The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1542: Sword and Halberd Demon Pig's Rival

Meng Chao was still thinking.

From the four corners of Test Ground No. 1, the countdown to "The test is about to start" has already been heard.

Over the test field, there were hundreds of pipes crisscrossing the top of the rock like a giant python, making a low tremor at the same time.

As a powerhouse in the divine realm, Meng Chao could clearly feel the destructive energy surging in these channels, ready to go.

It is conceivable that in the event of an accident in the test, from these pipes, ice flames of minus 100000000000000000000000000000000000 have been since Every cell of the monster can also cast the monster into immobile scrap copper and rotten iron; it can even blast out tens of thousands of volts of high-voltage arc, blasting the monster into ashes.

Of course, it is also possible to drain the air in the test field, or inject hypnotic gases, muscle paralyzing toxins and neurotoxins to keep the chaos to a minimum.

The need to use such strict security measures also shows from another side how dangerous the tests that are usually conducted here are.

Accompanied by a red light that turns green.

The countdown is nearing its end.

The sword-halberd demon pig in the ten cultivation tanks woke up again, and rammed into the inner wall of the cultivation tank restlessly.

But this time, contrary to their expectations, the hatch cover of the culture tank actually opened voluntarily.

Ten sword and halberd demon pigs jumped out one after another.

They shook their heads and shook their tails, shaking off the crush on their bodies, half vigilant, half curiously looking at the completely unfamiliar environment around them.

Although four of them were injured in the accident just now.

The internal organs of the two sword-halberd demon pigs were exposed to the air, only a layer of skin as thin as a cicada's wings covered them, and the wriggling and tremors of the internal organs could be clearly seen.

But such a serious injury actually added to their ferocity, filling their small scarlet eyes with an incomparably ferocious ray of light, and their deathly ray-like eyes continued to swept all around, just wanting to perish with any target within their field of vision.

There are several sword-halberd demon pigs habitually digging the ground.

I sniffed the residual breath of the doomsday beast.

The level suppression between monsters is very serious.

Ordinary sword and halberd demon pigs, not to mention the doomsday beasts at the top of the food chain, even if they smelled the breath of **** beasts from a distance, they would be frightened.

But instead of fear, these sword-halberd demon pigs showed extremely excited and increasingly aggressive expressions.

At this time, several sword-halberd demon pigs also discovered the observation and control room where the experimenters were located high on the rock wall.

With their trotters inlaid with spikes and claws, they may not be able to climb up and down the rocky wall.

After the little scarlet eyes twitched for a while, they did not act recklessly.

Instead, they leaned against their heads, got together, snorted, and communicated with each other.

This is enough to show that these sword and halberd demon pigs have gotten rid of the shortcomings of the same kind of developed limbs and simple minds, and have the hunting wisdom of wolves.

However, before trying to find a way to break through the defense line of human beings, tearing apart the flesh and blood of human beings, and taking out all the internal organs of human beings to feast on them.

They have yet another tougher opponent to face.

The other end of the testing field.

Accompanied by a harsh mechanical sound.

A whole rock wall subsided, revealing a bottomless cave.

In the cave, there was a series of unlocking sounds of "chichi, chichichichi", as if the demons originally imprisoned in the depths of **** were suddenly unsealed.

Soon, this "demon" emerged from the darkness with a darker outline.

At first glance, it looks like a colorful tiger magnified three or four times, with an extremely strong inverted triangle shape and sharp claws that cut iron like mud.

A pair of piercing tiger eyes released a light of both brutality and majesty. The word "King" on the forehead was clearly visible, full of the bearing of a king who was not angry and arrogant.

Even, because a circle of bone spurs protruded violently on the skull, as if wearing a crown of thorns, making it more than ordinary tigers, it added a bit of the taste of reigning the world, life and death.

But if you look closely, you can find that in the depths of its tiger eyes, there are vertical pupils similar to reptiles.

Under the pale golden tiger velvet, there is also a layer of fine gold scales.

The extremely strong tiger body, below the waist, suddenly shrank to the limit, turning into a python body the thickness of a bucket, and a sharp and thin snake tail.

It was like a perfect combination of the upper body of the colorful tiger and the lower body of the giant anaconda, the king of the giant pythons.

It has both the ferocity of a tiger's attack and the agility of a giant python.

Tiger claws can tear other monsters as well as human main battle tanks in half.

When the python crawls over the ground, it can also leave winding venom and high-energy flammable substances, which are ignited by the friction of the scales, opening an airtight fire net to compress the escape space of the prey.

All over the snake's tail, the densely packed holes like a honeycomb exude a disgusting poisonous mist, plus the bone spurs hidden inside, which can pop out at any time, no one wants to be turned into a mace at any time by such a The strange tail wiped his body.

"Tiger Jiao!"

The iconic features of the anticlimactic make Meng Chao instantly think of a terrifying name.

Tiger Jiao is a very terrifying **** beast.

At the same time, it has the lethality of liger monsters and the stealth of reptile monsters.

During a frontal attack, it can easily overturn a main battle tank weighing dozens of tons to the ground and ravage it into a shattered matchbox.

When hiding in the depths of the jungle, it can also use its natural mimetic ability to silently spurt deadly venom from the darkness - its toxicity and corrosiveness are no less than that of the "Purple Striped Two-tailed Scorpion". A worm-like monster known for its highly poisonous properties!

When defending, its tiger bone plus downy plus scales, triple defense system, also makes humans extremely headaches.

Long-range firepower is difficult to lock on to its key points, and a close-range bullet storm is tantamount to massaging and scraping it.

In close combat, there is the risk of being torn apart by its sharp claws or strangled into a mass of flesh by the python's body.

The most terrible thing is that Tiger Jiao also has a very difficult racial talent.

That's the "regeneration" ability that many reptile monsters have.

Its cells regenerate five to seven times faster than most monsters.

In actual combat, even if a two- or three-meter-long hole is torn on the body, it will not affect the tiger Jiao's unparalleled destructive power.

Even if the forelimbs are cut off, or the tail is crushed by the crawler.

It can regenerate equally powerful limbs in just half a day as if nothing had happened.

In short, Tiger Jiao is a kind of "perfect monster" with fairly balanced combat parameters, almost no shortcomings, and no weaknesses.

Meng Chao even found the corpse of the tyrant Mammoth who had been crushed by a tiger dragon and hollowed out his internal organs in the wilderness!

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