The edge of pure land

Chapter 246 The Beast of Infinite Gold

On the battlefield in the wheat field, Lu Buer, who was armed with angels, maintained a defensive posture. He was still holding on to the domain of the golden beast. In fact, if his immortal body had unaffected powerful characteristics, he would have been able to do so at this time. I don’t know how many times I have died.

This team was different from all the opponents he had faced before.

First of all, the opponent was bombarding him with mud bombs almost all the time. The mud almost piled up into a river under his feet, making him feel as if he was stuck in a quagmire.

Countless thick green vines grew out of the swamp, rising into the sky like giant pythons, weaving into ferocious chains and wrapping around his limbs.

Strange flowers grew among the vines, and pollen drifted out.

That pollen seems to have some kind of poison.


In the end, they used air cannons and rock cannons as their main output, fiercely bombarding his electromagnetic field, just like primitive people used bows, arrows and stones to hunt saber-toothed tigers, using huge energy shocks to knock him back continuously, without fighting back at all. There is no room for it.

The most dangerous thing is the fog blade floating out of the mist. It seems to be light and harmless, but it is not blocked by any object and can gather and disperse at will.

However, when the fog blade falls on the body, it can cut into the human body and cause damage!

"Not enough, not enough..."

At this moment, Lu Fuji was almost on the verge of comprehending the true meaning of infinity while passively defending. He could feel that his immortal body seemed to be undergoing tremendous changes, from the initial breakthrough of the upper limit of external release to the limit of self-derivation!

Just the last bit missing.

At the critical moment, Xiao Wang climbed up from the pit and picked up the hot giant blade beside him. The red-hot lava flowed on the blade, gathering scorching light!

With a loud noise, the giant blade seemed to turn into a super Vulcan cannon, and more than ten hot lava bombs spit out, hitting the boy in the electromagnetic field!


The huge impact seemed to shatter the last shackles in Lu Fuji's body, and the most primitive fighting instinct surged up like a tide, as if it shattered his brain!

The so-called infinity is the infinite self-multiplication of life energy released through numerology, which only exists in his body, a continuous cycle of division!

Therefore, his buffing spells can last indefinitely!

Amidst the deafening sound, Lu Fuji's eyes were illuminated by the firelight.

The explosion suddenly engulfed him!

At this moment, there was an inconspicuous van on the side of the village. The middle-aged man in the van put down his binoculars, got out of the van immediately and said, "Get ready for action."

This person is none other than Li Ge, one of the heads of the special operations department.

This person was Archbishop Chamberlain's personal monitor at first, and was also the biggest obstacle in the attack. However, he was blown away by the drunken Yuan Qing, and was also attacked by the chief priests of the sacrificial hall headed by Lu Sixian. Siege and lost combat effectiveness on the spot.

Unexpectedly, he would appear here now.

But he is still a member of the Li family.

"Time is of the essence, hurry up!"

The second man wore sunglasses, a mask, and a white jacket. He looked like a tourist visiting the countryside, but the cross necklace around his neck proved that he came from the Abnormality Supervision Administration and was a very senior judge. official.

When the explosion sounded, the two of them ran out quickly.

But on the way, Li Ge still said expressionlessly: "Listen, this is just an interrogation. You can't hurt his life, at least not on the spot. I learned through some channels that the target this time It is inextricably linked to the high priest."

He said solemnly: "I can't afford it."

The judge smiled and said: "Don't worry, we just want to know why the target this time suddenly took Shaojun away and defected, and whether he knows some secrets that he shouldn't know. As for the anger of the Li family, you don't have to worry. Peng The old man is only a few years old, we can fake your death for you, and you will be safe after the high priest receives the divine power again."

This time the design for Lu Fuji can be said to be interlocking.

In fact, even the troops led by Xiao Wang didn't know that they were just a group of decoys, and the real person responsible for solving the target never took action from beginning to end.

As the shadow spread, Li Ge flew across the wheat field quickly.

It only took a moment to pass by the commandos.

Then he dove into the smoke of the explosion, the butterfly knife in his right hand drew a cold arc, and his eyes locked on the young man trapped in the mud and vines in front of him.

The electric light that shrouded Lu Fuji was already flickering.

Very good, the Golden Beast Realm is about to dissipate!

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Next, Li Ge would pierce his heart with a knife.

The immortal deer cannot die from such injuries.

But it will lose combat effectiveness.

The dark shadow spread like an ink stain, and Li Ge appeared behind the boy like a ghost. The butterfly knife pierced the air and screamed, piercing the back of the heart.

This is the control of timing as an assassin.

Every second counts.

When Lu Fuji's back was about to be pierced by the butterfly knife, the electromagnetic field that was supposed to collapse suddenly rotated again, roaring like a wild beast.

Li Ge's butterfly knife stopped suddenly when it was less than half an inch away from the back of his heart. No matter how hard he tried, he could not make an inch forward, as if he was isolated by a huge force field.

Infinite realm, start!

The golden beast rises again!

This time it's...the beast of infinite gold!

The collapsed electromagnetic field was like a dead tree coming back to life. After being injected with infinitely proliferating life energy, it once again showed its violence to the world.

Without giving any chance, Lu Fuji suddenly turned around, raised his right hand and released a thunderous sound like a heavy artillery fire, directly blasting him away with huge firepower!

The evolvers of shadow numerology are like ghosts.

