The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1473: catch the wind

Alley's eyes were open, her expression was firm, her tone was sonorous and powerful, and her chest was high.

If Meng Chao was not the party involved, she would almost have believed her nonsense based on her acting.

Meng Chao closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose lightly, too lazy to talk nonsense with this woman who had no character, reputation or professional ethics.

He carefully retrieved information related to "Wind Catcher" in his memory bank.

Thanks to the article "Terror in the Night", Meng Chao really understood the situation of this self-media.

If tidbits count as news.

That Elle is really a very dedicated "journalist".

Her reporting style, as the name "Wind Catcher" is known, has always been known for chasing the wind, adding fuel to the wind, sensational, and no lower limit.

The content of the reports is often dominated by various unknown "truths, secret histories, and inside stories" in the circle of extraordinary people.

Especially in the crotch of the supernatural being, the gossip that goes on and on.

The feelings of the senior powerhouses have changed, the scandal of the rising star, the stories that superheroes and seventy-two confidantes have to tell, and so on, every time they can see the parties, their lungs will explode.

The problem is that many users still eat this set.

The more you speak, the more you can attract attention and traffic, and make yourself and the platform a lot of money, so as to get the platform's connivance and protection.

On the other hand, the transcendents rely on their own identity, and it is impossible for them to really be entangled with the smelly fish and shrimps like "Wind Catchers".

For example, let Meng Chao and Lu Siya sue the "Wind Catcher" because of the article "Terror in the Night" to rob them of their reputation?

This kind of **** lawsuit is protracted on the one hand, and on the other hand, the facts are not clear at all.

Even in the end, it's really clear, what's the use of letting the "Wind Catcher" apologize in public?

People's traffic has skyrocketed tenfold because of this lawsuit. Meng Chao's side is still full of yellow mud on his crotch, how can he wash it clean!

Having said that, now is the era of eyeball economy, all kinds of self-media are overwhelming, and there are countless so-called "journalists" who specialize in the next three ways. No matter how exaggerated the story is, you don't need to blink your eyelids, and you can make up a story in minutes. Hundred and eighty articles without duplicates.

It is a commonplace to say that Meng Chao and Lu Siya have **** , including the word "Super" in Meng Chao's name, all to commemorate Lei Zongchao - what the **** is this called!

Under such fierce competition, Ailei's "Wind Catcher" can still fight a **** path in the stinky puddle of gossip news, which left a deep impression on Meng Chao.

I have to admit, this girl is also talented.

Millions of fans, on earth, are certainly not enough to watch.

But don't forget, there are only tens of millions of people in Longcheng.

Equivalent to 10% of the citizens, they are Allie's readers.

Even if the data is filled with water, judging from the number and content of comments under Meng Chao's series of reports on "Wind Catcher", the influence of this **** among ordinary citizens who are keen on gossip is quite amazing. In jargon, it is "User activity is extremely high and stickiness is extremely strong."

Moreover, Meng Chao believes that in order to operate such a sloppy "news studio", Ailey can have no character, credibility and integrity.

But she must have a lot of inside information and channels to get inside information.

Among the three religions and nine streams, there must be many friends and informants.

If Meng Chao is not ready to disclose his identity for the time being, he will ask any forces for help.

Such a role seems to have her usefulness?

"I remember, didn't you mainly focus on emotional information? You did a pretty good job, didn't you?"

At this point, Meng Chao's eyes returned to Ai Lei, "How do you change your style and run outside the Monster Mountains to discover the shady secrets of the Universal Group?"

"Senior doesn't know?"

Ai Lei was a little surprised, her eyes flashed, "Senior seems to have no reason not to know, and now the major platforms of Longcheng do not allow discussions involving extraordinary people, especially the emotional topics of senior powerhouses!"

Meng Chao knew that Elei's sense of smell was very keen.

There must be some kind of flaw in it.

But he couldn't care less and could only continue to ask: "Why?"

"Because most girls want to marry an extraordinary person, even if they don't have a title, as long as they can get the favor of an extraordinary person, they really can't find an extraordinary person, so everyone would rather not get married and spend the time and I put my energy into self-cultivation, so that ordinary people can't find a wife, and they are lethargic and complaining all day long."

Ai Lei said, "In this case, if we continue to report how wonderful the love life of the superhuman is, how wonderful the love life of the superhuman is, how Yingying Yanyan is around us, and constantly stimulate ordinary people, do you think it is appropriate?

"Under pressure, the major platforms have blocked the flow of emotional topics of extraordinary people. I have no choice but to start anew."

"I see."

Meng Chao continued to ask, "But, is it too dangerous for you to dig deeper into the shady secrets of the Huanyu Group?"

"It's not dangerous, how do you make money?"

