The edge of pure land

Chapter 99 The Gate to the New World

West of Shengen City, military base.

Qiangwei was riding a motorcycle, glanced at the boy in the reflector, and rolled her eyes charmingly: "Can you stop playing? You've been gesticulating all the way, how childish are you?"

Lu Fuji retorted: "This is a man's romance, you don't understand."

He couldn't put it down and played with the charred branches in his hands, as if wielding a charred wooden knife. He looked like a patient with chuunibyou, and pedestrians passing by frequently looked at him sideways.

It is said that this is a mutated tree called Iron Cluster, which is far harder than steel and has extremely strong conductivity. After being struck by lightning, it became what it is now.

It's perfect to use it as the basic material for soul blades.

After all, the basic materials of every evolver's soul blade are nothing special. What's more, even if you take ordinary steel and carve it into the alchemical matrix, you can still create a divine weapon.

"Then can you stop hugging me so tightly?"

Qiangwei snorted coldly: "I can't breathe. I don't know how strong I am now? Why do I feel that I have only advanced for a day and have accumulated a lot of life energy?"

Lu Fuji let go of her slender waist and sighed: "My dear daughter, do you think that one day, if something happens to my father, will you miss me?"

Qiangwei was stunned, and a trace of confusion flashed in her bright eyes: "Huh?"

Recently, Lu Fuji always felt that there was a reason why he was sealed in a cocoon and fell asleep. There seemed to be another hidden reason for his illness, which was why he was parasitized by the seed of the gods and gained his current abilities.

But he was also involved in the corpse-eating cult incident.

The presence of the woman in red gave him trouble sleeping and eating.

Qiangwei saw that he was worried, her eyes softened, and she smiled slightly: "Okay, it will get better. Back then, I was locked in a small dark room, and I could only drink some vegetable porridge every day, and I had to be given Those criminals put on makeup and felt that they could not see the future. But in the end, the commander rescued me, and he took me into the Inquisition and became the inquisitor."

She hummed: "Besides, you are now better than me, and it has only been more than ten days. If I had so much sacred tree marrow, I would have reached the third level long ago."

Lu Fuji thought the same thing.

As long as he keeps developing steadily, it won't take long for him to become stronger.

The worst case scenario would be to stay in the sacrificial hall and never come out.

Hug Xuelian's thigh tightly!

"If you are really scared, mom can give you a warm embrace."

Qiangwei teased him again.

"Oh, good daughter, don't say such arrogant words..."

When he arrived at the entrance of the military base, Lu Fuji got out of the car and waved goodbye to her.

Sure enough, the world still needs the healing of beautiful girls.

Lu Fuji said goodbye to his good daughter, and it was time to go back to his sister's long legs for comfort.

The level of martial law in military bases today is unprecedented. Even an officer like him needs to go through strict inspections and drone identification before being allowed to enter.

"Corporal Lu Fuji, welcome back to the Third City Guard Base."

When he entered the military base, he felt guilty as never before, because everything he saw was burned to charcoal. The fire brigade is still putting out the fire, the logistics team is repairing the collapsed buildings, and the medical team is treating the wounds of the soldiers. Some judges were also invited to analyze last night's fighting situation based on the traces on the scene. The scene can be said to be very chaotic.

"How is this going?"

Lu Buer was stunned.

Yesterday, he remembered that it was not so exaggerated here.

The guard at the door said: "Sir, this was burned by General Lieutenant General Hara!"

Lu Fuji's scalp was numb, and the original family was really terrified.

It's hard to imagine that my sister is the most talented among the younger generation of the original family. If I marry her in the future, if she gets angry one day, wouldn't it be like Mount Fuji erupting?

Terrified, he walked all the way across the main road to the headquarters office building.

The playground originally used to train soldiers was smashed into a charred black hole with a diameter of 20 meters. A burnt stick figure knelt on the ground. The left and right bodies were split from the top of the head, and the horrible cracks spread all the way. It reached the lower abdomen, as if someone had cut it out with an axe.

Senior military officers stood helpless.

When Lu Fuji passed by, his hair stood on end: "Isn't this Deputy Chief Mo?"

The officers looked at the young officer and nodded silently.


So cruel!

Today's military headquarters is in chaos, with fighting on the front lines and civil strife in the rear. The senior officials are also quarreling over various things, and the entire grassroots is in a hurry.

So much so that even the body of Deputy Chief Mo was displayed here.

But it is said that this was intentional by the former Director-General.

He just wants to show people the consequences of corruption in the military!

As soon as Lu Fuji went to the headquarters, he was stopped by these officers.

"Corporal Shika Fuji, right? The former commander-in-chief and Secretary Xia have told you not to go there for the time being. The Russell family is holding people accountable and may burn you." Those officers were quite polite to him. , and even escorted him away vigilantly to prevent him from being targeted.

"Are the Russell family members here?"

Lu Fuji has a guilty conscience, so don't let him find out.

Yesterday, when they rode motorcycles and bombed the streets, the entire Shengen City became popular.

To be honest, he has never been so high-profile in his life.

If you can't go to the headquarters now, you can only go to He Sai.

When Lu Fuji passed by the dormitory building, he found that the snow here had not been completely cleared. A chill hit his face, making people shiver.

The factory of Noah's organization was not affected, but deafening roars were heard from time to time. Even the ground was shaking faintly, and dust particles could be seen shaking.

