The edge of pure land

Chapter 18 Dragon Bird

When the siren echoed in Xicheng, Lu Buer returned to the frontline camp.

The dilapidated ruins have been cleared. The construction team hung on the metal barrier to repair it. The handyman team was responsible for setting up traps and trenches at the city gate. The people from the material team brought the supplies needed by the soldiers. They were busy in full swing. Sweat dripped from the sirens.

The Third City Guards were on alert. It was said that a wave of White Walkers was coming.

"Is something big going to happen?"

Jose murmured.

"I don't know. If the sky falls, someone tall will hold it up. We just need to protect ourselves."

Lu Buer shook his head and said, "Have Luther and Aran seen it?"

He Sai looked around: "No, how can we find a way to notify Lao Zhang?"

Lu Buer accurately found a duster in the construction team, took out a piece of bread from his pocket and walked over. He turned around and said, "Doesn't this guy look familiar to you?"

He Sai was surprised: "Senior Dahui!"

Lin Xiu, a former top student, is not living well in the Pure Land now. He is just an inconspicuous member of the construction team. Because of his lack of work experience, he is occasionally scolded by the foreman. Even if he is exhausted, he still has to work. Force yourself to work.

When Lu Fuji and He Sai came to him, he jumped like a frightened rabbit.

"You two military masters, I was wrong!"

He bowed in fear, obviously having been severely beaten by society in the past two days.

Even when facing his former disciples, he was still so cautious and humble.

Lu Fuji felt a little emotional in his heart. He didn't expect that just two days could make such a huge change in people. He handed out the bread in his hand and said comfortingly: "It's okay, we are not here to make trouble with you. Your junior! Senior, we are all our own people. We come from the same place and we just have to help each other, right?"

Jose also understood what he meant and took out a piece of bread from his pocket: "Look, these are all good things in the Pure Land. We just need the seniors to do us a small favor."

Lin Xiu looked at the two pieces of white bread and swallowed. He had been eating white porridge for the past two days.

"What's the deal?"

"Go to the Chamber of Commerce under the Morgan Consortium. There is a middle-aged man named Zhang. He used to be the owner of our school's canteen. Do you remember him? This man is easy to find. When he arrived in Shengen City, he was also suspected of human trafficking. It's abduction. After you find him, help us bring him a message, saying that his daughter is on the front line of West City and has become military supplies, but don't worry too much."

Lu Fuji thought for a while: "Because we are helping him take care of his daughter."

He Sai understood that this was a lie with nine truths and one falsehood.

The truth is that Boss Zhang’s daughter has indeed become military supplies.

It's not difficult to find out with just a little inquiry.

But the lie is that Boss Zhang’s daughter is currently under their care.

This is a white lie, otherwise there's no telling what Lao Zhang could have done.

"Okay, I'll help you."

Lin Xiu wolfed down the two pieces of bread, then turned around and went back to work.

Although sending messages was not prohibited, he was afraid of getting into trouble.

"If someone bullies you in the future, please ask us for help."

Lu Buer glanced at the foreman of the construction team, He Sai sneered and geared up.

The foreman's expression obviously changed, and he probably wouldn't dare to continue to be domineering in the future.

After settling the matter, they returned to the camp again and were stunned.

Because the old shabby sheds were gone, two stone houses were built fifty meters away with rubble. The gaps were filled with mud and even decorated with moss.

In particular, a wooden door frame was made at the door. The wooden door made of wooden planks was also filled with moss and firmly fixed with hinges. The sound of hammering nails could be heard from behind the door from time to time, and smoke came from the iron pipe next to the door. Come out and float into the sky.

"Brother, welcome back."

Lu Sixian poked her head out of the reserved window, with mud on her pretty face: "The location of the previous shed was very dangerous, so we moved it here temporarily. It is about to enter the depth of winter, and you will freeze to death if you only live in a shed. Yes, the thermal insulation of the stone house will be better."

The stone house on the other side was built by Jose's cheap wife. This woman was standing at the door with a gentle smile and a cooking shovel in her hand. She was quite virtuous.

It has to be said that as military supplies, they are all very qualified.

You must know that building a stone house is a lot of work, even if there is a shed frame.

It’s really hard to do it in one day.

"What about that, Brother Lu..."

Jose was a little shy again. He didn't dare to enter that room now.

