The edge of pure land

Chapter 10 The Meat Grinder of Genius

At dusk, Lu Fuji walked out of the temple with a pile of documents in his arms. The towering metal barrier cast a shadow, and the dusty ground was filled with light and dark.

"Brother Lu, why don't you discuss it with them? If it doesn't work, just change your profession. As long as you're not on the battlefield, there's no need to force yourself to evolve. After I earn enough merit, I'll exchange it for you for a bottle of sacred tree marrow." Is that enough? That thing can repair cells, maybe..."

He Sai also held a pile of documents and whispered in his ear.

Lu Buer shook his head and responded: "It makes no sense. The old priest said that the so-called sacred tree marrow can only be used to repair excessively consumed cells, so it cannot cure my disease."

As for changing careers, that's definitely not possible.

Those low-level species asked to change their professions, but they were all dragged away.

Previously, a rich second-generation student from Fengcheng No. 2 Middle School tried to escape, but was caught on the spot and sentenced to exile within a minute.

Penalties are imposed on the spot and executed on the spot.

The rich second generation was immediately expelled from the city gate.

Given the harsh environment of the Pure Land, he would probably not survive more than three days outside the wall.

The guy was still crying for help before he was exiled, but his former compatriots now avoid him like a stranger.

How miserable.

He Sai stopped talking, lowered his head and kicked the gravel on the ground with his feet, and whispered: "Brother Lu, I know that my parents are no longer in this world, but actually I don't feel very sad. Because my The memory seems to still stay five hundred years ago, as if we were separated for only one day. But when I think about never seeing them again, I will be very sad and devastated."

"And if you are no longer here, I will be alone in this world, with no friends and everything in ruins."

He paused and said, "It's very selfish to say that. I hope you can the very least, I can't be the only orphan."

"Are you talking humanly?"

Lu Buer smiled silently: "Don't think about those things. At least I'm still alive now, right? People should learn to enjoy the present. At least today we are the masters."

Five hundred years ago, the two of them were ordinary students.

Now in the Pure Land, he has become a noble and high-energy species.

For example, the pile of documents they hold in their arms are the rights they can enjoy in the Pure Land.

The church also presented a code of law to educate them on the law.

The more outrageous thing is that as high-energy species, they have the right to form a family, along with the right to mate and reproduce, which sounds quite forbidden.

What's even more outrageous is that the Supreme Federation also helps them allocate family members, and cannot refuse.

Because rights are also obligations.

"What a strange law. I don't want many strange parents to suddenly come out."

He Sai complained: "What kind of good treatment is this?"

"It's a normal thing. The original good treatment is to enable you to better fulfill your obligations. The reason for assigning family members is because they think you have enough ability to let you drag those with weaker abilities to live. It is a kind of force. Bundling. If I guess correctly, the family members assigned to you will also be carefully selected to maximize benefits and distribute resources more harmoniously."

"So I don't have a choice? There's no freedom at all in this damn place."

"Probably yes, we are high-energy species, and the family members we are assigned should not be too bad. They may be orphans, or they may be people who have lost the ability to live independently, such as helpless widows..."

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means that you may not get new parents, but you may also get a wife, or even someone else's wife. Isn't it exciting?"


They will meet their new family members in as little as three days or as little as one day.

I just wish I could be a normal person.

Of course, their worries are also other people's extravagant hopes.

"Let's say goodbye here. Take care of yourself in the future and be careful in your behavior. The world has really changed." Officer An and Boss Zhang waved goodbye to them. As middle-aged people, they would not be dragged away. , which still gave me some dignity.

As for the low-energy species, in order to prevent them from escaping, they were all escorted away.

Officer An was assigned to the law enforcement team, responsible for maintaining those robots. It took a period of assessment before he could gain the right to sense the sacred rhythm.

Boss Zhang was assigned to work as a handyman in a chamber of commerce owned by a certain consortium. Ever since he saw his daughter, his whole person had changed, and he was obviously stimulated.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Boss Zhang noticed the worries of the teenagers, raised his head and forced a smile: "I will work hard and try to prove my worth. I will definitely get my daughter back when the time comes."

"Come on, Boss Zhang."

Jose cheered him up and said, "We will help you when the time comes."

Lu Fuji also nodded slightly: "Wait until we have a solution."

"Just live your life and don't worry about us."

Officer An and Boss Zhang waved goodbye to them and turned to leave.

In fact, relying on the friendship they forged in the Land of the Past, these two adults can definitely help the teenagers. After all, high-energy species are indeed uncommon and they are high-quality connections.

