The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1619: Sandpiper and clam fighting

Chapter 1619 The snipe and clam fight

Shen Yuanbao said: "Who is spreading the rumors depends on what the other party wants, such as 'a thorough investigation of what the Universal Group did when it rose all the way'.

"Has the other party made a request that is more realistic and can be supported by the public?"


Shen Yuanbiao said, "Now the Blue Alliance has proposed to thoroughly investigate the Hongxigou project.

"The Hongxigou project was first attacked by otherworldly natives, causing a big explosion in the spar warehouse, and then it exploded. The project was in shortfall very seriously, and the real reserves of the red jade lode were much lower than expected.

"Now, the nine super enterprises have proposed that they should abandon the Red Dragon Army, advance into the middle and lower reaches of Hunu River, and take revenge on the otherworldly aborigines. Whether this 'corporate war' succeeds or fails, it will consume astronomical resources and squeeze out unimaginable amounts of resources. The interests of the whole city have brought a profound impact on all the people of Longcheng.

"Therefore, the Blue Alliance proposes that the investigation of the Hongxigou project must not be conducted only internally by the Huanyu Group, nor should it be presided over only by the wealthy children from the nine major cultivating families in the relevant departments, but a more public organization should be established. And a wide-ranging investigation team, the members should include at least one-third of the ordinary extraordinary people, one-third of the ordinary people who have not awakened extraordinary power, as forensic doctors, auditors, accountants, chemists, trace experts, and criminal investigators. People, and every day, the results of the survey must be exposed to social media in real time, so that it is enough to convince the public.

"This proposal has received great support online. In the votes conducted by multiple websites, more than 90% of the people supported the establishment of such an investigation group led by the Blue Alliance.

"Even, the ordinary people who are still gathering on the street for the underground black market, clamoring to purchase cheap training resources, have also changed their slogans now, and they want to thoroughly investigate the Hongxigou project and want 'truth and justice'. "

"Yes, this is it."

Shen Yuanbao closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, "After all, the matter of the underground black market is a trivial matter that does not hurt the spleen and stomach - first deal with a few clerks, and then the high-level officials will come forward to apologize, and then the nine major cultivating families will each take out some resources. , temporarily mute the troublemaker's mouth, and things will slowly pass.

"A thorough investigation of the Hongxigou project is the real thing.

"The Blue Alliance wants to take this opportunity to start to seize the right to investigate, supervise and even judge against the nine super-enterprises!"

"So, is it really Lu Siya?"

Shen Yuanbiao's eyes flashed brightly, "We still underestimate this demon girl, how can her methods be so ruthless?"

"No, not Lu Siya!"

Shen Yuanbao abruptly opened his eyes, and the surging light in his eyes was like a faint blue flame caused by a natural gas leak in the depths of a glacier.

"Lu Siya is indeed one of the young generation, one of the few who can be compared with Meng Chao, who stands out from the crowd.

"But she was still too young after all.

"You showed me a lot of 'evidence' just now. It's not like me, the old guy who has been fighting for Longcheng for at least 30 to 50 years, it is impossible to show it.

"So, it won't be Lu Siya, at least not just Lu Siya."

Shen Yuanbiao was stunned: "It's not her? Who would be behind, against our Huanyu Group?"

Shen Yuanbao lowered his eyelids, pondered for a moment, and a **** smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It's the nine super enterprises." Shen Yuanbao said lightly.

"What, what?"

Shen Yuanbiao was a little dumbfounded, "Aren't we the nine super enterprises?"

"Wrong, our Huanyu Group is only one of the nine super enterprises."

Shen Yuanbao said, "In the nine universities, besides us, there are eight.

"If I'm not mistaken, it was one of the other eight companies, or even a few, that revealed these amazing inside stories.

"And Lu Siya just reacted quickly. After seeing these amazing inside stories, she thought she had found the weakest link among the nine super enterprises, and thus launched a surprise attack on us."

"This, this, this..."

Shen Yuanbiao was puzzled, "Why is this? What good will it be for the other eight super enterprises to reveal these amazing inside stories?"

"Of course there are benefits."

Shen Yuanbao smiled slightly, "I ask you, if it is really led by the Blue Alliance to set up a special investigation team with one-third of ordinary people and one-third of ordinary people, to investigate everything related to the Hongxigou project. , Do you think we can accept it?"

"Of course not!"

Shen Yuanbiao's expression became obviously unnatural.

As a big man in charge of the core business of the Huanyu Group, he certainly knows how many secrets that the Hongxigou project hides, and he has also obtained a lot of benefits from the Hongxigou project. He also knows about the explosion of the spar warehouse. It's not as simple as it seems.

Once the matter is thoroughly investigated, the fire will burn on him in minutes.

"One-third of the ordinary people from the poor family, one-third of ordinary people, and the total is two-thirds, which is an absolute majority!"

Shen Yuanbiao said, "Such a preconceived and biased special investigation team can't come to a fair and just conclusion at all, and it will only make our Huanyu Group a lamb to be slaughtered by others!"

"That's right."

Shen Yuanbao said, "Our Huanyu Group must not be reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered by others!

"The problem is, now that the Blue Alliance has taken advantage of the underground black market, it has already swayed public opinion, and has received the support of the vast majority of extraordinary people from the underprivileged - even if their realm is low, they have an absolute numerical advantage. Elephant, the gathering of so many extraordinary people from the underprivileged is a force that cannot be underestimated.

"What should we do if they talk to themselves and forcibly set up such a special investigation team to enter the Hongxigou project and even the headquarters of the Universal Group to conduct a so-called investigation?"

"Then let them try it!"

Shen Yuanbiao snorted coldly, and his slightly square face also showed a bit of arrogance from the elder brother Ku Xiao, "The headquarters building of the Universal Group is definitely not a place where they come and leave when they want!"

"Then let's do it." Shen Yuanbao sighed.

"They forced us." Shen Yuanbiao said.

"If we really do it, can the Universal Group take advantage?" Shen Yuanbao asked.

This question made Shen Yuanbiao's domineering leak out in an instant.

"It's hard."

Shen Yuanbiao said bitterly, "It's not a matter of whether you can win or not, the key is that now is the **** information age, everyone goes out with at least three or five cameras on their bodies.

"In terms of fists, the scumbags of the Azure Alliance are of course not our opponents, but if we really have a conflict with this so-called 'special investigation team', the conflict process will be filmed and posted on the Internet, then we are finished! "

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