And in the long emerald green hair, some colorful flowers, spores and small life like mushrooms have grown, just like small and exquisite headdresses.

At this moment, Lu Siya is more like the incarnation of the jungle than the elf queen in the memory of Meng Chao's previous life.

However, under the long green hair, those blood-red eyes dilute the tranquility and peace that the jungle should have, leaving only the cruelty of natural selection and the cruelty of the weak.

Nevertheless, these blood-red eyes are not like the red eyes of many monsters. The pupils and whites of the eyes are not distinguished, and they all merge together, turning into a turbid and brutal scarlet.

It's like a crystal ball that can be carved out by a master's sacred hand who has worked hard for decades and even sacrificed his life. It is a crystal ball of hundreds of red crystals of different textures and luster, nested together, always blooming with both agility and Deep light.

It seems that if you turn your eyes lightly, you can exchange astronomical information with Meng Chao with a glance.

The corners of the blood-colored eyes are still entwined with strands of mysterious and complex blood-colored spirit lines, which also do not have the slightest sense of horror and tyranny, but are like very special moles of tears, but add the master's thrilling, unique and mysterious beauty.

The most terrible thing is her temperament.

Although Lu Siya was very strong in the past, she was the leader of the third generation of Dragon City giants.

But compared with her father, the second-generation backbone such as "Gray Fox" Lu Fanghui, she still lacks some enthusiasm.

Not to mention, compared with the "War God" Lei Zongchao and her grandfather Lu Zhongqi, the first generation strongest of Dragon City-she is far from qualified.

Knowing this deeply, but could not help the blazing fire of ambition, Lu Siya became more and more desperate to practice and work hard.

However, "Haste is not achieved". While both strength and power are advancing, it is inevitable that they will attract the wind, provoke many enemies, and leave many hidden dangers.

In a word, her ambition is greater than her ability.

Sometimes he will be impetuous and even become a captive of ambition.

The nickname "Queen Bee" is not only an affirmation of her past efforts, it will also hinder her future development.

And in front of Lu Siya, those impetuous, eager, sharp-edged, aggressive, impatient desire to win that Meng Chao had been very familiar with... all disappeared.

Lu Siya seemed to have gone through thousands of years of training, washing away the pungent smoke.

Become calm and unhurried, the wind is light.

But as long as she saw her shining **** eyes, she knew that she hadn't really let go of all her ambitions.

On the contrary, her ambitions have expanded a hundredfold.

However, at this moment, Lu Siya became more confident than Meng Chao.

Confidence, the whole world will be hers sooner or later.

There is no power that can stop her footsteps.

That being the case, why are you so aggressive?

When the cat has caught the mouse and is playing lazily, there is no need to show any "aggressiveness".

Therefore, although Meng Chao is close at hand.

Lu Siya didn't immediately come forward and play with him.

Instead, he turned his face away and looked with interest at the edge of the miniature jungle, a slightly raised mound.

She stared intently and focused very much, like an animal and plant expert who discovered a new species.

However, Meng Chao was wrapped in a mass of almost solidified strength, and even trying to move his toes by a millimeter, there would be a piercing pain.

He can only breathe, consume contribution points as quickly as possible, repair his body, accumulate strength, and prepare new hole cards.

At the same time, following Lu Siya's gaze, observing the mound, trying to discover what it is that makes her so interested.

The mounds seem unremarkable.

Covered with a large area of ​​soil washed down by the flood, after continuous rainstorms, it has long turned into smelly mud.

Lu Siya raised her eyebrows.

Immediately there were dozens of green seedlings, drilling out from around the mound.

Like dozens of small mechanical arms, using the most delicate techniques, all the mud covering the mounds were digging away.

Only then did Meng Chao see clearly that the so-called "mound" turned out to be the remains of snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Although humans have occupied the hidden area of ​​mist, they have destroyed and captured most of the monsters.

But small monsters such as snakes, insects, rats and ants are obviously impossible to completely wipe out, nor should they be wiped out completely, otherwise it will affect the ecological balance of the misty extinct domain and even the entire monster mountain range.

In particular, the fog is shrouded all year round, the magnetic field is disordered, it is difficult for drones to fly, and it is difficult for mechanized troops to deploy on a large scale. There are still a large number of small size, low strength, good at burrowing, and no threat to humans. Snake insect rat ant.

They temporarily escaped the pursuit of human beings.

But it can't escape the catastrophe brought about by torrential rains and flash floods.

The nests of a large number of snakes, insects, rats and ants were washed away. They were also engulfed by floods and mudslides. They were torn to pieces by the rushing water and gravel in the mud.

