The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 973: Mystery of the Warframe

The evolutionary mutation that happened to the only survivor pushed the already boiling atmosphere around the arena to the extreme of fanaticism.

Especially when the rat people in armor cut off the totem beast's head and raised Dou Da's head high, roaring.

All the audience stood up and exhausted all their energy to applaud and applaud him.

Meng Chao heard that many viewers even seriously thought about a brand new name for this stranger rat-is it called "Pig Slayer" more prestigious, or "Pig Killer" more resounding?

This wholehearted and enjoyable atmosphere of gladiatorial battles made Meng Chao a trance.

Measured by the standards of the people on earth, the higher orcs are really a group of very weird guys.

The clan warriors are both brutal and cruel, and can ruthlessly scoop up all the mandala fruits that the entire village depends on.

If the villagers do not follow, the whole village will be slaughtered.

The weak rat people are not regarded by them as compatriots or even their lives. They are pure tools or even fuels. They are only used in dungeons, in casting workshops, construction sites, and cannon fodder troops to squeeze the last drop of bone marrow. grease.

Even the corpses of the rat people are not let go, they will be literally broken into pieces and sacrificed to the "sacred ancestor spirit."

Even if he treats his blood relatives or even heirs, he is so ruthless.

Heirs who are inherently weak and unable to pass the coming-of-age ceremony will be discarded by the clan warriors without hesitation, branded as "rat people", sent to the foundry workshop or even exiled to the edge of Turanze, allowing them to fend for themselves.

However, when the rat people showed strength and courage that were inconsistent with their status, they were able to applaud him from the bottom of their hearts, accept him without any qualms, and become a member of "their own".

Meng Chao could hardly imagine what drastic changes had been encountered in the course of the development of Turan civilization that led to the evolvement of such a weird social form and moral law.

Or, are all of these created by the creators of higher orcs, designed in the first place?

However, what is the purpose of such a design?

Well, compared to the strange alien races in the depths of the memory fragments of the previous life, the higher orcs are not the most weird one.

Meng Chao is only concerned now: "Master Ice Storm, as long as you kill the Totem Beast, can you take the Totem Beast's body, the armor that is naturally contained in it?"

"For the rat people who have nothing, this is the safest way."

Ice Storm said, "Although hunting and killing totem beasts in the wilderness, it is possible to seize its battle armor, but because the power of the totem is extremely violent and very unstable, the rat people who privately absorb the battle armor often If you don't end well, you will be backlashed by the power of totem.

"Only in the arena, through the training of the clan warrior in advance, the treatment of the witch doctor and the spellcasting of the priest, can we ensure that the power of totem and the flesh and blood are completely integrated."

Sure enough, Meng Chao saw four witch doctors with colorful feathers and huge masks made of ebony wood, bones and scrapped mobile phones leaping onto the arena.

They first surrounded the lucky ones in totem armor, dancing and chanting.

It seems to be thanking the ancestral spirit for shelter.

He used four huge brushes, dipped in a pale golden secret medicine that was more viscous than honey, and applied them to the lucky guy's body, sealing his wounds.

And let the lucky one take a whole pot of steaming liquid medicine directly.

Then, the two witch doctors danced again.

The other two witch doctors swiftly disassembled the totem beast's corpse, pulled out the bones with natural patterns, and put the entire head and the entire arm into the totem beast's cavity. After groping for a long time, finally He took out the "core" that grew at the end of the spine, wrapped around the spinal cord and bloodshot eyes.

Meng Chao estimated that it was just like the "cargo worship" staged in the treatment room just now.

The exaggerated performances of the witch doctors certainly have elements of superstition and a sense of ritual.

But it also contains a certain scientific truth.

At least, the two secret medicines applied externally and internally can definitely help the liquid metal to melt into the flesh and blood quickly and steadily.


Meng Chao suddenly thought, "There is only one survivor in this gladiatorial fight, so he has all the totem power, but what if there are two survivors?"

"This usually doesn't happen. Before the gladiator comes on the field, the judge will adjust the number of gladiators based on the strength of the totem beast and the gladiator to ensure that the two sides are evenly matched. It is possible to fight until the last drop of blood. Decide the winner."

Ice Storm said, "It is very fortunate to have a gladiator survived. Two survivors are rarely seen.

"Even if it does appear, Totem Power will choose the one that is more brave and powerful, causing fatal injuries to the Totem Beast, and become its new owner."

Meng Chao's eyebrows were raised high.

This sentence of Ice Storm revealed a very important message.

The biological liquid metal that can be freely deformed and condensed into totem armor has a certain degree of intelligence, and can evaluate and choose its owner,!

