The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1487: Excited

"And I!"

The limping superhuman just now jumped onto the counter and stood side by side with the bald man.

He also tore off his shirt, revealing his thin body, as if eroded by sulfuric acid into the surface of the moon, pitted flesh and blood.

"I am the leader!"

This extraordinary person, who was out of anger, raised his chest that was torn apart by the monster, and pointed to his heart beating fiercely, "I see, don't bother everyone, send me to the extraordinary tower to be judged - you are not. Do you have the power to kill first and then file, right here, just 'judgment' me!"

The resentment of the two extraordinary people completely detonated the anger of everyone.

"And I!"

"I'm the one leading the trouble!"

"Don't listen to them, I'm the leader, come, judge me, just hit here, hit Grandpa's heart!"

"What **** secret police, what **** 'stop the crime of the extraordinary'? The nine major cultivators hoarded cultivation resources, it is reasonable to say that it is a crime of the extraordinary, right? Why don't you see your secret police to investigate, arrest, and stop Woolen cloth?"

"They didn't dare to investigate the matter of the Nine Great Cultivation Family. They were originally the lackeys raised by the Nine Great Cultivation Family!"

"Also the 'arbiter'? Arbit a bird!"

Everyone tore off their shirts one after another, revealing scars shining like medals.

They took up each other's strong arms and formed a turbulent, one after another human chain, which was full of the determination to return to death and attacked the surging beast tide.

Some people even took off their prosthetic limbs and threw them at the secret police.

Although the secret police were not hit.

His face was also blue and purple, and he couldn't tell whether he was angry or ashamed.

Meng Chao did not join the commotion.

He narrowed his eyes and scanned the audience with falcon-like eyes.

I found that there are seven or eight guys mixed in the crowd, and their expressions are different from others.

The attention of these guys was not on the secret police and the staff of the Transcendent Tower.

Instead, he secretly looked at the angry crowd around him from the corner of his eye.

That look reminded Meng Chao of a thief on a bus, looking for prey.

These guys were just as angry as everyone else.

However, Meng Chao read their micro-expressions, but found that their eyes were agile, the corners of their mouths were slightly upturned, and the expansion of facial capillaries did not reach the level of "angry rushing to the crown". of ease and comfort.

Meng Chao told Elle what he found.

Ai Lei was not surprised, and explained to Meng Chao that these guys, most likely the subordinates of the black market tycoon "Megatooth Crocodile", are looking for customers here!

Anyway, no matter how noisy, out of stock is out of stock, and no way is no way.

When the middle and low-level superhumans have had enough trouble and stop, they don’t want to watch their spiritual veins shrink day by day and the cracks on their bones increase day by day. Naturally, they can only go to the black market obediently and spend seven or eight times even more. Purchase at a higher price.

At that time, according to the results of half a day's observation, the subordinates of "Giant-toothed Crocodile" will find the most urgent and most lucrative customers among these middle and low-level extraordinary people, and take him to the black market to trade.

This is the reason why Ai Lei brought Meng Chao to the monster mall.

"So cautious?"

Meng Chao was slightly startled, "There is no fixed trading venue in the black market, can't everyone go there?"

"Originally, there was a fixed trading place, and everyone could go there. However, seniors have also seen that, after all, there are very few children of wealthy families. Now, the vast majority of people in the circle of extraordinary people in Longcheng are all curious about hoarding, black market transactions, etc. The matter is deeply disgusting, the Transcendent Tower is under great pressure, and I really want to destroy a few black markets and kill this evil spirit, so I can't help but the black market is not cautious."

Ai Lei said, "Unless it is an old customer who has traded many times, it is slightly less efficient for his subordinates to personally select and lead new customers to the door, but it is better than being safe enough. You can dock a gecko's tail and pick it clean as soon as possible."

"That is to say, it is very difficult for us to find the 'Megatooth Crocodile' lair. Even if we do find it, the 'Megatooth Crocodile' may not appear in the lair?" Meng Chao frowned slightly.

"Look at today's scene, yes."

Ailei handed the newly purchased crystal communicator to Meng Chao, and showed him several influential social media and short video platforms in Longcheng.

Now is the era of social media.

Not only the eldest sisters, sisters-in-law, and aunts who buy vegetables in the monster market have posted the short videos just shot on the Internet.

Many middle- and low-level extraordinary people who were furious, did not forget to broadcast live while raising their eyebrows.

In just a few minutes, the riot at the Monster Mall in the south of the city became a topic of concern on the Internet.

Tens of millions of citizens in the city all heard a thunderous roar:

"We shed blood for Longcheng!"

"We want to practice!"

"We just want to buy the cultivation resources that should belong to us!"

