The edge of pure land

Chapter 17 Tide of White Walkers

According to the regulations that Lu Fuji saw in the legal documents, the population resources that can be distributed in this monastery are military supplies. They must undergo strict training to meet the standards that can be distributed, and the compliance rate of each batch, Often less than 30 percent.

This kind of harsh training may not be bearable for adults, let alone a child under ten years old. No one knows how she can endure it.

Apparently, Jose had also read the legal document, which was why he was so surprised.


The woman next to Jose sighed softly: "He is also a poor child. It is said that he was sent back to the orphanage by his family because he ran away from home several times. Children who are repatriated usually do not She will be redistributed to ordinary families, but will receive more rigorous training. Because of her young age, her rating will be slightly higher, and she is a resource for private soldiers."

"I am a resource for Privates 3rd Class," she emphasized.

Lu Sixian found that everyone's eyes were locked on her, tilted her head and said calmly: "I am a resource for the first-class soldier, which is usually not assigned to the second-class soldier. But because my brother is a rare patient with holy riot syndrome, he got me as an exception. right to use.”

I see.

"Brother Lu, what should we do? Boss Zhang's daughter is less than ten years old. Will that soldier be nice to her? And that's the front line. It's too dangerous!" He Sai, as a good boy in the 21st century, came to After arriving in the Pure Land, he did not change his temperament of being eager for justice and loving justice.

"I know what you mean, but there is no good solution at the moment. We are not sure how she will be treated. The only thing we can do is to ensure her safety as much as possible. Let's wait and see first. What did that soldier do to her?"

Lu Buer thought for a while: "Find another way to inform Lao Zhang."

In fact, he had already guessed the specific situation.

When the little girl arrived in the Pure Land five hundred years later, she was always alone. She was assigned to a new family, but she ran away from home many times because she met her biological father.

He was assigned here until he was sent back to the orphanage by his current family.

In a sense, that encounter killed her.

It also harmed Lao Zhang.

However, what can be done about this? It cannot be wrong for father and daughter to recognize each other.

The King of Heaven and I are here, and this is the principle.

"But what if that soldier abuses her?"

He Sai came over and asked secretly: "We can't just ignore it, right?"

Lu Fuji thought for a moment and sighed softly: "On the frontline battlefield, it is normal for people to die, right? If that guy really abused the little girl, he might die at the hands of the White Walkers one day. ? People are doing it, God is watching, and there will be retribution for doing bad things."

After saying that, he waved and led his stuffed doll away.

Only Jose and his nominal wife were left in the same place, and they always felt that there was something intriguing in the words just now, as if they had said something, but also as if they had said nothing.

"I always feel like Brother Lu already has a plan."

He scratched his head: "Hey Brother Lu, wait for me!"

After getting the population resources you deserve, you should go to the information database to register. By the way, you can check your specific achievements, the schedule of scarce supplies, etc.

The deepest part of the monastery is the so-called information library. It looks like a medieval knights' gathering place. There are dedicated priests to serve the soldiers of the military department. It is said that the aborigines of the Pure Land will also come after they have obtained the qualifications for holy baptism. Register here and get baptized.

After mastering the sacred rhythm, you will further obtain military status.

This is a place where only military personnel can enter and leave. High-energy family members will be sent back to the camp together. This shows that the differential treatment of different classes is really everywhere.

Under the leadership of the adjutant, the high-energy species waited in line here.

While waiting in line, He Sai gave full play to his social skills and said in a low voice: "Brother Lu, I have found out everything. The guy who took away Boss Zhang's daughter is named Luther. He is a mixed-race kid. He is not a cocoon breaker... but Instructor Kashiwagi’s nephew, well-connected.”

Lu Fuji narrowed his eyes: "It looks quite difficult..."

There was a snap.

Luther casually slapped his hand on the front desk and said with a sullen face: "Check the merit points, exchange them for a bottle of high-grade malt liquor, and ask for two master-level memory chips."

As he spoke, he took out his holy symbol.

The high-powered ones looked at each other: "How about a few dishes? Even if you want wine, you also need two master-level memory chips? Are your merit points enough? Don't make a fool of yourself. Instructor Kashiwagi has always been fair. How can you do it then? Don't go looking for someone to cry about."

Luther glared: "You guys just watch if you don't believe me."

Unexpectedly, the priest at the front desk said politely: "Sorry, your merit points are insufficient. The accumulated merit points currently are only 154, which is not enough to exchange for the materials you expect."

The high-energy species burst into laughter.

However, Luther was not angry, and just said: "It doesn't matter, just raise my daily necessities by one level. When can I be promoted to First Class Private?"

The priest replied: "You still need to accumulate 846 merit points."

Luther turned around and left, not caring at all about the ridicule of his comrades. He even had a faint smile on his lips and whispered: "A bunch of idiots."

It happened that this scene was captured by Lu Fuji.

"Brother Lu, Brother Lu?"

He Sai lowered his voice and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Fuji shook his head: "It's okay, I just feel something is wrong."

