The edge of pure land

Chapter 248 The Reincarnation of the God

Corrupt Death!

When Lu Fuji heard the god's honorable name, his pupils trembled slightly, then turned around and detonated the field of the golden beast mercilessly. The violent current released instantly penetrated the assault team's Their bodies were so electrified that they fainted completely.

Li Ge felt even more shocked when he saw this scene. While the shadows under his feet were shaking wildly, he once again felt a majestic repulsive force falling from the sky, suppressing him.

Taking this opportunity, Lu Buer locked his neck and threw him to the ground. The violent electricity burst out in an instant and forcefully poured into his body: "I really didn't expect that the Li family People will also appear here, you really surprised me. "

It has to be said that as a smart bad woman, Chen Jing understands the thoughts of her sweetheart very well. Of course, she cannot let the enemy run away at this time, otherwise the battle will be in vain.

Li Ge was so shocked that he twitched all over. He realized that the young man in front of him could really kill him, so he held on and said: "That judge, I didn't know he had that kind of ability, and I am not one of their people. If you don't believe it, If so, you can also open my brain.”

At the rank of the Sixth Mercy Realm, he can still struggle.

"Then why did you come to kill me?"

Lu Fuji asked expressionlessly.

But Li Ge's answer was unexpected: "I'm not here to kill you. I have two tasks. First, to find a way to take you back. Second, to confirm whether something has been leaked."

Lu Fuji frowned: "Which thing?"

This time, Li Ge hesitated.

Even when faced with the threat of death, he still hesitated.

This shows that the consequences of leaking this matter may be more terrible than death.

"If you don't tell me, there is a way for me to know."

Lu Fuji stared at him: "But you will be miserable."

That method is of course to use dark matter to invade the brain.

Suddenly, Li Ge's face showed a look of deathly gloom, and the blood vessels all over his body turned a strange black color, as if he had been poisoned and was about to die.


Chen Jing suddenly raised his illusory fingers, pressed his forehead, and poured most of the remaining divine power into it, forcibly ending the toxin invasion.

Li Ge seemed to have walked away from the gate of hell, breathing heavily, feeling the divine power filling his body, with an incredible expression: "This is really unbelievable. In addition to the holy high priest, there are actually people who can use divine power." "

Chen Jing showed a proud look on his face and turned to look at the young man beside him: "This guy has a mortal curse set in his body, but it can be resolved by divine power."

Her tone was full of showing off, as if she was saying: "Come on, praise me!"

Lu Fuji was too lazy to talk nonsense.

Compared with Madam, this little trick is really far behind.

He lost his patience and his fingertips lit up with lightning.

Li Ge still wanted to struggle, but saw a person coming.


At this time, Li Ge completely gave up the resistance, took a deep breath and said: "What I want to confirm is whether you know the truth about the Lotus Project. In fact, the appearance of those rotten brains is taken very seriously by the Akashic Holy Cult. They have already found out about this." What happened, but it has not been announced to the outside world. At present, only the most powerful people in the federation know about it. "

He paused: "These people include the Pope and the former General, as well as some members of the Supreme Council, as well as the major Holy Family families. The reason why they have not made any public announcements is because they have not yet discussed specific countermeasures. As for the source of this matter, as you can see, it is Site No. 3 from the Valley of the Kings in Cairo, Egypt, the God of Corruption."

Lu Fuji suddenly thought of one thing, and that was his glorious and great mother-in-law. In fact, she had already hinted about this when they first met.

Chen Jing's eyes changed.

Obviously, he didn't expect that the matter behind it would be so complicated.

At this moment, they actually realized the seriousness of the problem.

At the level of the high federation, it is impossible to rely on young people like them to investigate. Some of those senior and powerful old people have lived for hundreds of years and must know too many inside stories.

In comparison, Medanzo is a young man.

"The Corrupted God of Death is the first god to awaken, but his authority is very unique. His body can sleep in the Valley of the Kings, but he can control his soul to wander outside. This god's consciousness is not in a state of chaos. He has the ability to think, and he even knows everything about human civilization. The scientific expedition team of the Celestial God was once hunted by him."

Li Ge thought of this, with a look of fear in his eyes: "When Aurora Technology awakened the Tree of Life in the Arctic, it also encountered the obstruction of the corrupt god of death. With the power that humans had at that time, it was almost impossible to fight against it. Him. But because of the appearance of a mysterious organization, the corrupt god of death was stopped in time, and Aurora Technology awakened the sacred tree. "

Medanzo whistled: "Oh, you are probably talking about the Celestial Being Organization, right? It is a salvation organization established by the pre-era evolvers. The Celestial Civilization Scientific Expedition Team had come into contact with this organization back then, and there were even Two people became one of them.”

