The edge of pure land

Chapter 245 You've Got Your Death Wish!

The dusk is very gentle, and the wind in the field is also very gentle, just like the girl who finally mustered up the courage to confess, thousands of threads spread through her heart, causing ripples.

Lu Fuji pretended not to hear anything and strode out of the yard. Because he walked too fast, he stepped on a pile of chicken droppings. At this moment, he heard a silver bell-like laughter coming from the house, which seemed to be... The bad woman was laughing at his embarrassment.

"How abominable."

In order to avoid affecting his mother-in-law, he walked a long distance, passed through the golden rapeseed field, and finally stopped in front of the sparkling lake.

The tall and noble God of War stands here, like an ancient sculpture.

This was specially placed here to keep a lookout.

It's just that even after walking here, he still hasn't seen the so-called pursuer. He does not have the ability to perceive and can only capture the enemy through the powerful senses of the White Walkers.


There was a huge explosion near the lake, and time and space seemed to be shaking violently. The waves released were like a frenzy, making people's brains feel pain.

No, it wasn't Lu Fuji's brain that hurt.

But the God of War!

This is a weapon used by the military to target the White Walkers. It specifically affects the dark matter through a fixed frequency. It is probably similar to the effect of the Song of Death.

Obviously, the pursuers arrived here very early this time, but the first thing they discovered was the God of War stationed here, so they made strategic arrangements and response methods in advance, and even had methods to hide their existence. Clearly a well-trained, professional force.

In just an instant, Lu Fuji's chest was locked by dense red dots.

The Austrian ARIWS2000 rifle has been modified to have special destructive power against dark matter. It only needs one bullet to instantly kill any White Walker below the Overlord level.

Facing Lu Fuji this time, the opponent directly sent dozens of snipers, and with the determination to kill him, they tried to blast him into a ball of blood mist at this moment!

It was more like a heavy artillery than a sniper rifle. Lu Fuji was swallowed up by the huge explosion on the spot. The sparks of the explosion ignited the fields and the lake shook.

The snipers lurked in the fields and put down their weapons and ran out because they knew they only had this one chance. If they failed to kill the target, they would have to engage in close combat and it would be impossible to produce such a good long-range sniper kill. opportunity.

When the smoke dissipated, Lu Fuji was indeed unscathed, because he entered the state of the Enemy Angel Armament in time and released the electromagnetic field of the golden beast. He had already held the dark wooden knife in his right hand, and he tore the choking knife with one blow. The smoke locked the enemy in the wheat field.

There were eight people in total.

All are members of the Human Watch.

Has the military already placed a murder warrant on him?

"Don't try to kill him instantly. Use close combat. His technique cannot last for too long!" The captain, fully armed, was kneeling in the wheat field and ordered to his subordinates. He looked into the eyes of the Thunder God of War. But with unforgettable hatred.

This army is in the fifth majestic world and the fourth perfect world, but they are all excellently equipped and high-quality evolvers, and everyone has practiced all the systems.

The whole system means that he is proficient in numerology and spells, soul blades and ghost skills.

Before Lu Fuji had time to fight back, his limbs were already entangled by the thick vines protruding from the ground. The land suddenly became as muddy as a swamp, and he was caught off guard and fell in. In front of him were the roaring vines. Air cannons, bombarding his territory.

Fortunately, he has immortality.

The layers of defense kept him unscathed for the time being.

There was fog all around, and all the team members were hidden in the deepest part of the fog, looming like ghosts, and would not come within one meter of him at all.

The next moment, the captain took action himself.

I saw a giant blade dripping with lava piercing the mist, roaring like a giant dragon and biting his throat, and the immortal electromagnetic field was forcibly torn apart.

The power of burning embers!

This is a virtual ghost technique from the Dragon of Candlelight's evolutionary chain.

At the critical moment, Lu Fuji detonated the realm of the golden beast!

There was a loud bang, fierce electric light exploded, and a huge shock wave dispersed the fog. The commandos who were ambushing in the fog were thrown out by a majestic wave of air, and they were smashed into the wheat field like cannonballs. , splashing mud debris as high as a person.

The captain who was closest was the first to bear the brunt. The detonated golden beast almost blew off his right arm, and even the soul blade had come out of his hand and was inserted diagonally into the soil.

After the explosion, Lu Fuji's golden beast state was weakened by 90%, and the maintenance time was also greatly reduced. He also knew very well that he had to attack hard next, so he used all his strength to break through and sprint forward, and the dark wooden sword slashed A sad arc appeared.

Under the Golden Beast, all his abilities will increase explosively, and he can also release lightning in the field to explode at once, but this ability does not come without a price.

The first is that the maintenance time is limited.

The second is that the field will be weakened after blasting.

Of course, the maintenance time will also be greatly shortened.

At this moment, he has not yet truly mastered the infinite realm.

Must race against time.


Lu Fuji broke through the wheat field and stepped on the soft soil.

