Ellie immediately averted her gaze.

Take a big step back.

Based on the details just observed, she quickly pieced together the background sketch of the little man in her mind.

This should be a monster hunter who lives in the wilderness all year round.

It can treat the poisonous swamp full of snakes, worms and ants as a Simmons mattress and sleep peacefully in it.

He has peeled off the fur and carapace of countless monsters, and has been nearly dismantled by monsters countless times.

His long hunting career has honed his superb killing skills.

It also made him out of tune with normal society, and he was at a loss for the calm after victory.

Because he was seriously injured in the fierce battle, his dominant hand, spine and even the central nervous system were affected to a certain extent, and his combat effectiveness dropped significantly.

Coupled with his personality, his current situation is quite embarrassing.

Fortunately, when he hunted monsters back then, he had obtained some treasures in the depths of the wilderness.

Nine times out of ten, these babies are unknown.

It was stained not only with the blood of monsters, but also with strong human blood.

So, until desperate, the little hunter took the treasure and went to the monster market to try his luck.

Sure enough, Alley saw a bulging backpack behind the little hunter.

The backpack was wrapped in very tough monster tendons like a zongzi.

The little hunter was uneasy, and with his left hand intact, he wrapped the monster's tendons round and round.

Unless the entire left arm is cut off, the backpack will never leave him half a step.

Elle has seen this kind of person a lot.

I know that they are all ruthless characters who kill without blinking an eye.

In addition to having cut the throats of countless monsters, he probably still owes several lives.

In addition, most of these ruthless people suffer from post-traumatic syndrome, and they are particularly emotional.

A little stimulation can get out of control.

Although the secret police is nearby.

But it's better to stay away from this desperado.

Thinking like this, Alley didn't dare to look at the little hunter for a second.

She lowered her head and was about to turn to the other corner of the hall.

The little hunter walked straight towards her.

"Wait for me here, pay attention to collect more information, I'll do a little thing, and we will keep in touch at any time. If we lose contact, we will meet at several contact points at the time agreed just now."

In Ailei's ear canal, Meng Chao's voice came.

Ai Lei widened her eyes, looked left and right, but did not find Meng Chao's figure.

After turning his head for a long time, his eyes finally fell on the little hunter in disbelief.

The two looked at each other, and the little hunter with the words "ruthless" written on his forehead seemed to be full of anger, but winked at Elle.

"Previous, senior!"

Ellie was stunned.

She blinked quickly, almost squeezing her tears, and after watching for a long time, she didn't find that the little hunter in front of her was related to the senior who fell from the sky.

The size of the skeletons of the two, the texture of the skin and the direction of the muscle lines are all very different.

Eyes, temperament, gait, are also completely different.

Also, the scars on "Little Hunter" that looked like blood-colored centipedes, as well as the dense healing marks of scabies on his face and body, were too detailed and too realistic!

The most important thing is that Meng Chao stayed out of Ailei's sight for at most three or five minutes.

In such a short period of time, how could it have been transformed to such an extent!

Ellie was shocked.

Through her eyes, Meng Chao confirmed that her hasty disguise could barely fool him.

He smiled slightly, and soon changed back to that face full of anxiety, violence, twitching from time to time, and gnashing of teeth from time to time.

Tightening the ropes of his rucksack, tanned with monster tendons, he squeezed through the commotion.

Under the mutual stimulation, the emotions of the middle and low-level superhumans have boiled to the extreme.

Everyone was shoved and swayed by the surging crowd.

Everyone also turned into a part of the turbulent crowd, pushing and shoving more powerful forces around.

Meng Chao pretended to be involved in the crowd, and he couldn't help but drift with the crowd.

However, with the exquisite control of muscle fibers, he kept approaching the senior reaper he had been eyeing for a long time.

Senior reapers also play the role of "ordinary consumers" in the crowd.

Although his eyes were rolling around, his eyes swept across the crowd from time to time, screening for suitable customers or "prey".

But because the scene was too chaotic, Meng Chao deliberately reduced his skeleton, and the senior reaper did not immediately notice his existence and intentions.

Soon, Meng Chao squeezed into the side of the senior reaper.

At this moment, as if someone around was too excited, a powerful and sharp psionic energy was unintentionally leaked.

The rucksack, which has been used for more than ten years, has exceeded the limit of fatigue due to excessive wear and tear.

In short, Meng Chao's rucksack suddenly burst, and four small beads wrapped in mud shells fell out from below.

At first glance, the four small beads, which are slightly larger than the pebbles and limited, look like four pine eggs.

