The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 972: Monster in armor!

Chapter 972: A monster in armor!

"These rat people will fight totem beasts to death on the arena. As long as they can kill totem beasts, they will not only have the opportunity to obtain the'totem power', but they can also get blood from the clan warrior on the spot and become a member of an ancient family. , It can be said that it has reached the sky in one step!"

Ice Storm said to Meng Chao, "Even if they die on the arena, their corpses will be given the blood of the clan warriors, and then used to worship the ancestor spirits, and their families will also be better treated and qualified to become servants. Soldiers."

"Being a servant is also called'better treatment'?" Meng Chao couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, not all rat people are qualified to become servant soldiers. Just like Ye Zi, they have been screened and passed through countless ghost gates to gain the glory of fighting for the clan warriors. In many cases, let alone servants. Soldiers, even slave soldiers and clan warriors have to pick and choose."

Ice Storm said, "After all, although the probability of death of servant soldiers is not small, and the death rate of servant soldiers is even more terrifying, but when they are still alive, following the clan army, they can always get a few bites of food. After winning the battle, there is still a chance to looting the enemy's towns and farms.

"If Lien Chan relentlessly succeeds, the slave soldier has the opportunity to become a servant soldier, the servant soldier has the opportunity to become a servant, and the servant has the opportunity to receive the blood from the master and become a real warrior.

"Although hope is slim, it always exists.

"But if it is the old and weak women and children who can't fight, they will be stayed here when the clan armies are drawn-you know, as the mandala blossoms, the conscription team will attack everywhere, and all the mandala fruits will be concentrated. The hands of the clan army were carefully preserved, and even one would not leak into the hands of the old or weak women and children.

"If you can't become a slave soldier and a servant soldier, you can only starve to death. This is the cruel and glorious law of Turanze for thousands of years!"

Meng Chao was silent.

Thinking of the time when Dragon City had just crossed, the era of lack of resources, the weak and the strong, the lawless era.

The law of survival, in any age, anywhere, is extremely cruel.

No wonder, the three rat folks on the arena are all gritted their teeth, their eyes are red, and their faces are full of anger, wishing to die with the totem beast.

They are also fighting for the survival of themselves and even their families!

And their opponent...

This was the first time Meng Chao saw a totem beast in a fighting state.

At first glance, it looked like a monster that was bigger than a sword halberd demon pig, with its needle-like mane faintly glowing with metallic luster.

Except for the gorgeous patterns on the fur, which looks like a natural totem, there is no essential difference from the monster.

Judging from the speed of its charge and its biting posture, it can be as fierce as the "first-degree nightmare beast".

And the three rat people, who mixed the characteristics of tauren and boar, were born with supernatural power and thick skin. They were also filled with food and secret medicine in the blood skull arena. With their amazing brute force, they broke out close. Can Xing's extraordinary combat effectiveness.

With three enemies and one, it is not without chance.

Sure enough, the three of them stood in the three corners of the arena, surrounding the totem beast that looked like a sword, halberd, demon pig.

The mouth kept making sharp screams, up and down, full of rhythm, attracting and disturbing the attention of the totem beast.

When the totem beast rushed towards one of them, the other two immediately cast iron chains and trapping nets.

The iron chains wrapped around their shoulders, and the kneaded animal nets, have sharp barbs inserted.

Once the limbs of the totem beast were tied, the barb pierced deeply into the flesh and blood of the totem beast.

Although the totem beast relied on its brute force time and time again, it abruptly broke the iron chain and tore the trap net.

The limbs are bloody, the tendons are severed, and there are a large number of barbs dragging the iron chain, embedded in the joints, making the totem beast painful, and greatly hindering its speed and agility.

The three rat people seem to have rich hunting experience just like the "spiders" of Meng Chao's team.

They were not eager to attack, but cautiously circled the totem beast, waiting patiently for the blood of the totem beast to flow through the entire arena before rushing up with the big sword and the great axe.

"Crack! Click!"

Hearing only two clear and pleasant bone cracking sounds, a large sword and a great axe, deeply embedded in the skull and cervical vertebrae of the totem beast, almost smashed off half of the monster's head.

There is also a heavy mace, which smashed half of the skull of the totem beast, the sharp barb, ripped half of the face, revealing the white bones, and half of the fangs were exposed to the air, hideous. Like an evil spirit.

The three rat people cheered excitedly at the same time.

Meng Chao also lit up, secretly admiring their fierce offensive.

The Totem Beast, whose face was ripped off, was stimulated by the severe pain, and let out a more violent roar.

Immediately afterwards, the unexpected scene of Meng Chao was staged.

From the depths of the wound of the totem beast, a dazzling brilliance flashed unexpectedly.

On its white bones, it seems to be engraved with dense runes, forming an intricate totem.