"What's the meaning?"

"Look, in theory, what he wants should require a lot of meritorious service. Doesn't he know how many White Walkers he has killed recently? But he has to ask this and be laughed at by others, just a little bit Not even angry. It’s completely different from the attitude he showed when he took away Boss Zhang’s daughter. I think he must be a very irritable person. "

"Yeah, why isn't he angry?"

"I have a way to find out, and I will know why soon."

When Lu Buer and He Sai went to verify their merits, the two brothers had more than 400 merits in total, and they didn't know what to exchange for them.

In the end, under the advice of the adjutant, they upgraded their daily necessities first.

Previously, their daily necessities were at the lower level, but now they have been upgraded to the intermediate level.

It took a hundred merits, I hope the future life will be easier.

They exchanged the remaining 300 meritorious services for two advanced memory chips containing close combat skills to improve their combat capabilities. It was an investment of self-worth.

"Brother Lu, why do you exchange two identical ones?"

"One for you and one for me."

"But most of the merit is yours."

"Shut up and don't make any noise. After you get the memory chip, don't be too lazy. Keep exercising and vigilant every day. You can't be like everyone else here."

"Oh, I see..."

Lu Buer had a reason for doing this, because the existence of the group of heretics made him worried about the safety of the front line in Xicheng District. At this time, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Otherwise, it is very likely that you will not survive.

However, what he didn't expect was that something unexpected happened soon.

Because that afternoon, sharp sirens sounded throughout the military restricted area.

"The Third City Guard has entered the highest alert state!"

"Repeat, the Third City Guards have entered the highest alert state!"



Deep in the military restricted area of ​​the Third City Guards Station, in the morgue located a hundred meters underground, incandescent lamps flickered and lit up, illuminating the withered and rotting corpses.


Yuan Qing really couldn't stand the strong smell of corpses. Even though she was wearing goggles and a protective mask, she was still so disgusted that she kept retching while holding on to the chair.

Although she was very reluctant, there was nothing she could do.

After all, the security of human city-states is indeed of great importance. It is impossible to deal with such a huge wave of White Walkers with the permanent force of the Third City Guard. The only option is to report the situation to the city lord's palace and allocate troops to other legions, and then rely on the church's Strength analysis of disaster sources.

"Who would have thought that our majestic Major Yuan Qing would also have such a cute side. If the soldiers under his command saw it, they might be surprised, right?"

Someone was sitting in a wheelchair, raised his head and said with a half-smile: "If you really can't stand it, just go out. This smell... most people really can't stand it."

This is a young man with gray hair. He is clearly only in his twenties, but he gives people an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes. He is wearing a dark hooded coat, but the lining is a white coat, black and white. Extraordinarily harmonious, as if he only had these two colors on his body.

He dissected the body meticulously.

Organs, fascia, bones, brain, eyeballs...

These rotten body tissues were separated, and ordinary people would vomit just by smelling them, but he could observe and study them carefully without changing his expression.

Occasionally I would light up a cigarette and puff out the smoke.

"Though these things are scary in your eyes."

He paused: "But in my eyes, they can talk."

The tone of hell, which sounds gentle at first, is actually creepy.

The judges headed by Aoki all stood behind him, keeping a safe distance from him in silence, looking at his back with vague awe in their eyes.

If Lu Fuji was here, he would be surprised.

Aoki, who used to show off his power with the Cocoon Breakers, is now so humble and submissive.

"Who would have thought that our famous Mr. Longque would be reduced to such a small place as the chief judge? If those people in the Lord City see it, they will be surprised, right?"

Yuan Qing retorted: "I didn't expect you would be in a wheelchair after not seeing me for so many years."

The others were sweating profusely.

Major Yuan Qing is really brave. He dares to say such things. He is really not afraid of death.

Even if you are an acquaintance, you cannot say that!

The man in front of him was once the Grand Priest of the Inquisition. He was a well-known figure in the City of God. He was an executioner with countless blood on his hands, which made people fear him.

And he was active during the most glorious period of the Inquisition.

At that time, the Inquisition was so powerful that everyone from the lowest level commoners to the President of the Federation, even the Cardinals of the Holy Church and His Majesty the Pope dared to investigate, making people panic and everyone was in danger.

There was also a famous saying circulating at that time:

"People arrested by the Inquisition do not need evidence!"

All it takes is one inquisitor to point his finger in your nose and call you a heretic, and you're doomed.

At that time, the Vice-Pope, as the supreme leader of the Inquisition, was extremely powerful.

Later, when the outward rolling reached its extreme, it could no longer be rolled out, so it had to start rolling inward.

The once prosperous Inquisition began to fight within itself.

Then with a click, it collapsed.

It is said that many people died in that bloody internal fight, and Mr. Longque was one of the few people who survived. This shows that his methods and abilities are far beyond comparison with ordinary people. Now that he has returned to Shengen City, he has returned to his roots, but he still alarmed many forces in the city.