But they didn't.

They seem to still hold on to the values ​​they had five hundred years ago.

Children are children.

Even if you become a high-energy species, you are still a child.

Adults, of course, can't cause trouble for children.

"I always feel empty inside."

He Sai said suddenly.

"Life is like this, everyone has to run for survival."

Lu Fuji said softly.

If we say goodbye this time, we may never see each other again.

He may not survive until then.

The priests walked up to them and said with a smile: "Two of you, we are responsible for taking you to the west city gate and collecting the land and supplies that are exclusively for your residence."

These pastors still have a very good attitude towards them.

Because they are both privileged and dedicated.

The safety of Shengen City still needs high-energy species like them to protect it.

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment, looking towards the west of the city.

The road ahead is uncertain.

Can he really survive in this pure land?



Shengen City is divided into four rings. The core ring contains the glorious temple of the Akasha Holy Cult, which is also where the city lord's palace is located. At the same time, a large number of outstanding talents, as well as major financial groups and chambers of commerce are gathered. It is the city with the best economy. The most popular and prosperous area.

As for the Second Ring Road, it is home to many federal agencies.

For example, there are the Tribunal and the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Resource Allocation Bureau, the Production Structure Department, etc. There are also a large number of urban residential areas and some business circles.

Most of the people gathered here are people with relatively decent jobs.

The farming and breeding areas are also here.

The third ring road is where people from the lower class gather. It is a mixed bag and the most difficult to manage. There are a large number of slums and gray industrial chains, such as street bars and underground casinos, as well as gangster gyms or private employment. The corps belongs to a place specially designated for these people.

As for the fourth ring road, it is the most dangerous place.

There are frequent attacks there, and even more so when the metal barriers collapse, killing people.

It can only be described as a meat grinder.

Aoki went all the way from the Fourth Ring Road to the Second Ring Road, as if he had traveled through three completely different worlds. Of course, he would not have any emotions after being out of the cocoon for eight years, because he had already been used to it.

The streets are busy with traffic, and wealthy people in the Second Ring Road can even afford cars.

The traffic lights on the road changed, and the aroma of fried noodles wafted from the restaurant across the street.

Aoki walked through the quiet park. The young lovers on the swing were scared to see his clothes and moved away. The school in the distance had just ended, and the students in school uniforms went back to their homes.

Everything seems like five hundred years ago.

Until Aoki arrived at a black building that looked like a steel fortress, he passed through the heavily guarded gate, walked through the dark underground tunnel, and stopped in front of an iron door.

Before knocking on the door, the person behind the door asked:

"I heard that we encountered a heretic from the Corpse Food Cult this time?"

The voice was old and powerful.

Aoki replied respectfully: "Yes, sir. We are lucky this time. They happen to be the group of pagans who escaped last time, and they all have the same characteristics."

The voice behind the door asked again: "Kill them all?"

Aoki replied again: "No one was left. The cocoon breakers brought back also had their memories cleaned to ensure that this matter would not be leaked to the outside world."

After a brief silence, the old man said again: "The soil you brought back has been tested, and it is indeed contaminated. But have you ever thought that what they really want to pollute is the life in the place of death? tree!"

Aoki was stunned, and he realized that he might have made a mistake.

"If you want to pollute the great Tree of Life, it is definitely not a simple ritual. Those pagans may seem weak, but they have terrible taboos in their hands!"

The old man suppressed his anger and asked: "Let me ask you, where are the things? You did a good job of keeping secrets, but you lost the most important thing! You deserve death!"

Aoki's throat rolled up and down, and cold sweat flowed violently.

He was careless and just thought it would be good to kill those people.

I didn’t expect that those weak guys actually had forbidden items in their hands!

With a thud, a huge pressure hit his face, causing him to kneel on his knees.

"Your merits are enough to exchange for a bottle of the marrow of the sacred tree."

The old man said hoarsely: "But now, I want you to get that thing back. Immediately, immediately. Otherwise... you should know the consequences."

This time, Aoki lost his usual playfulness and joking.

Those slightly aged eyes were full of fear.



Night, west of Shengen City.

Lu Buer and He Sai, the brothers in distress, finally arrived at their posts. They shuttled through the city all afternoon, as if five hundred years had passed in one go.

All of a sudden, he changed from a student to a soldier.

In the system of the Supreme Federation and the Akashic Holy Cult, everyone has to shoulder their own responsibilities for the world, and your ability determines the rights you can enjoy.

