The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1538: Madness in advance

Accompanied by the convulsive movements of two reapers and bomb disposal experts.

A hasty alarm sounded from the four corners of the harmless treatment workshop.

The high-frequency flashing red light added a bit of tension to the already swaying underground space.

Two reapers and bomb disposal specialists slammed down a red button next to the dissection table.

Behind the dissection table, at the end of the workshop, a steel plate with a large number of rivets, as thick as the gate of a bank vault, was pulled by the arm-thick hinges, and slowly slid along the slide rails into the reinforced concrete wall with a thickness of more than three meters, revealing Another deep and dark corridor.

At the end of the corridor, there was a faint scream of a monster.

The strong smell of blood, like a rampant flame, almost didn't overturn the two of them to the ground.

Both focus on the "group" that is about to get out of control.

Without noticing at all, before they entered the corridor and closed the steel plates, a ghostly figure also came in.

This is not the way researchers come and go on a daily basis.

Instead, it was specially used to transport experimental subjects, or more precisely, a channel for transporting monsters.

Because many monsters are as huge as mountains.

The passage is also built to be extra spacious.

During transportation, some monsters continued to struggle, spraying blood plasma and acid, and burning and eroding the walls of the corridor into mottled and pitted.

So much so that there are not many monitoring devices that can stay here intact for three days.

This greatly facilitates Meng Chao's dormancy and sneaking.

He followed the two reapers and bomb disposal experts like shadows.

Turning around two corners, there are several forks ahead, leading to different project teams and research rooms.

At this moment, under the increasingly urgent sound of the alarm, countless staff members wearing airtight suits, carrying exoskeletons, and armed to the teeth rushed out of their research rooms and rushed to the "team" for support.

In a hurry, no one noticed that Meng Chao, who was also wearing a sealed protective suit and covered his mouth, nose, eyes and ears, was not one of them.

The whistling of the monster ahead became more and more sharp and intense.

The shock caused by the monster hitting the wall and the floor also tore cobweb-like cracks at the top of the corridor.

Countless dust and gravel fell from the cracks and hit the rescuer's head.

Black smoke, thick fog, **** glow, and spiritual flames made everyone feel ashamed and couldn't tell each other's faces.

Meng Chao heard many researchers cursing through gritted teeth.

Curse the host of the lab for being inhumane, only caring about the results of the experiment, but not the life and death of the researcher.

In the past six months, an unknown number of researchers have been killed or injured in similar experimental accidents, and the monsters have gone out of control.

Curse is cursing.

Their steps were not slow at all.

After all, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope.

God knows what scale of tragedy will be created in the underground laboratory if the monster escapes out of control.

Even if you can survive.

Once this underground laboratory is exposed because the monster is out of control.

He was lightly revoked from relevant licenses for conducting taboo experiments, banned from entering relevant industries for life, engaging in relevant research, and ending his academic life.

In severe cases, he will be punished by the law and end up in life imprisonment.

Besides, everyone is conducting taboo experiments with similar degrees of danger.

There is a possibility of losing control, madness, and self-destruction of the experimental subjects under anyone's hands.

No one wants their experimental subjects to end up alone and helpless when they are mad.

Therefore, the researchers were complaining and cursing, and the whirlwind rushed into the largest research laboratory at the end of the corridor.

It's not so much a standard laboratory full of bottles and jars.

Rather, it is a giant monster arena.

A space the size of half a basketball court is theoretically enough to accommodate the vast majority of monsters below the **** level, flexing their teeth and claws here, activating their muscles and bones.

However, the surrounding area was densely embedded with steel cones, and even on the reinforced concrete walls that were connected to the high-voltage power grid, there were still countless shocking monsters colliding and scratching traces.

Many impact marks, like small craters and craters, are covered with radial cracks from the inside out.

The depth of many claw marks exceeds the length of half an arm.

If the same powerful scratch was applied to the main battle tank, it would be enough to tear the frontal armor of the main battle tank in half with ease.

In the center of this "Monster Arena", there are seven control devices that look like giant medical cabins.

