The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1466: new clues

Chapter 1466 New clues

At the critical moment, Meng Chao only had time to open his psionic shield.

At the same time, a large number of spiritual magnets were summoned from the body, and condensed into a silver totem battle shield in front of him.


Before the totem battle shield was fully formed, Shen Yulin turned into a fireball as red as blood.

It was impossible to tell whether it was a blood ball or a fire ball, and it instantly expanded a hundred times, swallowing up a space of dozens of meters in a radius of destruction.

Rao is due to Meng Chao's divine ability.

I still felt a destructive storm of lightning and thunder, slamming into my double shield.

It caused his skin to be constantly licked by the raging flames, and even the blood would boil.

And his life magnetic field, under the interference of Shen Yulin, set off a storm.

Not only the illusion in the brain.

Even within the spiritual veins, the psionic energy that was originally keeping one's own mind was about to move like a hydra that had just woken up from hibernation.

Meng Chao hurriedly calmed down and calmed the restless cells.

After a while, the shock wave of Shen Yulin's self-destruction gradually weakened and annihilated.

Meng Chao opened his eyes slowly, let out a long breath, and found that Shen Yulin had literally disappeared from this world.

At the place where he was lying, there was a big pit that was three or four meters deep, steaming hot, and curling up with smoke.

The silt was soaked in rain overnight, and it has very good fluidity. It is slowly flowing into the pit, and it will not be long before the pit can be completely filled.

Apart from a few drops of blood stained on the surface of the totem battle shield, Shen Yulin didn't even have half a tooth, half a hair, or even the slightest clues that could lead people to the Blood Alliance.

Meng Chao raised his head and narrowed his eyes, trying to search for the drone that issued the "self-destruction order".

The drone seemed to realize that the enemy on the ground was likely to have a strong air-to-air capability. The moment it scanned Shen Yulin's self-destruction, it raised its altitude and disappeared.

The prudence of the Blood Alliance exceeded Meng Chao's expectations.

In this way, even if Shen Yulin said a few names, it would not make much sense.

Without real evidence, it is impossible to bring down these powerful bigwigs in the Huanyu Group and the Qingtian Group by relying on the accusation of a dead man.

Instead, it will startle the snakes and arouse their vigilance.

Even the blood alliance will give up the car and protect the handsome, just like giving up Shen Yulin, giving up these suspected bigwigs.

Now it seems that there is one thing, Shen Yulin is not wrong.

The Blood Alliance is indeed a hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff, with far more than one head.

With Meng Chao's identity and strength, it was not difficult to cut off three or five heads and seven or eight claws of the Blood Alliance in the simplest and crudest way.

But what Meng Chao wants to do more is to seal his throat with a sword, pierce the only heart of the Blood Alliance, and nail this evil organization that regards human life like a mustard to the pillar of shame in history.

Then more clues and evidence are needed...

At this moment, Meng Chao heard a very strange sound, "Squeak, squeak, squeak."

Slightly startled, he looked down at his totem shield.

I saw a few blood droplets from Shen Yulin's body stained on the battle shield, like water droplets accidentally dropped into the oil pan, jumping around and evaporating quickly.

Before the last blood bead was evaporated, Meng Chao wrapped it with a soft mass of spiritual energy in time.

"Strange, Shen Yulin's blood seems to have some kind of weird and fierce reaction with my totem shield.

"why is that?

"In a hurry, I didn't have time to activate any totem power on this shield. It's just a pure liquid metal substance, and it shouldn't react violently with human blood!"

Meng Chao stared at Shen Yulin's blood drop, lost in thought.

He was thinking quickly, what is the difference between his totem shield and ordinary metal.

Thinking about it, only one thing comes to mind.

His own totem armor was once injected into a unit by the last researcher of the Turan civilization, a "potent brain neuron inhibitory agent" specially aimed at the "original mother", that is, "Hope Potion".

The killing statue and mandala tree roots controlled by the original mother also had a similar violent reaction when they touched their totem armor.

They fear the potion of hope as beasts fear fire.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao took out a dropper from his arms.

It contained the residue of the Hope Potion.

The last researcher of Turan Civilization, the hope medicine handed over to Meng Chao, has been injected into the original mother by him.

However, there is still a very small amount of liquid medicine remaining on the wall and bottom of the syringe.

Meng Chao considered that the "original mother" dormant in the underground of Turanze and the "monster master" dormant in the underground of Longcheng are very likely to be the same thing.

They are all "Eggs of Chaos" recorded in the ancient books of the Temple of Holy Light.

