me. Much cheaper!"


Meng Chao nodded, "If you are asked to seriously damage the interests of the group and the family as soon as you come up, you will definitely not give in.

"First take a few irrelevant projects that don't violate the principle very much, and at most you can play a side ball, let you relax your vigilance, sink deeper and deeper, and finally sink in completely.

"So, are you fooled?"

"I can't help but fall for this!"

Shen Yulin's face was as pale as paper, with a few scarlet blood spots bursting out, "I'm not a three-year-old child, although the other party's tone in the anonymous letter was very gentle, and he also claimed that all the evidence had been destroyed, let me put it away. One hundred and twenty hearts - but how can I really be at ease?

"I can guarantee that if I don't do what the other party says, the next day, this anonymous letter will appear on the major media and self-media in Longcheng, as well as the homepages and forums of major websites, and I will become the Shen family. The shame of the world, the shame of the Universal Group, the shame of the entire Dragon City Extraordinary circle!

"I, I can only do as the other party says!"


Meng Chao said, "What about later?"

"The day after I helped the other party get the project materials, the other party sent me a thank you gift that I couldn't refuse."

Shen Yulin said, "That is a poisonous needle of a mutated silver rattlescorpion.

"At that time, in order to treat dark wounds, I was preparing a genetic medicine, and this material was urgently needed.

"The problem is that although the silver rattlescorpion is of a lower level than its close relative, the golden rattlescorpion, the number is less than the latter, not to mention the mutant version.

"I searched for the Transcendent Tower and the black market for a long time, but I still couldn't find this material. I reluctantly replaced it with the poisonous needle of the ordinary silver rattlescorpion, and the effect of the concocted genetic medicine was always unsatisfactory.

"As a result, the other party heard about this from nowhere, and even sent the poisonous needle of the mutated silver rattlescorpion directly to my bedside!"


Meng Chao said, "On the head of the bed?"

"You heard it right, on the head of the bed!"

Shen Yulin showed an expression of incomparable fear, and trembled, "Can you imagine that when I woke up and found that on my bedside table, there was a poisonous needle of a silver rattle-tailed scorpion, and there was still a needle under it. How do I feel when I receive a 'warm' thank you note?"

"You must be creepy."

Meng Chao said, "Since the other party has the ability to unknowingly, send the poisonous needle of the silver rattlescorpion to your bedside table while you are sleeping, and of course have the ability to insert it directly into your heart."

"So, I have no choice at all."

Shen Yulin said sullenly, "After that, I have helped the other party a few times, all of which are as you said, it doesn't matter, it doesn't violate the principles, and it doesn't hurt anyone.

"And each time the other party gave me an extremely rich reward, of course, it was no longer sent to my bedroom, but to a public warehouse that we had agreed on in advance.

"The other party even took the initiative to help me deal with a competitor within the family, so that I got a position that I was thinking about.

"Don't get me wrong, the so-called 'solve' does not mean to kill a competitor, but to expose the scandal of the other party and have to leave the field sadly - no one is rich but no horse, no horse is not fat, extraordinary people want to reach the peak, It is necessary to have more cultivation resources than others. In the process of fighting for resources, who can have such clean hands and feet that they will never be caught and hurt their feet?

"Seeing what happened to this competitor, I was both cosy and fearful.

"I couldn't help but wonder, did this competitor also receive the same anonymous letter as me, and he made a different choice than me, and as a result, ended in ruin?

"After this, no, I should say from the beginning, I didn't know how it was supposed to end.

"Many times, I wanted to scold the other party righteously, break with the other party, and never listen to their mercy again.

"But I never made up my mind.

"Because every time the other party asks me to do, it's some trivial things that don't need to violate the principles and sell my conscience, and besides, the rewards given by the other party are too generous.

"Just when I was in a dilemma, the other party took the initiative to propose that the last time they took the initiative to ask me for help, since I was so loyal every time, they did not want to embarrass a precious friend. From now on, they will Disappeared completely and stopped disturbing my life.

"Of course, if I encounter any difficulties and want to ask them for help, they will definitely cut their teeth, and it is my duty.

"In the beginning, I thought I was wrong, how can these mysterious guys talk so well?

"I am obviously already the fish on the chopping board, but they let me go at the last moment, how is this possible?

"I've been apprehensive for months, but the other party kept his promise and never showed up again.

"Originally, this should be a good thing.

"But I don't know why, I do, I do"

"You miss these mysterious, yet powerful guys?"