Along with the violent vibration of the life's magnetic field, the gorgeous runes shined brightly, and the totem turned into a mass of liquid metal, spewing out from the depths of the wound.

Soon, this totem beast, which looked like a sword halberd demon pig, had its head and cervical spine wounds wrapped in liquid metal, as if it had grown out of a new skin with an extremely hideous appearance.

Not only the wound, but the liquid metal also flowed to its left shoulder, adding an extraordinarily exaggerated shoulder pad to it.

There is also a high cocked collision horn on the shoulder guard, like an indestructible knight's long spear.

"A monster in armor!"

Meng Chao was amazed.

Although it is not a full body armor, it only covers half of the head and left shoulder.

But it was also enough to make this totem beast instantly recover its combat effectiveness before being seriously injured.

The degree of brutality has increased exponentially!

It slammed its limbs and slammed, and when it hit, the collision angle on the shoulder guard penetrated the chest cavity of a rat inhabitant and poked it out from behind.

This rat folk with the dual blood of tauren and boar is also brave and brave. The fatal damage not only did not let him loose his two-handed sword, but it inspired him with extremely strong strength and courage before he died. .

"Ancestral spirit is on!"

In the depths of his **** throat, he burst out a roar that resembled a thunderbolt. Taking advantage of the chance that the totem beast’s collision horn was stuck tightly by his own flesh and blood and bones, he tightly held the giant sword in both hands and continued to exert force. Cut back and forth.

With the remaining casting technology of the Turan civilization, it is impossible to polish the two-handed giant sword to blow hair and break the hair. In order to increase the destructive power, part of the blade is made into a sawtooth shape.

The blade was stuck in the totem beast's neck just now, and even if the liquid metal condensed into armor, the blade could not be squeezed out.

At this moment, under the strenuous cutting of the dying rat people, a creepy sound was heard from the neck of the totem beast, the cervical spine.

The second Ratmin took the opportunity to jump behind the Totem Beast.

After all, the liquid metal secreted by this totem beast was too little to cover all the vitals of the body.

While the left side of the head and left shoulder were protected, its right face, right shoulder and throat were still exposed to the air.

The ratman had quick eyes and quick hands, and he wrapped the totem beast's neck with an iron chain, and then tightly wrapped his arm.

With both arms tightened, the barbs on the chain pierced the totem beast's throat, and pulled back and forth, tearing the totem beast's blood vessels and trachea.

The third ratman picked up his mace again and slammed toward the totem beast's unprotected right face.

After that, he threw away his mace, took up a short spear with a thin arm, and shouted violently. On the totem beast's **** face, he accurately found the eye socket, and the entire short spear was poked in.

In this way, the three rat people, like Siamese infants, clung to the totem beasts.

The totem beast had a frenzied hair, fluttered and bitten, and smashed the three of them on the ground and the iron cage beside the arena.

The three of them were crazy, ignoring their own broken bones and spurting blood, still desperately cutting, tearing and stirring, looking for a deadly gap between the armor of the totem beast.

Meng Chao estimated that, apart from the courage they had no other choice, before they stepped onto the arena, they must have been filled with a secret medicine equivalent to an ultra-high concentration of excitement potion.

Talent is like a zombie, not afraid of pain, not afraid of death, even the internal organs and brains are flowing out, still fighting hard.

In the thrilling scene, the audiences all around were full of blood.

The noble warriors of the clan laughed, and sincerely cheered for the humble rat people.

Finally, when the three rat people were knocked into mud by the totem beast.

They also successfully smashed the totem beast's brain, crushed the totem beast's trachea, and saw off its cervical spine.

The three people and one beast collapsed like a big meat mountain that had just experienced a magma eruption and spewing thick smoke, and there was no more movement.

"Is this... to die together?"

Meng Chao glanced at Ice Storm.

However, I found that Ice Storm was still staring at the arena intently, as if the outcome of losing both ends, and it might change.

The auditorium also became silent, and all the clan warriors waited with bated breath.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the corpse composed of three people and one beast to make the sound of "chuckling, chickling".

Meng Chao's eyes widened and he was surprised to find that with the death of the Totem Beast, the armor covering its left face and left shoulder was re-turned into liquid metal, as if it had life, crawling towards one of the scarred rat people. past.

Liquid metal followed the wound and got into the rat citizen's body.

This rat-minded man was already in a state of dying.

After receiving the blessing of the liquid metal, his breathing and heartbeat became stronger again, and soon he opened his eyes slightly.

He struggled to stand up from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, as if he was not accustomed to the new power flowing in his body, and his movements were like rusty machinery.

But he soon realized something, his eyes widened, and he let out a low growl.

From his left face and left shoulder, a large amount of liquid metal was secreted, and it condensed into the same armor as the totem beast a moment ago!

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