Close attacks basically cannot touch them.

Therefore, it can only be covered with heavy firepower!

Thunder roared, and the wheat field was burnt with a dark scorch mark by the fleeting golden light. Li Ge, who was nearest, was blown away and fell hard into the mud.

The evolvers of the Sixth Compassionate World must have many ways to save their lives, so this kind of injury is definitely not fatal, but it can definitely buy them a period of time.

Next, Lu Fuji turned around.

I saw the inquisitor running towards me.

The fleeting moment was so long, and the judge's mood fell from heaven to hell, fully realizing that the changes in the world are so unpredictable.

The golden beast that collapsed just a second ago

The next second he was back in peak condition.

What about the promised minute?

Is there something wrong with this information?

Just as Lu Fuji was about to raise his right fist, he saw the judge brake on the spot, then turned around and ran wildly in the direction he came from, without any regrets for a moment.

The commandos headed by Xiao Wang were even more stunned. Their brains did not realize for a moment why the golden beast that was supposed to be dissipated reunited!

Wait, immortal body!

"Infinite Realm!"

Back then, Long Ling had used this strange ghost technique to sweep across the entire human Watch Army headquarters, completely establishing her reputation as a genius for the first time in a hundred years, and the fields called transcendence and infinity were also deeply imprinted on that original place. The batch of geniuses still cannot forget it in their hearts.

The problem is that even at that time, Long Ling had to work hard for more than a year to master these two fields. This monster-like talent was still because she was the human body of the God of Origin.

It is your own power, so of course it is quick to master it.

The question is, why should Lu Buer do it?

"Next, it's my turn, right?"

Lu Fuji raised the dark wooden knife.

The scattered flowers, thunder, blue and lightning are three in one, and the electric light is infinite!

Beyond limits, start!

The pupils of Xiao Wang and others seemed to be shaking.

Because at this moment, they have no life energy!

A huge thunder swept across and engulfed them!

"The situation is out of control, please support!"

Li Ge staggered up from the mud. At this moment, his clothes were in tatters, but fortunately the walkie-talkie in his hand was not broken, and he immediately called for rescue.

The next moment, there was a huge roar above the head.

Helicopters rushed out of the dusk.

That was Li Ge's reinforcements.

This time, they spent a lot of money.

However, for a moment, Li Ge was horrified.

Because there was someone behind him.

It was a holy shadow, looking like a young girl, with charming and charming eyes, but her eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.

She raised her hand and shook it hard.

The walkie-talkie in Li's singing room was taken away directly, and Jiang himself was crushed by a terrifying repulsive force, and he couldn't help but fell to his knees with a plop!

"Do you want to die?"

Chen Jing twisted hard with his backhand, and he felt a force field attack again. Before he could react, his arms were twisted alive. The sound of the bones breaking was so terrifying.

At the same time, the girl raised her head.

The pupils of his eyes reflected a cool golden light.

Chen Jing raised his right hand, and the stone beads on his wrist trembled. The brilliant holy light flashed in the sky, and the helicopters that were flying over were torn apart on the spot.

The helicopter disintegrated in the explosion.

Like fireworks blooming in the sky.

Chen Jing, who was in the magical state, turned around without hesitation, never looking at the wailing man behind him, and turned around and casually moved in the direction of the explosion.

The huge gravity directly sucked out the enemies in the explosion!

At this moment, Lu Fuji, who was in high spirits, was enjoying the fun of shooting live targets. He used violent thunder to drive the commandos away, blasting them until they were running away.

This is not because he is playful.

Mainly because I awakened to the infinite realm for the first time.

Gotta get used to it.

Otherwise, it would be just like when you first awakened to the Trans-Limit Realm, where you could shoot directly into the sky because you couldn't control your recoil. That would be too funny.

Suddenly, this group of commandos was sucked away by a gravitational force!

The lightning in Lu Fuji's field crisscrossed, but all of them struck the air.

"Who the hell is this?"

Lu Fuji turned around and heard a shrill scream.

Because Chen Jing twisted her wrist again.

All the commandos were crushed into the mud.

All the bones in his body were on the verge of breaking into pieces.

Chen Jing looked down at them with indifferent eyes.

It was like looking at a group of dead people.

"Abominable heresy, heresy!"

Xiao Wang was pressed firmly into the mud, and he gritted his teeth and uttered a sentence.

Chen Jing just smiled slightly and didn't mind. Her smile was originally as charming as a delicate flower shining in the water, but now it had a chill that could repel people thousands of miles away.

With a click, Xiao Wang's spine was crushed.

Chen Jing is at the peak level of the fifth majestic realm. She should not have such terrifying combat power, but with the blessing of divine power, she has become as noble and powerful as a god.

As if...the sixth holy high priest!

In particular, the divine power in her body was more harmonious than that in the high priest's body. This was simply unbelievable to the followers of the Akasha Holy Cult.

At that moment, the intercom in her hand rang.

"Li Ge, report your situation immediately!"

Chen Jing recognized who the owner of the voice was and knew that it was this dead old man who had been targeting her sweetheart, so she coldly replied: "No need to report, respected Archbishop Li Ang. I have locked your position. Prepare. Are you ready? Damn it!”

The wreckage of the helicopter that fell in the sky was actually suspended in mid-air. The broken steel trembled angrily, pointing the sharpest side towards the west.

As if thousands of cannons were fired in unison, they galloped towards the west!

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