Meng Chao said, "Do you miss the life where you can get rich rewards by doing a little favor for them?"

Perhaps it was the spiritual energy that Meng Chao injected into his body, which helped him partially recover his vitality. The red spots on Shen Yulin's cheeks spread into a mass of erythema, he blushed and said, "Originally, I would never take the initiative to find the other party's head Up.

"But I need money, a lot of money!

"At that time, I was reluctantly, and I was considered a middle-level member of the Universal Group.

"Before I climbed up to this position, I looked at these 'supervisors, managers, directors', all of them were dog-like and beautiful.

"It was only after I became a middle-level manager that I found out that this is an unfortunate position where both ends are angry.

"The top will only ignore the ground pressure index. If the index is to kill how many monsters, it is still possible to bite the bullet, but it is stipulated that a brand new spar vein should be discovered every month. How is this possible?

"The staff at the bottom are not good enough. Everyone only spends three points of their energy on work at most, and the other seven points are used for training. Only a fool would think about serving the group and the family wholeheartedly. Smart people, no, normal people are all It is to put time, energy and resources into yourself, keep practicing, and keep getting stronger!

"You can't beat or scold such an employee. You dare to show him a face today, and tomorrow when he has cultivated to a higher level, you will dare to scold you in public, then slap your **** and leave, and finally It is not the so-called middle-level of superficial beauty who is in the dark!

"I've had enough, I told myself, if I don't do it, I have to be the biggest one in the Huanyu Group, or at least the biggest one in a certain subsidiary, and I can talk about one-third of my own land. Sir!

"It's certainly not easy to sit in such a position.

"First of all, the most important hard indicator is the cultivation realm.

"At that time, although I had already set foot on the heavenly realm, if I wanted to be on my own, I still needed extremely crazy cultivation.

"And in order not to run out of fuel or even go crazy in crazy cultivation, I need cultivation resources that are a hundred times more abundant than others.

"Although I am a member of the Shen family, the Shen family is full of talents, the strong are like forests, and the internal competition is fierce.

"Among my peers, there are already many talented people who stand out and soar to the sky.

"Even in the younger generation, there are many people who have shown amazing cultivation potential and are known as the future of the family.

"The limited resources and opportunities within the family have to be invested in these brilliant talents and rising stars. When it's my turn, even the **** will be cold.

"The way of cultivation is like rowing a boat against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. As I get older, the road ahead of me becomes more and more bleak and narrow.

"If I don't think of a way to make a breakthrough, I will probably stay in the position and realm at that time for a lifetime, no, I can't stay for a lifetime at all, three or five years, at most seven or eight years, I will be more and more fierce new one. Senior, squeezed out!

"I, I had no choice but to take part in the gamble.

"Originally, I wanted to win back a lot of cultivation resources from the black market and hit a new realm.

"Unexpectedly, I lost.

"Not only did I lose my net worth, but I also lost some of the company's money.

"Now, I'm completely panicked.

"Seeing that the company is about to close the account, in just a week or two, where can I find such a large sum of money to fill this hole?

"Once the scandal of misappropriating the company's assets is exposed, let alone guarding the warehouse, or even watching the door of the Universal Group, I will not have my share!

"I can only bite the bullet and contact those guys.

"This is the first time I have contacted them.

"I thought they would make things difficult.

"I didn't expect them to be so refreshing, and they didn't bother with any details. With a wave of their hands, they helped me fill in the holes, and they also supported me with a large amount of cultivation resources.

"The other party even blamed me for not treating them as friends. When encountering such a trivial matter, what kind of gambling is there? Why don't you just talk to them directly?

"Since the other party is so forthright, it is only natural to do them a small favor.

"This time, the other party invited me to the office of a big boss in the Universal Group to deliver a letter.

"The request is to send the letter directly to the boss's desk without knowing it.

"I used to be the subordinate of this boss, and I was very trusted and appreciated by the other party.

"More precisely, this boss is one of my backers within the group, so I am very familiar with his office layout and his schedule, and even if he appears around his office, it will not arouse suspicion.

"The task is not that complicated.

"There is no need to violate principles and sell conscience.

"It didn't take much effort, I placed this letter straight on the boss's desk, and gently pressed it down with the other's favorite monster fang paperweight.

"At the time, I didn't know what I was doing.

"In fact, to this day, I do not know the specifics of the letter.

"But, but, that night, this big guy was in his own training room and cut himself off!"

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