The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1475: Look, Dragon City!

Meng Chao coughed dryly.

There was a dangerous light in his eyes.

But Ellie has fully recovered from the fear of falling off a cliff.

Maybe she also wants to understand, it is better to fall to death than to die, she has nowhere to go, this mysterious and unpredictable master is her last hope!

"No, there's no reason. A top-level powerhouse like senior can make a move casually. How can he be short of money when he can't get gold and silver?"

Ai Lei muttered to herself, the light in her pupils getting brighter and brighter, "However, thinking about it carefully, the appearance of the senior is indeed quite strange - it stands to reason that behind the strength of the senior, there must be a wealthy man standing behind it. A large organization, with thousands of troops under its command, is always ready to serve the seniors. How could the seniors personally take action to deal with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals of the Universal Group?

"Could it be that seniors have encountered any difficulties?"

This woman's sense of smell is really sharp.

The more she analyzed, the more excited she became, as if she made up her mind and slammed her fist, "It doesn't matter, senior, no matter what difficulties you encounter, Ailey can help you solve your problems and help you out!"

Meng Chao snorted coldly: "I need you to 'solve worries'?"

"In terms of combat power, of course, I can't even compare to a little finger of my predecessors."

Ailei smiled and said, "However, if senior wants to find someone, inquire about news, release some kind of rumor, contact major institutions, but if he doesn't want to show his face, these are all within the scope of my business, and I promise to help senior. Well done!"

Meng Chao pondered.

If he doesn't want to reveal his identity for a while.

All the channels of the past are no longer available.

Although this Ailey's professional ethics is questionable.

However, in a short period of time, a more suitable candidate could not be found.

Besides, Elle has already been involved in the whirlpool, and the blood alliance will find her head sooner or later.

It is impossible for Meng Chao to watch the blood alliance kill innocents one after another.

You can even use Ai Lei to fish out new blood alliance members.

Thinking of this, he said to Ai Lei, "I have a batch of natural treasures, can you help me find a suitable buyer?"

"Treasures from heaven and earth?"

Ellie's eyes lit up, and she thought about it.

"Some people in the Universal Group and I have had some grudges."

Meng Chao satisfied her curiosity, "When resolving my grievances, I was seriously injured and was knocked off a cliff by the other party. Fortunately, I didn't die, but instead fell into a paradise filled with spiritual energy.

"I got a blessing in disguise. I have been in retreat for a long time in the Heavenly Paradise, and I just got out of it. The news is not very well-informed, and I don't know anything about the recent changes in Longcheng. I really need a guide.

"And the batch of heavenly materials and earthly treasures I brought out from the Heavenly Paradise has a very special shape, and it is easy for people to follow the clues and trace them to me.

"For the time being, I don't want to expose it, so as not to arouse the vigilance of the enemy.

"So, I hope to find a reliable buyer. The price is not the problem. The key is to keep your mouth shut and never reveal the details of the transaction."

"I see!"

Ellie's eyes rolled round and round.

She used her brain frantically, and has automatically generated an 80-episode series of twists and turns, bizarre and thrilling, involving family love, money, beauty, ethics, betrayal, and revenge.

Meng Chao is not afraid of her brain supplement.

Super enterprises such as Huanyu Group and Qingtian Group started with spar mining.

The entanglement of interests around the competition for the spar veins is extremely complicated.

Whoever does not have one hundred and eighty enemies is simply embarrassed to say hello to his peers.

Based on these ambiguous information alone, Alley could neither confirm the authenticity nor associate him with his true identity.


Sure enough, Elle had no doubts, at least not on the surface.

She nodded heavily, "I know some very reliable buyers. As long as the goods are genuine, they will never care about the price and the origin of the treasures!"

"very good."

Meng Chao stared at Ai Lei, "As long as you have money, you can find that broker friend, and through him, find the whistleblower?"

"I promise!"

Alley nodded again, "As long as I have money, there is nothing I can't do Alley!"

"Want me to take your word for it—"

Meng Chao said, "Just help us find a way first, use a fake name and a fake identity, and return to Longcheng!"

The two wandered around the mining area until dawn.

I have never heard of more accidents other than the explosion of the spar warehouse of the Hongxigou project.

Meng Chao also couldn't find any suspicious guy.

It seems that the Blood Alliance has achieved the staged tactical goal and once again dormant into the darkness.

Indeed, the explosion of the spar warehouse alone is enough to arouse the worries and hatred of the people of Longcheng.

In addition to the Hongxigou project, Meng Chao heard people worrying about the threat of orcs in several spar mines.

