The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1524: low altitude reconnaissance

It is not easy to approach the breeding base of Horizon Biotechnology Co., Ltd. from the air without knowing it.

The opponent's drone blocked the entire airspace.

If there is really something shady in the breeding base, the performance of these drones will definitely be stronger than the industry standard.

The monitoring direction is not the ground, but any intruder who dares to approach the "horizon" from the sky and the ground.

If Meng Chao flies too high.

It is not easy to see the details on the ground clearly.

If you want to see the details on the ground clearly, it is easy for the other party to detect.

Just when Meng Chao was in a dilemma, he heard a faint buzzing sound.

Looking at the reputation, Meng Chao found that it was several armored airships taking off and landing.

The area around Nutao Mountain has become an important source of spar, a monster breeding base and a high-tech industrial park for the Longcheng civilization.

It has a very close connection with the main city and dozens of surrounding satellite cities, development zones, military bases, and even forward bases outside the Monster Mountains.

In addition to relying on roads and railways, the usual personnel exchanges and material transportation also rely on dozens of air routes.

In the biochemical industrial park, there is a medium-sized airport.

Although it wasn't even eight in the morning.

There has been an endless stream of armored airships riding the wind and waves in the sky.

However, the location of the breeding base of "Horizon" is very clever.

Just avoided a few major routes.

Even if a few armored airships occasionally passed over the "horizon", they had already climbed above the clouds, where the airflow was relatively stable and entered a cruising state.

The cloud cover around the Nutide Mountains is very thick.

In fact, the name "Nursing Mountain" means that the layers of clouds and mist cover the whole world like a stormy sea.

Especially the hinterland of the mountains where "Horizon" is located.

It is shrouded in clouds and fog all the year round, and visibility is extremely low.

"Even if I dive into an armored airship and climb to an altitude of several thousand meters, when I am closest to the 'horizon', it is difficult for my line of sight to penetrate the undulating clouds and mists, and scan the details on the ground clearly.

"Unless, I can force an armored airship to lower its altitude, close the distance, and get a closer look.

"In this way, this armored airship is bound to be discovered by the 'Horizon' drone."

Meng Chao pondered for a long time.

The books and materials that had just been stolen were returned to their office intact.

Immediately afterwards, He and Ailei came to the airport in the southeast corner of the Biochemical Industrial Park.

The airport is much busier than the monster feces disposal center.

The vigilance is also a little tighter.

But still can't stop a sneaky **** realm powerhouse.

Meng Chao followed suit and obtained a voyage list of air routes and the latest airspace information.

I figured out the closest route to the "horizon" and the closest armored airship.

And the weather information for this morning.

Include wind speed, direction and wind force within an hour.

According to the map, he found the armored airship on the tarmac.

This is a "Pegasus-2" armored airship.

A popular model that was mass-produced during the Monster Wars.

It was originally a combat boat for aerial hunting missions.

The collision and tearing marks of the pitted monsters on the boat can be seen from the vicissitudes of life it has experienced.

However, with the victory of the Monster War, the aerial threat ceased to exist, and a large number of battleships were rendered useless.

Many combat boats are equipped with external airbags and engines, which reduce the speed and increase the cargo capacity, and become civilian transport boats.

This is the case with the armored airship in front of me.

Judging from the paint on the boat, it belongs to the Universal Group.

Several staff members are sending the freshly slaughtered and cleaned monsters to the inside of the armored airship, in a special water-locked fresh-keeping cabinet.

Through eavesdropping on the conversation between the two staff members, Meng Chao learned that this armored airship was specially used to deliver raw materials for the canteen to the spar mines of the Huanyu Group in the remote foggy region.

The Huanyu Group has a great business, and it has its own monster farm on the side of the Nutao Mountains.

The monsters that are freshly slaughtered every morning are directly transported to the Wuyin Territory by the armored airship, so as to ensure that when they are sent to the back kitchen of the canteen, the flesh and blood of the monsters are still jumping around.

Spar mining is heavy physical labor.

In addition to accidents that may come at any time, front-line workers must also suffer from ubiquitous magnetic interference.

Looking forward to work for a long time, it is inevitable that you will be depressed, short-tempered and even crazy.

One of the most effective ways to increase productivity and reduce accident rates is to ensure food for front-line employees as much as possible.

