The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1618: weak warrior

Chapter 1618 Warriors with Disadvantages

Shen Yuanbiao doesn't seem to know that Shen Yuanbao has listed him as the biggest suspect.

The big butler of the Huanyu Group, who was devoted to his duties, told Shen Yuanbiao with a gloomy face that his assassination had caused an uproar throughout the city.

Now there are different opinions in the outside world, and the more and more they spread, the more mysterious it is.

The most outrageous rumor has turned into the assassination of Shen Yuanbao on the spot. In order to stabilize the overall situation, the Universal Group deliberately blocked the news and found a substitute to hide the truth. The heirs of the Shen family who learned the truth have been divided into two camps. Dragons are fighting.

Affected by the rumors, the stock prices of the Universal Group and its affiliated companies fluctuated sharply in the financial market.

There are also many suppliers who urgently contacted Shen Yuanbiao to try to find out the truth.

The ongoing cooperation between them has also cast a large shadow.

A large amount of accounts receivable was originally held by Shen Yuanbao, an older generation of God Realm powerhouse, who was not afraid of not being able to collect it.

However, these normal business problems are not the most terrible thing.

The most terrible thing is that the Blue Alliance seems to see clearly which one is the weakest link among the nine super enterprises through the assassination of Shen Yuanbao.

They are concentrating all their firepower on the weakest link, trying to hit a little bit and then fully bloom.

So, for a while, with the cover of various lace news and gossip, articles like "Reviewing Shen Yuanbao's life where good and evil are indistinguishable, black and white" were released with astonishing efficiency, and were instantly pushed to major social media The top of the list is even pushed directly to the subscription mailboxes of the majority of users.

These seemingly fair articles, of course, did not cover up Shen Yuanbao's contribution to Longcheng - including building an extraordinary tower, setting up a survival committee, beheading doomsday beasts, and fighting monster masters to the death, and so on.

After all, these contributions are obvious to all, familiar to all, and cannot be concealed at all.

However, after mentioning the contribution lightly, most of the content that follows is how Shen Yuanbao digs the first pot of gold, and what he did during the transformation of the "Huanyu Gang" into the "Huanyu Group", and how did the Huanyu Group monopolize On the issues of a large number of spar ore veins, a lot of ink has been spent and a big fuss has been made.

A peerless hero who can survive from the **** era when the order is broken, lawless, and the strong eat the weak, naturally cannot be a good man and woman who eats fast and recites Buddha.

Except for the "Martial God" Lei Zongchao, no matter how grandiose and sanctimonious the powerhouses in the **** realm look today, when they fought to the death in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, they killed the first pot of gold. , there are always such and such, "opportunities" and "secrets" that are not enough for outsiders.

This is especially true of Shen Yuanbao.

This is the original sin of the peerless powerhouse.

It is also an unspoken rule in the circle of extraordinary people.

It is a well-known secret of the entire Dragon City.

In the past, ordinary citizens had to rely on peerless powerhouses to help them fight monsters.

This secret was sunk into the bottom of the sea by everyone in a tacit understanding.

Now, the monsters have been eliminated, the Dragon City has stabilized, and among ordinary citizens, more and more middle and low-level extraordinary people have emerged, which can partially replace—at least in the eyes of ordinary citizens, can partially replace the nine major cultivation families. Peerless powerhouse.

At this time, people look back at the **** years when the order collapsed decades ago, and look at the original sin inherent in the peerless powerhouse. Naturally, they use a different look.

"Shen Yuanbao is the incarnation of that unbearable **** age, a combination of good and evil, black and white, order and chaos, protection and plunder, construction and destruction.

"From the perspective of future generations, it is difficult for us to make an absolutely fair evaluation of him. We can only say that the times create heroes. He is a very special hero created by Longcheng who has just crossed into this treacherous new world, created by special circumstances. figure.

"And the fall of Shen Yuanbao not only represents that the special era of chaos, blood and barbarism has come to an end, but also represents a brand-new era that respects order, everyone is equal, and is more beautiful, and the curtain is slowly opened.

"A warrior with shortcomings is a warrior after all. We should pay the highest respect to the old hero Shen Yuanbao, and we should overcome Shen Yuanbao's shortcomings and embark on a fairer, brighter, and just path to tomorrow!"

The article seems to be written fairly politely.

But there is a lot of evidence attached to the article—the evidence of Shen Yuanbao's various illegal operations in order to make the Huanyu Group bigger and stronger back then, it seems that it is not so polite.

Worst of all, most of the evidence is true.

Due to Shen Yuanbao's contributions, people did not directly target him.

But to the entire Shen family and the Huanyu Group, people are less polite.

"Senior Shen Yuanbao is a very quintessential martial artist. He is obsessed with training and killing enemies, and he has no time to deal with gang, family and corporate affairs. Many times, he leaves various affairs to his subordinates to handle. Concealed!"

"Master Shen saves others by himself. He always thinks that everyone is like him, willing to throw their heads, shed blood, and risk everything for Longcheng. Who knows that many people around him are monsters in human skins, who cares. What a dragon city, only caring for one's own interests!"

"In order to defend the reputation of the senior Shen Yuanbao, we must thoroughly investigate what the Huanyu Group has done in the past few decades, and return it to the senior Shen under Jiuquan, a clean Huanyu Group!"

Under the guidance of interested people, the current trend of public opinion in the outside world has gradually become like this.

When Shen Yuanbiao said this, his face became particularly ugly.

This proves one thing - the news of Shen Yuanbao's assassination was definitely not leaked by him.

Because he is "the person next to the senior Shen Yuanbao", the family and business affairs must pass through his hands.

If Shen Yuanbao is really "a very virtuous warrior", wouldn't he have to bear this black pot?

"There must be an inner ghost, maybe it's the two traitors Shen Chengyi and Shen Chengxiu!"

Shen Yuanbiao's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth, "Don't give me a chance, or I'll have to swallow these two traitors alive!"

"It's not Chengyi and Chengxiu."

Shen Yuanbao shook his head slowly, and said with a blank face, "A lot of evidence here goes back decades. At that time, the two of them were still young babies, and they were not qualified to touch these things."


Shen Yuanbiao was stunned for a moment and murmured, "Who the **** is spreading these damned rumors and evidence in secret? Could it be that Lu Siya of the Azure Alliance has already achieved such supernatural powers?"

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