But one of them slammed on the ground and was stepped on again, but the mud shell was smashed and smashed, and an extremely dazzling brilliance bloomed from the crack, and a wisp of strange fragrance appeared.

The scene is so messy.

Most of the people were roaring red-faced.

The vast majority of people cast their burning eyes on the secret police and the staff of the Transcendent Tower.

Most people don't notice this insignificant episode under their feet.

Even if they smell this faint scent.

It was also impossible to distinguish it from the sour smell of sweat emanating from so many raging strong men.

Only the senior reaper who was always watching the six roads and listening to all directions, but like a conditioned reflex, his eyebrows jumped high, and his eyes exploded with lightning.

Following the scent, he quickly locked onto the "songhua eggs" that were rolling all over the floor.

When he saw the brilliance like a gurgling stream blooming from the crack of the "Pine Flower Egg", his shocked and greedy expression could not be concealed no matter how calm he pretended to be.

Unfortunately, before he could distinguish Yixiang and Guanghua carefully, Meng Chao was already lying on the ground, scoldingly grabbed the four "Songhua Eggs" and shoved them back into his rucksack.

Meng Chao stared at his surroundings with hungry, beast-like eyes, watching to see if anyone noticed his treasure.

While tying the rupture of the rucksack tightly, and wrapping the rucksack on his chest, he looks like he is willing to work hard with anyone for the baby in the rucksack at any time.

Seems to realize that the riots are intensifying and it is doomed to be impossible to trade here today.

And unintentionally dropped baby may also attract the coveted by those who are interested.

Meng Chao murmured a few words with a sullen face, turned and squeezed out of the crowd.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't take his eyes straight, and glanced halfway at the senior reaper.

The senior reaper's eyes were never willing to leave the rucksack on Meng Chao's chest.

Originally, today's situation is so chaotic, the senior reapers have already planned to quit and avoid the limelight.

But the brilliance and the strange fragrance just now, the more he pondered, the more delicious he felt.

It was like a barb stuck deep into his heart.

The senior reaper thought about it, squeezed out the crowd, and recruited several subordinates.

On the first floor, the gate of the Monster Market.

Meng Chao lowered the brim of the fisherman hat he just bought and was about to go out.

"Friend, stay."

The senior reaper stepped forward with a smile.

For a moment, Meng Chao was like a cheetah who found a trap, his muscles tightened to the limit.

Even the scar running down the right arm to the neck has turned into a crystal clear red, so strong that it seems to be dripping blood.

He stared viciously at the senior reaper.

Then he scanned the surrounding environment with his peripheral vision, looking for this guy's accomplices.

When there was a disagreement, he cut the throat of the senior reaper with his fingernails, and then ran away.

"Don't be nervous, friend, I have no ill intentions!"

Senior reapers are accustomed to seeing a neurotic extraordinary like Meng Chao.

He immediately spread out his empty hands, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, "This is the monster market, the road is outside, there are pedestrians everywhere, surveillance probes are everywhere, and within a radius of 800 meters, there are three other affiliated companies. Law enforcement agencies of different systems should all be aware of the farce that took place on the second floor, and have also received a signal for help, and the brigade is on its way.

"No one dares to mess around here, don't worry, don't worry."

Meng Chao's gloomy eyes were not relieved by the words of the senior reaper.

He looked up and down the senior reaper for a long time, and then said in a rough voice like sandpaper: "What are you doing?"

"I'm the one you're looking for."

The senior reaper pointed to the rucksack on Meng Chao's chest with his eyes, "It's not convenient here, let's go to the side, find a place, and have a good chat?"

Like a conditioned reflex, Meng Chao hugged the rucksack tightly, as if no one could take it away.

But at this time, a siren sounded in the distance, not knowing which law enforcement agency, ambulance or fire truck belonged.

Meng Chao was like a bird frightened, his face changed, and the corners of his mouth and eyes twitched more and more intensely.

"Don't be nervous, I really have no ill intentions."

The senior reaper smiled slightly and reported to his family, "I'm from the 'Megatooth', since my friend came here with the baby, he must have heard the name 'Megatooth' and know what kind of person our boss is.

"No one dares to play tricks on our boss's territory, and our boss will never let any friend suffer, no matter what treasure you have, you can sell it at the highest price in the city at our boss - no way, who is our boss? , just like to make friends?"

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes.

It seems to be thinking whether the words of the senior reaper are true or not.

This overly cautious appearance made the senior reaper laugh dumbly: "Don't you think that someone dares to pretend to be a subordinate of the Megatooth crocodile? Am I crazy, dare to use the name of the Megatooth crocodile to swindle, not afraid of being dumped. Eight pieces, throw them into the Chilong River and Hunu River respectively?"

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