The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1537: God Change 9.0

At the end of this harmless treatment workshop, there is a huge dissection table.

Two reapers wearing sterile suits and carrying a complete set of multi-functional exoskeletons for dissection and harvesting, like metal octopus-like harvesters, are in front of the dissection table, facing the mountain-like corpse of monsters, concentrate on operation on.

Out of curiosity as a reaper, Meng Chao took a few more glances at the dissection table.

In any case, despite the chaos outside, these two reapers are still able to stick to their posts. They are meticulous. This professionalism is worth admiration.

Seeing this, Meng Chao broke out in a cold sweat.

The sword and halberd demon pig on the dissection table, except that it is slightly larger than its peers and slightly puffy, does not have too many deformities.

However, when the two reapers waved their robotic arms, cut its torso along the midline of the chest and abdomen, cut a "Y"-shaped opening, and turned the flesh to both sides, Meng Chao could see clearly. , Between the blood dripping organs, there is a huge bomb hidden!

This bomb should be a heavy train shell, or an aerial bomb dropped by a super-giant armored airship.

It is over two meters in length and close to one meter in diameter.

It occupied almost all the space in the abdominal cavity of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig, squeezing the internal organs to one side.

From the faint flames flowing from the surface of the bomb, you can imagine how many spar is filled inside.

At this moment, due to the magnetic interference caused by the earthquake, the bomb trembled weakly, as if a monster was hidden inside, and it couldn't wait to break out of the cocoon.

Although the bomb's insurance has not been lifted.

Under normal circumstances, it will not be easily detonated.

The two reapers and bomb disposal experts were still in the abyss, cautious, so nervous that they didn't even dare to let out the air, even the robotic arms were shaking slightly, and the cold sweat was dense and meandering. Criss-crossing imprints.

"How frustrating do you have to be to think of combining a blockbuster with a sword-halberd demon pig?

"Such a sword and halberd demon pig has no need to mention its combat effectiveness, but if it is used to launch a suicide attack, it can definitely kill the target, cause heavy damage, and leave an unforgettable impression!

"It's no wonder that these two reapers and bomb disposal specialists are sticking to their posts.

"It is estimated that when the earthquake hit, they had already started work, and the bombs were half removed. Even if the sky collapsed, they could not leave their posts without permission. Otherwise, if such a large bomb was left here, it would be damaged by the aftermath of the earthquake and the spiritual magnetic storm. Break through the insurance, activate and detonate, and if you don't succeed, half of the laboratory will be razed to the ground!"

The scene in front of him gave Meng Chao a deeper understanding of the madness of the host of this underground laboratory.

At this time, two reapers and bomb disposal experts finally extracted the blockbuster from the abdominal cavity of the sword halberd demon pig intact.

Fully immerse the blood-drenched blockbuster in the stabilizer containing mithril, close the cover of the ammo box, and confirm that the ammunition box with the embedded lead plate can isolate more than 90% of the magnetic interference. , two reapers and bomb disposal experts, this is a little relieved.

They unscrewed the one-way flow valve on the sterile suit.

The sweat that had already accumulated in a puddle in the sealed sterile suit immediately turned into a thread and was released from the diversion valve.

The two breathed a sigh of relief.

The tense nerves and muscles were all relaxed, and the two were so tired that they collapsed to the ground. It took a long time before they regained the strength to communicate with each other.

They use communicators embedded in airtight sterile suits to speak.

But the air tremors when speaking will inevitably form ripples on the airtight sterile clothing.

Moreover, sealed sterile clothing can only block most bacteria and viruses.

But it is impossible to prevent the transmission of sound waves 100% - especially, it is impossible to stop the sound waves from being transmitted to the ears of a powerful person in the realm of God.

So, Meng Chao vaguely heard the conversation between the two.

"Damn it, earthquakes are getting more and more frequent recently, how did you find such a ghost place to build a laboratory?"

"No way, in order to keep it secret, we can only choose a place deep in the Nutso Mountains, where the geological structure and spiritual magnetic field are unstable. Besides, the spiritual magnetic storm that is set off from time to time is also good for our experiments. It can frequently stimulate monster cells and induce Gene mutations that are difficult to induce in artificial environments.”

