The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1472: night terror

Chapter 1472 The Night Horror

Meng Chao frowned: "What do you mean?"

Ailei coughed: "That's right, it's the first letter of the pinyin of 'the richest woman in Longcheng', plus the meaning of 666."


Meng Chao was silent for a moment, then said, "Do you really want to get rich?"

Alley shrugged: "Who doesn't want to get rich?"

Meng Chao ignored it, entered the password and unlocked the memory chip. Sure enough, he found a folder inside, all of which were the photos of the Hongxigou project just taken, especially the photos around the crystal warehouse.

Because the night was dark and windy and the rain was pouring down, Ailey was dormant in the dark again, not daring to get close to the shoot.

Most of the buildings and facilities in the photos are very blurred.

The spar warehouse is like a black beast, crouching in the valley. At first glance, there is nothing unusual.

Meng Chao was very patient, flipping through the pages one by one, not letting go of every pixel.

From the perspective of the picture, it can be seen that Ailey is getting closer and closer to the passage on the back side of the spar warehouse.

also getting closer to danger.

Sure enough, when he flipped through the seventeenth photo, Meng Chao found several small black dots that almost melted into the darkness in the upper left corner of the screen.

Judging from the outlines of their horns, it was the Orcs—or rather, members of the Blood Clan masquerading as Orcs!

Meng Chao glanced at Allie.

It was found that there was nothing unusual about her expression.

It seems that she still doesn't know what she accidentally photographed.

Of course, even if a real orc is captured, it's no big deal.

From overhearing the conversation between the miners and the guards just now, Meng Chao knew that the armed men affiliated with the nine super-enterprises had already had many violent conflicts with the rat people who originally lived in this area.

Longcheng people are no strangers to orcs.

In the case of "conclusive evidence", it doesn't matter whether the orcs are photographed or not.

But what if Elle wasn't photographing orcs?

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes, and several thin apertures appeared around his pupils, constantly zooming in and out, scanning back and forth on the front and rear photos.

Soon, he found traces of "orcs" in the corners of the three photos.

It's a pity that the photos are blurred and blurred, and it's hard to see their true colors just by silhouette.

It can only be said that the positions of the little black dots in the few photos seem to be too professional and well-trained, too human-like.

Nevermind, just send these photos to the tech department, scan and render layer by layer with image enhancement, and it should capture more details - like bulging backpacks, spar bombs that orcs would never make, etc. .

It is impossible for these Blood Alliance members to sneak into the warehouse with a serious shortage of spar ore reserves with such gorgeous sound and light effects.

"This is it."

Meng Chao pulled out the memory chip and held it firmly in his palm.

Once again fortunate, I rescued Alley.

Otherwise, once the members of the Blood Alliance will learn that there is such a close witness, and her identity is still a reporter.

They will definitely do anything to kill Ailei.

Maybe it will kill many ordinary employees of the Universal Group who are guarding Ai Lei.

This is also the reason why Meng Chao played with great fanfare and staged a thrilling car chase scene.

He must send a very clear signal to the members of the Blood Alliance—Ai Lei has been rescued, and everything that follows has nothing to do with the Universal Group, at least the ordinary employees of the Universal Group who know nothing.

"So, which faction do you come from?"

Meng Chao's eyes refocused on Ai Lei's face, "Who sent you here."

Seeing that all the exclusive photos she had taken so much painstakingly fell into Meng Chao's hands, Ailey didn't dare to fight for it, as if resigning herself to her fate, she honestly said, "No one sent me here, I'm a solo worker. "

Meng Chao was stunned for a moment: "What is a 'single worker'?"

"Just do it for yourself, don't have to obey any orders, and won't be at the mercy of any forces, just do your best to pursue truth and justice!"

Speaking of this, Ailei raised her chest again, with a stubborn and proud light in her eyes, "Senior, I didn't lie to you, these photos can also testify, I am really a reporter, and I received insiders' revelations, come to Hongxi Gou investigates the shady scene of the Universal Group!"


Meng Chao said, "Then you said that your ideal is to become the 'first richest woman in Longcheng'?"

"It's not contradictory!"

Alley said confidently, "I believe that all the citizens of Longcheng need truth and justice, as long as I work hard to dig out the shady stories and make big news, let all the citizens of Longcheng know that 'Alley' is a single-handed man who dares to cover the sky with one hand. There must be someone willing to pay for my courage, the hero of the women's high school who challenged the behemoth.

"At that time, all the citizens of Longcheng will get the truth and justice, and I will get the money and honor. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone and getting the best of both worlds?"

