The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1465: The devil is tall


Meng Chao stared at him, "You said just now, you don't know."

"I, I haven't seen their real faces, but I can roughly guess their identities."

Shen Yulin explained, "I have a list, which are all my suspects. The accuracy rate may not be 100%, but there must be people from the Blood Alliance, there must be!"


Meng Chao asked, "How do you guess?"

"Ever since I was coerced by the Clan Association and branded a 'crossed eyes' on my neck, I have always been angered and worried, the two emotions colliding back and forth, this kind of being treated as a puppet and fish, at the mercy of others The taste is really bad."

Shen Yulin said, "I was thinking, even if I really join the Blood Alliance, I can't act as a low-level chess piece. In that case, I may be consumed every minute.

"I have to have some leverage, the capital that will keep me going up.

"At least, I need to know the identity of the guy who dragged me into the water in the first place and contacted me directly, and if necessary, have the ability to perish with the other party, so that the other party will not dare to act rashly.

"Although the other party was careful and watertight, I still delineated the suspect.

"After all, he could have kept the letters and gifts on my desk and on my bedside table without knowing it, indicating that he must be someone from the Huanyu Group, or even our Shen family, who is by my side. people.

"Maybe, this guy is still in my office during the day, negotiating official business with me in a serious manner, but secretly giving me orders as the 'leader of the Blood Alliance'.

"Of course, there are not 100, but 80 of the Shen family around me. This list is still too long, and I have to keep narrowing the scope of my suspicions.

"Although there is no real evidence, but I had a brainstorm and guessed based on my own personal experience - if the other party is like me, he was coerced and lured by the Blood Alliance to join the organization, then the other party must have also accepted the preparation of the Blood Alliance, and got a lot of opportunities and benefits.

"So, I secretly collected the information of all the Shen family members around me, investigated their experiences, and saw how many people's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and they are proud of themselves in the workplace. .

"After some investigation, I really found several Shen family members. They are all like me, and they don't have too much backing. They were not regarded as much in the family in the past, and their cultivation talent can only be said to be above average. For a long time, the realm was stagnant.

"But at a certain point in time, as if they were injected with a cardiotonic agent, they suddenly exploded, rushed forward, and became the backbone of the group and family.

"I see myself in these guys.

"Some of them have very good reasons for their promotion, such as being favored by the gods, or killing high-level monsters in front of everyone, and getting rich rewards, or fortune taking the lead and discovering amazing reserves. The spar ore vein of , has obtained astronomical training resources - these guys who can tell the source of their own strength, I will exclude them first.

"And then sort the guys on the list with the 'unknown source of large amounts of power' according to their relatives and distances from me, and naturally it is not difficult to find the most likely suspects.

"Later, I expanded the scope of the investigation and turned my attention from the Shen family to the Lu family, and from the Universal Group to the Qingtian Group.

"Peers are enemies. Huanyu Group and Qingtian Group have been competing fiercely since 20 or 30 years ago. Many times, if we want to do a beautiful project, we not only need the support of our own people, but also the cooperation of our competitors.

"I noticed that in the way of the Shen family members that I suspect are constantly on the road to higher positions, their direct competitors, the very few Lu family members, are actually suspected of letting go.

"Similarly, I found that these Shen family members occasionally go their own way and make incomprehensible low-level mistakes, but as a result, a certain Lu family member took a lot of advantage.

"This kind of thing can't be explained by conventional business competition techniques.

"But if these Shen family members and Lu family members are both members of the Blood Alliance, and they are in sympathy with each other, they will dig the corners of their respective groups and families together, then it makes sense!

"That's why I told you at the beginning, 'Even your Lu family bosses have joined our organization'. I really didn't lie to you!"

"I believe."

Meng Chao raised his voice, "Say their names."

Shen Yulin hesitated.

He has no choice.

It's just that I'm still struggling, whether I can use this list to discuss the price with Meng Chao.

"Time is running out."

Meng Chao sternly said, "The people of the Blood Alliance may find this place in minutes, hurry up!"

"Sure, I-"

Shen Yulin finally made up his mind.

But just as he was about to speak, his head suddenly twitched nervously.

Then, again.

Along with the weird convulsions, his neural network seemed to be completely paralyzed, and he could no longer control his facial muscles, causing his facial features to collapse, as if he had completely changed his face.

Meng Chao's gaze, however, went over Shen Yulin's shoulders, and turned to the direction of Hongxigou in the dark depths of the night behind him.

