The edge of pure land

Chapter 100 Yu Lei!

Mechanical workshop, soul blade material laboratory.

Lu Buer pushed the door open and came in, looking back a little worriedly: "He Sai, is your teacher really okay? Why do I feel...he seems to be crazy?"

He Sai waved his hand: "Lao Qi Xingzhong has gone crazy a long time ago!"

At this moment, Archbishop Reiner was on all fours on the ground, squirming and crawling like crazy, just like the coconut in a famous horror movie five hundred years ago, which made people's scalp numb.

It is said that the archbishop will become like this after getting inspiration. When he returns to his normal form, he will enter the sudden death mode of liver explosion. When he comes out again, he will come up with some very anti-human weapons. No one knows What kind of underworld stuff would it be?

"I hope you won't cause any trouble because of me." Lu Buer looked at the dazzling array of equipment in the laboratory. The place looked high-end and classy, ​​which made people confused.

"Brother Lu, are you sure you want to use this branch? This seems to be an iron cluster. It has a history of about 175 years. It has been struck by lightning 62 times and has very good conductivity. The details are still there I need to do a test, but my judgment may not be correct." He Sai just played with the branch and was able to tell a rough idea that it was indeed not Wu Xia Amen.

Lu Fuji was surprised and happy at the small change. He saw this guy put the iron cluster branches on a detector to scan, and the data report was printed out immediately.

The data results show that there is almost no difference from what he said.


"Well, that's true."

He Sai was very familiar with everything here. He turned and walked towards another instrument: "Then let me help you polish the specific shape first... Brother Lu, I will make it into the style of Tang Hengdao according to your preference. Oh? Let me make a little arc for you on the tip of the knife... Well, the length is a bit longer than the ordinary Tang Hengdao. Then I will make you a swastika-shaped knife grid, perfect!"

Lu Fuji's eyes lit up, he was indeed a good brother, I really understood him.

Jose put on his goggles and walked towards the cutting machine. He placed the iron cluster branches on the operating table, and then manually drew the pattern of the three-dimensional structure on the touch screen.

The cutting machine immediately released a red-hot laser and started polishing.

"Speaking of which, why can this soul blade become bigger and smaller?"

Lu Fuji asked curiously.

"Oh, because the soul blade is also a kind of life!"

He Sai explained: "The soul blade is made by imitating your numerology, and it is also injected with the cells of the White Walkers. It is equivalent to the child you cultivated. Its properties are very strange, it can be enlarged and reduced at will, and it is very portable. . And there is basically no need to worry about it breaking, because even if it breaks, it can be repaired. Many famous soul blades have experienced several rebirths."

"I see."

Lu Fuji suddenly realized: "It's quite magical."

Jose nodded seriously: "Of course, this is the system pioneered by the former Archbishop Metanzo, but the specific implementation is left to Mr. Chamberlain, the head of the Noah Organization. According to seniority, Mr. Chamberlain is my The master is the ultimate miraculous breed."

"The Soul Blade is the child of the Evolver."

He explained: "And we create children..."

Wait, this metaphor seems a bit strange.

Not only strange, but also a little perverted!

With the beeping sound of the instrument, the shape of the iron cluster branch has been completed. After cutting and polishing, it has truly turned into a charred wooden knife. The rough blade is covered with scorch marks, but the blade is quite sharp. , the tip of the knife made a sharp arc.

Especially the knife grid is a swastika shape, which is very cool.

"Brother Lu, before this knife truly becomes a soul blade, you can usually hold it and play with it, but when you encounter a strong enemy, it is best not to use it against the enemy, because the hardness is not enough for the time being and it will break easily."

Jose took the wooden knife and struck it: "After I carve the alchemy pattern on it, you need to use your thunder to stimulate it every day and let it synchronize with you. Until you advance to the third level, Numerology It will penetrate the whole body, and it will also undergo qualitative changes."

Lu Fuji pondered for a moment: "Will this thing be made into a soul blade by then?"

He Sai was even more excited than he was, showing a strange expression: "But the materials of the White Walkers still need to be gradually upgraded. For example, some materials of the White Walkers can allow it to store thunder and lightning, and some White Walkers can even affect the weather. In short, although there are not many White Walkers with thunder attributes, they are definitely not few. The specifics will depend on what kind of route you need."

"First of all, it must be strong."

Lu Fuji didn't even think about it: "Then he's handsome!"

At present, he only knows a little about the White Walkers.

That means you can eat it.

As for the White Walker Manual and the like, his forehead hurt just by looking at it.

"Any more?"

Jose scratched his head.

Most people's mentality will collapse when they see these two demands.

Because it's too general.

But they have worn the same pair of pants for too many years and have a tacit understanding.

You probably know what it means.

"It would be better if it disgusts people."

Lu Fuji shrugged.

"Strong, handsome, and disgusting?" He Sai fell into deep thought. The thunder attribute can indeed achieve the first two. Only the last requirement is a bit difficult, but it is not impossible to find another way.

After all, the biological weapons Brother Lu mentioned today can make up for this.

Finally, Lu Fuji drew a tube of blood as instructed and lay down in front of a huge instrument, which was somewhat similar to the MRI used five hundred years ago to detect the numerological structure of the body.

By the way, he guided the numerology in his body.

Jose stood behind the instrument and connected the cable to his forehead. He immediately felt the violent thunder and lightning being transmitted, as if a huge thunder exploded in his head.

It shocked him directly.

"Damn it, Brother Lu, why are you so irritable as a numerologist?"

He Sai learned how to make a soul blade all night yesterday, and he also experienced the numerology of other evolvers. Never before had it made him feel so uncomfortable, as if he had been struck by lightning.

