The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1463: Rebirth of the Clan

Shen Yulin said a thunderous name.

Even Meng Chao had heard the news of the big man's death. . .

"Is this 'Senior Shen'?"

Meng Chao said in surprise, "Didn't he die in a practice accident and go crazy?"

"The public information of the Universal Group said so, but in fact, the cause of death of this boss is very strange."

Shen Yulin said, "That night, this big guy practiced a very domineering martial art by himself without warning. Before practicing, he injected 500% of the safe dose of genetic medicine into his body. He also made several mistakes that even beginners would not make, such as deliberately introducing the unparalleled psychic power into his heart and brain, which led to a fatal ecstasy.

"Furthermore, he also turned off the real-time life parameter monitoring system in the training room in advance, so that the people outside the training room could not find his abnormality immediately and rescue him in time.

"All indications are that the water here is deep.

"The problem is, no one knows why this big guy decided to kill himself - at that time, he held a key position within the Huanyu Group, and he was also a detached and highly respected existence in the Shen family, regardless of his own cultivation progress or the number of people at hand. There is no problem with each project or cash flow, even the family is very harmonious, and several children are very good.

"The investigation team within the Shen family has been investigating for more than a month, but they can't find out why, and this matter can only be left to nothing.

"But I know very well that the death of this boss must be related to the letter I sent.

"What I sent was not a letter at all, but a reminder!

"I was shocked and angry when I found out the truth.

"What's surprising is that the energy of these mysterious people is far beyond my imagination. They can use a light and fluttering reminder to force our big bosses of the Shen family to cut themselves off. Looking at the entire Dragon City, there is nothing else they can do. Where did you arrive?

"The anger is that this life reminder was not only given to the big boss of the Shen family, but also to me, and I was stupid enough to stick it on my forehead!

"If it is known that this letter I sent over drove the big boss of the Shen family to a dead end, let alone the Huanyu Group and the Shen family, even the entire Dragon City, no, no matter how big the entire mountain range of monsters is, it will never be forgotten. There is no place for me!

"But the big mistake has been made, no matter how violent I am, it is impossible to bring the dead back to life.

"At this time, the other party found me again and said that I had shown enough strength and loyalty in a series of tests of the organization, and I was qualified to officially join the organization and see their true colors.

"I have a reminder on my forehead, how can I still struggle?

"You can only obediently be held by the nose of the other party and let the other party manipulate you!"

"How did they get you around?"

Meng Chao said, "Your steel and iron bones should be the product of the other party's preparation. Could it be that when they prepared you, you still didn't see their true colors?"


Shen Yulin shook his head and said, "According to the instructions left by the other party in the Shenwang mailbox, I went to a black market warehouse alone that anyone can rent, without even registering the renter's identity information. In a separate compartment deep in the warehouse, He injected himself with an anesthetic left by the other party, and then he didn't know anything.

"When I woke up, I was already lying in a laboratory, and the shadowless lamp above my head released a dazzling light, so that I could only see a vast expanse of white from the beginning to the end, and I could not see clearly around me. the face of the person.

"Even if I pour spiritual energy into the eyeballs and try to scan the facial contours of these guys, I can only scan that they are wearing cold masks, and even their eyes are deeply hidden behind black crystals.

"These guys wearing masks injected a lot of mess into my body, which made me spend the most tormented 12 hours in my life--in retrospect, it still feels like I was in Shura Hell for 12 years. Just as painful.

"Having endured this kind of pain, it's like washing the marrow and cutting the scriptures, reborn, and I feel an unknown door slowly opening in front of my eyes.

"Before I could calm down from the severe pain and ecstasy, the other party planted a brand on my neck - the cross-eyed cross you saw, the symbol of the Blood Alliance!"

"Only then did you know that you joined the Blood Alliance?" Meng Chao asked.

"Yes, as the former Dragon City Overlord, the symbol of the Blood Alliance, I naturally know it."

Shen Yulin said, "Before this, I have guessed the identities of these mysterious and powerful people countless times, but I never dreamed that they came from the blood alliance that should have broken up and disappeared.

"The Blood Alliance was wiped out by our nine major corporations and the 'Martial God' Lei Zongchao. As a member of the Shen family, I naturally have an extremely deep understanding of the evil and cruelty of the Blood Alliance.

"At that time, I was devastated and rubbed my skin desperately, trying to wipe the brand of the Blood Alliance from my neck.

"These masked members of the Blood Alliance just looked at me coldly and did not stop me.

"Soon, I realized that this 'cross-eyed' has deeply penetrated into my flesh and bone, and the more excited I am, the more violent the psionic magnetic field, it will only become clearer and more vivid.

"Unless I am willing to chop off my neck, I am afraid that I will never be able to get rid of the stigma of the Blood Alliance.

