The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1474: Money not life

Chapter 1474: Money or Death

"Who is the whistleblower?"

Meng Chao's mind switched.

Since the whistleblower is familiar with the inside story of the Hongxigou project, and is so powerful, Ai Lei, who pretends to be a reporter of "Light of the Dragon City", can come to Shen Yulin and conduct an exclusive interview with seriousness.

He must be an insider of the Huanyu Group, or even a stalwart of the Shen family.

As for the purpose of him asking Ai Lei to investigate the Hongxigou project, it is not hard to guess.

Meng Chao estimated that the whistleblower coveted the "fat meat" of the Hongxigou project, was jealous of Shen Yulin's bad luck, and knew some things about Shen Yulin's illegal and secret delivery of spar to the big boss of the Shen family.

Therefore, I want to take advantage of this scandal to bring Shen Yulin down.

But the whistleblower never thought that, first, there is a huge discrepancy between the actual reserves and the expected reserves of the Hongxigou project. It is not "fat" at all, but a hot potato studded with barbs.

Second, not only did Shen Yulin hide from other shareholders and the Transcendent Tower, illegally and secretly delivered spar to the Shen family, but he was also daring and provided a lot of training resources to the Blood Alliance!

As Shen Yulin said, if the mining groups and private mining teams in Longcheng, large and small, declare every spar excavated to the Transcendent Tower in a proper manner, pay the full resource tax, and get the Transcendent Tower's Only after review and approval can it be used for cultivation, then the sun must come out from the west!

Declare a batch, hide a batch, and send a batch to the black market for circulation. This kind of thing is considered an unspoken rule within the industry as long as it is not excessively done. The rectification must be rectified, but as long as it does not hit the muzzle of the gun, the problem is not It is not as big as imagined, and Shen Yulin has no need to take risks.

But now, Shen Yulin not only has a ghost in his heart, he is a ghost himself, a ghost from the Blood Alliance!

In this way, not only will the blood alliance be forced, but only the most drastic means can be used to clean up their hands.

Alley and the whistleblower also put themselves in an extremely dangerous situation.

The Blood Alliance will definitely do everything possible to find out their identities, find them, torture and silence them.

In other words, if Meng Chao can find the whistleblower earlier than the Blood Alliance, it is possible to wait for the rabbit and grab the Blood Alliance's tail again!

"Who is the whistleblower?"

Meng Chao's eyes were like electricity, staring at Ai Lei.

"I, I don't know, I don't know the whistleblower at all."

Ai Lei also smelled a dangerous breath from Meng Chao's expression, and she quickly shook her head.

"You don't know the whistleblower, so the other party dares to hand over such an important matter of investigating the Universal Group to you?"

Meng Chao smiled, but not smiling.

"This, I think it must be my professional quality and professional ethics, which is well-known in the industry, right?"

Ailei thought for a while, and said, "If you ask a large media group like "Light of the Dragon City" to investigate this kind of thing, their insiders must have inextricable connections with the Universal Group, and it's easy to startle the snakes. .

"Smaller media groups, or single-handed households like me, often don't have the ability and courage to investigate.

"Only me, facing a behemoth like the Universal Group, still has the determination to uphold the truth and justice to the end.

"Probably so, the person who broke the news found me."

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

By reading the micro-expressions, it was found that Ellie was not lying.

Think about it carefully, if the whistleblower just wants to fight for power and profit, instead of trying to lift the lid and make the unspoken rules in the spar mining circle completely public.

Looking for a self-media person like Ai Lei who has a certain ability and flow, can stimulate Shen Yulin's nerves, but will not make the matter completely big, or even if Ai Lei wants to make a big fuss, the other party has a hundred ways to put out the fire. the best choice.

"How did the whistleblower find you?"

Meng Chao continued to ask.

"Through a friend, well, not really a friend, we didn't know that well."

Alley said, "It was through a broker. The whistleblower didn't show up throughout the whole process. It was through this broker that information and requests were passed on."

"Then you should know the broker."

Meng Chao said, "Tell me, his name."

"I can't say that."

Ai Lei said with a bitter face, "There are rules and regulations, in our business, we often rely on these informants and brokers to provide information, win business, and inquire about intelligence, and their identities are often very sensitive.

"Selling out informants and brokers is tantamount to ruining my own job. Today I dare to say the name of this broker. Tomorrow, when I am in the circle, I will completely stink the streets. No one will give me any more news, no one will. Help me get in touch with the Bandan business, and I won't be able to get along at all!"

"It seems that you haven't figured out the seriousness of this problem."