But he still endured the tremendous pain, placed the wooden knife on the operating table, smeared the newly extracted blood on the blade, and picked up the machinist's special burning pen to draw the alchemical matrix.

The ink of this pen is special and contains the powder of the Philosopher's Stone.

Decades after the era of universal evolution began, the Akashic Holy Cult discovered a special substance in nature and used it. That is, after the death of high-level evolvers, there is a probability that a substance containing spiritual power will be born. In the era In previous Buddhist teachings, it was called the Relic, while Taoism called it the Golden Pill. Westerners named it the Philosopher's Stone.

Using the elements of this material as the basis, human numerology can be simulated.

He Sai himself is still a numerologist without attributes. He does not need to do everything possible to eliminate his own power like other mechanics. He only needs to keep outputting energy in the burning pen.

I saw him drawing one stroke at a time, carefully carving the alchemical matrix on the wooden knife.

The pattern of the wooden knife gradually took the shape of thunder numerology.

During this process, his mind was pounding.

It felt like being hit with a heavy hammer, and I was sweating profusely.

But his right hand didn't move at all.

Jose gritted his teeth and insisted, thinking about the night when he detected his numerology.

Brother Lu, a patient, can go through life and death outside.

He must not be content with being a waste!

I saw He Sai forcibly overcoming the pain and carving complicated lines on the wooden knife with one stroke. Just like what Lao Qi Xingzhong said, this is the machinist giving soul to his work!

This operation requires a very fine level of detail.

Although it is not at the nanometer level, it still requires micron-level operations.

Very tough.

Jose only learned it for a few days, but he felt he could do it.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

With the help of Lu Fuji's blood, this soul blade finally took shape!

Of course it's just a semi-finished product now.

Because this wooden sword has not yet condensed life.

"Haha, it's done!"

He Sairu smiled ferociously and said: "Master He, I have become it! Brother Lu, do you remember what I said at that time? I want you to become the strongest evolver in the world, and I want to create for you the strongest evolution in the world." A strong soul blade! I did it, this is just the first step, and then I will step by step, step by step, to make this sword the strongest sword in the world, and I will make it famous throughout the ages!"

He ripped off the cable from his forehead, his face pale and ferocious.

The severe pain made him sweat profusely, but he was also extremely excited.

"Dude did it."

He Sai said ferociously: "I'm not a waste!"

Seeing his excited expression, Lu Fuji probably guessed how much he was suffering in his heart during this period. Otherwise, who would have had nothing to do and wound himself up like this.

No one wants to be a waste, and He Sai is no exception.

Lu Buer stood up silently and looked at Fa Xiao, who was so haggard that he was no longer human. He couldn't help but patted his shoulder: "He Sai, do you like being a mechanic?"

Jose replied without hesitation: "Of course, fighting and killing is boring. Alchemical science is the only way to the truth! Ah, I remembered. I saw a god with thunder attributes before. I want to Go find His information! Hahaha, I’m here!”

I saw him on all fours on the ground and quickly leaving, as if he was stunned.

Lu Buer was stunned.

Although Jose likes this profession, it puts him at ease a lot.

But in this case, can this really be considered a human being?

He shook his head and picked up his own wooden knife.

Just for a moment, Lu Fuji found that the wooden sword seemed to become heavier.

The actual weight has not changed.

It’s just one more person’s effort.

Or a person's soul.

"I'll call you Yu Lei from now on!"

Lu Fuji was immersed in the wonder of this wooden sword.

He didn't pay attention to the movement outside the door.

After He Sai rushed out of the laboratory, he fell to the ground and murmured: "Damn it, you even said that I am not a human being. Brother Lu, are you still a human being? Such violent numerology is shaking in my mind every day. Wouldn't it shock people to death? No wonder there are so few evolvers of the thunder attribute. Even if they awaken the thunder attribute, they still can't practice and are no different from useless people."

He just needs to feel the violent thunder when burning the alchemical matrix.

Just for a moment he couldn't stand it anymore.

But Lu Fuji is accompanied by this kind of thunder almost every day.

"How much does this hurt?"

Jose said breathlessly.

His expression became more ferocious, and he realized again that he was still not curly enough.

In the future, I will burn the alchemy matrix for Brother Lu and feel this power every time.

He has to become more resistant.

"Damn it, no wonder mechanics are prone to sudden death!"

I saw him running wildly on all fours, shouting: "Where is Lao Qixingzhong?"

He yelled: "Master He is here!"



Military base, headquarters office.

Today is destined to be a day full of glory for Cameron Russell. After retiring from the military for many years, he once again returned to this place that holds power and strength and served as the new deputy director-general of the headquarters. , responsible for investigating the case that occurred yesterday.

There are two main things he wants to investigate.

First, regarding the handling of Deputy Director General Mo.

Even if evidence is discovered that high-level military officials are supporting the Corpse Cult through corruption, they still need to be notified to the city lord's palace and the sacrificial hall, and arrest operations can only be carried out with the permission of the religious authority and the political power.

Even if you want to arrest him by force, you must keep him alive.

Second, there is the issue of a new member of the military having mastered a forbidden technique.

According to their investigation, someone illegally accessed Taboo Library's files.

As the so-called new official takes office, Cameron has just assumed the post of deputy director-general of the military department, and he must establish his prestige. First, he must use the two things at hand to shock the mountain and scare the original family.

Generally speaking, the military is a violent department.

He is also responsible for foreign wars and training new soldiers.

People sitting in this position can have their own little thoughts.

But you must be fair on the surface.

Recently, the Yuan family has gone too far.

I saw him holding a cigarette, sitting on a chair in the office, taking pictures of two documents, feeling that he had a sword in his hand, and he could take the heads of the two old men across from him at any time.

Unexpectedly, however, he was answered with a roar.

"You fart!"

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