Lu Fuji always suspected that the two people this guy was talking about were his parents.

"That organization is not part of the Federation?"

He couldn't help but ask.

Metanzo shook his head: "Of course not, because the Celestial Being Organization has always believed that humans should not awaken the Tree of Life sleeping in the Arctic, and should never announce the evolutionary system to the outside world. In the past thousands of years, no matter what the situation, No matter what kind of crisis, they always fight against the gods in the shadows, but the emergence of Aurora technology completely disrupted the world."

Fully 800 million people are sleeping.

Places of death appear one after another.

The era of national evolution begins and the Supreme Federation is established.

And they, the cocoon-breakers who were once forgotten in the past.

"Yes, the conflict between the Supreme Federation and the Celestial Being organization occurred more than five hundred years ago. Aurora Technology wanted to awaken the Tree of Life, but was always blocked by the Celestial Being organization. In fact, in a sense, The emergence of the Corrupt Death God can be regarded as helping Aurora Technology back then. It was during the break between the Celestial Organization's fight against the Corrupt Death God that Aurora Technology awakened the Divine Tree."

Li Ge's throat rolled: "Since the beginning of the new era, the corrupt god of death has disappeared. But in his later years, the first generation of holy monarch Yuan Xi became extremely abnormal for a period of time, and uncharacteristically asked the church to create more holy high priests. position, and established the original Anomaly Supervision Administration. The Special Operations Department was also born at that time, and the Supreme Federation conducted a large-scale internal investigation around the world. "

"This period of history will not appear in textbooks or teaching materials, and only a handful of people know about it. After that investigation, the first generation of holy monarch Yuan Xi still had no peace of mind. After quelling the turmoil of the Abyss Singers, he one day Went to the North Pole alone.”

He said: "At that time, the Federation only detected huge energy fluctuations in the Arctic, but no one knew what happened specifically, but no one has ever seen him again."

Medanzuo glanced at him and said calmly: "Next is your elder, the second generation of the Holy Monarch Li Xingpan. The second generation also did a very strange thing that year, that is, he went to Egypt alone. The Valley of the Kings in Cairo, fight against the corrupt god of death.”

Lu Fuji also heard his mother-in-law talk about this matter.

Now it seems that the abnormal behavior of these two holy monarchs is actually because they discovered the existence of those rotten brain flowers, so they took measures to deal with it.

This is difficult for outsiders to understand.

But if you connect the corrupt god of death with those rotten brain flowers.

Everything suddenly became clear.

"No one knew the truth of this matter at the time, but after verification later, it was discovered that the second generation of the Holy Monarch believed that the corruption of the God of Death had eroded the world to a point that could not be solved through internal investigation, so he had to go to Site No. 3 , completely suppress the corrupt god of death.”

Li Ge whispered: "In a sense, the second generation of the Holy Monarch succeeded, because for many years after that, he never made such unusual moves again, and nothing happened in the federation. But in the first When the second generation of the Holy Monarch was in his later years, he went to Yuan Rong, the then military commander, and said something. The second generation of the Sacred Monarch said that he might have made a very serious mistake. To what extent?"

Having said this, even the evolver of the Sixth Mercy Realm couldn't stand it any longer, and said word by word: "He has considered wiping out the three holy families."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Buer took a breath of air.

Although he doesn't know how many Holy Family there are.

But killing three in one go is indeed a bit exaggerated.

"Which three?"

Chen Jing asked coldly.

"Li family, Zong family, Gong family."

Li Ge licked his lips: "These three families all followed the second-generation holy monarch to the Valley of the Kings to quell the disaster of life. In that battle, the biggest result was actually the secret of the God of Origin. Initially, Aurora Technology's understanding of the God of Origin is limited to the Lotus Project of the past, but over the years, the Federation has been tracing back to ancient history and restored more mythical truths. There are a lot of myths in the Valley of the Kings in Cairo, Egypt. The Federation obtained this information and began a long study."

Lu Fuji was silent for a moment. If you look at it from God's perspective, there is nothing wrong with the Federation's approach. After finally defeating the aliens, of course we need to study their civilization.

Even if history repeats itself countless times, humans will still do this.

This is human nature.


There is a saying that if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening.

If Lu Fuji was now presented with a choice, as long as he died where he was, he could understand all the mysteries of the world before he died, he would actually be very moved.

"The heads of state at the Tower of Babel have discussed this matter. The vast majority of high-level evolvers in the world have enjoyed the benefits of the Lotus Project. This has greatly increased the lifespan of the evolvers and better maintained their health. Their combat status. Without the research back then, there were several extremely dangerous life-threatening disasters that the Human Watch Army would not have been able to deal with."

