The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 878: Lu Siya's shocking change!

Her voice is getting softer and softer.

The eyelids gradually drooped.

It seemed to be limp to the ground and fainted.

But he kept chanting: "Run...Run..."

The torrential rain tore her voice to pieces.

Even more so that she, curled up in the mud, looked extraordinarily petite and haggard.

Meng Chao stepped forward and hugged her up, feeling that she was light and light, without the slightest weight.

Just now, when she was so complacent in her practice, Lu Siya rushed her psionic energy to the limit, rushing like a Tyrannosaurus rex.

At this moment, after suffering from psychic energy backlash, he could only limp behind Meng Chao like an octopus.

Perceiving that her life's magnetic field was extremely disordered, causing her body temperature to fluctuate several times between 30 and 45 degrees in just half a minute, Meng Chao did not dare to neglect and sprinted down the mountain at full speed.

It is a pity that going up the mountain is easy and difficult to go down.

The next mountain that had no mountain roads, and was washed away by floods and mudslides, was even more difficult to climb to the sky.

Meng Chao moved between mountain torrents, broken woods and falling rocks, jumping forward, unavoidably causing bumps, causing Lu Siya to groan in pain.

"It hurts, my head hurts, something..." Lu Siya hummed.

"Hold on, we will go down the mountain right away!" Meng Chao encouraged.

"Voice, Meng Chao, have you heard the sound?" Lu Siya seemed to have auditory hallucinations, fell into a dream, and writhed behind Meng Chao.

"What sound?" Meng Chao asked casually.

"Evolution, the voice of evolution."

Lu Siya entangled him like an octopus, leaning close to his ears, and her voice was silky, wiping into his ears, "Humans have limits, and our evolution is too slow. According to the normal way, I am afraid that it will not be possible to evolve to the level of'ancient people' in a thousand years, ten thousand years or even longer.

"And the'ancient people' are far from the most powerful existence in this world, at least, they are all destroyed, are they?"

"Sister Ya, you..."

Meng Chao was taken aback for a moment.

Suddenly, Lu Siya's voice and thoughts became clear again.

However, the feeling revealed between the lines is very different from before.

Also, her body temperature also jumped from top to bottom, and gradually stabilized.

Stable at 35 degrees.

"There is no time, Meng Chao, we don't have a thousand or ten thousand years to slowly evolve. The'restart' is about to happen, and it has even happened."

Lu Siya said quietly, "Before everything becomes irreparable, we must evolve, and we must evolve crazily at all costs and by all means, and evolve into an unprecedented life form that surpasses human beings-the most perfect life form!

"In this way, even if we can't escape this catastrophe.

"At least, our genetic inheritors, an unprecedentedly perfect life form, can..."

"No, Sister Ya, aren't you sick? Why are you still thinking about this stuff!"

Meng Chao couldn't laugh or cry.

Suddenly it felt wrong again, very wrong.


A flash of lightning pierced the sky.

The projections of the surrounding mountains, rocks, and trees are distorted into strange shapes and scattered in front of Meng Chao.

Meng Chao also saw the shadow of himself and Lu Siya.

He found that there were countless tentacles growing on himself and Lusiya behind him.

The tentacles of the demon dancing.

Lu Siya's hair scattered from behind Meng Chao, hanging on his ears, cheeks, neck and chest.

Meng Chao knew that Lu Siya liked a clean haircut.

When practicing, the magnetic field of life is excited, stimulating the hair follicles, leading to hair growth, and the phenomenon of "long hair without wind automatically" occurs.

But every time she finished her practice, she would cut her long hair short, or at least curl it up.

But now, her hair grows arbitrarily like weeds in a hidden area of ​​mist.

Like vines covered with green algae, they were given a brand new, wild vitality, entwining around Meng Chao's body.

the most important is-

Every hair of Lusiya turned green.

It's like some kind of vigorous plant.

Meng Chao was shocked.

Turn back subconsciously.

Just to see Lu Siya's smiley face, and scarlet eyes.

At some point, her eyeballs turned from black and white to distinct rubies that looked like red chalcedony carved from crystal marrow.

No, it's not a ruby, but a mine. It's two unfathomable, like a mine that leads all the way to the center of the earth.

After staring at each other in just half a second, Meng Chao felt that his soul would be sucked into it, and his body would be eaten by Lu Siya.

Green hair! Red eyes! Very strange expression!

At this moment, Lusiya seems to have completely changed a person, no, not a person at all!

Behind her, a "crystal dragon" that was condensed from the strongest rock and spar, surrounded by the terrifying aura of an ancient beast, quietly took shape at some point.

In the deeply sunken eye sockets, although there were no eyes of living creatures, two clusters of faint blood-colored flames were burning, staring at Meng Chao unblinkingly.