"But what our project needs most is a stable spiritual magnetic environment. Fortunately, our experiment has not yet started. If we activate the aerial bomb and then the earthquake breaks out, no one else will know. Your brother and I will definitely be killed. The out-of-control aerial bomb, coupled with the psychic power of the sword halberd demon pig itself, was blown to pieces!"

"You're lucky, a group of experiments over there have already begun, and now I don't know how to end it!"

"What? One group conducted the most dangerous 'God Transformation 9.0' experiment. Those monsters injected with the 'God Transformation 9.0' had at least ten times the combat power than usual, and the probability of losing control would also increase ten times. If this At that time, these monsters will be stimulated by the spiritual magnetic storm again, who knows what they will become!"

Meng Chao's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard this.

From the conversation of the two reapers and bomb disposal experts, he locked on a key word.

"God Change 9.0"!

In the depths of Meng Chao's brain, there is a memory about "divine change".

That is the "magic capsule" that once made waves in Chaocheng and almost caused the tumor growing in the heart of Longcheng to completely explode.

Divine Transformation Capsule is a very special genetic medicine.

It can stimulate the cells of ordinary people, overload the mitochondria, and instantly output ten times or even a hundred times the energy, so that ordinary people can obtain a short but powerful extraordinary power in just three to five minutes, at most ten or twenty minutes. Compete with the extraordinary.

During the monster war, the monster civilization secretly prepared a large number of god-changing capsules, and in the dragon city, a large number of gangsters were recruited, using the god-changing capsules to concoct them into a vicious "suicide squad", and this team Sent into Chaocheng, setting off a **** storm.

If it wasn't for Meng Chao and Lu Siya to join forces to stop it, the stormy waves caused by the God Transformation Capsule would have devoured the Chaocheng City and set off a chain reaction that would eventually destroy the entire Dragon City.

But concocting genetic medicines is no easy task.

At least one large laboratory, corresponding experimental equipment, and experimental personnel with certain professional qualities are required.

It's hard to imagine that a monster with a big size and a big size would wear a white lab coat and gold-rimmed glasses, curling up in front of a microscope and a petri dish to conduct experiments.

At that time, the Alien Beast Investigation Bureau speculated that the monster civilization absorbed a large number of humans who were thrown out of the Dragon City in the early days of crossing and living in the wilderness.

And the criminals who committed **** and criminal in Longcheng, were wanted, had nowhere to stay, and took the initiative to flee.

Using the wisdom and hands-on ability of these people, the genetic laboratory of the monster civilization was established.

The problem is that Meng Chao was one of the first humans to break into the ultimate lair of monster civilization.

But he did not discover the existence of the genetic laboratory of the monster civilization in the Hidden Mist.

So, where are the numerous divine transformation capsules, and who made them?

During the monster war, it almost gave Longcheng a "Blooming Center" God Transformation Capsule, and the "God Transformation 9.0" in front of him, does it have anything to do with it?

"Thinking about it carefully, the Divine Transformation Capsule is not so much a genetic medicine that helps human beings to instantly improve their strength, but it is more suitable for monsters to inject and take.

"After all, the principle of the Divine Transformation Capsule is to stimulate the overloaded operation of mitochondria, so that the flesh and blood cells can burn ten times or even a hundred times faster, overdraw the potential of life as much as possible, and exchange life for combat power!

"Uncultivated human cells, without long-term infiltration of spiritual energy, are not as strong as monster cells.

"The vast majority of monsters are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, with extremely tenacious vitality. Even if the heart or even the brain is destroyed, driven by the primitive nervous system, it is still possible to continue to fight and cause extremely terrifying killings.

"Such a monster, even if it takes ten times the human dose of Divine Transformation Capsules, it is estimated that it will not be so easy, organ failure or even body explosion.

"Not to mention, there is also the strange existence of 'Blood Pattern Flower', which can turn monsters into undead creatures.

"'Monster cells plus divine transformation capsules plus blood pattern flower spores' is a golden combination made in heaven!"

In Meng Chao's mind, a picture of "an undead creature whose combat power has increased tenfold after taking a large number of divine transformation capsules" appeared in Meng Chao's mind.

The corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

At this moment, the two reapers and bomb disposal experts were stabbed **** their buttocks as if they had been stabbed by a stab that suddenly appeared.

The two jumped up at the same time.

"No, one group is out of control!"

"Hurry up and support!"

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