The Earth People are so Fierce

: 1543 Incomparably cruel style of play

"Adult tiger scorpion is a terrifying existence that can use tyrant mammoth as a late night snack.

"Even if these sword and halberd demon pigs have received the modulation of 'God Transformation 9.0', how many seconds can they stand in front of the minions and venom of the tiger Jiao?"

Meng Chao saw that after the majestic tiger Jiao discovered the sword and halberd demon pig, it still looked like he was not very interested and lazy.

It takes the sword-halberd demon pig as its daily food.

Without realizing it, it was a thrilling, life-or-death test.

The sword-halberd demon pig had a solemn look on his face.

They shrank their heads and stepped back.

Under normal circumstances, at this time, they should have long ago had a heart palsy, their muscles were stiff, and they curled up in a ball, waiting for the tiger to swallow them. The only thing they can expect when the nightmare beast meets the **** beast is to let themselves die more happily. , to reduce pain.

However, these sword halberd demon pigs, whose blood, bone marrow, and brain were all boiled with the injection of "God Transformation 9.0", have long been out of the same category.

Although the stance is very low.

But in their small scarlet eyes, there was a faint burning will to tear everything, destroy everything, and devour everything.

No matter what the opposite is the war machine made by human beings with super alloy.

Or the beast of **** standing at the top of the food chain.

They are all fearless.

The so-called retreat is just like a continuously compressing spring, which is accumulating force.

Soon, when the ten sword and halberd demon pigs all retreated to the corner of the test field, they had their backs against the rock wall and had a solid power point.

Tiger Jiao also swam to the center of the spotlight, and there was no obstruction around it.

The ten-headed sword-halberd demon pig seemed to hear the sound of the silent starting gun, and its movements were neat and uniform. Almost at the same time, it stomped **** the rock wall, and instantly soared its speed to the limit, like ten cannonballs galloping fast, from ten different shells. Angle, rushing towards the tiger Jiao roaring.

Tiger Jiao was obviously stunned.

Unexpectedly, the little sword and halberd demon pig would dare to take the initiative to provoke it.

But that didn't affect its reaction speed.


Accompanied by an explosion that broke the speed of sound.

Tiger Jiao's figure blurred.

It showed an amazing speed that was completely inconsistent with its huge stature.

Relying on the bouncing of the python's body, it instantly moved seven or eight meters.

The collision of the sword halberd demon pig smashed the afterimage of the tiger Jiao into pieces.

Tiger Jiao also took the opportunity to capture the two sword-halberd demon pigs that were closest to it.

Just heard a "pop" sound.

The sharp claws, which combined the dual characteristics of a tiger and a dragon, slammed it fiercely, like a knife smashing a cucumber, smashing the skull of a sword-halberd demon pig.

The whole head of this sword-halberd demon pig was deeply sunken, and the brain pulp spurted out from the ear canal and nostrils, and the two jujube-sized eyeballs were also squeezed out of their sockets, only relying on two bundles of nerve cords, hanging tremblingly on the face.

The other sword-halberd demon pig was drenched in the high-energy flammable mucus sprayed from the tiger's tail.

Immediately afterwards, the tail muscles of the tiger Jiao twitched violently, and the scales rubbed at super high speed, wiping out a series of dazzling sparks, igniting the high-energy flammable mucus.

The flames spread like a virus.

Not only rolling on the fur, but also pervasive penetration into the depths of the flesh.

The poor sword and halberd demon pig was burned into a screaming fireball.

The other eight sword halberd demon pigs realized that what they were attacking was just an afterimage.

Only emergency braking.

Because the speed was too fast and the steering was too violent, the bones all over the body made a "crack and crackle" sound.

After all, they obtained the violent power only by relying on "God Change 9.0".

For a while, they couldn't control their strength and couldn't grasp the balance, and they fell to the ground one after another.

The tiger Jiao took the opportunity to swim up, the tiger claws and the strange tail flew up and down, and swept the swords, halberds and demon pigs fiercely, and slapped them on the rock wall. Leaving dark traces.

