The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 877: leave me alone

In the night sky, flashes of lightning followed by flashes of lightning, like a billowing sky, poured down with a head and a head.

Lu Siya's face was eclipsed by lightning.

She looked at Meng Chao calmly for a while.

Suddenly laughed out loud.

"The second'micro brain'? What a joke!"

She shook her head while murmured, "The information we extracted from the'microbrain' is enough to prove that the space-based orbital weapon has caused a devastating blow to the'mother body', and only a single seedling has fallen into ours. In hand.

"Information can be tampered with or even fabricated. Even if 100% of the information is true and comprehensive, as long as the order is adjusted, one thing can be distorted into another completely opposite thing."

Meng Chao said, “Since the enemy’s “wisdom tree” can create a beautiful paradise that does not exist, the enemy wants to hide the existence of another “microbrain”. What's the difficulty?"

"But you have no evidence. All this is just your guess, no, it's just your cranky thinking."

Lu Siya gently placed her hands on Meng Chao’s shoulders again, and her tone was rare and gentle, "Meng Chao, it seems that during this period of time, we are all too tired to practice, and our nerves are too tight to produce various Sister Ya’s symptoms, after returning to Dragon City, take a good rest for a few days, recharge your energy and think about our business and transactions-our future and Dragon City’s future are destined to be bright. Don’t worry about it. , Nervous!"

"No, Sister Ya, you don't understand, the future of Dragon City is far from being a ‘a piece of light’, and I’m trying my best to find the reason from light to darkness..."

Meng Chao pondered, "Indeed, I don't have any evidence. The 99% probability is my wild thinking, but if there is such a 1% probability, I guessed it. Don't you think it's scary?

"In the age of the earth, there is an old saying called'Wu and Yue are in the same boat.' That is to say, even if enemies like Wu and Yue are in the same boat, once they get on the same boat and face the stormy sea, they must all help each other and work together. , In order to reach the other shore and save lives.

"In the past few decades, the monster civilization has been a turbulent river, a turbulent sea capable of overthrowing the small boat in Dragon City.

"Because of the existence of the monster civilization, those survivors who accumulated all kinds of contradictions and hatred in the **** era when resources were scarce, order collapsed, and the weak were overwhelmed at the beginning of the journey, can abandon their previous suspicions, ignore differences, give up disputes, and move forward together.

"The monster civilization tried to destroy us, but inadvertently, it became the "glue" or even the "plasticizer" of the Dragon City civilization-we have achieved the monster civilization, and the monster civilization has also achieved us!

"But now, the monster civilization is over. We think we have conquered this turbulent river. The'Wu people' and the'Yue people' have all gone ashore. It is absolutely safe!

"So, from the corporate leaders, the powerful in the gods, to the ordinary warriors who have not yet awakened the extraordinary powers, everyone turned their attention to fighting for the legacy of the monster civilization, and the right to speak in the future Dragon City, as well as the foreign colonization. In terms of mechanism transformation, the structural contradictions that have accumulated for decades in the entire Dragon City have all erupted.

"If at this time, the monster civilization hasn't died completely, even if it retains even 1% of its power, and in our unpredictable way, it penetrates into the dragon city, don't you think this is really dangerous?"

One more thing, Meng Chao didn't say.

It is that the external colonization of Longcheng will never be as smooth as many citizens imagine.

What is "the torrent of iron and steel sweeping across other worlds" may be the case in the early stage, but soon, the Dragon City civilization will hit the iron plate.

If the Dragon City civilization and the indigenous civilization that has been in a different world for tens of thousands of years collide fiercely, the remaining power of the monster civilization suddenly emerges from the darkness, attacking inside and outside.

That would be the most terrible disaster in Longcheng.


Lu Siya realized that she couldn't persuade Meng Chao anyway.

She coughed gently, rubbed her eyebrows harder, and said helplessly, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I want to end my practice ahead of schedule, go back to Longcheng to find Lei Zongchao, the'War God', and tell him my worries and let him analyze it together."

Meng Chao said, "As you know, I don't have evidence, so I need an old predecessor with noble prestige to call on all the forces in the city to renew their vigilance.

"Sister Ya, I think you should also go back to Lu's house to find your grandfather and discuss this matter.

"Senior Lu Zhongqi is a witness to the final battle. I think as long as you tell him that there is such a dangerous possibility, he will definitely discover more flaws and clues.

"Then, we can deploy more human and material resources to conduct a more detailed and comprehensive inspection of the No. 2 ruins and the entire tiankeng to ensure that even a deformed snake, insect, rat, and ant cannot escape our palms. heart.

"In this way, it is safe enough, rest assured."

"It costs a lot to do this." Lu Siya frowned.

"No matter how high the cost is, it is worth it to prevent the resurgence of monster civilization."

