The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1525: be a thief

Chapter 1525 Guilty of being a thief

The interior of this spar engine, which has been overloaded for many years, has long been covered with gaps that are invisible to the naked eye.

After Meng Chao's guidance, countless components resonated and immediately tore the gaps to the extent that they could stuff hair or even fingers.

Spiritual flames gushed out from the gap and spread to the propeller and the aura pipes that transport energy behind the engine.

The propellers and the aura pipes caught fire without incident.

Under Meng Chao's subtle control, thermal energy and kinetic energy were compressed into a very small space.

It was not until the destructive energy accumulated to the limit that he was instantly released, forming a small-scale explosion.


Countless components with extremely sharp edges, including the shell fragments of the main engine, turned into a torrent of steel with a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and shot at the skin of the airbag.

Although the skin is made of a special material with a very high ignition point, it is filled with inert gas and will never burn or even explode.

But the shards like sharp blades tore the skin into dozens of gaps seven or eight meters long, even more than ten meters long.

At an altitude of hundreds of meters, the airbag began to leak "chichichichi" and shriveled down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The airbag of this "Pegasus-2" adopts a partition structure design. The main airbag is divided into six independent areas, and four auxiliary airbags are added.

Even if half of the inert gas in the airbag leaks out and the airbag is completely deflated, it has the ability to slowly land on the ground.

However, under Meng Chao's careful calculation and ingenious guidance, a large number of airbags torn by debris were concentrated on the left side.

After the main engine on the left exploded, due to the imbalance of the propulsion force, the load of the other engines on the left suddenly increased, and two more engines caught fire and burned, and there were two more engines, and thick black smoke came out .

In other words, the left airbag and engine were almost completely scrapped.

Like a car that is speeding, the left wheel suddenly blows out.

Naturally, it deviates from the normal direction.

The driver of this "Pegasus-2" is also a veteran.

Back then, in the airspace where dozens of sky-splitting demon eyes were floating, they could kill seven in and seven out, with blood dyed in red clouds.

Even if there is only one engine left, there is a way to drive the armored airship back to the airport.

The small scene in front of him naturally couldn't help him.

In order to ensure balance, the driver actively released 10% of the inert gas in the right airbag.

The output power of the right engine was reduced by 70%.

Almost turned the armored airship into a hot air balloon, hovering in mid-air, and slowly descending at a very safe speed.

At the same time, he also made contact with the airport not far away.

And under the command of the airport, they were rescued by two armored airships on the nearby route.

This is normal operation.

Everything is under control.

There's really no need to panic.

But before rescue came.

affected by strong winds.

The powerless armored airship, teetering and drifting with the current, was blown right above the Horizon breeding base.

This is unavoidable.

Today's wind is fast and strong.

The entire "window period" is only a few minutes.

Right below the blazing main engine.

Meng Chao was not disturbed by the flames of thousands of degrees of high temperature. He blinked quickly, his eyes gleaming, like the camera system of a spy satellite.

Within minutes, hundreds of high-definition bird's-eye images were "taken" from different angles.

Within a few dozen miles of the "horizon", all the details in the depths of the jungle are deeply engraved on the cerebral cortex.

Horizon's drones noticed something unusual about the armored airship.

But when the "buzzing" mechanical bee swarm flew near the armored airship, Meng Chao had already finished the aerial reconnaissance and got back into the cargo hold.

Soon, a rescue team consisting of two larger armored airships also rushed to the scene.

The failure of this "Pegasus-2" is so serious that it lacks the ability to continue its mission after air maintenance.

The rescue team could only throw out the arm-thick cable, drag it, and return to the airport.

The "Pegasus-2" that landed in the open-air maintenance workshop attached to the airport was braving thick black smoke.

With the help of the black smoke, Meng Chao easily got rid of everyone's sight and joined Ailei.

Although the aerial reconnaissance program was quite successful.

There was no joy of success on Meng Chao's face.

Instead, he frowned slightly, looking confused.

"Senior, how is it?"

Alley said nervously, "Have you seen the situation around the 'Horizon' clearly?"

"I see clearly, but there is a certain deviation from my speculation. I didn't find too many abnormalities. At least, within ten kilometers from the 'horizon', there are no abnormalities."

Meng Chao told Ailei that within a ten-kilometer radius of Horizon Biotechnology Co., Ltd., there was nothing suspicious about topography or jungle vegetation.