Then he carefully scraped off all the remaining medicinal liquid, carefully preserved it, and hoped to send it back to Dragon City. Together with the formula in his head, he could concoct more medicinals of hope to expel Lu Siya and other people who were controlled by the monster mastermind. , the evil forces in the body.

He wrapped the residue with psionic energy.

Put the residual liquid next to Shen Yulin's blood drop.

Sure enough, the residual fluid and the blood drop have not yet come into contact.

The blood drop became restless, jumping in his palm, making a faint "hissing" sound.

"So, Shen Yulin, like many Turan orcs, has long been infected by the 'Egg of Chaos'?"

Meng Chao pocketed the residual liquid.

Shen Yulin's blood drop, the only proof he left in this world, was also carefully put away.

After pondering for a moment, Meng Chao wrote five names on the wet mud with his fingers.

Shen Yulin, Blood Alliance, Egg of Chaos, Monster Mastermind, Lu Siya.

Between the first four names, he drew equal signs in turn.

But there was some hesitation when trying to draw a fourth equal sign between "Monster Mastermind" and "Lu Siya".

Lu Siya was eroded and controlled by the monster's master brain, which was a fact he had seen with his own eyes.

But judging from Shen Yulin's words, this guy not only doesn't think that Lu Siya is also a member of the Blood Alliance, he even believes that Lu Siya is on the opposite side of the nine major corporations and on the side of the vast majority of ordinary citizens.

Lu Siya, what kind of calculus is this ulterior motives of the jungle banshee playing?

Meng Chao became more and more curious about what the current Lu Siya had become.

And when she saw her new self and suppressed her fiercely, how wonderful would the expression on her face become?

Meng Chao gently smoothed out the five names on the mud.

He was waiting quietly near the spot where Shen Yulin blew himself up.

The people of the Blood Alliance have never appeared.

It seems that these guys have also predicted that a master who they can't figure out for a while is very likely to hide near the site of Shen Yulin's self-destruction and ambush them.

They won't show up.

When Meng Chao returned to Hongxigou, the aftermath of the explosion of the spar warehouse had not subsided.

Even if the light rain is still pattering, it will not extinguish the heat flow in the entire valley, like a steamer.

Countless people are calling loudly, countless people are digging their teeth, and countless people are rushing forward from all directions, working together to fight the aftermath of the explosion.

Fortunately, because of the raging flood, most of the workers and guards in the spar mine gathered on the temporary dam.

There are not many people in the spar warehouse.

Moreover, the spar warehouse had long been emptied by Shen Yulin, and the raw spar ore stored in it was less than one-third of the book value.

The astonishing spar explosion just now, more than that, was just a gorgeous sound and light effect, like a bunch of super-giant fireworks.

The real destructive power is not as great as Meng Chao expected.

In addition to blasting the spar warehouse to the sky, it did not affect more facilities and innocent people in the spar mine.

However, Meng Chao believed that Shen Yulin had retained a large amount of spar privately, resulting in a deficit in the book, which would definitely be included in the big explosion.

Thus, a staggering loss figure is drawn.

And the culprit who created this disaster was naturally the "heinous orcs".

Shen Yulin was right.

Dragon City needs war.

To be more precise, many powerhouses in Longcheng need war.

After all, if there is no war, what reason does the strong have to exist?

Meng Chao was dormant in the darkness, circling around the wreckage of the still burning spar warehouse.

The other party was a professional and did not leave him any clues.

No, to be more precise, the other party left too many clues or even witnesses.

But all clues, such as inadvertently falling hair and minions, footprints that are very different from humans, and eyewitness testimony, all point to the orcs.

On a rainy night, a group of men, half-human and half-beast, emerged from the depths of the darkness.

It is indeed in line with everyone's imagination, the real murderer.

Meng Chao heard that many people were chattering, shouting that they had found "evidence".

There were even people who were filled with righteous indignation and couldn't wait to mobilize the steel torrent of Longcheng to crush the Hu Nu River valley.

Come to think of it, in the future that "Jack" Canus dreamed of, the war between Longcheng and Turanze, which was a lose-lose war, was also started for similar reasons, right?

However, amid the numerous discussions and shouting, Meng Chao also heard a particularly sharp and piercing female voice.

"Let go of me, you have no right to treat me like this, I am a reporter, a reporter from "Light of the Dragon City", and a good friend of your general manager Shen. It was your general manager Shen who finally invited me to give him an exclusive interview How could you treat me like this!"

Meng Chao followed the reputation.

Seeing two big, three thick, and blue-faced mine guards, like a big bear catching a little hen, they grabbed a petite and exquisite woman who was struggling with all her strength, kicking and biting with all her might.

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