Meng Chao said, "Don't you think that the explosion of the spar warehouse was really an accident?

"Today, these people dare to cause a big explosion in the spar warehouse, and they also involve orcs. Guess, tomorrow they dare to kill you, the broker and the whistleblower without blinking an eye?

"You are already dying, and you are still pondering whether you can survive in the industry?"

"I know, I know, but, but..."

Ai Lei frowned, scratched her ears and scratched her cheeks. After struggling for a while, she looked at Meng Chao's face and said cautiously, "I'm not saying that, I'm really not afraid of death. If senior wants to know, I'm not either, and I can't tell the broker. name.

"It's just that I hope senior understands that betrayal of a broker is really, really, really goes against my professionalism and tarnishes my professional ethics. So, senior can, can..."

"Can what?"

Meng Chao frowned deeply.

"Can you give me a little more money?"

Alley rubbed her fingers and made a "add money" gesture.


Meng Chao was shocked.

He had never seen a woman so desperate for money.

"I know that seniors must be difficult to understand, and even look down on people like me."

Ai Lei pretended to be pitiful again, "After all, senior's strength is unparalleled, and the resources you get back are astronomical when you shoot casually. I'm afraid I have never worried about money in my life. The superstar, the difficulty of rising to fight the common people?

"Look, I have been injured by a 'Mindless Spider' bitten, the toxin penetrated deep into the bone marrow, and there is no cure at all. Until now, whenever the rain is continuous, the spiritual veins will ache, not only can I not cultivate to a higher realm , and injecting genetic medicine every day to ensure that the extremely weak extraordinary power will not be completely annihilated.

"Now the prices of various spar resources are changing day by day and rising rapidly.

"Without money, life is better than death.

"Also, also, I can't just think about myself, but also my broker friend. I have to spend a lot of money on him to calm his anger and pry his mouth open, right?"

Meng Chao snorted coldly.

"Of course, I believe that there are 10,000 ways for seniors to pry open the mouth of my broker friend without spending money, but there is one thing, I don't know if seniors have considered it."

Ai Lei said, "The explosion of the spar warehouse of the Hongxigou project is something that cannot be concealed no matter what, I am afraid that the relevant news has already spread throughout Longcheng.

"As a broker, of course, he is the most well-informed local snake.

"What do you think, my broker friend, heard that on the day I came to investigate the Hongxigou project, there was an 'inexplicable' explosion in the spar warehouse here. Will he still show up stupidly?"

Meng Chao was slightly startled.

Ellie is right.

If he was the broker, he would have smelled the danger as soon as he received the news. Guessing that the spar warehouse of the Hongxigou project exploded, it could never be as simple as an "accident".

"Myself" was inadvertently involved in an extremely dangerous whirlpool. It was a routine operation to find a place to hide for ten days and a half months to see the limelight.

Any broker who does not understand this truth will not survive today.

"Please believe me, senior, I really don't know where this broker friend is hiding now. I estimate that he must have cut off all contact with the outside world - at least with my big trouble."

Ailei said, "It's not difficult to find him, just spend money on it, as long as the money is in place, there will always be people who know where he is hiding.

"It's the easiest way.

"I think it is also the most acceptable method for seniors.

"After all, when you have cultivated to the realm of seniors, you must regard money as dung. In your eyes, the problem of money is not a problem at all, right?"


Meng Chao had a toothache.

Ailey was right. Generally speaking, for a god-level expert, problems that can be solved with money are not problems at all.

In other words, without money, it is impossible to cultivate to the **** realm.

But Meng Chao's situation is special.

For the time being, he doesn't want to reveal his identity.

I don't know, in the circle of extraordinary people in Longcheng, who can be trusted, and who may be a member of the Blood Alliance like Shen Yulin.

For those people who can be absolutely trusted, such as father, mother, younger sister, etc., he does not want them to be involved in this extremely dangerous whirlpool, and even does not want to contact his family for the time being, lest the enemy find out that he is still alive and use The family came to threaten him.

When he left Chijin City, "Jack" Canus prepared a batch of rare treasures of Turan civilization for him.

Including the witch doctor's secret medicine for thousands of years of totem beast materials.

There are also magic weapons that incorporate spiritual magnets.

All are valuable treasures.

The problem is, these treasures are too dazzling.

Meng Chao couldn't just find a monster material market and trade these exotic treasures from Turanze.

That would definitely arouse the vigilance of the Blood Alliance.


His expression made Alley stunned for a while, before she asked incredulously, "Senior, you, are you... have no money?"

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