Meng Chao is keenly aware that in the spar mine in the middle of Hongxigou, there is an extremely huge and dangerous spiritual energy that is rapidly brewing, fermenting, reacting, and erupting!

"This is-"

Meng Chao's pupils suddenly contracted into two needlepoints.

He dragged Shen Yulin to the ground.

The ground was trembling, the air was burning, and the mud was boiling with bubbles of various sizes. The direction fled desperately, forming a panicked black tide.

He only heard a deafening loud noise, as if a train cannon was blasted into the sky by an out-of-control spar cannonball. Meng Chao and Shen Yulin, who were more than ten kilometers away, swayed three times, feeling that they were coming from the depths of the earth. Stormy waves.

Meng Chao turned back and saw a flaming cloud of fire, like a troll showing his teeth and dancing claws, rising from the red stream ditch, killing the layers of dark clouds to blood and smashing the army.

Meng Chao felt something wet flowing out of his ears and eyes.

With a swipe of the finger, the whole hand is covered with scarlet.

With his realm, no matter how powerful a conventional explosion is, it is unlikely to tear his eardrums with sound waves at a distance of ten or twenty kilometers.

Unless, it is the aura that is compressed to the extreme and suddenly released, the scream that shreds everything.

In a non-military facility such as a spar mine, there is only one possibility for such a strong explosion.

"It's the spar warehouse. You actually blew up the warehouse where the spar ore was stored!"

Meng Chao was furious and grabbed Shen Yulin's collar, "Is this what you mean by 'never harm the interests of Longcheng'?"

"This, this is impossible!"

Shen Yulin was also completely frightened by this appalling scene, he said dumbfounded, "This is different from what we said, we agreed to just set a fire in the spar warehouse, to burn down the warehouse instead of blowing up the entire warehouse. Warehouse, this…”

His voice gradually became muffled.

Expressions are also increasingly out of control.

Under the stimulation of some mysterious force, the two eyeballs swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and suddenly burst out of the eye sockets, rotating 90 degrees to the left and right respectively.

There was a lump of minced meat stuck in his throat, and he kept making a "gurgling, gurgling" sound.

Meng Chao incised between his chest and abdomen with a scalpel-like precision technique. It was a perfect wound. It was torn apart simply and rudely by this mysterious force, exposing the five internal organs that were crawling, trembling, and twitching. Six bowels.

It was as if Shen Yulin's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys had been injected with evil will, trying to escape from the master's chamber.

In particular, his heart swelled to the size of a football in just a few seconds, and his cardiovascular system was like the tentacles of an octopus, waving wildly in his body.

This is acute obsession.

Imminent spontaneous combustion, no, a precursor to self-destruction.

Shen Yulin obviously couldn't commit suicide.

But Meng Chao has clearly removed the control chip in his body.

Following Shen Yulin's head, he twitched in the direction of rotation.

Meng Chao's line of sight continued to extend towards the cloud.

He pushed his extraordinary vision to the limit, until his eyes stinged, and dense blood spots appeared on his retinas.

Finally, between the dark clouds and the night, a ghostly black spot was barely discernible.

That's a drone.

To avoid detection by ground units, the drone flies very high.

Meng Chao and Shen Yulin who were dormant in the mud should not have been found.

But drones don't have to pinpoint their coordinates at all.

It can release an extremely special infrasound wave from the cloud to the ground in a large area.

This kind of infrasound is so similar to the noise floor of nature that it is easy to be ignored.

Into Shen Yulin's ear, it activated a fatal command that had long been implanted between his cerebral cortex and central nervous system.

Divine realm powerhouse, can be called a walking nuclear weapon.

Although Shen Yulin has not yet broken through the realm of the gods, he is also an uncompromising peak powerhouse in the realm of heaven, at least reaching the level of a heavy earth-penetrating bomb.

The power of a heavy penetrating bomb, fully unleashed, can easily destroy a target the size of a football field.

A chain reaction has already begun.

Shen Yulin's cells trembled to the extreme, bursting one by one.

The burst of each cell will spurt a surging psychic energy from between the mitochondria and the nucleus.

When thousands of spiritual energies gather together, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and the microcosm reaches the macrocosm. A big explosion that makes all extraordinary people hear the color change at the cost of life is staged.

Even if "Martial God" Lei Zongchao came in person, it was impossible to stop Shen Yulin's self-destruction.

It is even possible that, being affected and polluted by Shen Yulin, he will also fall into the danger of going crazy! (To be continued)

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