The edge of pure land

Chapter 11 Burning Life

A cold mechanical voice echoed at the dilapidated city gate: "Recruit He Sai, recruit Lu Bu'er, welcome to join the extraordinary battle sequence of the Third City Guards. You have 24 hours of combat preparation time!"

Unexpectedly, we can see drones here. They are buzzing in the biting cold wind, and their red-light cameras focus on the teenagers who are mentally shattered.

Lu Fuji finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they had twenty-four hours of preparation time, which meant they could rest. Although the conditions were too simple, they were better than nothing.

There is a moldy wooden bed in this shed, a set of folding tables and chairs, a storage cabinet with a lock, and the most valuable thing is the fireplace for heating.

“It’s really clean and hygienic.”

He Sai found a broom beside the shed: "Brother Lu, let me clean it for you first."

Lu Buer knew that he was worried that he was too weak to bear it, so he waved his hand and said: "How long have you still cared about this? Let's take a look at the daily necessities first, otherwise we will both starve to death."

He Sai then remembered that they still had two large boxes that had not been opened. When he went over to open the boxes, his expression changed: "Brother Lu, the lock has been picked open."

Lu Fuji had a bad premonition and hurriedly opened the supply box and took a look. The most eye-catching thing in the box was their velvet military uniforms, which were thick enough to withstand the cold winter.

There are also many daily necessities, such as thickened hoses and kettles for hot water, iron pots for cooking and bowls for eating, as well as ordinary toiletries, axes for chopping firewood, and flints.

"There are only two-thirds of the rice, half of the bread is missing, two bags of vegetables, where are the protein bars? Where's the energy powder? Where's the vitamins? Where's the synthetic meat? Where's the eggs? Why is there only so much oil left?"

"The two of us only have one set of bulletproof vests and bulletproof helmets."

"Fortunately, the revolver is still there, but most of the bullets are missing."

"The military dagger was replaced, and it was given to an old one... Well, my sword is already rusty, and there is still a gap on the blade. How about yours?"

"Brother Lu, the edge of my sword is gone!"

In the dilapidated shed, the two brothers looked at each other in confusion.

"Brother Lu, this is different from the list of supplies written on the document. Could it be because they want us to be cheap laborers and deliberately deceive us and create a big pie for us?"

"No, with the power they hold, there is no need to deceive us. According to my judgment, this model in the Pure Land is pursuing the ultimate efficiency, but the problem is that they seem to be unable to guarantee that the system can still be exploited at the bottom. 100% compliance.”

"What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, where there are people, there will be intrigues. The supplies that should belong to us have been deducted by some people who are motivated by selfish interests. Do you understand?"


At that time, the priests took the goods from the military barracks warehouse in Xicheng and gave them the boxes and keys. The whole process was open and transparent, and there was no way they had time to tamper with it.

The only suspect left was the commander of the Third City Guard.

"You are so inhuman."

Jose murmured.

"Indeed, but there is nothing you can do about it. After all, people have to bow their heads under the roof. However, this is a world where life is measured by value. As long as you are stronger than them, you have the right to speak. So you need to be strong in order to If you say this, change your military uniform first!" Lu Buer took off his clothes and put on the dark military uniform, and his thin body was suddenly armed.

There is a hint of erectness and ability, and a fierceness that does not belong to a teenager.

"The bulletproof vest and helmet are yours."

With a tone that could not be refused, he said calmly: "Don't be embarrassed to argue with me, and don't worry about me just because I am a patient. My life is worthless, and you have a bright future. You must survive. I Sooner or later, I will die, so I have hope only if you survive, right?"

He Sai was stunned and didn't know how to refute.

Lu Fuji also exchanged his sword with him, and gave him some of the bullets in the revolver. He only kept about twenty bullets, which were enough for self-defense.

He Sai is a child who has never experienced severe beatings from society, and his thoughts are relatively naive.

But he is different.

He is used to seeing the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and he also vaguely understands the rules of survival in the Pure Land.

At present, the probability that he can survive is not high. If he cannot find a cure, he will try his best to obtain more merits in exchange for resources and leave things to his close friends.

Then use his own death to wake up He Sai.

This is considered to be extremely valuable.

Although... I am very unwilling to do so.

"Chop firewood, make a fire, cook, hurry, hurry, hurry!"

Lu Fuji knew that there was not much time, and they still needed time to rest: "I can help you do these things when I am still here, but after I am gone, you need to do it yourself. So take a good look at these survival skills. You have to learn to concentrate."