Just one round.

The ten sword and halberd demon pigs seemed to be defeated.

Hu Jiao's face still had that casual and lazy expression.

Indeed, for the terrifying existence that can strangle the tyrant mammoth, defeating the sword and halberd demon pig is as simple as dividing food with a knife and fork, and then feeding it into the mouth, there is really nothing to be happy and proud of.

Tiger Jiao slowly swam towards the sword and halberd demon pig with a broken tendon and a broken bone, rolling all over the floor.

He opened his sharp claws and stabbed into the neck of this sword and halberd demon pig.

The claws didn't reach the bottom, and they poked out from the other side.

The sword-halberd demon pig screamed for a while, and the blood foam gushing out of its throat blocked it.

Its eyes were tightly closed, it twitched violently, and it no longer had the strength to struggle.

Such a reaction was also expected by Hu Jiao.

It opened its **** mouth and stuffed the sword halberd demon pig into it.

The jawbone and tooth structure of the tiger Jiao integrates the dual characteristics of ligers and snakes. It is not only covered with fangs that can tear the armor of a chariot, but also disengages the jaws like snakes. Open your mouth to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Not to mention the sword halberd demon pig, even the head of the tyrant mammoth can bite off half of it in one bite.

However, just when the tiger Jiao was ready to feast on it, an astonishing mutation erupted from its mouth!

Dozens of bones were broken by the tiger scorpion, the sharp bone spurs pierced the skin, the limbs were bent and twisted abnormally, the cervical vertebrae and carotid arteries were penetrated by tiger claws, and 50% of the sword and halberd demons died. pig.

Suddenly, inside Hu Jiao's **** mouth, he opened his tightly closed eyes.

Its small scarlet eyes not only bloomed with the brutality that the sword and halberd demon pig should have.

There is also some kind of cunning to succeed.

Just as the fangs of Tiger Jiao pierced its torso.

This sword-halberd demon pig even opened its **** mouth and bit the tiger's tongue fiercely!

do you want to eat me?

I still want to eat you!

No matter how tough the tiger's fur and scales are, how sharp its fangs and claws are.

It is slightly longer than ordinary liger monsters, and more like a snake and lizard-like tongue. After all, it does not have it, and it is impossible to cultivate it to such a degree that it is as hard as iron and invulnerable to a knife.

This sword and halberd demon pig had already made plans to "exchange wounds with life". Even when the tiger's claws pierced through the cervical vertebra and carotid artery, it resisted and did not struggle, just to use all its strength. , poured it into this mouth, bit it, like a **** who would not let go!

Just as the claws of the tiger jiao pierced the neck of the sword-halberd demon pig, and the fangs pierced the torso of the sword-halberd demon pig.

The sword-halberd demon pig's fangs like a broken armor also pierced the tiger's tongue.

Tiger Jiao made a startling howl.

The vertical pupils in the tiger's eyes burst open in an instant.

Under the stimulation of half anger and half pain, it trembled with anger, and its fangs and claws were like chainsaws at full power, biting fiercely.

Half of his body was taken into the mouth of the sword halberd demon pig, and he had no power to fight back.

It was quickly torn to shreds.

It's like a stewed elbow that has been stewed until the bones are crispy and the meat is rotten, and it has been smashed by seven or eight pairs of chopsticks.

Not only were all limbs ripped off.

Even the internal organs spewed out from the shocking slits on the torso.

The blood of the sword-halberd demon pig was almost drained.

Even so, it still did not let go.

Instead, it uses the tiger's tongue as the power point.

Squirming all over his body, the muscles still under his control struggled to arch into the depths of Hu Jiao's throat.

Afterwards, he took a deep breath, erected his mane like a steel needle, and plunged deeply into the flesh and blood around the tiger's throat.

It turned out that he wanted to turn himself into an extra-large iron caltrop, and he would die with a tiger scorpion in his throat.

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