The edge of pure land

Chapter 247 A sudden appearance, the corrupt god of death!

In the cabin of the helicopter, Archbishop Li Ang's blood ran cold, and the hand holding the walkie-talkie was trembling. Before coming here, he might have thought about facing a target with the power of a sacred tree, but he had never thought about it. A member of the church, he was locked by divine magic!

The church believers in the cabin all showed expressions as if they had seen a ghost. They saw a shadow flowing with holy light emerging between the sky and the earth. She only needed a condescending glance, and the sharp steel fragments were like meteors piercing the sky. Falling like a heavy rain.

This scene is simply reminiscent of the sword fairies in ancient oriental legends. It is said that they master a magical power called sword control. Thousands of flying swords can rise into the air with every movement of their hands, and they can cut down thousands of miles apart. The enemy's head is extremely powerful.

Now it seems that this is the legend left by the ancient evolvers. They are most likely the masters of metal numerology, but they were exaggerated when it was passed down to later generations.

But at this moment, Chen Jing was able to do this with the help of magic.

Countless fragments of steel debris pierced the air and fell at extremely high speeds. The friction in the air caused red heat and caught fire, and penetrated the helicopter entrenched in mid-air like a heavy rain.

The helicopter in the sky was mercilessly penetrated and exploded on the spot.

The church members in the helicopter were all powerful evolvers. They were not killed by such an explosion, but they were torn apart and penetrated by the rapidly falling steel debris.

Especially Archbishop Li Ang. He was thrown out in the huge explosion and was torn apart by sharp steel fragments as he fell, making a shrill wail.

The majestic divine power suppressed them and imprisoned their life energy, making it impossible to use numerology at all.

He could only watch himself and his companions die.

Lianhua's original revenge only severely injured him. Later, two new high priests arrived and healed him.

But Chen Jing will not be merciful. As an internationally wanted criminal, she can't care so much.

Kill first and then speak out, to serve as a warning to others.

On the verge of death, the girl's indifferent voice echoed in the minds of these people: "Don't worry, I won't be able to use this power for long. Divine magic is still the secret weapon of the church and will not be leaked. But our Major Lu will still have to return to the church after all. From the military, if you church members still dare to target him, then I might as well wake up the four gods and destroy this world."

Everyone has a dark side in their heart. Chen Jing, who once collapsed because of his fate, actually thought that he might as well just let it go and let the four gods wake up.

She was going to die anyway.

What does this world have to do with her?

But there are still mothers-in-law in this world.

That was the person she would care about even until the moment she died.

Now there is one more person whom she is reluctant to leave.

Of course she will cherish this world.

Of course, there is a less important reason.

That's because of her character, she doesn't want to let her enemy get what she wants even if she dies.

From this point of view, it is actually very similar to Lu Fuji.


The steel shuddered and cracked, exploding into pieces.

Archbishop Li Ang's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe that he was killed like this. The cut to pieces body exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and the accompanying believers were also blown into hedgehogs and fell from the sky.

In the end, Chen Jing still kept her hand, but the difference was that she only kept one this time. After all, someone needed to take what she said back so that the church would feel fear.

The shadow suspended between the sky and the earth looked coldly at the exploding helicopter and the corpses falling from the cabin, and in an instant it disappeared into the twilight over the mountains and plains.

Consciousness returned to the girl's body.

After doing all this, Chen Jing opened her graceful eyes again. There seemed to be golden mandala blooming deep in her eyes, and there was a hint of enchantment in the holiness.

Even Lu Fuji was surprised when he saw this scene, because this bad woman seemed to have become a high priest, and she was also able to generate her own divine power and perform miracles.

But there are also disadvantages.

That means the amount of divine power is too little.

Compared to Lianhua, it is not on the same level at all.

But the advantage of Chen Jing is that there are no restrictions!


Xiao Wang was even more furious when he saw this scene. He forced himself to raise his head and resisted the terrifying repulsion: "Colluding with heretics to kill federal important officials, he is indeed the person chosen by Longque. He has never done anything like this." Don’t disappoint. You don’t deserve that uniform, and you don’t deserve your rank. Why don’t you just join the Tower of Babel to massacre us?”

This reminded Lu Buer of the plots of those martial arts novels he read a long time ago. When the righteous young hero and the demon witch hook up together, they will inevitably attack their former classmates because of certain things, and then they will be morally challenged. condemnation.

Then, the young hero will be entangled and confused.

He would even blame the demon girl around him for his fellow students' injuries.

Lu Fuji was indeed entangled and confused. He walked over with exploding golden plasma, frowned and asked: "It's not the person I killed. Do you have the ability to yell at her?"

He pointed at the bad woman next to him, turned around and scolded: "Didn't I ask you to accompany your mother-in-law? Why are you here to join in the fun? Oh, a spiritual body condensed by divine magic, then it's okay."

If Chen Jing was a normal girl and was beaten violently just after helping him vent her anger, she would definitely feel aggrieved and probably turn around and leave.

But she's not normal.

It was a harsh word, but it felt a little sweet.

She raised her red lips proudly, and the murderous intent in her eyes disappeared.

Instead it was replaced by charming tenderness.

