The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1489: dragon egg

Meng Chao's vigilance did not relax in the slightest. He tightened the rucksack in his arms and said in a hoarse voice, "How do you know that I am looking for someone from the 'megalodon'?"

"if not?"

The senior reaper's gaze circled around the bulging rucksack in Meng Chao's arms again, and said with a smile, "Could it be that you want to deal with the monster material trading center of the Transcendent Tower?"

Meng Chao snorted coldly, "Can't you?"

"Yes, of course, as long as you are willing to pay more than 50% of the transaction tax, luxury tax and strategic resource transfer tax. By the way, you must also tell the ins and outs of this batch of monster materials, as well as your true identity."

The senior reaper smiled and said, "Don't be kidding, friends, everyone knows that trading with the Transcendent Tower honestly is something only a fool would do.

"When trading with us, the price is at least 30% higher than the Transcendent Tower. If you have confidence in your goods, it can even be 50% higher. Moreover, we will never ask who you are, let alone. How many blood-like things were stained when it arrived in your hands."

The word "blood" made Meng Chaoyan's pupils shrink suddenly.

His gaze hit the veteran reaper like a bullet in the face.

With his fierce appearance, he can't wait to blast two holes the size of a bowl in this guy's face.

But it was getting closer and closer whether it was the siren of a fire alarm or an ambulance or a law enforcement agency reloading a vehicle.

The senior reaper has his hands on his back, calm and relaxed, and looks like a wisher has taken the bait.

The muscles on Meng Chao's face twitched for several times, and he finally retracted his gaze.

"I haven't dealt with Megalodon."

Meng Chao said solemnly, "How do I know that you won't lie to me?

"If you lied to me, what should I do, can I still go to the police?"

"I understand your concerns. If I were to deal with buyers I didn't know before, I would be equally worried."

The senior reaper put on a very sincere expression, "However, you can go out and inquire, our boss's name has been spread all over the south of the city, and it has been a year and a half, and the people who trade with us are more direct than those in the extraordinary tower. There are many people trading in the camp store and even the flagship store, and who has been deceived or even tricked by us? No, absolutely not!"

"Who said that?"

Meng Chao sneered, "I heard that you guys are very dark and often treat customers like pigs!"

"That's another story."

The senior reaper said, "Buy low and sell high, and the price doubles, that is impossible. After all, these days, all kinds of non-renewable cultivation resources have become in-demand materials that money can't buy. Our boss is in order to get Getting to these cultivation resources is also a huge concern. The cost price of the goods alone is four or five times the official retail price!

"However, apart from the price, when have you heard that we are shoddy, when have you heard that we are robbing, and when have you heard that we are hacking?

"As for the price, it's still the same sentence. Look at the goods first. As long as your goods are really valuable, you can sit down and talk slowly!"

"Where to talk?"

Although Meng Chao really wanted to go directly to the Megalodon's office to talk.

But he also knew that after such a commotion on the second floor, the black market merchants like the giant toothed crocodile might have become frightened birds.

Therefore, he simply put on a look of vigilance and resistance, and said, "I won't go with you!"

"Of course."

The senior reaper understands the difficulty of building mutual trust in such an anonymous black market transaction. He pointed to a splendid subway complex next to him, "We can go there and find a lot of people and lively people. Place, sit down and talk slowly, don't worry, I think as long as we both don't suffer from madness at the same time, we will never do anything unpleasant in the crowded downtown area, right?"

The senior reaper took Meng Chao and found a private restaurant on the fifth floor of the complex, selling the flesh and blood of **** beasts.

It is still working hours, and the price of the flesh and blood of **** beasts is not affordable for ordinary consumers.

There wasn't a single diner in the private restaurant, and the two well-trained guys were yawning boredly.

Sitting in the box, the line of sight can pass through the glass windows and the atrium, and the entire shopping mall can be seen at a glance.

When necessary, both parties to the transaction, who are extraordinary, can also directly break the glass, jump off the atrium, and escape from any floor of the shopping mall on the upper and lower floors, along the intricate and intricate routes.

It can be said that this is the best trading location that takes into account both privacy and security.

It seems that the people of the Megalodon have brought many customers here to trade in the past.

Even Meng Chao suspects that this private restaurant itself has an unclear relationship with the black market of the giant toothed crocodile.

"Let's see the goods first?"

As soon as he sat down, the senior reaper couldn't wait to speak.

In his capacity, he shouldn't have been so impatient, lest he be caught by Meng Chao.

But on the other hand, with such a big mess today, the nerves of both sides of the transaction are very sensitive, and the transaction may be cancelled at any time.

Showing appropriate eagerness also helps foster mutual trust and establish long-term, stable trading relationships.

Meng Chao carefully placed the rucksack on the table.

However, he immediately opened his calluses-covered hands, curled into eagle claws, and pressed the rucksack firmly.