He bent down and raised his sword, the blade trembling.

Scattered flowers, thunder, and flashes of light.


I saw a flash of fierce sword light, slashing towards the captain who was blown away. The force of the slash was like a bolt of lightning cutting across the skyline, unstoppable!

This flash of lightning fell in the captain's eyes, as if a god was pointing at his forehead and commanding him to die. The violent and cold killing intent made the blood all over his body run cold.

But at the moment of death.

A strange smile appeared on his lips.

With a click, Lu Buer passed by the target.

This extremely sharp knife cut off the enemy's flesh and bones, splitting his body into two in an instant, and the blood spurted out like a waterfall.

This kind of injury will not lead to death, but it will definitely cause loss of combat effectiveness.

Facing the federal soldiers, he still chose to show mercy.

A strange scene appeared. The blood between the two halves of the captain's body twisted like blood-red fibers, regenerating flesh and blood at a speed visible to the naked eye, and reconnecting.

This scene is like going back in time.

Lu Fuji's eyes showed surprise for the first time.

In a fleeting moment, the captain who had healed his injury turned around in the air, pulled out the giant blade stuck on the ground, and slashed his back with a knife spitting out lava. Fortunately, he raised the blade in time and held it in place. Blocking it firmly, the lightning and lava collided together.

"did not expect?"

There was a hint of mockery in the captain's eyes: "Since we are here to kill you, why don't we prepare in advance? The sacred object No. 026 from the sealed gate, the Overlord Egg. As long as the host is detected to be on the verge of death, state, a lot of upgrades will be injected, at most twice a day. Although this kind of thing will hurt us a lot, there is nothing we can do to kill you."

As the saying goes, villains die by talking too much.

But actually at this time, what this team has to do is stall for time.

"you know me?"

Lu Fuji stared at the opponent indifferently, and used his right hand to press down on the blade.

Facing the burly and domineering God of War, even the captain of the fifth majestic realm could only hold the giant blade between his hands, his back bent under the pressure, and his bones made a creaking sound.

During the struggle between the two sides, he was completely defeated!

"Of course, but you won't know me. Remember, my name is Xiao Wang, from the 24th Assault Force of the Headquarters Military Region. During this period, I have been looking at your photos and studying your information every day. Since Long Que died, You are the only one I can take revenge on.”

The captain's eyes were filled with lava-like light, his body gradually became red and hot, and lava actually flowed from his lips: "You are the person closest to him, right?"

Lu Buer was completely unmoved when faced with this lava demon, and admitted openly: "Yes, why has he provoked you before? Killed your mother? Or burned your father? You can think of me as His family members, if they have any blood debt, just come to me."

I remember back then, everyone advised Lu Buer not to get close to Longque.

Probably this is the reason.

This guy has too many enemies.

Of course, it doesn't matter what level of fanatic Lu Fuji is.

He had been wondering all this time.

Where have all Longque's enemies gone?

Sure enough, here it comes.

No wonder Xiao Wang was willing to risk his life and future to kill him.

It turns out there is a blood feud.

Xiao Wang was angered by this indifferent attitude, and said with a ferocious face: "Dragon Bird killed my whole family! I originally thought I would never find a chance to take revenge in this life, but I didn't expect you to be really stupid enough to take the Tower of Babel with you. Shaojun escapes... Even if I can't kill you, the pursuit of you will be endless. You have no idea what your actions mean!"

"So much nonsense."

Lu Fuji's whole body exploded with electricity, and he suddenly exerted force.

With a plop, Xiao Wang was forced to kneel on the ground.

The giant blade was thrown away, and the hot lava splashed out, but not a drop fell on Lu Fuji in the electromagnetic field. This was the absolute defense brought by the golden beast.

There was a loud bang and smoke and dust flying everywhere.

Shika Fuji knocked the opponent to the ground with one kick, and held the knife in his backhand to defeat him.

"Time is up!"

Xiao Wang, who was kicked into the mud, spat out a mouthful of blood.

Exactly half a minute.

These people precisely caught the moment when Lu Fuji's electromagnetic field weakened.

At this moment, the remaining seven players launched a decisive attack together!

Mist blade, air cannon, vine whip, mud bomb...

Obviously this was a killing move that had been prepared long ago. It was probably because Holden leaked the duration of the Golden Beast before he died, which led to someone knowing the weakness of this move.

However, the problem is that Shika Fuji's golden beast can last for two minutes.

Along with the roar of the giant beast, the electromagnetic field suddenly rotated again, and the killing moves attacked from all directions, showing the power of absolute defense!

Amidst the terrifying explosion, Lu Fuji was once again swallowed up by the storm-like offensive, but the violently rotating electromagnetic field roared like a wild beast, unyielding!

It's just that this well-trained team is not stupid. They may have predicted in advance that there will be errors in the intelligence, so this time it will be an endless bombardment.