This is the deepest part of the military base, and it is also a hell that the military soldiers never want to set foot in. As soon as they get close, they feel a scorching heat, which is so obvious even in the cold winter.

There is no one guarding the machine factory. After all, even the military dogs know that the people here are crazy, and the weapons they produce are not worth worrying about, and ordinary people can't understand them.

It would be nice if it doesn't explode.

Lu Fuji came to the machinery factory for the first time. The place was filled with white steam, the huge gear dome was rotating, heavy artillery pieces were hung in the steel structure, and metal arms were automatically debugging parts, roaring The sound was deafening.

In the fully automated production chain, you can see firearms and bullets being produced, as well as standard knives and bulletproof vests. The efficiency is jaw-dropping.

The most eye-catching thing is that huge explosions are heard from time to time in the huge steel furnaces, causing the group of strange species to cheer wildly, which seems to be more evil than the Corpse Food Cult.

I heard Longque mention it accidentally before.

The most powerful thing about mechanics is their alchemy technology.

Humans imitate the divine tree.

Alchemy technology imitates humans.

The principle of the soul blade is to use the materials in the bodies of the White Walkers, combined with basic mutated substances, to ultimately simulate a numerological structure similar to that of the evolver.

This is a very complex technology that requires profound knowledge and abundant inspiration. It also requires repeated practice until the life energy is refined to the micron level. Extensive practice day after day, and even a lifetime of dedication cannot truly condense the numerology. Only by paying the price can we control it.

From this perspective, the mechanic is quite admirable.

Moreover, there is an unwritten rule in the Pure Land. Every mechanic who can make a soul blade cannot be killed. Even if he commits a serious crime of destroying the world, he can only be sentenced to life imprisonment.

Once an evolver kills the mechanic, there will be no need to mess around in the future.

He will become a public enemy.

Lu Fuji found his childhood in front of a steel furnace.

I saw Jose wearing a safety helmet and a red robe. His right hand was adjusting a huge steel furnace. His left hand held a marker and skillfully drew an alchemical matrix on the whiteboard. Someone was holding an ancient book in front of him. Let him see that there is someone feeding him next to him.

He was sitting on a chair without even wearing shoes or socks. He was calculating data with a pen between his left foot and flipping through a yellowed notebook with his right foot.

Lu Fuji was shocked again. Who was this guy trying to kill?

He Sai now also has the posture of Qi Xingzhong, his face is extremely distorted and abstract, and he is mumbling something: "I must become the strongest mechanic! Come on, what else do I want to learn? Come all over here! I am Go to the top step by step!"

Lu Fuji couldn't help but said: "Brother, are you okay?"

He Sai was startled: "Ah, Brother Lu?"

His expression became a little more normal, but the movements of his hands and feet did not stop.

"I'm fine."

Now he is no longer Wu Xia Amon, and he is already familiar with everything here: "Oh, don't worry about me, these are just trivial matters. I can feel myself getting stronger little by little, and now I have looked away. Well, there is nothing wrong with being a Qixing species...and I am very interested in mechanical alchemy, which contains the mysteries and truths of the universe."

There is something to say.

Science seems to attract people's yang energy.

He Sai's whole body was withered.

Lu Fuji was too embarrassed to mention the soul blade.

"Hey, Brother Lu, your branch is quite handsome!"

He Sai suddenly realized: "Brother Lu, are you ready to make a soul blade?"

Lu Buer hummed reservedly.

"You came just in time, I was just designing your soul blade for you!"

He Sai said excitedly: "I just went through the White Walker illustrated book and found all the White Walkers with thunder attributes. Let me tell you, my design is definitely..."

"Wait a minute."

Lu Fuji couldn't help but said: "This thing won't explode, right?"

He Sai was stunned: "How can our mechanic's matter be called an explosion?"

The mechanics nearby echoed: "That's right!"

There was a boom.

As soon as he finished speaking, the steel furnace that was being debugged exploded.

The huge shock wave knocked them over.

Lu Fuji was shaken by the air wave and sat down on the ground, his scalp numb.

"What's going on? Why did it explode again? It shouldn't have happened!"

Archbishop Reiner wore a helmet and hurried over: "Logically speaking, the artillery here should not explode until it is fired. Why did it explode at this time?"

At this time, Lu Fuji couldn't bear it anymore and made a suggestion: "I said, you mechanics are too old-fashioned and have no intention at all. There are only explosions all day long. What's the use?" ? Is this really art? Such a fleeting thing, no matter how beautiful it is, will not leave a deep impression on people. "

Archbishop Reiner was furious: "What did you say?"

The mechanics were unhappy, feeling their art had been insulted.

Even Jose couldn't help but want to defend himself.

Can what happened to their mechanic be called an explosion?

Lu Fuji rolled his eyes angrily and said casually: "I discovered real art at the stronghold of the Corpse Cult yesterday! I think biological weapons are the most perfect weapons. You can only make the enemy feel pain and fear , can leave the deepest impression on them. Although the explosion is very lethal, it cannot break the enemy's psychological defense. But if you send a shell over and explode countless facehuggers, the opponent's defense may really be broken. right?"

He shrugged and continued to say: "It is probably impossible to use this technology on the soul blade, but ordinary alchemy weapons are always fine, right?"

Archbishop Reiner was stunned, as if he had been struck by lightning.

Chaotic thoughts suddenly woke up.

It was as if the door to a new world was opening in front of him.

At this moment, Lu Fuji had no idea what a huge impact his casual words would have on the world...

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