Just like Lu Siya herself, who was staring at Meng Chao intently!

Meng Chao's hair was horrified.

There was no time to react, Jinglong had already opened its mouth in the blood basin, spewing out a sulphurous breath like a volcanic eruption on the primitive planet, and rushed towards him!

But it hadn't waited for the crystal dragon to pounce on top of him and Lu Siya.

Another crystal dragon, which was slightly smaller, rose from the ground and hit the "seven inches" of this crystal dragon, knocking it out.

The eye sockets of this crystal dragon are inlaid with "eyeballs" made of two crystal stones.

Although the same fierce mans were revealed, but in the depths of the "eyeballs", there was still the last gleam of rational light.

And when Lu Siya's long green hair, which was full of monsters and dancing, twisted into bunches of spiked vines, piercing Meng Chao's heart at lightning speed.

Lu Siya herself was still the one who grabbed these long hairs first.

"Sister Ya—"

Meng Chao subconsciously agitated the life magnetic field to the limit, accompanied by the sound of tigers and dragons roaring from his spine, and psychic energy ripples erupted in all directions like shock waves, and all of a sudden, Lu Siya flew out.

A flash of lightning that was more piercing than a flash of light illuminates a world that is completely different under the torrential rains and flash floods.

Meng Chao saw an incredible scene.

There was an ambiguous expression on Lu Siya's face that was difficult to distinguish between good and evil.

Sometimes gritted his teeth, sometimes sullen, sometimes triumphant, and sometimes furious.

She clenched her frantic green curly hair hard, shaking like she was drunk, and fighting an invisible enemy.

Meng Chao quickly realized that this "invisible enemy" was herself.

Behind her, the two who were summoned by her showed diametrically opposite temperaments. One was domineering, and the other was violent crystal dragons. They were also fighting each other and entangled fiercely.

They kept biting and using their sharp minions to tear large chunks of soil and spar from each other.

On the surface of the crystal dragon, there are gleaming spiritual lines, which contain different aggressive spiritual magnetic force fields, or use high-frequency oscillating ripples to smash the opponent’s limbs, or make your own minions, with The effects of frost, flames, and corrosion.

They were obviously summoned objects of Lusiya, but they looked like enemies who didn't share the same sky. Soon, they tore each other to pieces, but they were reborn in the debris on the ground, and hugged them together again.

Lu Siya's battle with herself has also become fierce.

Her left hand pierced fiercely towards her chest, which was undulating sharply, as if she was about to take out something hidden deep in her chest.

Lightning grabbed his left wrist with his right hand.

The two arms, from the back of the hand to the shoulder, have scary blood vessels. The blood vessels on the left arm are normal red, and the blood vessels on the right arm are shocking blue and black!

Seeing that Lu Siya's right arm became like this, Meng Chao had no reason to think that he had watched a video of the "piranha" team exploring the hidden areas of fog.

In the video, a special forces member of the "Piranha" squad was eroded by the mysterious force in the hidden area of ​​mist, and the surface of the body showed this horrible blue-black blood vessel.

At that time, the captain of the "piranha" squad designed to lure the mysterious power to the player's arm, and then raised the knife and dropped the entire arm shoulder-to-shoulder.

As a result, the broken arm actually seemed to have life, becoming something similar to scorpions and spiders!

Lu Siya did not know when she was also eroded by the mysterious power in the depths of the jungle!

However, her free will seems to have not been completely suppressed.

After more than ten seconds of fighting each other, no matter how her right arm stopped her, her left fist still struck her chest heavily.


Lu Siya spouted out a mouthful of blood.

This is an extraordinarily thick or even sticky blood.

Even if it leaves the body and falls to the ground, the blood still makes a "hissing" sound, and from the slowly squirming pool of blood, scarlet tentacles are trembling slightly.

With this weird blood spurting out, the red glow in Lu Siya's eyes faded slightly, and a trace of sobriety was restored.

"No one, no power, can control me, no matter what the **** you are, give me death!"

She gritted her teeth with a stern expression and raised her left arm again.

Countless sharp gravel flew from all directions, along with the lingering and shaping of psychic energy, on her left arm, a pair of armor with a long and narrow blade was formed.

At the moment when the arm armor was formed, Lu Siya did not hesitate to turn the blade, and slammed into her heart.

But her shoulder blades made a crisp crackling sound, and the broken bones pierced into the flesh and blood, blocking her movement.

The bluish-black blood vessels on the right arm, like wildfire spreading, quickly extended towards the chest and left arm.

Lu Siya could not move.

Struggling several times, the pain was cold and sweaty.

Seeing the red light in the depths of his eyes, it shone again and became deeper and deeper.

The face of "Queen Bee" finally showed strong despair.

"What are you waiting for?"

She stared at Meng Chao, hissed, "Hurry up and kill me!"

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