Lu Fuji knew what he was thinking, and pushed him in with a sneer: "Everyone will live in their own rooms from now on, don't even think about hanging out with me at night... there is no place for you to sleep."

"No, Brother Lu! You can't do this to me!"

"Congratulations on your first step into adulthood, come on!"

With a bang, the door of the stone house next door closed.

Lu Fuji returned to his stone house and saw that his military uniform had been hung on the fireplace to dry. The stove was burning brightly, and there were neatly stacked firewood next to it.

The iron bed that was on the verge of collapse was gone, replaced by two wooden beds facing each other.

The bedding was neatly folded.

"Did you do all this?"

Lu Fuji hesitated for a moment: "Actually, you don't have to be so tired..."

Lu Sixian raised her head and replied calmly: "I am not an evolver. If I don't change my living environment as soon as possible, I will freeze to death in the depth of winter, so I have no choice."


Lu Fuji was embarrassed.

The next moment his expression changed slightly.

Supplies box!

Lu Sixian put two heavy supply boxes in front of him and said expressionlessly: "One of them was sent by the chaplains of the military region, and the other was from before."

Lu Fuji breathed a sigh of relief, checked and found that everything was missing.

The lock on the new supply box has not been moved.

He opened the box and found a lot of food this time. In addition to the basic rice, noodles, grains and oils, there were also a lot of instant foods such as instant noodles, along with vacuum-packed ham sausages and braised eggs, and of course vegetable bags. and energy bars, and chocolate, and more.

It made him swallow his saliva.

Of course, the most important thing was a sealed cardboard box. There was a golden broken chip lying in the box, which glowed brightly under the light of the fire.

Memory chip.

This is an advanced memory chip. It is said to contain one of the most popular mixed martial arts in the Federation, including dozens of martial arts masters, which is a huge improvement for novices.

Lu Fuji now wanted to try the memory chip, but he still said:

"eat first."

Lu Sixian had already cooked the rice and cooked him a bowl of instant noodles with braised eggs, but she herself had just a bowl of ordinary white porridge with just a little more sugar.

The most outrageous thing was that Lu Fuji noticed that she was carefully observing her expression when she was cooking porridge, and she planned to stop and apologize if there was anything wrong.

Even just a little bit of sugar was added.

"You're going to eat this?"

Lu Fuji asked: "Why don't you eat more?"

Lu Sixian raised her eyes and replied: "Because I didn't get permission, in my previous family, I could only eat leftovers. It's good to be able to drink porridge here."

She paused: "What's more, my brother asked me to eat sweets."

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment, then stood up and opened a pot of instant noodles, soaked them in hot water, sprinkled the seasoning packets and placed them in front of her: "Whatever I eat from now on, you will eat too."

"Give me half of this bowl of porridge."

"Don't make me look like I'm a child abuser," he complained.

Lu Sixian looked down at the steaming instant noodles in front of her: "But I am an adult."

"If you say you're a brat, you're a brat."

Lu Fuji really couldn't stand it anymore. Although he was not used to this feeling of having a family, now this stone house was built by others, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Brother, is it really okay?"



"You're welcome."

With a slurp, Lu Sixian sucked the last mouthful of instant noodles into her mouth, and drank the noodle soup in one gulp. She licked her lips with unfinished content, and her eyes lit up.

Then she carefully observed the expression of the boy opposite.

It wasn't until he was sure that Lu Fuji was not angry that he felt relieved.

"Good guy, I'm afraid she didn't get returned because she could eat it." Lu Buer pushed the half-left porridge over, and within three seconds, she showed off all the porridge.

Really outrageous



That night, the candlelight in the stone house went out.

Lu Fuji finally ended the day and lay comfortably on his wooden bed, playing with the memory crystals in his hands and preparing to start self-cultivation at night.

There was no movement from the next door for the time being. It seemed that He Sai was not ready for transformation yet.

There was one more breathing sound in the room, and Lu Fuji felt a little uncomfortable.

Because he has become accustomed to being alone, his long life as an orphan has made him wary of everything, including the cheap sister he claimed.

Lu Fuji's practice of sacred rhythms requires meditation, and so does the fusion of memory chips.

So he planned to wait until the little girl fell asleep before talking.