He picked up an ax to chop firewood, then used flint to light the fire. He set up an iron pot and cooked a pot of porridge. He didn't add anything except some vegetables: "It's definitely not as good as what you used to eat at home, but now It’s good enough to fill your stomach.”

He Sai didn't say anything, he just watched silently and remembered every detail.

When he drank the bowl of porridge, his eyes were a little red.

Because he realized that people always have to experience life, separation and death.

Shika Fuji didn't have much time to begin with.

In such a cold winter, drinking a bowl of hot porridge is very healing, especially the burning fireplace adds a touch of warmth to them. Unfortunately, this shabby shed has drafts on all sides, so it is still very cold.

While they were eating, they read the document, which introduced detailed information about the frontline camps. As expected, they all taught people things to pay attention to quickly.

There is no one here to train them.

No one will tell them how to survive.

This is just like the forced conscription of troops during the war five hundred years ago. No one will give you hand-in-hand training. When you face the enemy, you can only choose to charge. If you retreat, you will die.

The only difference is that they are high-energy species that have survived from the land of the past. In theory, they only need to complete evolution to survive on the front line, otherwise they will be regarded as waste and eliminated.

According to the priests, no high-energy species will die when they first arrive at the front line. If they die, they will die in subsequent more dangerous missions or battles.

Every high-energy species in the Pure Land came here like this. First, you have to overcome the harsh environment and complete evolution!

“Remember what the priests said?”

Lu Fuji said calmly: "We are guarding the gate here. We will live in this ghost place for a long time in the future. We must plan for the long term. Let's first see how other high-energy species do."

He Sai hummed, and he found that there were many temporary buildings built near the city gate, some of which were dilapidated sheds, and some of which were wooden houses that could shelter from the wind and rain.

He tried to find the high-powered ones who were wearing the Holy Emblem, but unfortunately, everywhere he looked, people from the Logistics Department and the Materials Department were busy repairing the collapsed metal barriers.

There was a loud bang.

The metal barrier, which had already collapsed with a huge gap, collapsed even more completely!

The poor brothers watched helplessly as the huge metal fragments fell to the ground with a roar, and the strong wind swept the dust and rushed towards them like a sea tide, blowing up the dust all over them.

I can't drink even two bowls of porridge.

"Brother Lu..."

He Sai wanted to cry but had no tears.

Lu Fuji couldn't hold himself any longer, and his expression gradually turned ferocious.

"The entire army is alerted. A large-scale White Walker invasion has been detected. The casualty rate of the standing army has reached 5%! The West City Barrier is more than 70% broken. We immediately enter a state of emergency combat readiness!"

"Recruit He Sai, recruit Lu Buer, you have ten seconds to prepare for battle!"

Damn it!

With a bang, the exploding rubble shot out, and of course the bloody corpses. Scarlet blood mist exploded in the air, and the strong smell of blood filled the air.

A drop of blood splashed on Jose's face, and his eyes became dull.

This is the meat grinder.

In other words, this is the battlefield!


Lu Fuji grabbed him and laid him down in the rubble, his heart beating fast.

Even though they had experienced the land of the past, they still felt frightened.

The only way is to evolve!

Practice the sacred rhythm and embark on the path of evolution.

I saw the ground trembling violently beside the collapsed barrier. There seemed to be a huge monster running rampant in the dirt in the smoke, and the ground collapsed along the way!

No wonder, such a tall and hard barrier can collapse.

It turns out that there is a monster that can get into the ground and penetrate the foundation from the ground!

When the siren sounded, the soldiers of the Third City Guard finally appeared. They carried heavy machine guns and fired wildly at the monsters in the smoke, but they couldn't cause any damage at all. They were forced to draw their swords and swords to defend them. The enemy is ready for close combat.

A middle-aged officer with white hair and beard held a walkie-talkie, and his voice echoed over the ruins through the drone: "Trash, keep your eyes open, this is the high-level White Walker. The Kabbalah Tree of Life is not only It has preserved humankind’s fire and reshaped the planet’s ecology and environment. Many prehistoric extinct creatures have returned, such as this monster.”

"Its name is Earth Dragon, and it is currently the biggest threat to city security. Of course, it is not something you trash can solve."

He paused: "Major Yuan, please."