In these medical cabins or culture tanks, which are more than five meters long and three meters wide, they are filled with dark green medicines with a fragrant smell and a sticky texture.

There are countless bubbles rolling inside, and the surface is close to the boiling dark green medicine, soaked in a sword-halberd demon pig with hundreds of tubes inserted all over its body.

One end of these catheters is connected to the blood vessels, bone marrow and neural network of the sword halberd demon pig.

The other end that extends beyond the culture tank is connected to dozens of metal cans with "biochemical hazard" signs painted on them.

Meng Chao smelled a very strong concentration of calmness and relaxation of muscles from the dark green medicine.

It seems that this should be something like a "hibernation potion".

It can greatly reduce the metabolism of the monster and keep the monster in a deep sleep state for a long time, thereby reducing consumption and facilitating control and transportation.

But before Meng Chao's man-made earthquake struck.

The researchers here have diluted the concentration of the hibernating potion.

And through hundreds of catheters, a large number of unknown but extremely dangerous genetic medicines, including "Divine Transformation 9.0", were injected into the body of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig.

Perhaps, it also adopted simple and rude methods such as bioelectrical stimulation, so that the sword halberd demon pig quickly woke up from deep sleep, and instantly entered a state of excitement and even rage.

Originally, this "activation" was controllable.

However, the speed and extent of the psychic surge caused by the man-made earthquake caused the sword-halberd demon pig to enter a state of excitement and even rage, far beyond the researchers' expectations.

Coupled with the negative impact of the earthquake on the overall structure and defense system of the entire underground laboratory.

So much so that the researchers were caught off guard when faced with the sudden madness of the Sword and Halberd Demon Pig.

At this moment, the ten cultivation tanks were all hit by the furious sword-halberd demon pigs inside.

Looking through the observation window inlaid with tempered glass on the side of the culture tank, Meng Chao found that all the sword-halberd demon pigs were undergoing visible mutations.

They all belonged to "little white pigs" whose tusks, bristles and crusty skin were removed at the embryonic stage using gene knockout technology.

Now, in just a few minutes or even dozens of seconds, these little white pigs have shown the most primitive, brutal and barbaric appearance of their ancestors.

On both sides of the nose arch of some little white pigs, the tusks that are comparable to the tyrant Mengma are protruding violently.

And under the tearing of the fangs, the "small cherry mouth" that was originally harmless to humans and animals was also torn all the way to the root of the ear, turning into a **** mouth full of sharp teeth.

Some little white pigs have grown a dense layer of bristles with extremely sharp bristles. The bristles have a faint metallic luster, and the ends of the bristles even have barbs, which can be pulled and pulled with a gentle rub on the human body. , tore off a large piece of blood dripping flesh.

There are also little white pigs that even quickly grew scales and carapaces that never belonged to the sword and halberd demon pigs, turning themselves into a monster warrior with a top helmet and armor.

No matter what form it takes, these sword-halberd demon pigs are filled with explosive power, and they seem to be driven by endless pain, slamming into the inside of the cultivation tank.

Including the genetic medicine, the cultivation tank with a total weight of more than ten tons swayed like an empty matchbox in the gust of wind under the impact of the sword halberd demon pig.

On the tempered glass observation windows of several culture tanks, there are criss-crossing spider web cracks that may shatter at any time.

There are also several cultivation tanks, which are like a lonely boat in the stormy sea, which may capsize at any time.

Finally, I only heard the sound of "crashing". One of them was extremely strong, with scars all over its body, and its vertebrae were bulging high. Like a Stegosaurus, the sword-halberd demon pig with sharp bone plates smashed the observation on the side of the culture tank. The window, and the pig's trotters with sharp claws, clawed at the edge of the observation window, and tore the outer shell of the culture tank made of super alloy to pieces, and drilled out from the inside.

At the same time, the other one was slender and covered with shiny scales. It didn't look like a sword and halberd demon pig. It looked like some kind of mutant crocodile monster. After repeated violent shaking, it finally overturned the cultivation tank. Then he took the opportunity to flip the cover and climbed out! (To be continued)

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