Lu Sixian was obviously not asleep yet. Although she was already lying on the bed and wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, her uneven breathing still betrayed the fact that she was not asleep.

Lu Fuji understood her. It was normal for her to be unable to sleep when she came to a new and unfamiliar environment.

Not to mention living with a boy.

Lu Fuji is very patient, he can wait.

One hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.

Lu Sixian's breathing never became even.

Lu Fuji couldn't hold himself any longer, he would almost fall asleep if he continued like this.

He stood up helplessly and suddenly noticed a cold light beside the bed opposite.

That's the reflection from the glass.

Lu Sixian was actually holding a piece of glass!

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment, and it turned out that the little girl was also wary of him.

"What kind of experience can make a sixteen-year-old girl hold a piece of glass while sleeping? It's the fault of the world to force people like this." Lu Buer has no choice. , he got up and went out with the memory chip, intending to meditate outside.

This was also to prevent Lu Sixian from hurting him when he wasn't paying attention.

After all, it is essential to be on guard against others.

As for the outside, it's much safer. At least there are drones patrolling in the sky.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Lu Buer put the memory chip on his forehead. The frequency of his breathing and heartbeat gradually entered a rhythm. The sacred rhythm appeared on his body, and he convulsed in pain.

Sure enough, the strange mark on his palm began to pulse again, forcibly changing the rhythm of the sacred rhythm. The cancer cells in his body were once again devoured, and life energy was released.

Such a painful process destroyed him and strengthened him at the same time.

He can coexist with cancer and use the power of cancer to evolve himself.

On his forehead, the memory chip suddenly shattered, and a massive amount of memories poured into his brain, impacting his nerves like a flood bursting a bank, deeply affecting an instinct that should not belong to him. Rooted deep in his consciousness, forcibly integrated.

Krav Maga, Karate, Jeet Kune Do, Judo, Sanda, Muay Thai, Tai Chi, Ba Chi.

Without exception, they are all fighting techniques inherited from the world five hundred years ago.

The violence is played to perfection.

Just when he was immersed in the fighting skills and couldn't extricate himself, someone pushed him awake.

"Brother Lu, wake up!"

Lu Fuji opened his eyes, panting.

Jose was beside him, his face full of anger.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Fujian asked angrily: "Is the life of husband and wife not harmonious?"

"Where is this from?"

He Sai said anxiously: "Damn it, my memory chip is inferior!"

Lu Fuji was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed:

"you sure?"

"One hundred percent sure, I only learned ordinary military fighting skills."

"Damn, that's too much."

Lu Fuji's blood pressure rose. Forget it last time someone deducted their supplies.

This time someone actually tampered with their chips!

If he catches who did it, Lu Buer will beat him to death sooner or later.

It's just that it's so late at night, and I don't know where to go to reason.

"I think there is only one possibility, and that is that someone in the military is using power for personal gain and depriving soldiers of supplies for their own personal gain, but I have no evidence for the time being. If you want to report someone at this time, you don't know who to turn to, and he can bite back. Said things were kept privately by us.”

Lu Fuji was so angry that Hong Wen said: "We can first go see if other people have this situation... Actually, I have a vague guess about who did it, but I need to confirm it again. If it is really what I guessed, Only when we become stronger can we beat him to death!"

He Sai nodded vigorously: "Okay, I'll go find out first!"

However, at this moment, rapid footsteps sounded.

Their camp was illuminated by torches.

The judges in black clothes surrounded the place, and a cold murderous aura suddenly filled the air.

He Sai was frightened by this battle and retreated repeatedly.

Lu Fuji also tensed up, looking nervous.

"Hey, long time no see."

Aoki looked at the two of them and laughed: "They are really brothers in distress."

At the end of the black-clothed judge is a white-haired man sitting in a wheelchair. He clearly looks like a disabled person, but he gives people an extremely strong sense of oppression, especially the smell of burning ashes coming from his body. Reminds me of a body burned by flames.

Just looking at him made my heart skip a beat.

"Mr. Longque, hold it back."

Major Yuan Qing leaned against the wall with his arms folded, and said calmly: "These are all newcomers, one of the few good ones."

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Longque put his hands on the edge of the chair and looked at the teenagers in front of the stone house.

"Good evening, let me ask you some questions."

【Recommendation ticket】

【Monthly Pass】

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