The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 882: Fully conscious

Facing the scorching gaze of "Lu Si Ya".

Meng Chao gave birth to the feeling of being stripped naked and unobstructed.

He shuddered deeply.

Immediately he woke up, tried his best to break free from the hot and humid power that had wrapped him tightly, like a miasma in the jungle, and roared: "Shut up, you are not Sister Ya at all, what are you!"

"Of course I am Lusiya."

"Lysiya" stretched her limbs, admiring her graceful body, enjoying the pleasure of using this "sensitive" body to stir the magnetic field of life and resonate with the magnetic field of the planet. She smiled and said, "My emotions, my My memory, my thinking, are all the same as in the past, and I have not forgotten the transaction between us. If you say that I am not Lusiyah, who am I?"

"A monster that dominates Sister Ya's body."

Meng Chao gritted his teeth, paused, and increased his tone, "No, maybe this is not Ya Jie's body at all-this body has been flooded with green tides and blood-stripe flowers, and it has become a terrifying existence like an undead creature. , This is not a human body at all!"

"Your definition of'human being' is too narrow."

"Ly Siya" fiddled with her emerald green hair, shook her fingers, and said disapprovingly, "If I guessed correctly, you just wanted to chop off my entire right arm shoulder-to-shoulder, right?

"If your plan is really successful and save me back, how can I treat my injury? It's nothing more than performing surgery, cleaning the wound, and then installing a mechanical prosthesis, or maybe it will be embedded in the robotic arm. Dozens of weapons.

"I don't think you would treat Lu Siya with one or two robotic arms as a different kind.

"Why, now I have some...wonderful little lives growing in my body, but you are so fearful and repulsive?

"Compared with a rigid robotic arm, anyway, these little creatures are carbon-based creatures, they are our kind, aren't they?"

The words "similar" once again caused a cold wave of ice around Meng Chao's heart.

He once again confirmed that it is impossible to wake up the green-haired and **** "Ly Si Ya" in front of him just by lip and tongue.

Meng Chao nervously thought about countermeasures.

On the one hand, we must find a way to delay time and exchange contribution values ​​to restore valuable endurance combat capabilities.

On the other hand, we must also find the opponent's flaws and accumulate more cards for the next game.

"There must be a flaw."

Meng Chao's thoughts turned, "Don't look at the other party's appearance of being calm and determined, but if I didn't guess wrong, she was also caught off guard and hurriedly challenged-in fact, tonight, she didn't do a good job of exposing herself, and thoroughly with me. Ready to turn your face!"

The reason is simple.

No matter what the other party is.

In the current situation, continuing to dormant in Lu Siya's body, or even waiting for Lu Siya to break through the divine realm, is the best choice.

From the fact that the other party affected Lu Siya's mind, she had a real deal with Meng Chao, and talked about the issue of tight bundling and genetic inheritance, and she knew that she didn't want to turn her face with Meng Chao so early.

Although Meng Chao is a tough guy with strong ambitions, not close to women.

But considering the future of Dragon City, for the tomorrow of tens of millions of fellow earth citizens, plus the kindness of Sister Ya, it is difficult to contend.

It is not entirely impossible for him to agree to this deal.

As long as you wait patiently, when the boat is done, the other party can find at least one hundred, which is a better time to turn around than to show its true shape tonight.

Now it is revealed that even if she can kill Meng Chao, how can she deal with the troubles under the Wushen Mountain?

"The other party did not want to be exposed so early. It was an unexpected factor that exceeded her expectations and forced her to show her true shape.

"But just now there were only two people on the top of Wushen Mountain, me and Sister Ya. There was no accident. We just talked for a while, and we talked—"

Meng Chao's eyes solidified.

The cold wave originating from the depths of the heart spread to the entire chest cavity and into the limbs.

"I know what you are."

Meng Chao stared at each other, saying every word, "You are the secret weapon that the monster civilization has sacrificed almost all the army, and it is covered; you are the monster's master brain that has not been wiped out, and the last 1% of the brain tissue; you are' The second microbrain' parasites Lu Siya's body!"


With the last word spoken.

In Meng Chao's mind, there was a deafening roar, blooming with the dazzling golden light of his debut.

Jin Mang condenses into a row of shining big characters:

[The progress of "The Mystery of the Demon God" + 1%, and the current total progress is 100%. Congratulations to the fire passer, who completed the serial task "The Mystery of the Demon God"]

[The last demon **** finally appeared, your game will determine the future of Dragon City]

【Task Reward: Calculating】

[Increase in contribution value: calculating]

"this is?"

Meng Chao's heart, set off a stormy sea.