This is the lowest-lying place on the mountainside.

A few days ago, there was a flood or a few floods that hit this place severely, bringing a lot of corpses of snakes, insects, rats and ants.

Meng Chao initially estimated that there were at least a hundred corpses of snakes, insects, rats and ants here.

But because all the wreckage was fragmented, the rotten, black, twisted, and severely decomposed limbs were all fused together.

Rao was the one who launched "Extraordinary Vision", and he couldn't count how many corpses there were.

I don't even understand why Lu Siya is so interested in these corpses that can be seen everywhere.

Lu Siya studied for a long time intensively.

He even squatted down and leaned over to look like a curious child.

Then, a tuft of long green hair curled up on her head and stretched toward the corpse.

As the hair gradually stretched, the outer green layers peeled off, exposing the blood-red thin core inside.

It turned out that her hair was not green, but blood red.

Green is just a strange cell with the dual characteristics of plants and animals-Green Tide, which is wrapped outside.

Hundreds of long, blood-red hairs pierced deeply into the mud, then got into the rotting corpses, entwining every fragmented snake, insect, rat and ant.

Lu Siya flicked her finger lightly, and her long red hair broke.

It seems to have an independent life, arched arched arched, all penetrated into the bodies of snakes, insects, rats and ants.

The horrifying scene was staged!

The corpses that have been dead for several days, shattered by the flood, and even highly decomposed, seem to have been given a new life force by Lusiya. Under the support of red silks that look like blood, they swayed and stood one after another. Up!

The stumps of different species of snakes, insects, mice and ants are put together like a toy carefully crafted by a master of horror.

Streaks of scarlet bloodshot from the seams of these suture monsters and the holes in the eyes that were supposed to have facial features, as if a group of strange flames burned on them.

They wield deformed blades, danced frantically, and enjoyed a new life.

Then they formed a circle towards Lusiya and worshipped, as if to extend the most lofty salute to their creator and ruler.

Lu Siya's face was filled with relief and joy.

She reached out from the mud and picked up a spider with a mouse head and a scorpion tail, and stared at it for a long time, like a urchin admiring her first toy carefully polished.

He put the monster back carefully, and put it back into the dancing monster group.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

The monster that had just been put back was suddenly attacked by other monsters.

After it was dismantled, the attacker followed in its footsteps.

All the undead creatures that Lu Siya had just resurrected had actually killed each other in the cruelest posture!

The death battle of undead creatures is a hundred times more cruel, ugly and terrifying than the fierce battle between humans, monsters, and between humans and monsters.

These suture monsters contain a large number of bloodstripe spores in their bodies, and they all have the ability to squeeze the last bit of vitality, divide cells again and again, and quickly heal themselves.

Their cannibalism is like the deepest part of hell, the undead who have died once or even countless times, staged a wonderful battle.

Lu Siya saw it with gusto.

Until dozens of undead creatures fought together until only the last one was left.

In the end, the victor took all the corpses of the loser still wriggling as trophies and dragged them to the deepest part of the miniature jungle.

In the depths of the jungle, there was an impatient gnawing sound.

Only then was Lu Siya satisfied, applauded gently for the winner, and stood up.

She squatted for too long and stood too hard, as if she was involved in a wound on her shoulder.

-On her right shoulder, there still remains the long and narrow wound that Meng Chao had just cut vigorously.

Although this knife failed to completely cut the mysterious power lurking in Lusiya's right arm from her.

Contained in the blade light, the destructive power derived from Meng Chao still penetrates into the bone marrow, entangled with Lu Siya, making the wound unable to heal for a long time.

Lu Siya frowned slightly with pain.

Turning his head and glaring at Meng Chao, he complained to him: "It hurts!"

Said it was a complaint.

There was no anger or hatred on his face.

Around the wound, there was also a red thread like blood streak flower spores, which pulled both sides of the wound together like surgical sutures.

The long green hair on the chest solidified into a thin cicada-wing armor, and moved over, perfectly covering the wound.

Looking at Lusiya's shoulder and chest.

Meng Chao swallowed hard.

Just run if you want to.

Both legs seemed to be nailed, firmly nailed in the perilous mud.

"What are you running?"

Lu Siya smiled like a cannibal, and said with bright blood, "My sister didn't blame you, on the contrary, my sister admires you more and more!

"As soon as I noticed that something was wrong with my sister, I made a decisive decision without hesitation.

"Such ruthless methods and decisive disposition are really not like a little brother in his early twenties.

"It's really worthy of being selected by my sister myself, the unique ‘Gene Inheritance Partner’!"

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