However, this "Tianma-2" has been in service for many years and the maintenance is not very good.

Originally in the war years, in order to deal with the overwhelming beast tide, they could only "quantify the number" and work day and night.

After several thrilling aerial battles and traumatic overhauls, the interior has long been scarred.

After switching from military use to civilian use, the airbags and engines that were added were also in conflict with the original design concept.

This type of armored airship has a very high failure rate.

Fortunately, it is only around Longcheng to perform short-distance transportation operations.

There is no need to consider the problem of being attacked by monsters.

Moreover, armored airships are notoriously rough-skinned and thick-skinned.

Even if there is an accident, seven or eight engines are blown out, and at most, it will be paralyzed in the air, waiting for rescue.

After all, the airbags of armored airships are filled with inert gas.

The skin on the outside of the airbag is also made of special materials that cannot be burned by raging flames.

Even if it is vandalized, it is difficult to let it fall freely and cause tragedy.

Considering the cost, the armored airships that have been flying for more than ten or twenty years, patch after patch, or have been modified beyond recognition by magic, are still in service.

Therefore, the armored airship in front of me, in the climbing stage, exploded one or two spar engines because it exceeded the mechanical fatigue limit, causing it to deviate from the course. It is really not something to be surprised or nervous about.

Taking advantage of several staff members, they carried a few special-purpose sword-halberd demon pigs the size of a hill into the armored airship.

Meng Chao, like an invisible bolt of electricity, entered the blind spot of their sight and dodged into the cargo hold of the armored airship.

This is a transport boat, and the passengers were not considered in the first place.

The Sword and Halberd Demon Pigs raised by the Universal Group, although the cell activity and the psionic energy content per unit of flesh and blood are slightly higher than those on the market.

The value is not high enough to be coveted.

There was only one **** in the hold.

All attention was paid to whether the flesh and blood of the monster that had just been delivered was fresh, and whether the preservation facilities were functioning normally.

Without noticing at all, an uninvited guest has sneaked in.

When the armored airship slowly floated into the air and was about to accelerate, the slightly noisy roar from the spar engine convinced Meng Chao that his plan was feasible.

This "Tianma-2" is equipped with a total of twelve spar engines.

But only eight high-speed engines are original.

Four heavy-duty engines were added later, which were specially designed for long-distance transportation under super-large loads.

Two engines of different models, different uses, and different design ideas roared at the same time. As a result, their spiritual magnetic fields interfered with each other, causing the vibration of the engine, engine bracket and even the hull to far exceed the "comfortable" limit.

This armored airship is like an aging steel behemoth.

Send out the ** that is more than enough but not enough.

But still struggling to climb higher and higher, fly faster and faster.

Of course, this also puts more pressure on the spar engine.

So much so that Meng Chao heard the noise of the metal being too tired and tearing inside.

Drivers and escorts are used to the deafening noise.

They all wore earmuffs and helmets to prevent brain tremors.

Even more can not find the movement of uninvited guests.

When the armored airship was about to burrow into the clouds, the coating on the surface of the airbag could not be seen clearly from the ground.

Meng Chao got out of the cargo hold.

The humidity in the Nuts Mountains is extremely high, and the surface of the airbag of the armored airship is covered with water droplets the size of pinpoints, which are wet and slippery.

However, Meng Chao did not need to cling to the surface of the airbag.

Just use the huge airbag to disguise your flight path.

His limbs and the surface of the air bag are always 0.1 mm apart.

It "floated" directly to the six spar engines on the left rear of the armored airship.

Meng Chao first pulled out a hair and let it fall freely to test the current wind speed and direction.

Overlooking the rolling Nutao Mountains, confirm the general orientation of "Horizon Company".

Finally, the most precise timing is calculated based on the course and speed of the armored airship.

With a plethora of formulas and virtual trajectory graphs, it cascades down from my mind.

Meng Chao solved the answer.

Three minutes and seventeen seconds later.

The armored airship flew to the airspace closest to the Horizon Company.

The wind direction and speed are also just right.

Meng Chao was like a giant gecko, firmly glued to the main engine on the left side of the armored airship.

The two palms lightly pressed against the violently trembling casing of the main engine.

The psychic energy was like magma, spewing out from the palm of the hand, almost unobstructed, and poured into the core components of the main engine.

The tremor and noise of the main engine suddenly increased by a series! (To be continued)

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