Until the life energy is exhausted!

I have to admit that this is indeed a stalemate for Lu Fuji, because he only has one minute left, but everyone on the enemy has three lives.

It is almost impossible to achieve a breakthrough.

But at this moment, Lu Fuji suddenly felt a strange feeling. He thought that when he realized the transcendence, he was seeking the ultimate power. It was precisely the sense of release that he desperately needed in a desperate situation that allowed him to complete it. A breakthrough on the spot.

But this time, there was no progress in realizing the infinite.

It's like being stuck in a bottleneck period, always missing the last step.

There is no way to master that instinct that comes from the immortal body.

But just when he could only be beaten passively, the immortal body seemed to have had its blocked meridians opened, and the infinitely proliferating power spread under the crazy bombardment.

Flow throughout the body.

It is not a sense of transcendental release, but a sense of infinite proliferation.

The infinite truth flashed in my mind.

The infinite realm gradually took shape under the violent bombardment!

"I think your output can be a little stronger."

At this moment, Lu Buer made an arrogant speech again.

"How about I wait here while you go have dinner and come back later?"



When there was an explosion in the wheat field in the distance, the mother-in-law, who had just taken the medicine, raised her head and looked out. At this moment, the sun was setting in the west and darkness was spreading.

"It's okay, mother-in-law. It is said that the evolvers from the military base are practicing nearby." What Chen Jing is best at is lying. It is not too easy to deceive the old man.

The mother-in-law also thought it was reasonable, so she asked, "Where did the little deer go?"

Chen Jing had a smile on her eyes and eyebrows, and said a little embarrassedly: "Hey, I just felt a little uncomfortable in my lower abdomen, so I asked him to buy me a towel."

Her mother-in-law scolded her: "You, why can't you remember your own cycle? Are you staying here tonight? I'll go make their beds?"

Originally, Chen Jing should have refused, but instead she let her mother-in-law go about her business.

Because her brows and eyes were full of worry and murderous intent, after sending the old man to the back room, she walked to the window and said coldly: "Something's wrong, he hasn't come back at this time. It seems that the pursuit of soldiers is not as difficult as usual." "Mai, the military is going to kill him?"

Chen Jing's magnetic field can sense the enemy's breath.

So you can tell who the person is.

Medanzo was still sitting at the table eating, shrugged and said: "What's so strange about this? It's not like you can't see what earth-shattering things Boss Lu did before. There are quite a few people in the Supreme Federation who don't want him to Growing up, it was just because of his background that he didn’t dare to take action. His talent is too great and his personality is too arrogant. This is normal. "

After all, the Supreme Federation is a super large whole, including the evolution organizations of various countries, as well as the major extraordinary families, and many official departments.

It would be damning if this super alliance could be unified internally.

"What's more, even without those things, some people don't want to see him emerge. You might as well think about it, his parents are sages of the old world, why was he abandoned when the new era began? Regardless? No one even used prophecy to help him break out of his cocoon in advance. Isn’t this too much considering his parents’ contribution to this world?”

Medanzo said calmly: "It is normal for someone to want to kill him. After all, he sold such a big flaw himself, which means that he is no longer protected by the federation. The team we sensed should only be the vanguard. The real killer move is yet to come.”

In fact, it is useless to say this.

The buffs on Lu Fuji's body are almost full.

Just the fact that he was related to Long Que was enough for him to be targeted.

Chen Jing stared out the window, a hint of cool gold gradually appeared in her eyes, and the power from the Tree of Life rioted in her body, boiling and raging.

She began to feel murderous.

In fact, with Lu Fuji's current strength, unless he is unlucky enough to face those powerful veteran evolvers, there is basically no need to worry about his life and death.

But the problem is that it is impossible for Lu Buer to kill federal soldiers.

Although he is arrogant, he has principles and bottom line.

But the other party wanted to kill him.

In this way, Chen Jing felt that the person she liked was being bullied.

Especially in her perception.

Lu Fuji is always on passive defense.

Didn't fight back at all.

What a bully!

Chen Jing is not a good person to begin with. She has always been just pretending to be well-behaved in front of the people she likes. As the young master of the Tower of Babel, her own character must be a killer.

Therefore, in her opinion, there is a way to kill him on the other side. At least before she reaches the end of her life, she should help him clear some obstacles.

"In your capacity, it's best not to attack federal soldiers again."

Medanzo gnawed on the ribs and said, "Otherwise your crime will become more serious. If you survive, you will inevitably still be wanted."

Chen Jing's answer surprised him a little.

"I don't care."

She opened the door and walked out, her red hair swaying in the evening wind flowing like blood. There was a hint of madness in the corners of her eyes and brows: "I am already an internationally wanted criminal. Wouldn't it be wrong if I didn't kill a few federally certified soldiers?" It’s a shame? Since it’s not convenient for him to kill, I’ll do it for him. It just so happens that I have some new ideas to try out.”

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