When I heard the priests chatting, they mentioned that although the laws of the Pure Land are very strict, as long as you are a talented person, no one can stop you from being promoted. You can counterattack from a civilian to a president, or you can go from an unknown person to a president. The congregant is crowned pope.

All roads must be walked by yourself.

The priests vaguely mentioned that in the world where the Pope and the President co-rule, there is another position above them, and that is the throne that countless people are eager to seek.

But they didn't say what it was.

Anyway, it's not something Lu Fuji or He Sai can get involved in right now.

What they are facing now is the so-called military restricted area. There are basically warning zones in all directions. In the middle is where the army is stationed, and beyond that is the site of the barrier collapse.

Outside the city is a wasteland, withered jungles, and cracks in the ground.

There was a faint roar of the White Walkers, which was terrifying.

Howling cold winds poured in from the collapsed walls, and cold fog filled the air outside the city. The construction team was carrying equipment to evacuate, and the medical team was running through the ruins carrying the bodies on the stretchers. In the distance, there was artillery fire rising into the sky. and gunshots, and shouts and roars could be heard.

From time to time, there were old soldiers transporting wartime supplies despite the cold wind.

The wind was so strong that it was hard to open one's eyes. The most terrifying thing was the gunshots and artillery fire outside the city. Many blurry figures could be seen in the cold fog, illuminated by the firelight.

Their eyes can be vaguely seen, and they are all golden.

Gunshots, wails, roars, and roars all mixed together.

Lu Fuji just arrived at this place known as the Genius Meat Grinder, and looked around with a blank expression. The cold wind that hit his face stuck a piece of waste newspaper on his face.

He took off the scrap newspaper from his face and saw clearly the harsh environment in front of him.

Even though he was prepared, his mentality still collapsed.

"You call this the house we live in?"

He pointed at the broken wall in front of him and shouted: "Are you sure?"

He Sai also broke through the defense and shouted: "Isn't the pigsty better than this?"

There were not many buildings in the ruins that were not destroyed. The broken shed in front of them was crumbling in the cold wind. Next to it were two wooden boxes, which were said to be their supplies.

Everywhere you can see here are abandoned buildings, not even a streetlight, and there will never be any water or electricity, only the fire of guns and artillery.

"The point is, isn't there training and training?"

The pastors responded that this was part of training and training.

"You two are high-energy species who have returned from the land of the dead. You have experienced the battle with the White Walkers, but you still need to adapt to the harsh environment on the front line. We usually do not give high-energy species an overly superior environment, as that will only weaken your fighting spirit. , and the real frontline is much worse than this. Of course, there are no less privileges that should be given to you two. You have the right to form a family, the right to protect your personality, land ownership, the right to build a house, the right to choose a spouse, and the right to mate. Business rights, and many other rights..."

This is also a very interesting part of the system of the Supreme Federation and the Akashic Holy Cult.

It is also a preferential treatment given to high-energy species.

For example, the right to protection of personality.

To put it simply, when you scold others, others cannot scold you.

The premise is that the other party is of medium or low ability who does not have the right to protect personality.

Another example is the right to choose a spouse.

As the name suggests, the woman you are pursuing cannot be pursued by others.

The premise is that the other party is a medium- or low-energy species who does not have the right to choose a mate.

Especially the right to mate, which requires no explanation at all.

It is said that some people have been deprived of the right to mate because they have violated certain laws. They are not allowed to have normal mating within marriage, otherwise it is illegal.

In short, this seems to be the law of the Pure Land.

Distribute power based on ability and strictly separate people.

However, high-energy species may also be downgraded if there are problems with their ratings.

In the same way, it is not impossible for low-energy and medium-energy people to counterattack and become winners in life.

Of course, these are not Lu Fuji's priorities.

They are more concerned about the situation on the front line.

"Whether it is the Pope or the President, the city lords of major cities, or their descendants, anyone who is qualified to evolve must start on the frontline battlefield. This is the starting point of everything."

"According to data analysis, the level of White Walkers that haunt the West City Frontline usually does not exceed the first level, and no awakened high-energy species will die in their hands. Only by killing White Walkers in exchange for merit can you move forward on the road of evolution. Far."

"During the protection of new recruits, if an emergency occurs, instructors will naturally take action to protect your safety."

"From now on, you are stationed here, you live here. When faced with life disasters, you fight. When faced with the invasion of heretics, you fight. You are the first line of defense for the barrier, shouldering the sacred mission of guarding the human city-state. .”

The priests smiled and said: "Welcome to the Third City Guards!"

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