"Can anyone get off the court and challenge the Totem Beast?" Meng Chao asked expectantly.

Ice Storm knew what he was thinking.

This guy with black hair and black eyes, although both annoying and dangerous, he rejected Kasavar Bloodhoof and provoked the Ironhide family.

His strength is not harmful to himself.

Therefore, Ice Storm still patiently explained: "Not everyone can get off the field-this is just the weakest totem beast, not even the'team level'. It is used to screen the rat people and the underage clan warriors.

"If an adult clan warrior who has already possessed a totem armor and chooses such a weak existence, as his opponent, wouldn't he be laughed at by the entire clan?"

The power division system of higher orcs is very simple and rude.

Regardless of the strong orc or the totem beast, they are divided into three levels: "team level, war gang level, and clan level".

According to Meng Chao's analysis, it is probably equivalent to the "district, heaven, and spirit" of Dragon City.

And below the big realm, it doesn't subdivide the small realms, let alone the unique changes and signs of different realms.

The basis for distinguishing strength is only one word, war!

It is a "team-level" powerhouse who can beat everyone in the entire team to a swollen nose.

A war gang of five to eight hundred people is a "war gang level" powerhouse.

Can make the whole battle group tremble in front of you, that is the unparalleled "war group level" powerhouse.

As for the "legion level" above the "combat level", it is like Dragon City's "existence beyond the gods".

It is possible to break through in theory, but I have never heard of it in reality.

After all, in the military establishment of Turan civilization, the smallest legion also governed several battle groups, and the number easily exceeded 100,000.

Even if the strongest of the five clans is crowned as the strongest existence of the war chief, he dare not say that he can use his own power to contend the entire legion, the hundreds of thousands.

Of course, among the rat people, it is not to say that any cat or dog is eligible to take the stage and compete for "totem power".

Totem beasts are scarce resources.

Behind Turanze's herd, there is no "master brain". All totem beasts are skirmishers.

In the case of fighting alone, it is not an opponent of the higher orcs at all.

In particular, the prosperous era of the past half-century has caused the number of high-level orcs to grow wildly, greatly destroying the natural environment on which totem beasts depend for survival, and reducing the number of totem beasts in the wild.

Therefore, the five major clans will issue hunting bans, prohibiting rat people from hunting ordinary beasts at will, thereby destroying the food chain of totem beasts.

Under this circumstance, if a rat folk with no background comes on stage and kills the Totem Beast, and after taking the "Power of Totem", he pats his **** and prepares to leave, providing the power of this Totem Beast, wouldn't it be a big loss? Up?

Therefore, if you want to participate in the competition, you must first get the appreciation of a certain family, and agree that once the power of the totem is taken, the "blood giving ceremony" will be carried out to completely cut off the connection with the past and become a part of the new family. Treat the ancestor spirits of the new family as your ancestors and fight for the glory of the new family.

Only in this way can they have the qualifications and resources to hold the Totem Armor.

Meng Chao is now considered an ice storm person.

The problem is that Ice Storm itself is an outsider, the identity of a freedom gladiator, and there is no family support behind it.

If she is willing to join the bloodhoof family, everything is easy to say, and Meng Chao can follow along.

But neither Ice Storm nor Meng Chao could become a vassal of Kasavar, a **** of the Bloodhoof family.

Meng Chao understood.

The reason is similar to that of Dragon City.

In Dragon City, after the horrible children came to prominence, if they were willing to sign contracts with the nine super companies, they would of course get a lot of training resources, as well as various competitions, upgrades, and employment conveniences, including equipment such as nano-combat suits and power armors. It's not a problem.

But if you want to be a freelancer, start your own business, and start from scratch, whether you want to be a genetic medicine or a psionic weapon, you have to rely on yourself.

He temporarily put aside the idea of ​​participating in the gladiatorial fight and seizing the "power of totem", and asked: "The one obtained from the body of the totem beast does not seem to be a full set of armor, but only fragments of the armor?"

"Of course, totem armor is such a powerful artifact, if even the weakest totem beast has a full set of armor in it, then it's worth it?"

Ice Storm told Meng Chao, unless it is an extremely rare "battle group-level" totem beast.

Otherwise, the "totem power" in most of the totem beasts could not be condensed into a full set of armor covering every inch of skin.

Being able to condense into a few pieces of battle armor to strengthen specific limbs and organs is already quite good.

In fact, the vast majority of totem warriors embarked on a long journey in such a "remnant form".

Only the ace that has experienced many battles like Ice Storm, or Kassavar and Stinger, among the rich and powerful, the descendants of pure blood and passed the rites of maturity, can it be possible to obtain a full set of totem armor.

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