The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 883: A win-win for humans and monsters

Chapter VIII: A Win-Win Between Humans and Monsters

"Lu Si Ya"'s voice became louder and louder.

No longer the sharpness and aggressiveness of the "Queen Bee".

But it adds a sense of transcending good and evil and even transcending history.

Every word of her, like a transparent lightning, struck Meng Chao's brain.

Even the wind, rain, thunder and lightning lingered around her.

It seems that her life's magnetic field has been completely integrated with the violent, chaotic, and never-ending magnetic field of heaven and earth around her.

This made Meng Chao increasingly believe: "Sure enough, you have been completely controlled by the monsters!"

"It doesn't matter, if I tell you..."

"Lysiya" took a deep breath, calmed down a bit, her eyes waved, and smiled again, "Monster civilization is not malicious to human civilization, do you believe it?"

"no offence?"

Meng Chao couldn't believe his ears, "So, what is the'Monster War' of the past few decades?"

"It's a game, it's good for both sides, a small trial, just like the two of us were practicing on the top of Wushen Mountain."

"Lu Siya" said seriously, "Meng Chao, don't you realize that the monster war greatly stimulated the growth of the two civilizations?

"War has always been the best form of in-depth communication between civilizations.

"Through monster warfare, batches of ignorant monsters grew up quickly, becoming more cunning, fierce, and smarter than in the past, knowing how to organize larger groups, set traps, deceive enemies, mobilize large groups, and seek And attack human weaknesses, etc.

"These precious abilities, even those Primordial Behemoths that had the power to destroy the world during the Primordial War, did not have them.

"Although most monsters have been wiped out, these abilities have been turned into genetic data and all stored. As long as the right time is met, they can be re-released, replicated on a large scale, and the monster civilization can be explosively developed.

"Similarly, through **** battles with monsters, humans have sharpened their will, tempered their skills, acquired brand-new materials and weapons, and have taken a crucial step forward in the fields of psychic exploration and life sciences.

"The monster civilization is the ‘glue’ or even the ‘plasticizer’ of the Dragon City civilization-these are your original words.

"It was the monster war that shaped the Dragon City into what it is today. If there were no monsters as a vicious threat, Dragon City would have fallen apart and even exploded under the influence of many internal conflicts after the collapse of the blood alliance.

"A war has allowed two ignorant and immature civilizations to grow a hundred times faster, and they can face this turbulent and unpredictable world in a more tenacious and mature form.

"This is a real win-win!"


Meng Chao turned angrily back and laughed, "So, what about the people who died, all the humans who died tragically in the Monster Wars, you keep saying that you are Lusiya, and all the innocent people who unfortunately died in the Monster War are all your kind. , Are you so indifferent?"

"Lysiya" shrugged.

"You should know that even Lusiya from the past didn't care much about the life and death of the so-called "kind"-after crossing, death was originally a part of life."

"Lysiya" said lightly, "If, as a'smart person', I am overflowing with compassion like you, caring about the life and death of every so-called "kind", then I will hear the groans of the dying every minute and every second. With the last breath they exhaled, there were also the physiological changes that relatives threw on their corpses, howling and crying, their livers and intestines broken.

"I will smell their flesh and blood abscesses, wounds ulcerated, including the moment of death, the loss of control of the sphincter, and the flow of excrement and urine.

"I can even faintly see their fragmented brain waves, over the corpse, doing everything I can to form the final human form, and torn by the psychic storm, their souls are scattered and completely dead.

"If this is the case, I can't even hold on for a minute, and I've already had a nervous breakdown.

"Because I see, hear, perceive, and personally touch more'death' than you, so I know better than you the truth that'death is inevitable and there is no need to avoid it.'

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, the natural law, the elimination of some individuals, is the constant evolution of the entire ethnic group, and it is bound to pay a price.

"The faster the evolution, the more the price will be paid.

"Human beings today, we have eliminated at least 95% of the same kind. It sounds cruel, but if we don’t get rid of these inability to survive the burden and stride forward, 100% of those we have been eliminated may be eliminated. The whole human civilization is gone.

"In many cases, for the continuation of civilization, we even need to... actively carry out screening and elimination, through wars and other methods."

"Just like just now, you used the bloodstripe flower spores to resurrect the remains of snakes, insects, rats and ants into'immortal creatures', and then ordered them to kill each other, and use the method of'cultivating gu' to select the strongest immortal among them. Biology?" Meng Chao asked coldly.

"Lü Siya" narrowed her eyes and looked at her reflection in the slightly reddish puddle formed by the rainstorm.

