The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 880: Tengai Mahana

But it is not easy to escape.

The other party seemed to perceive Meng Chao's intentions.

It was like taking advantage of the precious opportunity that Meng Chao and Lu Si Ya were both struggling in the mudslides, successfully swallowing all of Lu Si Ya's mind and gaining 100% control of this body.

From the darkness in the depths of the mudslide, there was a laughter with a winning ticket.

Draw red envelopes!

In an instant, the situation reversed, and the hunter and the prey exchanged positions.

The four rock dragons pounced on Meng Chao viciously.

They seemed to have been given the characteristics of a diamond nine-headed dragon, no matter how Meng Chao chopped, he chopped and chopped their heads again and again.

They can all condense a brand new head with a mouthful of blood and fangs, supplemented by a steady stream of mudslides.


After the 104th time infused with the destructive power of slashing, the Thunder Fighting Knife covered with cobweb cracks finally shattered, only a section of the handle and a few centimeters long blade were still held in Meng Chao's hands. .

The four rock dragons launched an offensive that turned the river and the sea. Although they could not dig through Meng Chao's cross-arm defense, they stirred up huge vortices in the mudslides.

The whirlpools tore at each other, making Meng Chao taste the dizzy and dizzy taste of the world.

He must burn all the fuel frantically like a rocket breaking away from gravity before he can barely stick his head out of the mudslide and breathe the air that is too fresh and emits a strong fishy smell.

Above the mudslide, the torrential rain was so torrential, the flash flood was so violent, and the spiritual magnetic force field of the entire misty mountain was chaotic like a super storm.

Meng Chao felt like he was trapped in the lower body of the mudslide, like a small fish caught in a whirlpool.

The upper body exposed to the surface of the water is like a frightened bird with its wings broken in a storm and dizzy.

The upper and lower body were twisted clockwise and counterclockwise by two amazing strange forces, causing him to be blessed by "The Seal of the Nine Dragons". His spine was strong like a dragon, and he was tingled like a comminuted fracture.

He was very suspicious that in the next second, he would be twisted in two by the violent force of nature, and his internal organs would be sprayed on the ground.

Meng Chao vomited blood, his eyes gradually blurred, as if mudslides poured into his brain, and darkness was about to envelop the whole world.

He can only bite the tip of his tongue, swallow blood, and rely on the hundreds of thousands of contributions he has accumulated over time to continuously exchange healing energy and stimulate the torn cells to grow and heal themselves again and again.

Can withstand the next time, even more fierce and painful tearing.

In this way, I don't know how long I have been struggling in the mudslide.

I don't know how many times I crushed the four rock dragons by smashing them with my fists, kicking them, or even biting them with my teeth.

The tearing force that made the body shattered gradually dissipated like a low tide.

Finally, Meng Chao was able to regain control of his body a little bit.

Wiping off the three or five kilograms of mud on his face, he found himself being washed halfway up the mountainside by the mud-rock flow, in a slightly gentler col.

It was the place where he had rested when he went up the mountain, overlooking the intersection of Chilong River and Hunu River.

The four rock dragons that bit him, and were smashed, kicked, and crushed countless times by him, all disappeared.

Perhaps they finally exhausted the weird vitality given to them by the creator and completely "dead".

But Meng Chao couldn't be happy at all.

Not only because the body was covered with wounds scraped out by sharp branches, rocks and spar fragments.

The wounds that have been soaked in mudslides for too long, have lost too much blood, and whitened, no matter how they are repaired, will not heal for a while.

The bones and joints, like they are crushed by a 10,000-ton hydraulic press, are randomly glued together with solid glue.

With a slight movement, there was a sharp pain that made Meng Chao want to roll all over the floor, crying for his father and his mother.

Not just because the body is empty, including dragon veins, all spiritual veins are like earthworms dried by the sun.

It can't straighten up, let alone expand several times, ejecting fiery power.

More because of...

He saw an incredible sight.

It takes only one or two hours to go up the mountain.

This platform where he once rested has completely changed its appearance.

A lot of green grass, shrubs and vines grew on the originally black rocks.

The soil that was washed away by the rainstorm was replaced by large patches of moss, fungus blankets, and algae.

The green ocean-like mushroom blanket is full of colorful flowers.

There are also a large number of weird plants that can't even be named by Meng Chao as a reaper. They are being watered crazily and growing crazily under the crazy rain.

It's like a tiny jungle with small sparrows and full of vitality.

Heavy rains, flash floods, thunder and lightning...No force can stop the fungi, spores and plants in the miniature jungle, releasing the strongest, most surging, and most exciting vitality.

This kind of vitality made Meng Chao cold all over his body, like falling into an ice cave.

Because he recognized the two most iconic creatures.

One is the green tide.