Meng Chaodao, "What's more, we originally had to conduct a closed inspection of the No. 2 Ruins. Some time ago, too many cultivators and researchers were corroded by mysterious powers, and there were even people who were alive in their sleep. Just a big beetle!

"I now highly suspect that these people's changes are caused by the persistence of the monster civilization.

"Therefore, we are not going to conduct a brand new inspection, but to upgrade the ongoing inspection comprehensively. Also, all those who have been in and out of Ruins No. 2 and have been in contact with the monster's mastermind should undergo a more comprehensive, detailed, and rigorous inspection. , I think, this is enough insurance."

"...Makes sense."

Lu Siya seemed to agree with him, "When are you going to return to Dragon City?"

"right now."

Meng Chao acted decisively, "Since we have discovered a suspicious point, of course we must race against time. We can find your father first-since you said that Uncle Lu is known as the'grey fox', he is naturally cautious and resourceful. I think he will I'm interested in the doubts I raised. Before dawn, send us back to the city, Sister Ya, what do you think?"

"I think, ahem, I think—"

Lu Siya started to cough.

In the beginning, I just coughed gently in my throat like itchy throat.

Soon, the sound of coughing interrupted the rhythm of her speech.

She coughed violently, trembling with coughing, and bent down like a lobster.

In the coughed up saliva, strands of gleaming blood were entwined.

Meng Chao was shocked.

He sensed that Lusiya's body temperature had risen by seven or eight degrees in just half a minute, and then plummeted to about thirty degrees in an instant.

This is a body temperature that is absolutely impossible for normal people.

If it were an ordinary person, he would have been in shock or even died by now.

"Sister Ya, what's wrong with you?"

Meng Chao hurriedly stepped forward to help.

Feeling that every bundle of Lu Siya's muscle fibers was twitching violently.

It is strange that according to the perception of life's magnetic field, Lu Siya is like falling into an invisible ice cave, and her body heat is rapidly losing.

But Meng Chao touched her shoulders and arms, but her palms were so hot that she almost scorched blisters.

There seemed to be an invisible flame burning on her skin.

"I do not know…"

Lu Siya staggered back a few steps and almost fell to the ground.

A thick bewilderment appeared on her face, and she said intermittently, "Probably the side effect of too much practice and the impact of psychic energy on the brain, or it is the wind, rain, thunder and lightning..."

The magnetic field of her life gradually changed from a calm pond to boiling magma.

Especially deep in the brain, even Meng Chao felt that there was something about to come out of it.

Meng Chao stepped forward again, holding Lu Siya's hands, and inputting a psychic energy into her body, trying to resonate with her.

Both of them have been baptized by the blue original mother stone vein.

Blue original mother stone is the most vigorous spar, which has a very good effect on stimulating cell growth and promoting wound healing.

Especially when the two people's life magnetic fields converge and their bodies resonate with psychic energy, each other's self-healing ability can be increased three to five times.

Most fatigue, disease, poisoning and trauma can be cured without medicine.

But this time, no matter how much psionic energy Meng Chao inputs into Lu Siya's body, it is like a mud cow into the sea, without any response.

"I'm afraid it's not a precursor to getting into trouble!"

Meng Chao frowned deeply, "I told you not to cultivate so hard, do you really think it is such an easy thing to hit the peak of the heavens?"

"Why did your cultivation speed be so fast, to hit a new realm, it is as easy as eating and drinking water?"

Lu Siya raised her head, her face pale as a piece of paper, and a self-deprecating smile appeared with difficulty, "I am, cough cough, I don't want to lose to you!"

"Aren't we friends, how can you compare with me!"

Meng Chao couldn't laugh or cry.

He is a doomsday rebirth, and he has the blessing of fire. He is simply the hope of everyone, the son of destiny.

Sister Ya is not good enough to compare with, but she wants to compare with herself, so why bother!

Look up at the tactical watch.

Sure enough, all the numbers and information above flashed crazily.

Only the "signal strength" column is as calm as dead.

Tonight should be the last rainstorm of the rainy season.

This is the place where the entire area of ​​fog is hidden, the interference of the spiritual magnetism is strongest, and the magnetic field of the planet is the most disordered.

Of course, there is no signal and it is impossible to communicate directly with the outside world.

No one would hear their voices amidst the heady wind and rain and the deafening thunder.

"I will carry you down the mountain."

Meng Chao made a decisive decision, "Go to the hospital and find the strong one!"

He reached out to Lalysia.

But Lu Siya exhausted her last strength and gave him a hard push.

He also fell into the muddy muddy water.

"Sister Ya, what's the matter?" Meng Chao was stunned.

"I, I don't know..."

Lu Siya stared at her hands in a daze, the confusion and pain on her face became more intense, and she muttered, "I just should...hide away...leave me...the farther the better..."

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