Ai Leifei quickly opened seven or eight screens, and while sliding down the screen, she said, "The area around the monster market in the south of the city belongs to the sphere of influence of the 'megatooth crocodile', although this matter has nothing to do with him, but since it hit, It's just that he's unlucky.

"I think, 'Giant-toothed crocodile' must be in a lot of trouble at the moment, and I don't know how to explain it to the bigger boss behind him.

"At this juncture, how could he dare to openly appear in the black market and be caught?"

Meng Chao was silent.

Shen Yulin had been detonated remotely by the Blood Alliance, and all the clues on his body were burnt.

If you want to seize the tail of the Blood Alliance, you have to find the mysterious whistleblower who had a conflict with Shen Yulin and hired Ai Lei to investigate.

If you want to find the whistleblower, you must find the broker "Tailless Monkey".

To find the "Tailless Monkey", you must first find the black market tycoon "Megatooth Crocodile".

At the critical moment, this bastard, don't hide!

At this moment, Meng Chao noticed a subordinate of a giant toothed crocodile.

This guy is different from others.

His temperament is extraordinarily calm, and his eyes are sharper.

However, what really attracted Meng Chao was his hands.

He is obviously a rough man who has been exposed to the sun and rain.

But he has a pair of white, delicate, slender, girl-like hands.

These hands were so white that it seemed like they were gently stabbed with an embroidery needle, and it was not blood, but milk that flowed out.

Obviously, this is a pair of reaper's hands.

Or in the hands of a highly skilled senior reaper.

When you think about it, it makes perfect sense.

Black market transactions are more than mere markups.

It also includes the acquisition of various natural materials and treasures at low prices from customers.

After all, the monster war ended in just over a year.

Many low-level and middle-level superhumans who are not astonishing in their hands have a few good things that they exchanged for blood and even life from the depths of the monster mountain range.

Many heavenly materials and earthly treasures cannot play much role in the hands of middle and low-level supernatural beings.

Even, they are not sure whether these things are treasures of heaven and earth, and how much they are valuable.

But in the eyes of those who know the goods, it is a treasure that is priceless and hard to find.

It is not surprising that the Megalodon arranged for a senior reaper to sit here, specially responsible for appraising treasures and receiving "VIPs".

Meng Chao's thoughts turned and he instantly thought of a solution.

As long as the senior reaper's vision is tricky enough, the chances of success are high.

"Wait for me five minutes."

Meng Chao said to Ailei, "I'll go to the grocery store on the first floor and buy something!"

Without waiting for Ellie to ask, he had already squeezed out of the crowd.

Ailei couldn't catch up. Besides, her professional sensitivity as a self-media person also allowed her to focus more on the "big events" in front of her.

"Crack clack, clack clack".

Ellie took a lot of photos and videos without any hesitation.

From the most professional point of view, the helplessness, resentment, and unbearable eruptions of the middle and low-level extraordinary people are clearly photographed.

She changed several memory cards in a row.

He also hid the memory card in different places on his body, even in the cracks in the wall next to him.

It was a great time to shoot.

Someone squeezed in from behind and rubbed her.

This person's skin is very rough and the bones are very hard, reminding Ai Lei of rough-skinned and thick-skinned beasts.

She subconsciously tightened her nerves, and when she looked back, she saw a small man in his early forties with disheveled hair and a sinister face.

What Elle does is work with people.

Turning his eyes slightly, he scanned the details of the little man's appearance clearly.

Judging from the strong flesh and hard bones, this is a superhuman with a rather tyrannical combat power.

Judging from the unkempt hair, some chapped lips, and a dirty jungle camouflage suit with several holes, this is another sloppy guy.

Judging from the dark skin and the residual traces of the scabies distributed on the skin after healing, he should have been in the depths of the jungle all year round, dealing with various deformed snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Judging from the wine stains on his collar, the yellowing marks on his fingers, and the pungent alcohol and tobacco smell, this extraordinary person's recent situation is not very good, and he looks like he uses alcohol to relieve his worries all day long.

And the reason for the recent bad situation, Alley also quickly found out - on his right arm, there was a scar that was as shocking as a blood-colored centipede running from the back of the hand to the shoulder.

Affected by this, he was covered with calluses, and the right hand that should be used to holding the sword curled up slightly like a chicken's paw.

No, it doesn't just extend to the shoulders.

This incomparably ugly scar spreads all the way up until it wraps around the neck of the little supernatural being.

It seemed that not only the cervical vertebra was injured, but his head was slightly deflected, and the central nervous system was also damaged, causing the corners of his left mouth and eyes to twitch nervously every few seconds.

The small superhuman seems to be very sensitive to the scars from his arms to his neck.

Sensing Elle's gaze, he immediately glared back viciously.

Ellie was taken aback.

There is a feeling of being cut by someone's throat and chilling.

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