When the commandos headed by Xiao Wang saw this scene, they were even more convinced that the two people had been having an affair for a long time, and their eyes became even more angry, and their eyes were split.

Then, Lu Fuji lowered his head and looked down at them.

"But after saying this, I remembered. Did Longque once have an ex-girlfriend in the Tower of Babel? I won't clear his name. After all, everyone makes mistakes. He killed your whole family. Yes, he is indeed more murderous. But I will not condemn him because I am more murderous than him. If I were to take action, I would kill you too."

Lu Fuji took out the special badge from his pocket: "Furthermore, I am not just a member of the military. I have the privilege to kill first and report later. Secondly, I am also the acting judge of the Anomaly Supervision Bureau. In fact, I am I really want to investigate when the church's hand reached out to the military. As an archbishop, Li Ang has no right to command the army. "

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Xiao Wang and others changed slightly.

Only Li Ge forced his body up, and the shadows under his feet spread like a tide. He seemed to want to escape immediately, but his face suddenly changed the next moment.

Because there was a gust of wind blowing on the wheat field.

Wheat leaves and gravel roared, sand and rocks flew, and wind and dust billowed.

The inquisitor who thought he was frightened stopped at some point, pulled out a revolver from his waist, turned the magazine slightly, aimed and fired.


A pitch-black bullet burst out accompanied by fire.

But a terrifying hurricane blew up in the empty wheat field, and the strong smell of decay spread like a tide. The barley along the way was dry and rotten, and even the land became weathered and decayed, and ants crawled among the soil. Suddenly disappeared into ashes.

The person he targeted was not a bad woman condensed with magical powers.


But it’s Lu Fuji!

In a fleeting moment, Lu Buer felt the threat of death, just like the shroud monster he had encountered when he was peeking into his memories in Aoshan Island Prison more than half a month ago.

The pitch-black bullet hit his golden beast domain, but was blocked by the majestic electromagnetic force. The aura of decay surged like a tide, making it suffocating.

Even with the protection of the golden beast, Lu Fuji's body was decaying and dying, but the immortal body was healing him crazily, and he was back to his original state in an instant.

The electromagnetic field trembled, eroded by the power of decay.

But the infinite realm can give it unlimited energy.

Thunder and lightning annihilate.

Then a new thunder and lightning was released.

Endlessly strengthening the realm of the Golden Beast.

The time and space in front of Lu Fuji seemed to become muddy. Even the bullets symbolizing death could only break through extremely slowly, and the death energy that emerged was like the wail of the dead soul.

The judge's eyes suddenly changed.

He never expected it.

Today's Lu Fuji is actually so powerful that he has mastered the two conceptual changes of the immortal body, and can even fuse the dark matter body with himself.

This terrifying configuration has already stood at the top of the world.

At the critical moment, Chen Jing, who was stunned, finally reacted, raised his hand and grabbed the dark bullet, and endless holy light burst out between his fingers, suddenly crushing it.

The moment the bullet was crushed.

The silence seemed to echo with an unwilling wail.

The judge's face was dark, and he actually raised the muzzle of his gun again.

The hot muzzle emits a rich smell of death.

He has a second bullet!

This scene made Chen Jing's eyes become colder and crazier. Her magical body flashed with a fierce holy light. Just when she was about to go over and kill the opponent instantly, she felt a discomfort.

It was a strong sense of discomfort coming from the body.

Even Lu Fuji groaned. The wailing sound when the jet-black bullet exploded just now was like a roar in the abyss, which vaguely affected his spirit.

There was darkness before his eyes.

It was already too late to stop the inquisitor.

There was a click.

The judge's expression froze.

In the end, the bullet failed to be fired as expected.

He fell to the ground with a thud.

Medanzo didn't know when he appeared behind him, his bloody right hand holding his heart. He was indeed the fastest in the world, and he was never hesitant in saving the situation.

But with such a simple action, Medanzo was so tired that he almost knelt on the ground with his legs weak. He couldn't help complaining: "You are careless. This judge is the most dangerous role. Other crooked people Don’t worry about melons and dates, they are all being used.”

He raised his bloody finger and lightly scratched the skull of the inquisitor's corpse, cutting open the hard skull and revealing a rotten brain.

Lu Fuji held his forehead, his eyes filled with lingering fear.

"It's this thing again."

He finally couldn't bear it anymore: "What on earth is this?"

Looking at the bad woman around me, her magical body has been eroded by the energy of death.

Almost annihilated.

This is the most dangerous opponent they have encountered along the way.

But this time, Metazord gave them the answer as they wished: "This is a descendant of a god. The Corpse Cult used a similar method, which was to forcefully pour the dark matter of the White Walkers into the bodies of the evolved people. , and then control their actions.”

Lu Fuji was stunned. He thought of the fallen leader from the Corpse Food Cult whom he met when he first went on a mission to the Land of the Rebirth as a soldier.

That Ji Lun has this ability.

"Of course, that's just a incomplete and incomplete method. The essence of this experiment is to imitate the process of transforming a god into a human body, and this guy's power comes from..."

Metazord paused: "Egyptian Site No. 3, the God of Corruption and Death."

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