Ailei said, "It's boring to make small troubles. If you want to do it, you can make a big crocodile like the Universal Group. If I really do this vote, it will become famous overnight, financial freedom, and you can retire!"

Meng Chao laughed dumbly, and asked again: "With such an iron head, are you really not afraid of death?"

This time, Ai Lei gave a different answer from "truth and justice": "I'm afraid, I'm definitely afraid, but if I don't get killed by the Universal Group, I have to die in poverty.

"It's better to be killed than to be poor.

"After all, being poor and dying is a lifetime thing, and dying is an instant thing!"

"Are you so short of money?"

Meng Chao doubted, "I remember that your 'Wind Catcher' made a lot of money. In the first two years, he should have made a lot of money, right?"

"Senior is not a person in our circle. I don't know how fierce our competition is and how hard it is to make money."

Ai Lei sighed bitterly, "We are in this business to make money at a loss, most of the income, before it heats up in his arms, we have to use it to buy traffic, if we don't buy traffic for three days, all users will run away, let you write. Flowers, what is written, the dog will not read!

"In addition, I am different from my peers. I have character, reputation and professional ethics. Even if it is the most common gossip news, my peers are purely behind closed doors and talk nonsense. All kinds of clues and details, and strive to write good articles that are reasonable, flesh-and-blood, shocking and other organs!

"As the so-called 'the devil is in the details', the details are all polished with real gold and silver!

"More than half a year ago, in order to take 'Wind Catcher' to a higher level, let the number of fans exceed 10 million, and become a real head, I almost broke the bank, and obtained a batch of very exciting inside information with absolutely guaranteed authenticity.

"I was about to break out a few shocking stories, and there was amazing news. The major platforms joined forces to lock up the emotional topic of the superhuman. This batch of inside information of mine is all in my hand, and it is not worth a penny. .

"Up to now, I still owe a lot of debt. If I don't give it a try, how can the salted fish turn over?"

"Then you really deserve it!"

Meng Chao sighed and said again, "I really want to believe what you said, but there is another key here that I can't figure out.

"The director Wang of the Huanyu Group just said that Shen Yulin, the general manager of the Hongxigou project dispatched by the Huanyu Group, accepted your exclusive interview?"


Ailei nodded and pointed to Meng Chao's palm, "In this memory chip, there is also a recording of my interview. If you don't believe me, you can listen to it. Is it Shen Yulin's voice?"

"I believe."

Meng Chaodao said, "I just don't understand that the Universal Group should have a very complete interview system. At the level of Shen Yulin, no matter which media is interviewed, the background of the other party will be investigated in advance, and even the content of the interview, It will also communicate in advance to ensure that it conforms to the caliber of the Universal Group.

"Light of the Dragon City is an established and large-scale media group.

"With the Universal Group, there must be close cooperation.

"Each other's brains, maybe they often eat and drink at the same table.

"With a fake press card, how could you pretend to be someone from "Light of the Dragon City" and approach Shen Yulin?"

Ellie was silent.

Eyeballs rolled round and round.

"You are a smart person, you should be able to figure out the current situation."

Meng Chao said, "Even if you are not afraid of death, you are only afraid of being poor, and Huanyu Group is a big company that abides by the law, and it is impossible to do something that would be a waste of life.

"But just because of your fake "Dragon City Light" reporter, the legal department of the Universal Group and the "Dragon City Light" legal department have joined forces to drive you out within the industry, which is better than killing a bedbug. easier."

Ellie's face paled.

Meng Chao's words obviously hit her seven inches.

Her expression was even uglier than the free fall from the 100-meter cliff just now.

"Yes, the whistleblower."

Ai Lei closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, "It was the whistleblower who helped me win the opportunity to interview Shen Yulin. According to the whistleblower, I don't have to worry about anything, I just need to test Shen Yulin."

"So, this whistleblower is the key!"

Meng Chao's eyes were instantly sharp as electricity.

He asked Ellie a few more questions.

Gradually, the timeline of several events that happened on this rainy night was gradually clarified.

First, Alley pretended to be a reporter from "Light of the Dragon City" to interview Shen Yulin.

It didn't take long for Shen Yulin to contact his superiors in the Blood Alliance.

Then, he appeared unexpectedly, interfering with the actions of the Blood Alliance, resulting in the exposure of Shen Yulin's identity.

The Blood Alliance had to start a backup plan.

Of course, it is also possible that the Blood Alliance was going to blow up the spar warehouse from the very beginning, just hiding the abandoned son of Shen Yulin.

In any case, Ailei's interview must have touched a certain sensitive nerve of Shen Yulin.

Even if it is not the direct reason for the blood alliance to take the risk.

At least, it is the fuse and catalyst! (To be continued)

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