He found no traces of artificial construction, such as secret entrances and exits, apron, cooling wells, sewage pipes and the like.

The vegetation has not been found to have been exposed to radiation, pollution, or mutated.

On the other hand, in the northwest direction of the "horizon", deep into the hinterland of the Nutao Mountains, there are several colorful jungles, as if they had been radiated by spiritual energy, resulting in pollution and mutation.

But that's too far.

It is more than 30 kilometers away from the "horizon".

After the big explosion of the Honghui jade vein, Nutao Mountain has become riddled with holes, and the surface of the mountain is full of cracks, like a boiler that has been in disrepair for a long time.

The spiritual energy contained in the underground mineral veins can easily penetrate into the surface through the criss-crossing gaps, affecting the local animals and plants, and then changing the form of the jungle.

It is too reluctant to connect the change of the jungle form twenty or thirty kilometers away with the weirdness of the "horizon".

"Horizon is unlikely to lay the secret sewage pipeline all the way more than 30 kilometers away. The amount of work to do so is too large, and it will definitely be discovered during construction."

Meng Chaodao said, "You must know that the Nutao Mountains are rich in vegetation and there are many types of monsters. They are the most popular hunting grounds for monster hunters, second only to the Hidden Mist.

"To this day, there are still many monster hunters who like to hunt, meditate, and practice in the hinterland of the Nuts Mountains.

"'Horizon' is low-key, far from being huge enough to cover the sky with one hand. How can it not be discovered if it is constructed in the depths of the jungle with great fanfare?

"However, if there are no energy sources, cooling wells and sewage pipes, no matter what the **** the Horizon is doing, the scale can't be too big, and how can it attract the attention of the koala monkeys?"

Meng Chao began to wonder if he had overlooked any clues, leading to wrong speculation.

Just when he wanted to completely overthrow his own ideas and start over from scratch.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a familiar face.

This airport is not very large.

The passenger waiting area and the open-air maintenance yard are next to each other.

After some tossing just now, it was already more than ten o'clock in the morning.

The number of passengers waiting to board the plane gradually increased.

Everyone was bored and gathered around to watch the "Pegasus-2" for maintenance.

I heard the "Pegasus-2" driver complain loudly to the maintenance staff, saying that he had long known that there was a problem with the armored airship. He heard an abnormal noise from the main engine during the first few flights, and hit it several times. The report calls for a major overhaul, but recently the operations at the spar mines in Longcheng have been very heavy, and the transportation capacity is so tight that the overhaul date has been delayed again and again, and so on.

"I know him."

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and locked onto a seemingly ordinary passenger.

But he only glanced at it and pulled Ellay aside.

"What, who?"

Ai Lei's eyes went over Meng Chao's shoulders, and she still couldn't see clearly, "Have seniors met a former friend?"

"Not before, just now."

Meng Chao said, "At nine o'clock in your direction, the second from the right is the guy with dark skin, short head, some big eyes, carrying a mountaineering bag and a travel bag. I was at six forty-seven in the morning. saw him."

Ai Lei thought about it for a while, and said in surprise: "At that time, we were observing the breeding base of 'Horizon'!"

"That's right."

Meng Chao said, "At that time, this guy was wearing a camouflage uniform and carrying a stun gun, and was patrolling back and forth between several guard towers outside the breeding base.

"Judging by how he was dressed at the time, he should have been a security guard at Horizon.

"Also, I remember that at that time, the security guards on the guard tower were a little nervous when they saw him, and all their muscles tightened involuntarily.

"From the analysis of his breathing and heartbeat at the moment, his strength is not weak, at least he has reached the peak of the realm.

"He's supposed to be the head of security, a security chief or something, at least on the surface.

"The problem is, a security supervisor who was on duty at six or seven in the morning is now wearing casual clothes, carrying a large bag and a small bag, and looks like he is going home to visit relatives or travel. Is this reasonable?"

Ellie thought about it.

Although it is not ruled out that the security director has just finished the night shift and will take a few days off.

But it is more likely that "Horizon" found that an armored airship deviates from the route, and it is possible to spy on the secrets of its own company. Therefore, a security supervisor in disguise is sent to investigate the reason why the armored airship deviates from the route. .

Here comes the problem.

Is it necessary for a legitimately operating and upright company to do this with a guilty conscience, just because the armored airship passed over his head, is he so nervous to ask the truth?

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