"I know, I must look like a demon in your eyes now." She said calmly.

"Is it just ‘like’?" Meng Chao asked rhetorically.

"Well, even if I am a demon, don’t you think that the development of a civilization cannot be separated from the sacrifice of the devil—especially the Dragon City civilization that has traveled from the earth and is hundreds of millions of light-years away from my hometown. There may even be a lonely foreign army in my hometown!"

Lu Siya said, "Blood League is a well-known demon, right? The current Dragon City people can't wait to put all the blood and sins in the dark age of scarce resources and collapse of order on the head of the Blood League. It seems that only the blood alliance would be a heinous and extinct existence, and others are pure and innocent white lotus flowers, all deceived, forced and corrupted by the blood alliance.

"Of course, the Blood League did a lot of frantic things.

"The most notorious thing is that in order to explore the ancient ruins, they forced tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens to go deep into the ancient ruins that had just been unlocked because of the Dragon City crossing.

"Ninety percent of the innocent citizens died tragically in the depths of the Primordial Relics in the most miserable, terrifying, and distorted way-the brutal erosion of the Primordial Virus and the gnawing of the Primordial Demon is already the most pleasurable way to die.

"There are still 5% of the survivors who have deformed and mutated into monsters beyond recognition. Even if the ugliest monster glances at them, they will have nightmares for three days and three nights.

"They ended up being sent to the guild's laboratory, operating table, and incinerator. After completely converting their flesh and blood into experimental data, they turned into piles of the purest ashes.

"Only 5% of the survivors are able to maintain their original form and rationality while gaining powerful Primal power.

"That's the lucky ones like Lei Zongchao, Jin Wanhao and Jin Qianxi.

"But their'lucky' only postponed the time of being sent to the incinerator. They can enter the depths of the Archaic Relics again while wearing spar bombs, taking regular biochemical poisons, and being closely monitored. , Deeper, deepest.

"As the exploration continues to deepen, sooner or later, they will meet the same ending as the remaining 95%, disappearance, mutation or ashes.

"The blood guild that committed all these inhuman crimes is indeed the'house of the devil', right?"

Meng Chao didn't want to follow the rhythm of "Luziya" easily.

He quickly thought about the other party's purpose.

Of course, delaying time like this is not bad for him.

On the edge of the dark clouds on the horizon, the golden and **** rays of light have gradually emerged, which is a sign of dawn.

In the daytime, the thunder and heavy rain will always weaken a little, and the extremely disordered magnetic field of the heaven and earth will calm down a little.

Although affected by extreme weather, it is still difficult for the transcendents on the periphery of the Fog Hidden Domain to detect the conditions on the Mist Mountain.

However, the disappearance of both him and Lu Siya will always attract the attention of Long Feijun, Lu Fanghui and others.

Most importantly, Meng Chao's contribution value in his body is rapidly transforming into cell self-healing ability and endurance combat effectiveness.

The reward for cracking the "Mystery of the Demon God" is about to be calculated.

A brand-new trump card is taking shape.

Therefore, he is not afraid, and even welcomes "Lysiya" to entangle him.

"That's right, the guys from the Blood League are, of course, out-and-out demons, so?"

Meng Chao pretended to fall into Lu Siya's rhythm, thinking seriously.

"However, these'demons' have contributed more to Dragon City than any'hero'!"

"Lu Si Ya" exclaimed, "If there were no persecution by these demons, the Longcheng people's exploration of the ancient ruins would not have started so fast, so deep!

"If it weren't for these demons, they would use tens of thousands of human lives to fill the gap at any cost, and it would be impossible for us to fill in the technology between the'earth' and the'other world' in just a few years. moat!

"If it weren't for these demons, using the methods of exterminating humanity and cruelty to torture those innocents who were infected with otherworldly germs and turned into primordial monsters, we would never have accumulated such a wealth of experimental data. In the end, relying on these data, the spirit was established. A theoretical building where you can practice!

"If it weren't for these demons, they would forcibly concoct Lei Zongchao, Golden Manho, Golden Millennium... these pioneers of psychic cultivation, and indirectly inspired the first generation of strongest people like Lu Zhongqi. Dragon City would never be able to withstand the surging tide of beasts. The first wave of offensive, let alone today, decades later, won the monster war and developed a unique and powerful "Dragon City Civilization".

"If it weren't for these demons, maybe we are still fighting with gunpowder and firearms today. Where do we know what kind of psychic powers, where do we know what cultivation, and where can we master so many nirvana skills that destroy the world, Meng Chao, you How can it be possible to awaken the extraordinary power and set foot on the five-star heaven!"

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