Chen Jing asked expressionlessly: "But the second generation of the Holy Monarch said that he made a mistake. Did he suspect that...the three Holy Families were invaded by the corrupt god of death?"

Li Ge didn't expect this woman to be so smart and sharp. His expression changed slightly and he said, "Yes, the second generation of the Holy Monarch believed that they had opened Pandora's box. The Corrupt God of Death fell into a deep sleep on purpose, and its true purpose was to Take this opportunity to reveal the secrets of the God of Origin to the public, the most important of which is a skeleton in the Valley of the Kings."

"After testing, the skeleton did not belong to the Valley of the Kings, but came from a site that has not yet been discovered. The Federation extracted some residual DNA from the skeleton, and after verification, it was confirmed that it came from the deity of that year. Civilized Scientific Expedition Team.”

"That is... Captain Lu Zhe, Vice Captain An Xian."

It was like a bolt from the blue.

In fact, Lu Buer had already guessed. After all, a non-existent ghost had appeared in the photos taken by the Tianshen Civilization Scientific Expedition Team, and it was later confirmed to be the Shroud Monster.

If his parents were sniped by a god after escaping from the Holy Mountain, then that weird car accident can be completely explained.

His parents died in the hands of God!

This must be because his parents brought something from the Holy Mountain and couldn't wait to go to the mysterious coordinates, but in the end the couple failed to do so.

At that moment, Lu Fuji's heart was beating wildly.

The scene in the Eternal Temple flashed back in my mind.

The clenched fist seemed to be dripping with blood.

"The Supreme Federation did obtain a lot of secrets about the God of Origin through that skeleton, and then locked the existence of the Holy Mountain and set Linhai City as the fifth God Station City. However, after rigorous research, the skeleton The power contained in the skeleton has long since dissipated. It was just a temporary fake, and the real one was missing. In other words, the skeleton was actually just a deception, and the great gods were fooled. "

Li Ge told everything he knew: "The second generation of the Holy Monarch believed that all this was planned by the corrupt God of Death. The purpose was to let humans study the skeleton, while He was lurking... Looking for the human body.”

He raised his eyes: "In the end, the second generation of the Holy Monarch did not wipe out those three families. In his later years, like his predecessors, he went to the North Pole alone. When he returned again, his body was already at its limit. He was not like before. Instead of going on a killing spree, he went to Alaska through the prophecy of the divine intelligence and personally met a cocoon-breaker."

"who's that person?"

Chen Jing also turned his head silently and looked to his left side.

Metanzo stood in the wheat field, looking up at the sky.

"Don't look, that person is me."

The man sneered: "The Supreme Federation back then not only found the secrets about the God of Origin, but also discovered clues about the alien magic. But when the second-generation holy monarch realized that something was wrong, he put all plans aside. It was terminated. Until the appearance of Constantine brought the White Walkers to the world. Since then, our respected Pope has restarted the White Walkers plan without authorization, trying to seize the power of the four gods. "

There are some things that are naturally beyond the reach of Li Ge's level.

Metanzo was once the most powerful man in the world.

Even though he is a street kid, he has not penetrated deeply into the political center.

But there are some things that he can figure out as long as he is given a few clues.

"And this behavior of the Pope just gave the Corruption of Death an opportunity."

Metazord raised his head and looked at the setting sun falling on the Western Mountain. Darkness swept over the sky and cast a shadow on his face: "Because the gods want to reincarnate into the human body, the host must master the ghost technique. So the question Come on, who is the corrupt god of death reincarnated into?"

He seemed particularly lonely at this moment. What appeared in his eyes as deep as the sea was endless loneliness and desolation, and of course there was also a hint of deep boredom.

In fact, ever since I saw those rotten brains.

He was already secretly investigating the truth.

He might even have guessed something.

"I really didn't expect that I would still be able to see my friend after so many years."

Metanzo turned around, put his hands in his pockets, and asked expressionlessly: "Actually, the senior officials of the Federation have already dug up his grave and verified it, right?"

Li Ge said nothing.

In the dark and silent wheat field, Lu Fuji looked at the wheat waves swaying in the wind and murmured softly: "That's why the strange man I saw in Karl's memory was..."

Chen Jing also lost her voice and murmured: "Gong Yu."

Medanzo sneered, his eyes full of disdain and ridicule, like an actor mocking the world, but if you look carefully at his back in the dark, you will feel that he is like a person who is surrounded by everyone around him. Abandoned dead child, lonely and sad.

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