There are also people who can't wait, longing for a new war.

As the sky became brighter and brighter, the torrential rain that raged all night finally turned into water droplets.

The raging flood gradually receded, revealing ruins that had been soaked overnight in flash floods and silt.

The order in the mining area has not been restored, and there are chaotic crowds everywhere.

Many survivors were so frightened that they temporarily lost the ability to move or even speak.

There are also many people washed up by the floods and lacking anything to prove their identity.

Under such circumstances, Meng Chao and Ai Lei easily obtained dozens of work badges and identification cards, as well as seven or eight sets of various types of work clothes similar to theirs.

Out of work needs, Alley is a master of disguise herself.

But Meng Chao's face-changing skills made her even more stunned and exclaimed that it was incredible.

Longcheng's identity recognition system is very rough. So far, there is no set of identity database connected to the whole city.

On the one hand, because the spiritual magnetic environment of Longcheng is very complex, the wireless network is often disturbed by the psionic storm, and the wired and optical cables are often broken due to monsters gnawing.

Although human beings claim to have won the monster war, those gigantic doomsday beasts that destroy the world are indeed suppressed by human will, war knives, steel guns, iron fists, crawlers and train cannons.

But the extremely small, highly reproductive insect-like monsters and rodent-like monsters are another matter.

Things like mutated cockroaches and spiritualized mice, even if the Chilong Army and all the extraordinary people are launched, and how many times the city is cleaned up, they will be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

On the other hand, the main enemies of mankind in the past were either zombies or monsters.

Whether zombies or monsters, their appearance is very different from that of normal people. It can be seen at a glance without the need for an identification system.

Therefore, with the help of dozens of badges and identification cards found in the ruins, Meng Chao and Ai Lei, who have changed their faces, will be able to keep a low profile in Longcheng for a long time.

At around ten in the morning, the airspace above the mining area became calm, meeting the requirements for restarting the route.

Dozens of armored airships, loaded with wounded, set sail one after another.

Although each spar mine has its own medical room.

After all, just to prepare for common diseases and common accidents in mines, the number of medical equipment and medical staff is quite limited, unable to accommodate thousands of injuries caused by floods and heavy rains.

Therefore, the first time the route was restarted, all spar mines suspended the task of delivering resources to Longcheng, concentrated all the armored airships, and sent the injured back to the rear.

Meng Chao and Ai Lei are also among them.

As soon as the armored airship started, Meng Chao felt the rapid technological development of Longcheng in the past year.

Compared with the armored airship he saw in Dragon City a few years ago.

These post-Monster Wars, upgraded armored airships have smaller airbags, larger pods, lighter frames and more agile, streamlined, flying fish-like shapes.

In the case of the same amount of inflation, Meng Chao estimates that the carrying capacity of the new armored airship can reach at least 150% of the past.

As for the weak vibrations coming from the bottom of the deck, Meng Chao could also sense that the sixteen spar engines located on the sides and rear of the armored airship were running strongly and stably, and the spar reaction efficiency was greatly improved compared to the past.

The most intuitive effect of this improvement is that the climbing speed of the new armored airship is almost twice as fast as in the past.

The once insurmountable moat—the monster mountain range that pierced into the sky like a jungle of swords and halberds, was now conquered by humans one step at a time.

Soon, the mountain peaks that were once shrouded in mist and unattainable, passed under the feet of human beings.

And the progress of Longcheng is not only reflected in the cold machinery.

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The huge pod was crowded with injured patients. All the injured patients were covered with ointment made from spar powder and monster materials. From the refreshing medicinal scent, Meng Chao could smell several kinds of genes that were quite precious in the past. The smell of medicine.

It seems that the genetic medicine that was once only available to the extraordinary has now entered thousands of households, and even grassroots miners are eligible to enjoy it.

In addition, in the corner of the pod, there are also four quite advanced medical cabins.

Meng Chao had only seen similar facilities in the intensive care ward of a large general hospital, but now, it has been deployed in a mobile medical station.

"It appears that our efforts have not been in vain.

"Although the threat of doomsday has not been lifted, today's Dragon City is a hundred times stronger than what I have seen in any nightmare!"

Meng Chao muttered to himself.

At this moment, several golden rays of sunlight penetrated through the porthole and reflected into the pod, causing a commotion.

Many survivors with minor injuries struggled to sit up one after another, clinging to the porthole, and despite the fierce sunlight dazzling their eyes, they all kept their eyes fixed, overlooking the magnificent scene below, and then exclaimed with mixed feelings:

"Look, Dragon City!

"We're going home!"

End of Turan

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