"Makes sense."

Meng Chao said, "So, what channels do you usually use to publish your reports?"

"In order to maintain the spirit of fairness, neutrality, uprightness, never follow the trend, and pursue the truth and justice to the end, I rarely cooperate with traditional large media groups - even "Light of the Dragon City", the family has a big business and has thousands of people in all aspects. Inextricably linked, when conducting interviews and reports, it is always inconvenient."

Ai Lei said, "On the Internet, I have a multi-platform news studio called 'Wind Catcher', which specializes in reporting the cutting-edge information in the circle of superhumans in Dragon City, and analyzes the latest first-hand practice in the field of cultivation. News, expose all kinds of injustice and undisclosed insider, of course, will also carry out sharp comments and incisive analysis.

"My studio is called 'Wind Catcher'. It ranks among the best in terms of users and traffic among the news media on multiple platforms. It has created many breaking news and accumulated millions of fans. Everyone believes that I can dig out the truth that the big media can't dig out, or that they don't want to, dare, or can't disclose.

"And I am also full of the trust and expectations of millions of supporters, so I can summon the courage to fight those behemoths to the end!"

Meng Chao ignored this string of self-bragging behind.

He searched the memory bank for the name "Windcatcher".

It's so strange, it stands to reason that it has been a whole year since he left Longcheng.

Even when I was in Longcheng, I had to practice again, participate in the activities of the Martial God Temple, the Remnant Star Club, and the Blue Homeland, and I had to control the strategic direction of the Chaoxing Group. I had to go to the Relic Research Institute to explore the mysteries of the ancient ruins. To help the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau to fight little monsters or something, I was so busy hitting the back of my head that I wish I had forty-eight hours a day.

There is definitely no time and energy to pay attention to this so-called "news studio".

But why did the name "Wind Catcher" sound so familiar, so familiar that it tickled the roots of his teeth?

Suddenly, Meng Chao remembered!

His pupils suddenly shrank into two needles, staring straight at Elle.

"So you are the 'Wind Catcher'?"

Meng Chao murmured, "I remember, did your We-Media account write an article called "A Nightmare Thrill", about Meng Chao and Lu Siya in the depths of the monster-infested jungle, because of the strange poison in their bodies, Going crazy, losing control of your mind, unable to be yourself, out of control?"

"Yes, it turns out that senior has also read the press release I wrote. Is senior also a reader of 'Wind Catcher'?"

Ellie was surprised and delighted.

"The Nightmare" is indeed her famous work.


Meng Chao took a deep breath, "Including the sequel you wrote, Meng Chao and Lu Siya, because of their different backgrounds and ideas, were obstructed by the Lu family, and a fierce conflict broke out between the two. Meng Chao formed a new love, and Lu Siya got drunk late at night. I've seen all those stories."

"Oh, it turns out that the senior is really my loyal reader!"

Ailey was very excited, "Then you must have read the final report of the series "A Nightmare Terror" - after Meng Chao's unfortunate death, Lu Siya suddenly realized how deep her feelings for Meng Chao were, and she was determined to inherit it. Meng Chao's last wish is to never marry for the rest of his life, to replace Meng Chao as the 'Bride of Dragon City' and fight for Dragon City forever?"


Meng Chao said, "I've been busy recently, so I haven't had time to read this."

"Then you must go and see."

Alley said, "It's not that I put gold on my face, I really put all my heart and soul into writing this press release, which can be regarded as the perfect ending for the series "The Nightmare". "

"Okay, I will definitely read the masterpiece when I have time."

Meng Chao said, "However, I have a question, can these things you write really be called 'press releases'?"

"Of course!"

Alley said, "I understand what seniors mean. We media, like we do, often use more bold and lively styles when writing news releases, and they don't look so serious.

"But it only takes into account the acceptance of the reader group, it does not mean that the authenticity of our news will be discounted!"


Meng Chao looked at her, "So, Terror in the Night is all about the truth. When Meng Chao and Lu Siya were rolling around in the inaccessible monster jungle, you hid in the grass beside them?"

"This, regarding our sources, this is a commercial secret, and we are also responsible for the safety of the whistleblowers, and it is impossible to reveal their identities."

Alley said, "I can only guarantee with my personality, credibility and professional ethics as a media person. Every word I write is well-founded and represents truth and justice.

"If I make it up, look at Meng Chao and Lu Siya, as well as the Canxing Club and the Chaoxing Group, why don't they come to the 'Wind Catcher' to file a lawsuit and sue me for violating their right of reputation?"

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