He reached over half of the dining table, stared at the senior reaper, and said, "Let's talk about it first, I don't want money, I just want the goods, the stock!"

This is also the norm for black market transactions.

Because of the scarcity of cultivation resources, the price on the black market changes three times a day, rising more or less, and the money is in hand, and it is depreciating every minute.

To put it bluntly, for the unreasonable existence of "extraordinary people", the economic system established based on the physical quality of ordinary people is originally a very unstable thing.

In many places, for the transaction of scarce resources, the extraordinary people have returned to the era of "barter".

Money is just a piece of waste paper or even a string of useless numbers displayed on the screen.

The size of the spar is too large, the radiation is too strong, and it is not suitable for carrying around.

Only medium and high-level genetic medicines and wild monster materials are hard currency.

"Of course."

The senior reaper promised, "No matter what kind of genetic medicine you want to buy, we have everything here, and they are all in stock!"

Meng Chao stared at him for a while, then let go a little and squeezed a "songhua egg" out of his rucksack.

It was the one that was knocked on the ground just now and was accidentally stepped on.

In fact, it was only the outer mud shell that was stepped on.

The crystal clear material inside is still intact.

As soon as it was taken out, the entire box turned into a Crystal Palace, submerged in a circle of beautiful halos.

"This is a dragon egg!"

Rao is a seasoned reaper with a lot of knowledge, and he can't help but change his color and his eyes are shining.

The so-called "dragon eggs" are not necessarily the eggs laid by the dragon-like monsters.

Rather, it is a collective name for a particularly rare monster material.

The production conditions of this monster material are very harsh.

First of all, it must be the succulent eggs of **** beasts or even doomsday beasts. After careful incubation by their parents, small embryos have been bred inside.

Secondly, the embryo cannot be really hatched, otherwise, it will not be a complete "egg", only an empty eggshell will be left.

Third, to encounter some kind of upheaval that interrupts the incubation process.

For example, when parents encounter natural enemies, they are forced to abandon this batch of succulent eggs and escape alone.

And the natural enemies did not find them and ate them all.

For another example, natural disasters occurred during hatching. Because of volcanic eruptions, raging floods or super earthquakes, this batch of succulent eggs fell into mud, swamps or even underground.

Fourth, and most importantly, the location where this batch of succulent eggs fell must happen to be a place where spiritual veins converge and the spiritual energy is rich.

After being nourished by the spiritual energy for many years and fully absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, these succulent eggs will gradually become crystal clear and warm like jade.

It's like a piece of amber wrapped in small bugs.

This is the "Dragon Egg".

Although the embryo in the dragon egg stopped developing long ago.

But it is the descendant of the beasts of **** and even the beasts of doomsday.

After absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon for thousands of years, it still contains vigorous vitality and extremely powerful spiritual energy.

It is an invaluable genetic treasure house.

Extracting the active substances from dragon eggs can not only study the genes of ancient **** beasts and even doomsday beasts, in theory, it is possible to clone a brand new doomsday beast.

It can also be refined into a super gene potion, providing a powerful source of power for cultivation for the powerhouses in the heavenly realm and even the powerhouses in the divine realm.

Because the number of dragon eggs is extremely rare.

Many extraordinary people, including monster hunters who traverse the wilderness, have never even heard of it, let alone seen it.

But Meng Chao believes that the senior reaper in front of him will definitely take the bait.

This dragon egg of his is a top-quality product that is qualified to be enshrined in the Holy Mountain Temple.

According to the integrity of the dragon egg, the concentration of aura in the place where the spiritual veins where the dragon egg is buried, the time the dragon egg was buried, and the most important bloodline of the dragon egg.

The appearance of dragon eggs is also divided into more than a dozen grades.

Even the lowest-grade dragon eggs can help a Heavenly Realm powerhouse rush forward to a higher level.

And the one that Meng Chao took out was placed in front of a god-level powerhouse, and even a god-level powerhouse would be tempted.

Sure enough, the eyes of the senior reaper quickly changed from greed to solemnity.

Obviously, the value of the monster material Meng Chao took out was far beyond his imagination.

The price is definitely more than he can handle if it's a fair deal.

But he didn't notify the Megalodon to trade in person.

Turning his eyes slightly, the senior reaper took out a dark red crocodile leather bag and carefully opened it, which contained a dazzling array of identification tools like surgical instruments.

He has a sophisticated electronically assisted lens inlaid on his left eye.

Get close to the crack of the dragon egg, go up and down, study it carefully and attentively.

A "tsk tsk" sound came out from time to time.

Sometimes admiration, sometimes frowning, sometimes emotion, sometimes regret.

After studying for three minutes, he took off the electronic auxiliary lens and threw it on the crocodile leather bag.

It was as if Meng Chao's dragon egg, which was originally an extremely valuable product, had some kind of flaw.

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