Thinking of the people he killed back then, most people would not dare to mock him.

But Yuan Qing is different.

She is also the eldest lady from Tianzhu City, and her family's traditional talent is her explosive temper.

When a bad temper comes up, anyone dares to scold him.

The man named Longque didn't mind, and waved his hand and said: "After so many years, they have almost forgotten me, right? As you said, I have been in a wheelchair and become a useless cripple. I can only Autopsy and investigation. Just now I just wanted to divert your attention. Under the influence of extreme emotions, people can ignore the interference of the environment to a certain extent. "

He picked up the magnifying glass and carefully observed the rotting White Walkers on the iron bed. He said calmly: "Girls are really not suitable for coming to this kind of place. It was a mistake for you to join the Inquisition back then. As an inquisitor, it is just to eliminate disasters. Part of it is that more often than not you have to investigate the source of the disaster and deal with the person who caused autopsy is inevitable."

Yuan Qing stood aside with a cold face and said nothing. The smell of corpses is indeed not something that ordinary people can withstand. From ancient times to the present, the technology of autopsy has been a test of human physiology and psychology.

It is said that the first test to become an Inquisitor is to sleep on a morgue with the corpse of a White Walker.

"Major Haraharu, have a drink of water."

A young and handsome officer enthusiastically handed over the water glass.

"Isn't it disgusting to drink water here?"

Yuan Qing rolled her eyes.

The young officer was stunned and stopped talking.

There was silence in the morgue. Only Longque was flipping through the corpses with a magnifying glass and surgical knives. After a long time, he said: "It was found that all the White Walkers were deformed due to external factors. Seventy-two Hours ago, they were still human beings sleeping in cocoons. Someone has used special means to contaminate them, and even has a way to control them."

The brain of this white ghost has been cut open, and the brain nerves have obviously been studied.

No one knew how Long Que discovered it, but no one questioned his statement.

"Someone can contaminate the White Walkers, or even control them?"

The young officer's expression changed.

Human beings sleeping in cocoons have always been a problem for today's Supreme Federation.

Because most of these time cocoons are in the land of the past, once humans enter there on a large scale, it will cause terrible life disasters and even awaken some sleeping monsters.

And sending people into the place of death in batches is very inefficient.

Removing the cocoon of time rashly may also cause the humans in the cocoon to mutate.

Therefore, the cost of finding the cocoon of time will be unimaginably high.

Only identified top talents will receive this treatment.

Normally, the Supreme Federation would regularly send people out to look for cocoon breakers.

Every one you can bring back counts as one.

Nowadays, the cocoons of time in these places of death are actually polluted, which is undoubtedly a huge damage to the future of human civilization. Including those deformed White Walkers, they are also a huge threat.

"So, this wave of White Walkers is man-made?"

Yuan Qing narrowed her eyes: "Who is it? I'll shoot him to death with one arrow."

Is your brain circuit that simple?

Long Que raised his head and said calmly: "Not only that, based on the soil under their feet, I found ingredients that only appear in the land of the dead, and there are also some traces left during sacrifices. If I guessed correctly, someone moved it deliberately These cocoons of life are used as sacrifices and sacrifices are held in the land of the afterlife. The only uncertainty is whether this matter will be related to the Holy Mountain."

At this moment, everyone in the morgue held their breath.

The word "holy mountain" shocked them.

Long Que raised his head and glanced at everyone present: "I returned to Shengen City not long ago, and I couldn't figure out what happened specifically, so..."

No one wants to look at Longque.

Because it felt very uncomfortable, as if I was being seen through from head to toe.

They held their breath, and their heartbeats seemed to skip half a beat.

There was no way, they were too scared.

Once the dragon bird points at you, indicating that you are related to this matter, then you are finished.

Although they believed themselves to be innocent, the Inquisition had no regard for this.

If you say you have a problem, you have to shed your skin.

After all, the Inquisition is not entirely an institution that deals with life disasters and heretical organizations.

It used to be a sharp knife in party struggles!

If there were no clues, no one would invite this plague god here.

It's just asking for trouble.

Especially Aoki.

If he hadn't been mentally tough enough, he would have probably started to panic.

Just from these few corpses, the other party has already deduced the events in the land of the dead. Except for some details that he failed to guess, everything else was correct!

"Aoki, you have just returned from the land of the past."

Longque asked calmly: "Have you noticed anything unusual?"

Aoki's heart tightened, and he shook his head and replied: "Except for bringing back some cocoon breakers, I didn't make any special discoveries. Those cocoon breakers may have clues, I can ask. Two of them are in Chapter 1 The front lines of the Three Cities Guards can be interrogated now.”

He was lying, but he couldn't guarantee that he would be cheating.

Everyone turned to look at the female officer on the side.

Yuan Qing tilted her head and thought for a while: "Recruit?"

There are only two new recruits in the Third City Guard.

Are those two dumbfounded?

【Recommendation ticket】

【Monthly Pass】

I had vomiting and diarrhea today, so the update is late, sorry!

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