Possess the terrifying ability of division, reproduction and self-healing, and can even cover human beings with high-voltage electric towers, manipulate steel, and become the terrible algae of green giants.

The second is the bloodstripe flower.

The old opponent of the Dragon City people can transform an already terrifying monster into an undead creature ten times more terrifying.

Biyingying green tide.

Red blood-stripe flowers.

Swaying freely in the squally rain, stretched out his limbs.

And among the green tide, blood-stripe flowers, and various spiritual plants growing crazily, there is a huge flower bud.

Flower buds with a diameter of more than three meters are entangled alternately by countless vines and blood patterns, and they look like some kind of giant chrysalis, or a giant egg of a doomsday beast.

The speed of its growth, expansion and division is a hundred times faster than ordinary chrysalis or animal eggs.

When Meng Chao's gaze fell on this huge flower bud, there was already a "cracking" noise inside it, and groups of red and emerald spores spewed out like mist.

"This is... the breath of a doomsday beast!"

Meng Chao's pupils shrank into two slightly trembling light spots.

He had smelled a similar breath.

In the depths of the monster’s old nest, in the crystal clusters that gave birth to the "Ultimate Doomsday Beast", on the undeveloped remains of the "Ultimate Doomsday Beast".

The breath in front of him was a hundred times stronger than those immature bodies who were born with deficiencies.

It was so strong that it was not like any doomsday beast that mankind had ever seen.

It is a collection of all the doomsday beasts.

It can be compared with the giant giant beast that once launched an assault on the orbital space station of the "Heaven and Man" in the Primordial Era.

Meng Chao realized one thing instantly.

It's not that he escaped from the mudslide and fled to the shore.

It's the mysterious power hidden in the mudslides, bringing themselves here, this "mini jungle" that is a hundred times more terrifying than the mudslides!

He wanted to jump back into the mudslide.

As soon as his hands and feet exerted force, the soil under him became as soft as quicksand, causing him to sink deeply.

In the "quick sand" near his hands and feet, there were hundreds of bunches of green seedlings that appeared to be slender and weak, growing wildly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and instantly entangling his limbs.

The green sprouts were covered with sharp serrations and sharp small thorns that were invisible to the naked eye, deeply embedded in his flesh and blood, sucking his blood and psychic energy quickly, and swelling under the stimulation of flesh and blood, it seemed to be embedded in him.

Meng Chao struggled desperately, but the more he struggled, the more excited these green sprouts became.

With great difficulty, four fiery spiritual flames were condensed, and the green sprouts entwining the limbs were burnt.

The huge flower bud in front of me has already burst open in a series of "cracking" sounds like firecrackers.

Its shell is split into eight petals.

Each petal has a more gorgeous pattern than the wings of the ghost-eye golden-winged flame worm, and it spreads around to cover the entire miniature jungle.

The petals are as thin as cicada wings, presenting a crystal clear and soft boneless texture, covering the entire miniature jungle with a mysterious and unpredictable veil.

The green tide, blood-stripe flowers, and all the spiritual plants show more enchanting, mysterious, and splendid colors.

The bright color is so strong that it cannot be described with pen and ink, it is like a "devil flower" flying from the depths of the universe on a meteorite.

In the center of the Tianwai Demon Flower in full bloom, Lu Siya seemed to have just awakened from a long hibernation. She leaned lazily on the throne of intertwined fluorescent stamens, resting her cheek with one hand, thinking quietly.

Then she yawned slightly.

Stretched again a very comfortable lazy waist.

Then he stood up from the center of the demon flower without hurries.

She squinted her eyes, letting the storm and thunder, hit her face and body fiercely, perceiving and enjoying the whole new world, and the corners of her mouth evoked an arc of satisfaction.

Finally, she glanced at Meng Chao with a smile.

Meng Chao's heart instantly froze and shattered.

This is not the Lusiya he knew.

The "Sister Ya" in front of her, her spooky green hair is longer, like an emerald green waterfall, pouring all the way to the soles of her feet, enveloping her whole body, and condensing into something between a soft combat suit and rigidity. Something between the armors.

Both provide a strong defense and combat effectiveness increase.

She also outlined her undulating body shape more and more fascinating.

Moreover, these things, which do not know whether they are hair, armor, or weapons, seem to have their own lives.

Along with Lusiya’s smiles, breaths, and breaths, the green long hair also walked in a strange rhythm, slowly beating and growing, passing around her towering chest, around her soft waist, and After her round crotch, around her toned legs, around her slender ankles, following her almost perfect arch and ten toes, into the ground under her feet, and the green tide around her. , Safflower, vines, spiritual plants... The entire miniature jungle is perfectly integrated.

One can't help but give birth to a terrible thought-"Lysiya" plus the entire "mini jungle" is her "complete body"!

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