"Besides, even if I can completely erase the brand, what's the use?

"The evidence that I served the Blood Alliance, including the evidence that I helped the Blood Alliance to kill my own boss, were all held in the hands of the other party. The other party coughed softly, and I will die as a 'Remainder of the Blood Alliance'. No burial place!

"When I realized this, I was like a dead fish that was slapped on the beach by the wind and waves, exposed to the scorching sun, and was about to dry, full of powerless despair.

"Seeing that I finally gave up the struggle, the other party said something comforting, saying that I had heard too much bewitchment from the Transcendent Tower, misunderstood the purpose of the Blood Alliance, and took the status quo too seriously.

"The other party said that all primitive accumulations are **** and cruel. Yes, there were indeed many cruel, bloody, and tyrannical places in the blood alliance a few decades ago, but at that time, the order collapsed and there was no law, everyone was precarious, and the whole place The city is going to be destroyed in one fell swoop. If any organization is changed, and the ancient ruins and extraordinary power are accidentally discovered, they will all, and they can only make the exact same choice as the blood alliance.

"The purpose of the Blood Alliance is not wrong - to explore the mysteries of the ancient times, to discover the potential of the human body, and to enable human beings to survive in the cruel and unknown new world, what could be wrong?

"If you have to say something wrong, at most it is the method of the Blood Alliance, and there is a small deviation.

"The one who should be responsible for this 'small deviation' is the past Clan leader and the entire leadership.

"Those who are heinous and inhumane have long been smashed to pieces by the powerful men of the nine major corporations led by 'Martial God' Lei Zongchao.

"Then, the blood alliance that has been destroyed once, learned from experience and lessons, and the entire leadership has undergone a major change of blood, why can't it be reformed, reformed, ushered in a new life, and in a completely different way, for what he did in the past In order to atone for sin, how about continuing to fight for Longcheng?

"The other party made a lot of sense, and I can't think of how to refute it.

"Besides, the power that the other party injected into my body is too huge.

"That's it, I, I just, confused and joined the Blood Alliance.

"Trust me, I'm by no means a ruthless natural killer, and I never thought of betraying Longcheng and hurting anyone, I just, I just made a choice that all extraordinary people would make, and all extraordinary people encountered Everything I have encountered will make this choice!"

"No need to explain, I'm not a judge, then what?"

Meng Chao asked, "After joining the Blood Alliance, what did the other party ask you to do?"

"did nothing."

Shen Yulin said, "Before I joined the Blood Alliance, the other party often asked me to play side balls, conduct some illegal operations, disclose all kinds of inside information, and so on.

"After becoming a full member of the Blood Alliance, the other party not only prevented me from doing these shameful deeds, but also asked me to abide by the law, work diligently, and fight bravely, and the other party would also provide me with all resources, opportunities and conveniences to help me. I try to climb up.

"Until I became the general manager of the 'Hongxigou Project', the other party never asked me to do half of it, violating laws and regulations, the group's internal control regulations, and the law of the Shen family!"


Meng Chao said, "The Blood Alliance wants to borrow your hand to control several large spar veins, and then secretly provide them with spar?"

Shen Yulin did not deny it, but said: "Everyone does this, even the Huanyu Group can't be honest and declare every gram of spar we excavated to the Transcendent Tower - not only will it have to pay a high amount of money. The resource tax is also very inconvenient to use.

"I don't know who you are, but since you are so young, you can cultivate to such a terrifying realm. You must know better than anyone that the real powerhouse consumes astronomical cultivation resources every day. As for these The source of resources, that is 'the Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers'.

"Anyway, I haven't seen any extraordinary person who can cultivate into a peerless powerhouse only by relying on legal resources from open channels.

"Originally, sitting in my position, I would intercept a batch of spar on a monthly basis and secretly send it back to Longcheng to supply the elders, backbones and rising stars of the Shen family to practice.

"Right now, I'm just holding back some extra and sending it to the Blood Alliance."

"Then I don't understand-"

Meng Chao said, "According to what you said, the Blood Alliance will spare no effort to win over and support you, throw a lot of resources on you, and push you to your current position, obviously wanting to do long-term business.

"The Hongxigou project has just started, and the spar mine is still expanding its scale and developing in depth. For the time being, no matter how much you intercept, how many spar can be intercepted and sent to the Blood Alliance? Months, I am afraid that even the capital that the blood alliance will smash on you will not be able to recover.

"If that's the case, why would the Blood Alliance be so anxious, disguised as orcs, to attack the spar mine?

"You know, no matter what the final result of this matter is, as the first responsible person, you can't escape the charge of 'neglecting precaution', and when you are 'invited to resign', the blood alliance will punish you. Long-term investment, don't you have to lose everything?"

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