The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1471: very means

Ellie blinked.

"Senior, in order to save me, did not hesitate to offend the Universal Group. Of course, I will explain the situation to the senior in the future."

She tentatively said, "However, can you tell me your senior name first?"

"can not."

Meng Chao refused.

"Okay, okay!"

Ai Lei took a deep breath and decided to take a gamble, "My name is Ai Lei, I'm a reporter for "Light of the Dragon City", senior should have heard of it?"

Of course, Meng Chao has heard of "Light of the Dragon City".

It was one of the largest media groups in Longcheng.

The position has always been fair, and it does not belong to the nine major companies or any forces. The report is neutral, serious, detailed, and very credible.

But Meng Chao made no statement.

She just gestured to Ellie to continue with her eyes.

"Half a month ago, our "Light of the Dragon City" received an insider's revelation. It is said that the Hongxigou project of the Universal Group has an astonishing shady scene. Even many well-known figures of the Shen family, heroes in the monster war, may be involved, so I was sent to investigate."

Ailei said, "I first interviewed Shen Yulin, the person in charge of the Hongxigou project through public channels, and found that he really has a ghost in his heart.

"So, after the interview, I secretly went back to Hongxigou, trying to sneak into the spar warehouse to check the real storage situation of the spar ore, hoping to photograph some key evidence, or get the testimony of grassroots employees.

"I didn't expect that when I approached the spar warehouse, and before I found any clues, the entire warehouse suffered an extremely violent explosion. The shock wave threw me dozens of meters away and directly knocked me out.

"Fortunately, I was half a step slower, otherwise, I would have been blown to pieces with the spar warehouse.

"When I woke up, I was caught by the people of the Universal Group.

"They have ghosts in their hearts, and naturally they don't want me to tell the truth about the Hongxigou project, so they are going to lock me up and hand it over to Shen Yulin to deal with.

"Of course I can't sit still - who dares to open a spar mine, how can there be a good man and a woman? They are all ruthless and ruthless people who came out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses!

"For a person like Shen Yulin, it is easier to arrange an 'accident' for me casually than to eat and drink water.

"That's why I took the gamble and escaped.

"I didn't expect it to be discovered by the people of the Huanyu Group.

"Fortunately, the senior made a righteous shot, otherwise, I'm afraid I would have been poisoned!

"My personal life is of no importance, but if the inside story of the Hongxigou project is not disclosed to all Longcheng citizens, Shen Yulin and his associates will not stop for a day, and they will keep the information that should belong to all Longcheng citizens. The spar, without the statistics and approval of the Transcendent Tower, was illegally transported into the pockets of a very small number of people, digging the corners of the Dragon City, and improving their strength!

"After I finish speaking, if the senior is also a member of the Huanyu Group, or even Shen Yulin's accomplice, he just used a 'bitter trick' to deceive my trust, then I will admit it!"

Ailei raised her chest, her face full of determination, as if she would rather die than give in.

Meng Chao raised his eyebrows slightly, looked Ailei up and down, and said curiously, "Are you alone, dare to investigate the shady scene of the Universal Group, are you not afraid of death?"

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid of death. I just thought I was going to fall off a cliff with the truck. I was so scared that my heart almost jumped out of my throat. Now, my calf is still cramping!"

Ailei smiled a little self-deprecatingly, bent down and punched her calf twice.

When I looked up again, my eyes became firmer, "However, compared to death, I am more afraid that the truth will not be disclosed and justice will not be served!"

"Truth and justice?"

Meng Chao seemed to be in awe, "But, how can I believe what you said, did you photograph anything?"

"Unfortunately, no, the other party was very careful, and the explosion came too suddenly."

As if thinking of something, Alley took out a card from the inner pocket of her underwear, "However, I have this."

That's her press pass.

A corner was scorched by the flames caused by the explosion.

But you can still see the words "Light of the Dragon City" and her photo.

Meng Chao put the press card in the palm of his hand and weighed it.

Suddenly laughed.

He stretched out his tail finger and stroked lightly on the edge of the press card.

The press card with a thickness of no more than one millimeter was evenly cut into two thinner pieces by him.

"Why no chip?"

Meng Chao unfolded the insides of the two press cards for Allie to see, "As far as I know, a regular large media group like "Light of the Dragon City" should have an identification chip embedded in their employee ID cards. , used to punch cards, enter designated areas, store and transmit critical information.

"Why is there nothing in your card?"

"Oh, my ID was accidentally damaged during the last interview mission."

Ai Lei's face did not change, and she answered fluently, "This is the temporary card that I just applied for, and I haven't had time to embed the identification chip."