Lu Fuji and He Sai finally waited for the savior who could control the situation, because the soldiers on the front line were looking up at the sky and saw a helicopter passing overhead and someone falling down!

I thought that this god descending to earth would be a brave person like Lu Bu.

But unexpectedly, it turned out to be a woman.

And she is a woman in her early twenties at most.

"Leave the earth dragon to me, you are responsible for cleaning up the remaining trash fish!"

The hoarse female voice said: "Many of you are newcomers to the front line, and I can only give you one piece of advice. To deal with things like the White Walkers, you must overcome the fear in your heart and awaken the deepest heart in you. Primitive cruelty must be more brutal than that. If you can't do this, you might as well find a place to kill yourself."

At this moment, a scorching flash of light lit up in midair!

"What it is?"

Jose was stunned.

Lu Fuji raised his head and saw the black shadow falling from the sky.

The female officer's short chestnut hair was swaying in the cold wind, and her charming and delicate face had a hint of wildness. One after another, complex matrix-like lines could be seen spreading on her skin, until they eroded the iron in her hand. The bow, the bow and the arrows roared restlessly and shone brightly!

With a roar, the iron bow seemed to be completely transformed, flowing with blazing flames!

"Keep your eyes peeled. This is the gift that the cocoon-breakers receive on the road of evolution. The power given to us by the sacred tree is the resonance between numerology and the soul blade!"

The middle-aged instructor had a cold voice and made no secret of his condescending attitude toward the soldiers.

"So many White Walkers? Die for me!"

Major Yuan Qing picked up his bow and arrow in mid-air. The moment the flaming arrow was fired, it was like a cannon firing. It was like a meteor falling to the ground with its trailing flames, roaring endlessly!

A mushroom cloud exploded in the smoke, accompanied by the wail of the giant beast.

Not only that, more than ten scorching flashes of light lit up in mid-air!

The arrows of destruction were overwhelming, and the sound of explosions was like thunder.

"Major Haraharu is mighty!"

"This is the strength of the third realm. Is the victory realm so powerful?"

"Nonsense, Major Yuan Qing's numerology is already very good. Combined with the iron bow called the Searing Ghost, even a thick-skinned monster like the Earth Dragon cannot withstand it."

The soldiers cheered in the ruins. Their breathing maintained a sacred rhythm, and their pupils were glowing with a faint golden color. They were obviously cocoon-breakers who had stepped into the extraordinary.

In other words, high-energy species.

"so hot."

Obviously, Jose's middle school soul has been awakened.

Lu Fuji understood him.

What man didn’t fantasize about having superpowers when he was young?

Now the door happened to open right in front of them.

In the most brutal and spectacular way.

And the most exciting thing is that they may also have that kind of power!

Just at this moment, black shadows vaguely appeared in the smoke, their blood-red eyes lit up in the darkness, and terrifying screams erupted like a sea wave, like the lamentation of a siren!

White Walkers!

They rushed in!

With the sound of swords piercing the air, those highly capable soldiers swarmed forward, seemingly ignoring the elegy of the White Walkers, and quickly launched a ruthless massacre!

The flash of swords and shadows illuminated the faces of the young men.

However, the number of White Walkers is really too much, and they are densely packed like a horde of corpses.

A strange ghost walked through the ruins with a ferocious smile, and accurately targeted the young man in the ruins.

"Brother Lu, let me come."

Jose's blood boiled, and his breathing and heartbeat suddenly changed. His consciousness seemed to soar to the sky, and he felt the tens of trillions of cells in his body boiling and dividing, roaring and releasing power!

Just for a moment, a faint golden light flashed deep in his pupils, and he punched out!

"Gas consumption and follow!"

With a loud punch, the White Walker's jaw was shattered by him and he flew high into the air!

He Sai almost relied on instinct to draw the sword, and the sword penetrated its throat!

The drone stared at him from the air and made a cold voice: "Recruit He Sai, congratulations on completing your evolution and reaching the first realm, the origin realm!"

"Brother Lu, listen to me, I will protect you, don't get into that rhythm!" After He Sai evolved, he was not happy at all. Instead, he was frightened and turned pale, because he could clearly feel the passage of life force, just like the body It's like being hollowed out.

Lu Fuji raised his head in shock. No wonder they were sent directly to the battlefield. It seemed that as long as they were high-energy species who had mastered the sacred rhythm, they would be able to survive here.

But after He Sai evolved, his temples suddenly turned frosty white!

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