He knew he was right.

Who would have thought that the last demon **** was lurking in Lusiya's body!

No wonder, Tinder kept reminding him, "The final answer is right here."

Isn't Lu Siya dangling in front of him every day?

Moreover, this is also the first time that Meng Chao encountered the task of completing the task. Instead of directly displaying the contribution value and reward, the golden light kept flashing and fell into a situation of long time calculations.

It seems that this "last demon god" will have an extremely profound impact on the future of Dragon City and even the coming of the end. It will set off a chain reaction that is unclear even for a while.

There is another word that caught Meng Chao's attention.

"Our game will determine the future of Dragon City?

"Why, Tinder should use the literal vocabulary of'gaming', instead of directly using vocabulary such as'battle','fierce battle','hand-to-hand combat','fighting bayonet', and'panchang fight'?

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"Could it be that Tinder is a reminder that I am definitely not the opponent of this ‘Lüsiya’. The thirty-six strategy is the best, as long as I can escape from the sky, that’s the biggest victory?"

From the bottom of Meng Chao's heart, dozens of combat plans flashed through in an instant

And his eyes were blessed by the golden mans who completed the mission, but his eyes looked like howling bullets, penetrating the blood-red eyes of the opponent.

"Luziya" smiled with ease, and there was a subtle stiffness.

In the next second, her eyes burst into light with both error and surprise, and she met Meng Chao's gaze and applauded him.

"Meng Chao, do you know that every time my sister hears your whimsical ideas and sees your amazing actions, her heart is always very entangled."

"Lu Siya" said solemnly, "On the one hand, you are so powerful, of course my sister is very happy, because this represents my sister's insight and knowledge, and it also means that our cooperation will become more and more enjoyable.

"But on the other hand, you seem to be too powerful, too powerful to bear. My sister is really worried that one day, she will not be able to keep up with you.

"Furthermore, in many cases, being too powerful or too smart may not be a good thing. You can live a long life if you are in harmony with the dust or even confused!

"Seriously, I really don't want to appear in front of you with such a gesture so early.

"Originally, we should continue to fight side by side, move forward hand in hand, and implement our will and philosophy in Longcheng and even the entire alien world.

"I will help you unreservedly, share the unspeakable power, break through the gods, and evolve into a stronger, more perfect, and more advanced life form.

"Of course, it's not too late. We can still join hands as we did in the past to conquer this world.

"You don't have to worry or be afraid at all. No matter what you become, I am still me, I am still Lusiya, how can I harm you?"

"No, you are not Sister Ya."

Meng Chao shook his head and said firmly, "You are a monster like the "Vortex" of a different beast!"

"Don't compare me with the low-level life form of the'vortex'. You can't realize how wonderful I am now."

"Lysiya"'s hair swayed gently.

The entire miniature jungle is rustling.

All creatures surrendered to her will.

She enjoyed all this very much, sighed comfortably, smiled and said, "One thing, you made a mistake, it is not that the last power of the monster's mastermind is parasitic on Lusiya's body, but we are perfectly integrated together.

"I am still Lu Si Ya, but I am Lu Si Ya who has inherited the most important heritage and spirit of the monster civilization, can understand the monster civilization more deeply, and use the power of the monster civilization to help the Dragon City civilization become stronger."

"That's not what you said just now."

Meng Chao said coldly, "Sister Ya just now, obviously resisted this power very much. She would rather die than be swallowed by this power, and even cooperate with me, wanting to cut off my arm and take this **** power from myself. Drive out from the body.

"Until you manipulated the mudslides and swallowed the real Lusiya, did you take the opportunity to suppress her will and occupy her body!"

"It's all to you."

"Lysiya" curled her lips, "Originally, I wanted to adopt a gentler and more stable method to slowly realize the perfect fusion of the two life forms in a subtle way.

"Who told you to be so smart, you guessed 90% of the truth correctly, and want to publicize it, telling Lei Zongchao, the'War God', and everyone to listen.

"Although they may not believe you, even if they do, they may not be able to find any clues. After all, it is a trouble.

"So, I can only use this simple and crude method to speed up the integration.

"In the beginning, there was a little pain, and I was also very resistant.

"After all, how can the wisdom of mortals understand such a powerful existence as the'matrix'?

"But now, I have thoroughly understood.

"Understanding how lucky it is to be able to integrate with the last living tissue of the'maternal body'.

"Understand that only by joining forces with the monster civilization can we save the Dragon City civilization.

"Understand how dangerous and brilliant the endless road ahead of Dragon City is.

"Understand where this great journey can lead!"

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