Meng Chao smiled, "Your mental quality is very good, if it wasn't for the 0.0 second heartbeat, I would almost believe it.

"Also, if "Dragon City Light" really wants to investigate the Universal Group, I think they will definitely send a large-scale, professional, well-equipped interview and investigation team, and even a master escort, how could it be possible for you to be one The remnant star is extraordinary, goes deep into the tiger's den, and fights alone?"


Ai Lei's face was red and her ears were red, she said bravely, "Senior, I'm really a reporter, please believe me!"

"I believe that you are indeed a very good reporter."

Meng Chao said, "So, I can't believe even more that an excellent reporter like you can't photograph anything."

Meng Chao's eyes were instantly sharp like two scalpels, starting from Ai Lei's hair, scanning down inch by inch.

Alley suddenly felt transparent and had nowhere to escape.

She took a half step back, clutching her chest, looking panicked and embarrassed.

Meng Chao's eyes didn't stop at her chest.

Instead, keep going down, scanning patiently, down to her calf.

Ai Lei's left leg was wrapped in a bandage, already soaked with blood.

Meng Chao, however, showed no pity for Xiangxiang and cherishing jade, so he shot lightning, grabbed her ankle, and lifted her upside down.

Ignoring Ai Lei's struggles and protests, Meng Chao used his tail finger to open the bandage that smelled of medicine and blood, revealing a **** wound.

It looks like burns.

Even after simple debridement and bandaging, the wound around the wound was still in a mess after being soaked in sewage for too long, exuding a pungent odor, which was unbearable to look directly at.

Meng Chao observed for a moment and did an amazing thing.

He actually tore off the scorched flesh and blood on Elle's calf.

Ellie screamed.

Incredible things happened.

Meng Chao had obviously torn off a large piece of flesh and blood, but the wound did not expand, no, there was no wound at all!

Ai Lei's calf was clean, not even a few hairs grew. Apart from a few faint old wounds, how could there be any traces of being burned by the flames?

"The wounds are well faked, but still unprofessional."

Meng Chao put down Ai Lei and said lightly, "If I were you, I would really create a wound on my body, insert the memory chip, and then inject the cell growth agent around the wound to promote wound healing and seal the memory chip. inside."

With that said, Meng Chao picked out a memory chip that was only half the size of a fingernail from the fake wound that Alley had adhered to her body with bio-adhesive.

Meng Chao has a portable data processor he picked up from the spar mine.

The performance of this device is not too strong, the advantages are sturdiness, drop resistance, waterproof, radiation protection and anti-interference, as well as a very rich data interaction interface.

It is specially designed for mining engineers to perform simple data operations near the spar veins deep underground.

Meng Chao inserted Alley's memory chip into the corresponding interface of the processor.

A line of information pops up on the tiny screen.

The chip is locked.

A password is required to open.

Meng Chao looked at Alley.

Ellie gritted her teeth.

"It seems that you don't quite understand your situation. The trouble you get into is not just as simple as the Universal Group."

Meng Chao said, "If I hadn't taken the lead and rescued you, you would have fallen into some unknown devil's cave at this moment, suffering the torture of life rather than death, and never had the chance to see the sun tomorrow.

"In order to save you and more people, I need your unconditional and most thorough cooperation.

"In extraordinary times, I don't have so much time to convince you slowly. If you still don't cooperate, I can only use the most extreme means."

Ailei saw that Meng Chao had no murderous intent, nor did he seem to have a threatening face.

"What means?" she asked curiously.

"Say everything."

Meng Chao pointed to the cliff, "Or, I'll throw you down."

"Go, what are you doing—"

The word "laugh" hasn't come out yet.

Ai Lei was grabbed by Meng Chao on the back of her neck and dropped off the cliff.


Alley once again tasted the feeling of riding a roller coaster and diving straight down towards the gate of hell.

Every goosebump on her body screamed, scrambling to escape from her body.

All the internal organs were squeezed into a ball, and he tasted the pain of being smashed to pieces in advance.

Ellie briefly lost consciousness again.

I don't know how I survived.

I don't even know if I'm still alive.

She was dripping with cold sweat and looked around in shock.

He found that his feet were extremely foul-smelling silt, surrounded by dark mountain walls and sharp rocks.

Only the long and narrow crack on the top of the head, came the faint starlight.

Here is the bottom of the cliff, deep in the rift.

Well, that lunatic is actually playing for real!


Meng Chao's voice came from the darkness behind Ailei.


Ellie blurted out. (To be continued)

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